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This is a TypeScript implementation of the private swap. This example is built on the Solana blockchain and is bootstrapped using the Light CLI (which also leverages the Anchor framework).

It uses Light Protocol v3 for private state and state transitions. This allows the swaps to be executed fully on-chain.


If you face any issues running this example or have questions related to PSPs, feel free to join the community Discord here.


Before running the code, ensure that you have the following installed on your machine:

  • node.js, npm
  • circom
  • rust
  • rust fmt (rustup component add rustfmt)
  • cargo-expand (cargo install cargo-expand)
  • solana-cli >= 1.16.4


  1. Install the required dependencies using npm:
npm install
  1. Build circuits:
npm run build
  1. Execute the test suite using the following command:
npm run test


In this tutorial you will build a private swap which can be used to negotiate and settle an over the counter (OTC) transaction.

Primer on Light Protocol:

  • Shielded Balance:
    • Shield(deposit): You can deposit(shield) value to Light Protocol. You transfer to the Light liquidity pool and receive a utxo in return. Example: Alice shields one sol thus receives one utxo worth 1 sol in return.
    • Utxos (Unspent transaction output) are used to store state and value. You can imagine a utxo similar to a bank note, which is single use and can be split up. Example: Alice has one utxo A which holds 1 sol. Alice sends Bob 0.5 sol. Utxo A is Alice's transaction input utxo. Bob receives utxo B worth 0.5. Alice receives a change utxo C worth the remaining 0.5 sol. In this transaction Utxo A See wikipedia for a more detailed explanation.
  • Zero-knowledge proofs are used to prove validity of a transaction.

Application flow

Alic wants to sell Sol and knows that Bob is a potential Bob. Alice: 1. Creates offer escrow utxo Bob: 2. Fetches offer escrow utxo 3. Creates out utxos 4. Generates system and PSP proofs 5. Creates solana instructions 6. Settles trade by invoking Swap PSP in 3 transactions

Repo Structure:

  1. circuits/swaps/swaps.light Defines the PSP logic in a zero-knowledege proof circuit
  2. programs/swaps Defines the PSP onchain logic, including the verification of the PSP zero-knowledge proof. In this case there are no changes to the template code.
  3. tests/swaps.ts Example execution of the PSP.

Take Offer Instruction

  1. Setup: create and fund Alice and Bob users.
  2. Alice: creates offer utxo, to swap 10 sol for 300 USDC.
  3. Bob: fetches and decrypt offer.
  4. Bob: creates utxos and transaction parameters to accept and settle the swap.
  5. Bob: generates the system proof (proves valid state transitions).
  6. Bob: generates the PSP proof.
  7. Bob: creates solana transactions to execute the PSP transaction.

Cancel Instruction

  1. In circuits/swaps/swaps.light uncomment lines: 64-70, 111-114, 120-121
  2. run npm run build to rebuild circuit and program
  3. uncomment Swap Cancel functional test