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Idle is a package for managing Job and Messaging systems. The two aspects work in harmony to make message queueing and job processing breeze.

Installing Idle


The recommended way to install Idle is through Composer.

# Install Composer
curl -sS | php

Next, install the latest stable version of Idle:

php composer.phar require liniopay/idle

Prepare your configurations

Idle requires four different configurations: service, message, job, and worker. We provide some samples to get you started in both array and yaml (symfony parser) syntax.

Sample Pimple Services (config/pimple.php)

Below is a look at the sample container setup for pimple. Keep in mind most of these services are optional. You can mix and match the ones you need.

$container = new PimpleContainer();

// Idle configuration
$container[IdleConfig::class] = function() {
    $serviceConfig = require('service_config.php');
    $messageConfig = require('message_config.php');
    $jobConfig = require('job_config.php');
    $workerConfig = require('worker_config.php');

    return new IdleConfig($serviceConfig, $messageConfig, $jobConfig, $workerConfig);

// Logs
$container[LoggerInterface::class] = function() {
    $log = new Logger('idle');
    $log->pushHandler(new MonologStreamHandler('php://stdout'));
    return $log;

// PSR11 Container Wrapper for Pimple
$container[PSRContainer::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new PSRContainer($container);

// Idle
$container[MessageFactoryInterface::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new MessageFactory($container[PSRContainer::class]);
$container[ServiceFactoryInterface::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new ServiceFactory($container[PSRContainer::class]);
$container[JobFactoryInterface::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new JobFactory($container[PSRContainer::class]);
$container[MessageJobInterface::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new MessageJobFactory($container[PSRContainer::class]);
$container[SimpleJobInterface::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new SimpleJobFactory($container[PSRContainer::class]);
$container[WorkerFactoryInterface::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new WorkerFactory($container[PSRContainer::class]);

// Services
$container[SQSService::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new SQSServiceFactory($container[PSRContainer::class]);

// Workers
$container[BazWorker::class] = function(PimpleContainer $container) {
    return new BazWorkerFactory($container[PSRContainer::class]);

Good to go!

Idle should be ready to run!


The messaging component allows us to interact with messaging services.

  • Queue
    • A Queue based implementation entails creating a message which contains data you will need at a later date. The message is then sent to a queueing service which will hold it in a queue until it is retrieved.
    • Idle currently ships with AWS SQS and Google CloudTasks, as queueing services. It is very simple to add adapters for other services by implementing the corresponding Service interface.
    • Idle utilizes QueueMessage to manage these type of messages and facilitate communication to the corresponding service.
  • Publish/Subscribe
    • A Publish/Subscribe implementation is similar to a queue based implementation, but allows for more flexibility when retrieving messages. From an architectural point of view it consists of one topic and one or more subscriptions. When a message is sent to a given topic, it will forward the message to each of its subscription(s). Each of the subscription(s) will then process the message in their own way.
    • Idle currently ships with Google PubSub as a Publish/Subscribe service.
    • Idle utilizes two main types of message for dealing with Publish/Subscribe:
      • TopicMessage which can be published to a topic.
      • SubscriptionMessage which can be obtained via pull or push from a subscription).

Service Config

This config defines support for messaging services such as SQS or PubSub. If you only need one, feel free to remove the others.

!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Service\SQS\Service::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Service\SQS\Service
    # Provide client options, or leave empty to initialize directly from ENV
    version: latest

!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Service\Google\CloudTasks\Service::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Service\Google\CloudTasks\Service
  client: []

!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\PublishSubscribe\Service\Google\PubSub\Service::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\PublishSubscribe\Service\Google\PubSub\Service
  client: []

Message Config

This config defines the behavior of our supported message types: QueueMessage, TopicMessage, SubscriptionMessage. Depending on which service you utilize, you may use one or more of these.

# Support for messages which will be used by Queue services (SQS, CloudTasks, etc)
!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Message::IDENTIFIER:

  # Global defaults for all QueueMessages, across all services.
  # Configurable:
  # - queue (The action of queueing a message to the service).
  # - dequeue (The action of dequeueing a message from the service).
  # - delete (The action to delete a message from the service
  # - parameters (General parameters, such as the service being used).
      # Define a global service to be used for QueueMessages.
      service: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Service\SQS\Service::IDENTIFIER

  # Overrides for all QueueMessages belonging to a specific service.
    !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Service\SQS\Service::IDENTIFIER:
          # Override the `DelaySeconds` parameter to 5 for ALL SQS queues
          DelaySeconds: 5
          MaxNumberOfMessages: 3 # AWS dequeueing parameter for all queues
        parameters: []

  # Define support for individual queues and their specific overrides.
    # Define support for a queue with name of `my-queue`.
          # Override the `DelaySeconds` parameter for `my-queue` when performing a `queue` action.
          DelaySeconds: 10
      # Inherit SQS as its service from global default
    # Define support for a queue with name of `my-task-queue`.
        service: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Service\Google\CloudTasks\Service::IDENTIFIER

# Support for messages which will be used by Topic supporting services (PubSub, SNS, etc)
!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\PublishSubscribe\TopicMessage::IDENTIFIER:

  # Global defaults for all TopicMessages, across all services.
  # Configurable:
  # - publish (The action of publishing a message to the topic).
  # - parameters (General parameters, such as the service being used).
      service: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\PublishSubscribe\Service\Google\PubSub\Service::IDENTIFIER

    # Define support for a topic with name of `my-topic`.
      # Inherit PubSub as its service from default.
      parameters: []

# Support for messages which will be used by Subscription supporting services (PubSub, SNS, etc)
!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\PublishSubscribe\SubscriptionMessage::IDENTIFIER:

  # Global defaults for all SubscriptionMessages, across all services.
  # Configurable:
  # - pull (The action of retrieving a message from the subscription).
  # - acknowledge (The action of acknowledging the message to the subscription).
  # - parameters (General parameters, such as the service being used).
      service: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\PublishSubscribe\Service\Google\PubSub\Service::IDENTIFIER

    !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\PublishSubscribe\Service\Google\PubSub\Service::IDENTIFIER:
          # PubSub specific pull parameter for all its subscriptions
          maxMessages: 3

    # Define support for a subscription with a name of `my-subscription`.
      parameters: []

Utilizing Messages


A QueueMessage can be used to queue to a service or dequeue from a service.

  • Queue
    $messageFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory::class);
    /** @var @var SendableMessage|QueueMessage $message */
    $message = $messageFactory->createSendableMessage([
        'queue_identifier' => 'my-queue',
        'body'=> 'hello queue payload!',
        'attributes' => [
            'foo' => 'bar',
    // You could then queue this message:
    $message->send(); // Send is an alias for `queue` which queues the message to its service (SQS)
  • Dequeue
    $messageFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory::class);
    /** @var QueueMessage $message */
    $message = $messageFactory->receiveMessageOrFail(['queue_identifier' => 'my-queue']);
    // Or multiple messages
    /** @var QueueMessage[] $messages */
    $messages = $messageFactory->receiveMessages(['queue_identifier' => 'my-queue']);

Cloud Tasks

Google CloudTasks is a queue service which performs a request when the message reaches the top of the queue. An example of this can be seen below:

    use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request; // Any Request class may be used as long as it implements PSR7
    // ... 
    $messageFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory::class);
            'queue_identifier' => 'my-task-queue',
            'attributes' => [
                'request' => new Request(
                        'Content-Type' => 'application/json',

Note: Google CloudTasks does not support dequeueing.

Topic Messages

A TopicMessage is designed to allow us to publish messages into Publish Subscribe systems.

  • Manually
    • Simply create it from data.
    $messageFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory::class);
    /** @var SendableMessage|TopicMessage $message */
    $message = $messageFactory->createSendableMessage([
       'topic_identifier' => 'my-topic', // Key 'topic_identifier' lets idle know to expect a TopicMessage.  Its value must match the name of the configured topic in the config.
       'body'=> 'hello pubsub payload!',
       'attributes' => [
           'foo' => 'bar',
    // You can now send this message up to the topic
    $message->send(); // Send to PubSub with the configured 'publish' parameters

Subscription Messages

A SubscriptionMessage is a message which contains data which has been retrieved from a subscription. This can happen from one of two actions:

  • Pull
    • Query the service and obtain one or more SubscriptionMessage(s):
    $messageFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory::class);
    /** @var SubscriptionMessage $message */  
    $message = $messageFactory->receiveMessageOrFail(['subscription_identifier' => 'my-subscription']);
    // Or multiple messages
    /** @var SubscriptionMessage[] $message */  
    $messages = $messageFactory->receiveMessages(['subscription_identifier' => 'my-subscription']);  
  • Push
    • A subscription service makes a request to the application and provides it with message data. We then instantiate a SubscriptionMessage directly from its data.
    $messageFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory::class);
    /** @var SubscriptionMessage $message */  
    $message = $messageFactory->createMessage([
       'subscription_identifier' => 'my-subscription', // Key 'subscription_identifier' lets idle know to expect a SubscriptionMessage.  Its value must match the name of the configured subscription in the config.
       'body'=> 'hello pubsub payload!',
       'attributes' => [
           'foo' => 'bar',

Utilizing Jobs


In Idle, a job is responsible for coordinating workers to ensure they each carry out the actual work. Idle currently ships with two main types of jobs: SimpleJob and MessageJob.


A worker is the entity actually carrying out the work. Each job can be configured to have multiple workers under it. Idle ships with three base workers:

  • Worker
    • A Worker is a generic worker which performs some kind of task.
    • Idle currently ships with: DeleteMessageWorker, and AcknowledgeMessageWorker.

Job Config

# Configure support for MessageJob, a job which runs in order to process a message.
!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\MessageJob::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\MessageJob
    # Configure support for Queue messages (originating from SQS, CloudTasks, etc)
    !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\Queue\Message::IDENTIFIER:
            # Perform Foo work
            - type: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\FooWorker::IDENTIFIER
              # Provide optional parameters
                foo: bar
            # Delete the QueueMessage from the queue
            - type: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\Queue\DeleteMessageWorker::IDENTIFIER
            - type: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\FooWorker::IDENTIFIER
    !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Message\Messages\PublishSubscribe\SubscriptionMessage::IDENTIFIER:
            # Perform Foo work
            - type: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\FooWorker::IDENTIFIER
            # Acknowledge subscription message
            - type: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\PublishSubscribe\AcknowledgeMessageWorker::IDENTIFIER

# Configure support for SimpleJob, a generic job which can run some workers.
!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\SimpleJob::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\SimpleJob
            - type: !php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\FooWorker::IDENTIFIER

Worker Config

!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\FooWorker::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\FooWorker

!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\BazWorker::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\BazWorker

!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\Queue\DeleteMessageWorker::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\Queue\DeleteMessageWorker

!php/const LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\PublishSubscribe\AcknowledgeMessageWorker::IDENTIFIER:
  class: LinioPay\Idle\Job\Workers\PublishSubscribe\AcknowledgeMessageWorker


A SimpleJob is a minimally configured job which runs one or more workers and reports the outcome.

    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory;
    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\SimpleJob;
    /** @var JobFactory $jobFactory */
    $jobFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory::class);
    $job = $jobFactory->createJob(SimpleJob::IDENTIFIER, [ // Create a Job of the type SimpleJob::IDENTIFIER
        'simple_identifier' => 'my-simple-job', // The name of our SimpleJob
        'foo' => 'bar', // Set parameters to override the configured defaults for `my-simple-job`
    $job->process(); // Processes each the defined workers for `my-simple-job`.  In this case only `FooWorker`.
    $success = $job->isSuccessful();
    $duration = $job->getDuration();
    $errors = $job->getErrors();


MessageJob is a job which processes data from Messages. Creating a MessageJob is very straight forward when utilizing the JobFactory.

    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory;
    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\MessageJob;
    /** @var JobFactory $jobFactory */
    $jobFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory::class);
    $job = $jobFactory->createJob(MessageJob::IDENTIFIER, [
        'message' => [ // MessageJob require a `message` parameter, either as an array or an object.
            'message_identifier' => '123',
            'queue_identifier' => 'my-queue', 
            'body'=> 'hello queue payload!',
            'attributes' => [
                'foo' => 'bar',
    $success = $job->isSuccessful();
    $duration = $job->getDuration();
    $errors = $job->getErrors();
    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory;
    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\MessageJob;
    /** @var JobFactory $jobFactory */
    $jobFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory::class);
    $job = $jobFactory->createJob(MessageJob::IDENTIFIER, [
        // With an array, the factory will automatically convert to the appropriate message entity (SubscriptionMessage) and inject the corresponding messaging service.
        'message' => [ 
            'message_identifier' => '123',
            'subscription_identifier' => 'my-subscription', 
            'body'=> 'hello pubsub payload!',
            'attributes' => [
                'foo' => 'bar',
    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory;
    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\MessageJob;
    use LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory;
    /** @var JobFactory $jobFactory */
    $jobFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory::class);
    /** @var MessageFactory $messageFactory */
    $messageFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory::class);
    $message = $messageFactory->receiveMessageOrFail(['queue_identifier' => 'my-queue']);
    $job = $jobFactory->createJob(MessageJob::IDENTIFIER, [
        'message' => $message
    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory;
    use LinioPay\Idle\Job\Jobs\MessageJob;
    use LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory;
    /** @var JobFactory $jobFactory */
    $jobFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Job\JobFactory::class);
    /** @var MessageFactory $messageFactory */
    $messageFactory = $container->get(\LinioPay\Idle\Message\MessageFactory::class);
    $messages = $messageFactory->receiveMessages(['queue_identifier' => 'my-queue']);
    foreach($messages as $message)
        $job = $jobFactory->createJob(MessageJob::IDENTIFIER, [
            'message' => $message

Outputting job results

Idle includes an optional league/fractal transformer to quickly output basic job details. This is located at src/Job/Output/Transformer/JobDetails.php.