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Extends the default <details> HTML element.


Name Type Description
open boolean? Whether or not the accordion should default to open. Defaults to false (closed).


summary - Content that should be displayed in the <summary> of the accordion.


    <span slot="summary">Example</span>
    <!-- Feel free to put whatever you want in here.
    It will only be shown when the accordion is open. -->

Used for containing multiple Accordion components. Only allows one Accordion to be open at a time, closing others.


        <span slot="summary">I am open</span>
        <span slot="summary">Or I am open</span>
        <p>But not both</p>

Adds syntax highlighting to code using highlight.js.


Name Type Description
language string? The language to highlight. Technically not case-sensitive, but the displayed language will be what is entered here, so please respect capitalization of language names. If omitted, will attempt to auto-detect the language


default - The code to syntax highlight. Should be passed in using a <pre> element to preserve indenting and new lines.


<CodeBlock language="Lua">
local test = "Hello"

Extends the default <a> HTML element to add custom styles. Should be used on all links that do not point to the local domain.


Name Type Description
url string The url to link to
newTab boolean? Whether the linked page should be opened in another tab. Defaults to true.
refer boolean? Whether to refer when navigating away. Defaults to false.
icon boolean? Whether or not to display the "external" icon next to the link. Defaults to true.
class string? Allows you to pass in a class to be applied to the link.


default - The content that should appear linked.


<ExternalLink url="" refer={true}>Link to GitHub</ExternalLink>

Extends the default <details> HTML element to display a file tree. Nest them to create a tree of Accordion-like elements.


Name Type Description
name string Name of the file
type "file" | "code" | "image" | "directory" Type of the entry. This dictates the icon that will be used
gitignored boolean? Whether it is ignored and should have a little "blocked" icon next to it. Defaults to false.
open boolean? Whether this element should be open/expanded by default. Defaults to false.


default - The content that should appear in the expanded tree. Can be more FileTreeItem elements, text, or other HTML.


<FileTreeItem name="root/" type="directory" open={true}>
    <FileTreeItem name="path/" type="directory">
        <FileTreeItem name="file.lua" type="code">
            <p>This file is very cool</p>

Free icons from fontawesome.


Name Type Description
group "brands" | "solid" The group that the icon belongs to i.e. "brands".
name string The name of the icon.
class string? The name of a class to apply to the icon.
color string? The colour of the icon.


<Icon group="solid" name="peace" color="#9400ff"/>

Displays a loading spinner while child content loads. When a child fires the content_loaded event, the spinner is removed and the content is revealed.


default - The content that will load in the background and be revealed after firing content_loaded.


    <!-- The list of users needs to be fetched first -->
    <!-- Once fetched, the below div will need to fire a `content_loaded` event -->
    <div id="user-list"></div>

A remark/note/admonition that stands out to readers.


Name Type Description
type "note" | "warning" | "important" | "WIP" | "deprecated" | "issue" The type of remark to make. Each has their own icon and colour.
display "fit" | "block" | "compact" How the remark should be displayed. "fit" will only take up the required width, "block" (default) will take up the entire width of the parent, "compact" will display the remark type and content on the same line.


default - The content of the remark


<Remark type="note" display="compact">
    <p>Wait, people actually read this?</p>

A group of tabs where the content of only one tab is visible at a time.


Name Type Description
buttons { name: string, image?: string, icon?: string, accent?: string }[] An array of buttons that will select the various tabs. There should be a button per tab. There should only be an image OR icon specified for each button. image should be a path/URL to the image. icon should be the name of a solid icon from fontawesome. accent is an accent colour displayed under the tab when selected.
active boolean Whether this button/tab combo is active. Only one should be marked active.


default - Within this one slot there should be a div for each button you have defined. The div should have an attribute data-tab where the value should be the the name of a button. These are your tabs of content.


  active="VS Code"
    { name: "VS Code", image: "/images/vscode.svg", accent: "#23a9f2" },
    { name: "Neovim", image: "/images/neovim.svg", accent: "#78e027" },
  <div data-tab="VS Code"></div>
  <div data-tab="Neovim"></div>

An extension of the <time> element that can display a datetime in the user's local timezone or as a relative time.


Name Type Description
datetime string The datetime stamp, e.g. 2024-01-14T01:50:27-04:00.
relative boolean Whether to display the time relatively, e.g. 2 months ago.


default - Default time to display before being overridden on page load


<Time datetime="2024-04-05T01:50:27-04:00" relative>Some time ago</Time>

A tippy.js tooltip that can be placed around other elements.


Name Type Description
text string The text to display in the tooltip.
placement "auto" | "auto-start" | "auto-end" | "top" | "bottom" | "right" | "left" | "top-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-start" | "bottom-end" | "right-start" | "right-end" | "left-start" | "left-end" Where to place the tooltip relative to the element.
delay string? Delay in milliseconds between showing and hiding.
arrow (string | boolean)? Whether or not the tooltip should have an arrow pointing to the target element.
class string? Name of a class to apply.


default - The content to place the tooltip on


<Tooltip text="Hello!" placement="bottom">
    <button>Hover me!</button>