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VICE: Variational Interpretable Concept Embeddings

📃 Citation

If you use this GitHub repository (or any modules associated with it), we would appreciate to cite our NeurIPS publication as follows:

 author = {Muttenthaler, Lukas and Zheng, Charles Y and McClure, Patrick and Vandermeulen, Robert A and Hebart, Martin N and Pereira, Francisco},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {S. Koyejo and S. Mohamed and A. Agarwal and D. Belgrave and K. Cho and A. Oh},
 pages = {33661--33675},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {VICE: Variational Interpretable Concept Embeddings},
 url = {},
 volume = {35},
 year = {2022}

💻 Setting up your environment

Before using VICE, we recommend to create a virtual environment (e.g., vice), including all dependencies, via conda

$ conda env create --prefix /path/to/conda/envs/vice --file envs/environment.yml
$ conda activate vice

or via mamba (this is a faster drop-in replacement for conda)

$ conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge # install mamba into the base environment
$ mamba create -n vice # create an empty environment
$ mamba env update -n vice --file envs/environment.yml # update the empty environment with dependencies in environment.yml
$ conda activate vice

Alternatively, dependencies can be installed via pip

$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Repository structure

├── envs
├── └── environment.yml
├── data
├── ├──
├── ├── files/*tsv
├── └──
├── optimization
├── ├──
├── ├──
├── ├──
├── ├──
├── └──
├── embeddings
├── ├── things
├── ├── ├── final_embedding.npy
├── └── └── final_model.tar
├── .gitignore
├── DEMO.ipynb
├── requirements.txt

VICE step-by-step


We provide a DEMO Jupyter Notebook (JN) to guide users through each step of the VICE optimization. The DEMO file is meant to facilitate the process of using VICE. In the DEMO.ipynb one can easily examine whether VICE overfits the trainig data and behaves well with respect to the evolution of latent dimensions over time. Embeddings can be extracted and analyzed directly in the JN.

VICE optimization

Explanation of arguments in --task (str) \ # "odd-one-out" (3AFC; no anchor) or "target-matching" (2AFC; anchor) task
 --triplets_dir (str) \ # path/to/triplet/data
 --results_dir (str) \ # optional specification of results directory (if not provided will resort to ./results/modality/init_dim/optim/mixture/seed/spike/slab/pi)
 --plots_dir (str) \ # optional specification of directory for plots (if not provided will resort to ./plots/modality/init_dim/optim/mixture/seed/spike/slab/pi)
 --epochs (int) \ # maximum number of epochs to run VICE optimization
 --burnin (int) \ # minimum number of epochs to run VICE optimization (burnin period)
 --eta (float) \ # learning rate
 --init_dim (int) \ # initial dimensionality of the model's embedding space
 --batch_size (int) \ # mini-batch size
 --optim (str) \ # optimizer (e.g., 'adam', 'adamw', 'sgd')
 --mixture (str) \ # whether to use a mixture of Gaussians or Laplace distributions in the spike-and-slab prior (i.e., 'gaussian' or 'laplace')
 --mc_samples (int) \ # number of weight matrices used in Monte Carlo sampling (for computationaly efficiency, M is set to 1 during training but can be set to any number at inference time)
 --spike (float) \ # sigma of the spike distribution
 --slab (float) \ # sigma of the slab distribution
 --pi (float) \ # probability value that determines the relative weighting of the distributions; the closer this value is to 1, the higher the probability that weights are drawn from the spike distribution
 --k (int) \ # an embedding dimension is considered important (and won't be pruned) if the minimum number of objects with a non-zero weight is larger than k (we recommend to set this value to 5 or 10)
 --ws (int) \ # determines for how many epochs the number of latent dimensions (after pruning) is not allowed to vary (ws >> 100)
 --steps (int) \ # perform validation, save model parameters and create model and optimizer checkpoints every <steps> epochs
 --device (str) \ # cuda or cpu
 --num_threads (int) \ # number of threads used for intraop parallelism on CPU; use only if device is CPU (won't affect performance on GPU)
 --rnd_seed (int) \ # random seed for reproducibility
 --verbose (bool) \ # show print statements about model performance and evolution of latent dimensions during training (can be easily piped into log file)

Example call

$ python --task odd-one-out \
--triplets_dir path/to/triplets \
--results_dir ./results \
--plots_dir ./plots \
--epochs 2000 \
--burnin 500 \
--eta 0.001  \
--init_dim 100  \ 
--batch_size 128  \
--k 5  \
--ws 200  \ 
--optim adam  \ 
--mixture gaussian \ 
--mc_samples 10 \
--spike 0.25 \
--slab 1.0 \
--pi 0.6  \
--steps 50  \
--device cpu  \
--num_threads 8 \
--rnd_seed 42 \
--verbose \


  1. Note that triplet data is expected to be in the format N x 3, where N = number of triplets (e.g., 100k) and 3 refers to the three objects in a triplet, where col_0 = anchor, col_1 = positive, col_2 = odd-one-out/negative. Triplet data must be split into train and test splits, and named train_90.txt or train_90.npy and test_10.txt or test_10.npy respectively.

  2. Every --steps epochs (i.e., if (epoch + 1) % steps == 0) a model_epoch.tar (including model and optimizer state_dicts) and a results_epoch.json (including train and validation cross-entropy errors) file are saved to disk. In addition, after convergence of VICE, a pruned_params.npz (compressed binary file) with keys pruned_loc and pruned_scale, including pruned VICE parameters, is saved to disk. Latent dimensions of the pruned parameter matrices are sorted according to their overall importance. See output folder structure below for where to find these files.

├── model
├── └── f'model_epoch{epoch+1:04d}.tar' if (epoch + 1) % steps == 0
├── 'parameters.npz'
├── 'pruned_params.npz'
└── f'results_{epoch+1:04d}.json' if (epoch + 1) % steps == 0
  1. (which is invoked by plots train and validation performances (to examine overfitting) against as well as negative log-likelihoods and KL-divergences (to evaluate contribution of the different loss terms) alongside each other. Evolution of (identified) latent dimensions over time is additionally plotted after convergence. See folder structure below for where to find plots after the optimization has finished.
├── 'single_model_performance_over_time.png'
├── 'llikelihood_and_complexity_over_time.png'
└── 'latent_dimensions_over_time.png'

VICE evaluation

Explanation of arguments in --task (str) \ # "odd-one-out" (3AFC; no anchor) or "target-matching" (2AFC; anchor) task
 --results_dir (str) \ # path/to/models
 --n_objects (int) \ # number of unique objects/items/stimuli in the dataset
 --init_dim (int) \  # latent space dimensionality with which VICE was initialized at run time
 --batch_size (int) \  # mini-batch size used during VICE training
 --thresh (float) \  # Pearson correlation value to threshold reproducibility of dimensions (e.g., 0.8)
 --optim (str) \ # optimizer that was used during training (e.g., 'adam', 'adamw', 'sgd')
 --mixture (str) \  # whether a Gaussian or Laplacian mixture was used in the spike-and-slab prior (i.e., 'gaussian' or 'laplace')
 --spike (float) \  # sigma of spike distribution
 --slab (float) \  # sigma of slab distribution
 --pi (float) \  # probability value that determines likelihood of samples from the spike
 --triplets_dir (str) \  # path/to/triplet/data
 --mc_samples (int) \ # number of weight matrices used in Monte Carlo sampling for evaluating models on validation set
 --device (str) \  # cpu or cuda
 --rnd_seed (int) \  # random seed

Example call

$ python --task odd-one-out \
--results_dir path/to/models \ 
--n_objects number/of/unique/objects (e.g., 1854) \
--init_dim 100 \
--batch_size 128 \
--thresh 0.8 \
--optim adam \
--mixture gaussian \
--spike 0.25 \
--slab 1.0 \
--pi 0.6 \
--triplets_dir path/to/triplets \
--mc_samples 5 \
--device cpu \
--rnd_seed 42

VICE hyperparam. combination

Find the best hyperparameter combination via --in_path (str) \ # path/to/models/and/evaluation/results (should all have the same root directory)
 --percentages (List[int]) \ # List of full dataset fractions used for VICE optimization

Example call

$ python --in_path path/to/models/and/evaluation/results \
--percentages 10 20 50 100


After calling, a txt file called model_paths.txt is saved to the data split subfolder in path/to/models/and/evaluation/results pointing towards the latest model snapshot (i.e., last epoch) for the best hyperparameter combination per data split and random seed.

VICE embeddings

VICE embeddings for THINGS can be found here. The corresponding object concept names can be found on OSF or here.

If you want to download the embeddings and the tsv file containing the object names simultaneously, download this file and execute it as follows

$ bash

This will download the THINGS object concept names to a subdirectory called $(pwd)/data/things and the VICE embeddings for the THINGS objects to a different subdirectory called $(pwd)/embeddings/things/.

Tripletize any data

Tripletizing representations

VICE can be used for any data. We provide a file called that converts (latent) representations from any domain (e.g., audio, fMRI or EEG recordings, Deep Neural Network features) corresponding to some set of stimuli (e.g., images, words) into an N x 3 matrix of N triplets (see triplet format above). We do this by exploiting the similarity structure of the representations. --in_path (str) \ # path/to/latent/representations
 --out_path (int) \ # path/to/triplets
 --n_samples (int) \  # number of triplet combinations to be sampled
 --rnd_seed (int) \ # random seed to ensure reproducibility of triplet sampling

Example call

$ python --in_path path/to/latent/representations \
--out_path path/to/triplets \
--n_samples 100000 \
--rnd_seed 42