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Describing the components and design of the protocol |
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- Joining the M3tering Protocol as an Electricity Provider**:** To participate in the protocol, an individual or business needs to invest in distributed energy resources such as solar panels, batteries, and inverters, for generating and storing electricity. The popular model in the global south is rooftop solar installations especially as sunlight is abundant in these regions.
- Installing Electricity M3ters: Alongside the solar equipment, the provider needs to install M3ters, which are specialized devices that measure the electricity generated and consumed. These meters securely transmit and verify the energy production and consumption data.
- Pre-Payment with xDAI: Offtakers, such as households or commercial buildings, can meet their energy demand by connecting to a Provider on the M3tering Protocol. They pre-pay for the electricity they intend to consume using the xDAI stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies designed to have a stable value.
- Token Rewards: As consumers pre-pay for the electricity, providers are rewarded with the protocol tokens based on the amount of clean energy they supply to the consumers. the token is design to create incentives for providers to join and expand the network.
- Network Effects and Growth: The token design works in a way that more providers and consumers join the network, the higher the demand for the protocol's tokens becomes. This, in turn, attracts more participants to the protocol, creating a feedback loop that drives further expansion.
For a more comprehensive understanding, dive deeper into the technical components of the M3tering Protocol, starting with the NFTs