Procedure HuffmanEncoding (PQ) //PQ is the priority Queue with Letters
S = PQ.Size // and Frequencies set it will be custom built
while S is not equal to 1 do
N = new Node ( )
N.left = PQ.pop
N.right = PQ.pop
N.frequency = N.left.frequency + N.right.frequency
PQ.Insert (N)
S = PQ.Size
end while
return PQ.Top
Procedure HuffmanDecoding (root, in) //Root is the Huffman binary tree root and in is
current = root // the bit-stream to be decoded
while true do
bit = in.readBit()
if bit is equal to 0
current = current.left
if bit is equal to 1
current = current.right
if current.right equal to NULL OR current.left equal to NULL
end while