- Newbies
- Intermediate-experts
- We'll provide downloads for the tools they need (stack, ghc)
- We'll provide help for using dev tools
- We'll provide learning materials
- We'll provide a summary of each of the most popular packages
- We'll be providing API docs fully integrated with the site for the latest LTS
- We'll be providing a Hoogle search for the whole of that package database
One of the problems with the old web sites (wiki, haskell.org) is that they catered just for the newbie audience, which lead to a kind of stagnation of interest. Newbies aren't interested in contributing, and experts don't bother going to the homepage.
So we try to solve that problem by catering to both audiences, the experts will care that the site experience is good, and maybe contribute to both their interest and to the newbie interest, benefiting everybody.