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It is a project of MUST course LP002-Data Structure, which is a grade management system for students. After importing the students' grade data for one or multiple courses, users can browse, sort, and search the data, as well as calculate GPA (Grade Point Average).

Table of Contents

Development Environment

System Windows 10 x64
Language Java 8
IDE Eclipse 2018-12 (4.10.0)


  1. Download jdk 8u202 and install.
  2. Download UGMS_v2.1.jar.
  3. Execute the binary file without any external plugins.
java -jar UGMS_v2.1.jar


  • Sort

    1. Click the File and choose Open File option.
    2. Choose a .txt course file and select the sort approach.
    3. Click the Display button. (Please import the required files before using GPA sort)
  • Query

    1. Click the File and choose Import File option.
    2. Import all the .txt course files which you need and then select the query approach.
    3. Remember to input the corresponding query message.
    4. Click the Query button.

    Query Message Example
    ID: 1X09853X-X011-XXXX
    Surname: Weng
    WildCard(surname): W, We, We, Weng ... (The first letter must be upper case)
    GPA Ranging: > 3.0, = 3.0, < 3.0, >= 3,0, <= 3.0 (Need space between the operator and the number)


  • Implement a user-friendly GUI.
  • Nice output format (JTable).
  • Implement advanced query functions such as surname wildcard and GPA ranges.
  • Allow the user to add and delete courses.
  • Do not depend on any external plugins and environments other than JRE.
  • The UGMS sometimes prompts alerts via message windows or checkboxes.
  • No need to worry about sort time (<1 sec).


  • Student Class
Variable / Function Name Data Structure Description
sur/giv/id/score/Grade/GPA Basic type (String/int/double) The basic info of each student including surname, given name, id, score, Grade, GPA and so on
credit 2-dimension array The student's real credit for every course. ( Parsed by Grade )
takecourse String array All the courses the student takes
courseCredit Int array Corresponding credit of each taken course
Student() / Constructor
getsur(), getgiv(), getid(), getscore(), getGrade(), getStuData() / Methods to read data from the source file and return corresponding value
Grade2Credit() / Parse Grade to credit
Credit2Grade() / Parse credit to Grade
computeGPA() / Using credit/takecourse/courseCredit to calculate the total GPA
  • Course Class
Variable / Function Name Data Structure Description
course/coName/credit/num Basic type (String/int) Basic info of a course
GraCount Int array Count the number of students in each Grade
highscore/lowscore/averscore Int/double Store the highest/lowest/average score of each course
Course() / Constructor
gerCourseData() / Read data from the source file and return the corresponding value
  • SortAlgorithms Class
Variable / Function Name Data Structure Description
exchange() / Exchange two elements in an array
less() / Compare two elements ( if former < latter then return true )
sort() / Main sort algorithm
sortField() / Sort data in one aspect
sortWay() Stack Using stack to implement descending order
  • GUI Class
Variable / Function Name Data Structure Description
contentPane JPanel The JFrame window
fr JFrame The Frame
ReqInput JTextField The input of query
CourseInput JTextField The input of course name
Screen JTextArea The main screen
CourseList JTextArea The list of course
RadioButton 1 & 2 JRadioButton The ascending & descending button
lblCredit JLabel The credit label
lblNumberOfStudents JLabel The label of the student number
AddButton & DeleteButton JButton Add & Delete course
Choice_1 JComboBox<String> Sort choice
MenuBar JMenuBar Menu bar
File JMenu Menu name
closeItem/openItem/importItem JMenuItem Menu item
openDia FileDialog File dialog
sta Stack Store the course
stu Stack Store the Student element
index int Used to store course name
num int Index of choice 1
num2 int Index of choice 2
main() / Start of the whole program
myEvent() void Operation of the file
GUI() / Constructor ( contains GUI components )
IsDifferent() / Judge whether the new element is repetitive or not
IsDifferent(override) / Judge whether the new element is repetitive or not
readtxt() String array Read the raw data and split it into groups
display() / Reveal the data
SortAndOutput() / Execute sort and display method
Query() / Based on ReqInput, search for detailed data


The program adopts Selection Sort with the complexity of O ( N 2 ) and Sequential Search by each course with the complexity of O ( N 2 ) . In addition, it is based on a once-input store, which means each time you input a course, the UGMS stores data of all the students who take this course simultaneously. The number of one file data is less than 1000, so it is reasonable for a standard PC to execute for/while loop within 1 second ( Total about 10 6 , and PC can compute 10 8 per second ).




badge @KennardWang


Feel free to open an issue or submit PRs.


license ยฉ Kennard Wang ( 2019.11.5 )