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FastAPI Starter

A comprehensive template to kickstart your FastAPI project with best practices, including Redis caching, background task processing with Celery, and SQLAlchemy ORM. This starter project is well-structured for scalability and modularity.


  • FastAPI for quick and efficient API creation.
  • Celery for asynchronous task management.
  • Redis for caching and as a message broker.
  • SQLAlchemy ORM for database interaction.
  • Alembic for database migrations.
  • Docker support for containerized development.
  • Pre-commit Hooks for code quality checks.
  • Integrated Testing using Pytest.

Project Structure

├── .vscode/                     # VSCode workspace settings for this project
├── migrations/                  # Database migrations using Alembic
├── src/
│   ├── core/                    # Core functionality and shared utilities
│   │   ├── cache/               # Caching configurations and utilities
│   │   ├── db/                  # Database setup and connection management
│   │   ├── decorators/          # Custom decorators for function enhancements
│   │   ├── di/                  # Dependency injection configurations
│   │   ├── error/               # Error handling and custom exceptions
│   │   ├── helpers/             # Utility functions for common tasks
│   │   ├── middleware/          # Middleware for logging, error handling, etc.
│   │   ├── models/              # Shared data models (Pydantic, SQLAlchemy)
│   │   ├── permissions/         # Access control and permissions logic
│   │   ├── rate_limiter/        # Rate limiting configurations and logic
│   │   ├── repository/          # Repositories for database operations
│   │   ├── schemas/             # Pydantic schemas for data validation
│   │   ├── security/            # Security utilities (JWT, password hashing)
│   │   ├── send_request/        # HTTP request handling and third-party API integration
│   │   ├── service/             # Core business services and reusable services
│   │   ├──            # Application configuration settings
│   │   └── dependencies/        # Dependency injections (e.g., auth, DB sessions)
│   ├── modules/                 # Modular application components
│   │   ├── auth/                # Auth module with routes, services etc.
│   │   ├── users/               # User module with routes, services, models, etc.
│   │   │   ├── controllers/     # User-related route controllers
│   │   │   ├──        # User model definition
│   │   │   ├── services/        # User-specific business logic
│   │   │   ├──    # User data repository
│   │   │   ├──        # User API route definitions
│   │   │   └──       # User data validation schemas
│   ├── scripts/                 # Scripts for project automation and setup
│   ├── seeders/                 # Database seeders for populating initial data
│   ├── templates/               # HTML templates (if needed)
│   ├── worker/                  # Celery worker configuration and tasks
│   ├──               # Application-wide router aggregation
│   ├──                  # FastAPI application entry point
│   └── tests/                   # Unit and integration test cases
├── .env.example                 # Environment variable template
├── docker-compose.yml           # Docker Compose configuration for services
├── pyproject.toml               # Poetry configuration for dependencies
└──                    # Project documentation

Getting Started


  • Python 3.12+
  • Docker (recommended)
  • Redis for caching and Celery broker
  • PostgreSQL database (or any other supported by SQLAlchemy)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd fastapi-starter
  2. Install dependencies:

    poetry install
  3. Set up environment variables:

    Copy .env.example to .env and modify it according to your setup.

  4. Run database migrations:

    alembic upgrade head
  5. Start the application:

    poetry run uvicorn src.main:app --reload

Running with Docker

For a fully containerized setup, use Docker Compose:

docker-compose up --build

Application Configuration

The application uses a .env file to configure settings like database URL, Redis URL, and API keys. The src/core/ file loads these configurations into the application.


Core Module

Located in src/core/, this module includes configuration, dependency injection, and more:

  • cache/: Manages caching mechanisms for the application, including setups for Redis and in-memory caching to improve response times and reduce load on the database.
  • db/: Sets up and manages the database connection, including session handling and ORM configurations.
  • decorators/: Contains custom decorators to enhance functions, such as caching results, timing executions, or enforcing permissions.
  • di/: Configures dependency injection, enabling modular and testable components by managing and injecting dependencies where needed.
  • error/: Centralizes error handling with custom exceptions and error responses, simplifying error management across the application.
  • helpers/: Utility functions used throughout the application for common tasks, like date formatting, logging helpers, or response shaping.
  • middleware/: Custom middleware to manage logging, error handling, and request/response modification globally in the application.
  • models/: Contains shared data models, including Pydantic schemas and SQLAlchemy models, providing a consistent data structure.
  • permissions/: Defines access control and permission logic, enabling role-based or rule-based access checks.
  • rate_limiter/: Manages request rate limiting for APIs, implementing limits to prevent abuse or excessive usage.
  • repository/: Repositories for managing database interactions, with common CRUD operations abstracted for reusability.
  • schemas/: Pydantic schemas for data validation, serialization, and deserialization, ensuring data integrity.
  • security/: Manages security utilities, including JWT handling, password hashing, and other authentication mechanisms.
  • send_request/: Functions to send HTTP requests, integrate with third-party APIs, and handle response parsing.
  • service/: Core business services that provide reusable, encapsulated business logic for various modules.
  • Centralized configuration file that loads and manages environment variables and application settings.
  • dependencies/: Sets up dependency injections for various routes, including authentication, database sessions, and caching.

Users Module

Located in src/modules/users/, the Users module handles all user-related functionality.

  • controllers/: Handles user-related routes and controls the flow between the API and business logic.
  • Defines the User model using SQLAlchemy, specifying the structure and fields of the user entity.
  • services/: Implements core business logic specific to users, such as registration, authentication, and profile updates.
  • Manages data operations for the user entity, encapsulating database interactions.
  • Sets up and defines API routes for user operations.
  • Contains Pydantic schemas for request and response validation in user-related operations.

Database Migrations

Database schema changes are managed with Alembic:

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Your migration message"
alembic upgrade head

Caching with Redis

Redis is used to cache responses and improve response times. The caching logic is integrated into FastAPI through the dependency injection framework.

Background Tasks with Celery

Celery is set up for asynchronous task management. To run the Celery worker, execute:

celery -A src.worker worker --loglevel=info

Celery Configuration

The Celery broker is configured to use Redis, and this can be modified in the .env file. Task functions are registered in the tasks module.


The project includes a robust test suite for unit and integration testing.

  1. Run all tests:

    bash src/scripts/
    python src/seeders/
    pytest -s
  2. Pre-commit hooks:

    This project uses pre-commit hooks for code quality. Run them on all files with:

    poetry run pre-commit run --all-files

Test Structure

  • Unit Tests: Test individual functions and classes.
  • Integration Tests: Test API endpoints and database interactions.

CI/CD Integration

The project is ready for CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions for automated testing, linting, and deployment. The GitHub Actions configuration can be extended to add custom workflows.


  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b feature/your-feature
  3. Commit changes: git commit -m 'Add your feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/your-feature
  5. Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.