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Markus Bordihn edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Mods Optimizer Wiki 📖

The Mods Optimizer is a Minecraft mod which automatically optimize the mods in the mod folder. This is done by renaming / moving mods which are incompatible or not needed on the server side.

How does it work ?

The Mods Optimizer is reading all .jar files in the mods folder and reading the mods.toml, fabric.mod.json and META-INF/mods.toml files and the MANIFEST.MF file. With this information the Mods Optimizer is able to classify the mods for the client and server side.

In the case there are not enough information available the Mods Optimizer will use an internal list of known mods to classify the mods.

If the mod is used on a server all client related mods will be automatically renamed to ???.client. The mod is mostly helpful if it is used on the server and the client side.

Additionally, the Mods Optimizer is cleaning up duplicated files, by removing older versions based on the version number and other information.

Why is this mod needed ?

Unfortunately there are a lot of mods which are not defining the client and server side correctly or using version numbers which are not following the sem-versioning rules. This means it's hard to for the mod pack creator to create a mod pack which is working on the client and server side without checking any single mod.

Can I classify specific mods ?

Yes, you can edit the config file config/mods_optimizer/mods.toml and add mod ids to classify them for the client and server side.


ding = "client"
physicsmod = "client"
mousetweaks = "client"
client_side_mod_id = "client"
rubidium = "client"
server_side_mod_id = "server"
eatinganimation = "client"

How can I update the internal list of known mods ?

Just delete the file config/mods_optimizer/mods.toml file and restart the game / server. This will force the Mods Optimizer to read all mods again and create a new config/mods_optimizer/mods.toml file.

What's the difference to the Adaptive Performance Tweaks Mod Module ?

The Adaptive Performance Tweaks Mod Module is only using the file name to classify the mods. This means it's not possible to classify mods which are not following the naming conventions or using version numbers which could be not corrected.

The Mods Optimizer is reading the META-INF/mods.toml, fabric.mod.json and MANIFEST.MF file to classify the mods. This is more accurate and future proofed and will also work with mods which are not following the naming conventions or using version numbers which could be not corrected.

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