- Paper attempts to refute Universal function approximation theorem mby conducting experiments on a limited number of basis expansions (polynomial)
- models used are
- polynomial basis expanded linea regression
- GPT basis expansion (?)
Assessment Criteria:
- Writing quality (5 marks / 8.33%)
- Report quality (10 marks / 16.67%)
- valid experimental design (10 marks / 16.67%)
- results communication (10 marks / 16.67%)
- results quality (5 marks / 8.33%)
- theoretical analysis (5 marks / 8.33%)
- sustainability analysis (5 marks / 8.33%)
The above criteria add up to 50 marks out of a potential 60 marks (= 83%)
The remainign 10 marks can be earned by performing any 2 of the following additional analyses:
Multiple models (5 marks / 8.33%)
- neural networks
- k nearest neighbours
- decision trees
Results n≥30 (5 marks / 8.33%)
- changing hyperparameters (e.g. optimisation techniques, layers, mini batching, etc)
Strong theoretical analysis (5 marks / 8.33%)
Exceptional sustainability analysis (5 marks / 8.33%)
Calibrated uncertainty (5 marks / 8.33%) -> martin
- The false assumptions made by mock paper which led to the erroneous conclusion
- Short paragraph describing main aims of our paper, method investigated to achiev this, and brief mention of key results
- Paragraph outlining importance of problem (Kryptonite-n challenge dataset)
- Paragraph on how our paper seeks to solve the problem outlined in previous paragraph
- Paragraph on the details of solution structure (e.g. what experiments are carried out)
- Paragraph summarising main takeaways of experiements
e.g. If gradient descent is to be described, then writing out the corresponding equation, pointing out hyperparameters interested in such as learning rate, no. of epochs, etc
- Describe any operations performed on data
- normalisation (why?)
- Describe the mathematical foundations of neural networks
- MLP equation for nn architecture
- neural network training (loss function (relating binary cross entropy back to MLE), gradient descent formulation, learning rate, weight initialisation)
- intuitive explanation linking back to universal approximation
- hyperparameter search
- more effective approach for fitting dataset of unknown distribution to a model than basis expanded linear regression due to the elimination of the need to manually search for suitable basis expansion
- Outline hypothesis to be tested
- Outline experiment(s) that will be run to test this
- Outline actions taken to ensure results are valid
- including error bars
- experimenting with different data splits
- cross validation
- training with different random seeds
- pickling the data after randomising and splitting into train/val/test
- Presentation of results using tables and/or figures
- plot of accuracy against epochs for each n value
- plot of highest achieved accuracy vs target accuracies provided by mock paper
- Descriptions of how these plots validate/invalidate original hypothesis
- Discuss what was achieved by the completed experiments
- HIghlight experiments that we would have liked to have done
- Paragraph on environmental impact assessment carried out on experiments run (Use this tool: https://mlco2.github.io/impact/)
- For environmental impact (from edstem post):
- “More advanced analysis would perhaps use the tool in development and do some optimization to try to pick a model that is the most sustainable.”
- Multiple models:
- idk yet
- Results (n≥30)
- strong theoretical analysis
- exceptional sustainability analysis
- calibrated uncertainty