diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md index 928b339..8b13789 100644 --- a/docs/index.md +++ b/docs/index.md @@ -1,257 +1 @@ -

Shader Effects

-Shader effects let users create their own raster effects. You need two files to get started with shader effects. - -* The XML **\*.gre** file defines properties visible in the interface, and values passed to the fragment shader. -* The GLSL fragment shader **\*.frag** file defines the effect for a given set of values defined in **\*.gre** file. - -To use shader effects, both **\*.gre** and **\*.frag** files have to be placed in **`home_directory/.enve/ShaderEffects`** directory. -
-The **\*.gre** and **\*.frag** files have to share a name, e.g., **`exampleEffect.gre`** and **`exampleEffect.frag`**. -
- -

Here you can find modest examples


Definitions (*.gre file)

- -

Root Element

- -```xml - - - - - - -``` - -A **ShaderEffect** root element has only a **name** attribute. The **name** will be visible in enve interface.
-The **ShaderEffect** encloses **Properties**, a **Script**, **glValues**, and a **Margin** for the effect. - -


- -There are three types of properties: -* **int** - integer properties -* **float** - floating-point number properties -* **vec2** - two-value float properties - -All types of properties are animatable, meaning their values can change with time. -All properties have to be defined inside **Properties** element, and use the **Property** tag name. - -```xml - - - - - - - - - -``` - -You can see the resulting interface elements in the screenshot below. - -![example](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16670651/75267284-56ea7a00-57f6-11ea-84ef-ed697f2720d6.png) - -

Property Attributes

- -* **name** - name that will be used to reference the property from the **Script** and from the fragment shader(if **glValue** is true), cannot contain spaces or special characters, e.g., **`exampleProperty`** -* **nameUI** - name that will be visible in enve interface, e.g., **`example property`** -* **xnameUI** - name of the x component of **vec2** property -* **ynameUI** - name of the y component of **vec2** property -* **type** - type of the property, e.g., **`int`**, **`float`**, **`vec2`** -* **min** - minimum value that can be assigned to the property, e.g., **`0`**, **`[0, 0]`** -* **max** - maximum value that can be assigned to the property, e.g., **`100`**, **`[100, 50]`** -* **ini** - initial value for the property, e.g., **`55`**, **`[75, 25]`** -* **step** - recommended value increment for user interactions with the interface, e.g., **`1`**, **`[1, 1]`** -* **glValue** - specifies whether the property is used in the fragment shader, e.g., **`true`**, **`false`** -* **resolutionScaled** - specifies whether the property value should be multiplied by scene resolution, e.g., **`true`**, **`false`** - -As you might have guessed, the **`[x, y]`** attribute values are only supported by **vec2** type, **vec2** also accepts **`x`**, that will automatically be expanded to **`[x, x]`**. - -

Default Attribute Values

- -* **name** - no default value, cannot be omitted -* **nameUI** - the same value as **name** -* **xnameUI** - **`x`** -* **ynameUI** - **`y`** -* **type** - no default value, cannot be omitted -* **min** - **`0`** -* **max** - **`100`** -* **ini** - **`0`** -* **step** - **`1`** -* **glValue** - **`false`** -* **resolutionScaled** - **`false`** - -

Script (optional)

- -```xml - - - - - - -``` -**Script** is divided into two portions, both of which should be written in JavaScript: -* **Definitions** - here you can define functions, it is run only once, it cannot access property values -* **Calculate** - it is run every time the effect is being called, lets you **extern** variable to use them in **glValue** and **Margin** scripts. You can use functions defined in **Definitions**. You can access **Property** values. - -Values for **vec2** properties are passed as arrays `[x, y]`. - -Enve provides **_eRect**, an additional variable you can access directly from **Calculate**, and **glValue** and **Margin** scripts. **_eRect** coresponds to the bounding rectangle `[x, y, width, height]` for the object the effect is beign applied to. Please note, that the **_eRect** corresponds to the bounding rectangle prior to applying the **Margin**. To see how to use **_eRect**, you can checkout the example eExplode effect and eDots. - -

glValues (optional)

- -

*.gre file:

- -```xml - - - - - - - - - -``` -

*.frag file:

- -```GLSL -#version 330 core -layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor; - -in vec2 texCoord - -uniform sampler2D texture; - -uniform float exampleValue; // the same name as the glValue - -void main(void) { - fragColor = vec4(color.rgb, exampleValue); -} -``` - -**glValues** have no representation in the user interface. Instead, they let you pass variables you defined as **extern**, in the **Calculate** portion of the **Script**, to the fragment shader. - -


- -* **name** - name that will be used to reference the value from the fragment shader, cannot contain spaces or special characters, e.g., **`exampleValue`** -* **type** - type of the value, e.g., **`float`**, **`vec2`**, **`vec3`**, **`vec4`**, **`int`**, **`ivec2`**, **`ivec3`**, **`ivec4`** -* **value** - specifies the value, e.g., **`0`**, **`exampleProperty*5`**, **`[exampleVec2Property[0]*5, exampleVec2Value[1]*5]`**(**vec2** only) -
- -


- -Some effects might need to expand the texture size, e.g., blur effects require additional space depending on the radius. -Enve will expand the texture for you, all you have to do is define the **Margin**. - -![exampleMargin](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16670651/75272974-34a92a00-57ff-11ea-8344-b9a5e8ab4868.png#center) - -```xml - - - - - - -``` -The **Margin** only has the **value** attribute.
-All variables defined as 'extern' in the **Calculate** portion of the **Script** are available to the **Margin** along with all the **Property** values. -The **Margin** can be defined with four values **`[left, top, right, bottom]`**, -
-with two values **`[horizontal, vertical]`**, which translates to **`[horizontal, vertical, horizontal, vertical]`**, -
-or with a single value **`margin`**, which translates to **`[margin, margin, margin, margin]`**.
-To see how to use **Margin**, you can checkout the example eExplode effect. -

Fragment Shader (*.frag file)

- -

multiplyRed.gre file:

- -```xml - - - - - -``` - -

multiplyRed.frag file:

- -```GLSL -// enve uses OpenGL 3.3 -#version 330 core -// output color -layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor; - -// processed texture coordinate, from the vertex shader -in vec2 texCoord; - -// texture provided by enve -uniform sampler2D texture; -// the value for the 'red' property -uniform float red; - -void main(void) { - // texture pixel color at the coordinate - vec4 color = texture2D(texture, texCoord); - // assign value to the output color, - // multiply red by the 'red' property value - fragColor = vec4(color.r * red, color.g, color.b, color.a); -} - -``` - -

The result:

- -![exampleRed](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16670651/75280663-29112f80-580e-11ea-901b-ef6a8df52a76.png#center) - - -If you are familiar with fragment shaders, the example above should be easy to understand. -
-Enve provides a texture **`uniform sampler2D texture;`**, values for all **Properties** with **`glValue="true"`**, and all **glValues**. -
-The type of the value passed to the fragment shader is the same, as the type of the **Property**/**glValue**: -* float - **`uniform float exampleFlotPropVal;`** -* int - **`uniform int exampleIntPropVal;`** -* vec2 - **`uniform vec2 exampleVec2PropVal;`**