- Ajouter un broadcast de message centré avec le support des \n pour ajouter plusieurs lignes
- Ajouter une option pour désactiver la tabulation des joueurs hors ligne
- Added a cache for the nicknames of offline players.
- Added an option to disable the list of offline player usernames in the completion tab for certain commands.
- Added
, allowing you to define how vault slots are counted. - Added
, enabling player teleportation to spawn upon joining. - Fixed placeholders in messages.
- Fixed the
command and added support for hexadecimal format. - Fixed default vault slot assignment by permission.
- Fixed duplicate keys in power tools.
- Fixed the SQL table for player slots.
- Fixed the button to reset vault names.
- Fixed title messages.
- Added a bot discord. Se bot allows linking your account discord to your minecraft account. Download the bot here: https://groupez.dev/resources/zessentials-discord-bot.340
- Added command
/link <code>
, allows linking your minecraft account - Added command
, allows unlinking your minecraft account - Added placeholder
- Fixed locations that could not be loaded if the world loaded after zEssentials
- You can use placeholders in the join and quit message
- You are required to use java 21
- Added
placeholder, indicates whether the player can fix everything - Added
placeholder, counting the items to be repaired - Added
/repairall [<player>]
- Added
/tpahere <player>
#103 - Fixed commands that could not be used from the console
- Fixed docs files
- Fixed warps inventory
Returns the amount of items in the main handzessentials_iteminhand_custommodeldata%
Returns the custom model data of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_displayname%
Returns the display name of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_durability%
Returns the amount of durability left of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_enchantmentlevel_%
Returns the level of a specific enchantment on the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_enchantments%
Returns the enchantments of the item in hand with their levelzessentials_iteminhand_fire_resistant%
Returns true if the item in hand is fire resistantzessentials_iteminhand_glint%
Returns true if the item in hand has the glint enchantmentzessentials_iteminhand_hasenchantment_%
Returns true if the item in hand has at least one enchantmentzessentials_iteminhand_hasitemflag_%
Returns true if the item in hand has a specific itemflagzessentials_iteminhand_hide_tooltip%
Returns true if the item in hand has its tooltip hiddenzessentials_iteminhand_hide_unbreakable%
Returns true if the tooltip unbreakable of the item in hand is hiddenzessentials_iteminhand_itemflags%
Returns the itemflags of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_lore%
Returns the lore of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_maxdurability%
Returns the maximum durability of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_maxstacksize%
Returns the max stack size of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_rarity%
Returns the rarity of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_realname%
Returns the formatted material name of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_repaircost%
Returns the repair cost of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_type%
Returns the material name of the item in handzessentials_iteminhand_unbreakable%
Returns true if the item in hand is unbreakable%zessentials_user_world%
Returns the name of the world the player is currently in%zessentials_user_x%
Returns the x coordinate of the player%zessentials_user_y%
Returns the y coordinate of the player%zessentials_user_z%
Returns the z coordinate of the player%zessentials_user_biome%
Returns the biome of the player%zessentials_user_block_x%
Returns the block x coordinate of the player%zessentials_user_block_y%
Returns the block y coordinate of the player%zessentials_user_block_z%
Returns the block z coordinate of the player%zessentials_server_name%
Returns the server name%zessentials_server_uptime%
Returns the server update in format day, hour, minutes and seconds%zessentials_server_uptime_in_second%
Returns the server update in second%zessentials_last_random_number_<player name>%
Returns the last random number generated for the player within the last hour%zessentials_last_random_player%
Returns the last random player name online%zessentials_random_number_<from>_<to>%
Returns a random number between the two given arguments%zessentials_random_player%
Returns a random player name online
- Added
/clearinventory [<player>]
#101 - Improve economy module with offline players
- Fixed teleport command with relative coordinates #142
- Added a method in the API to retrieve player’s transaction history
- Added a reason for each transaction made by the player
- Fixed sql port #144
- Fixed rtp with folia #138
- Fixed kit permission
- Fixed method
#143 - Fixed the cooldown command for commands that don’t come from zEssentials #137
- Fixed teleport request #134
- Added
#135 - Move
in docs folder - Added
/eco give <economy> <player> <min amount> <max amount>
command #120 - Fixed teleport command if player doesn't exit #112
- Fixed auto update task for hologram module
- Fixed autocompletion for cooldown commands
- Fixed the cooldown system that could be applied to commands even if an error occurred
- Fixed folia on player join #124
- Debug player first joins at spawn location #125
- Add global commands for VoteParty #115
- Changing the commands of the vote party by zMenu actions, you must update your configuration.
- Fixed the appearance of holograms in other worlds
- Added command
/fly get <player>
- Added command
/fly info
- Added command
/ess delete-world <world>
, allows you to delete data related to a world - Fixed delete home sql request #119
- Added permission
, Players with this permission will automatically enter fly mode upon logging in if they are suspended in the air. #117 - If the player does not have the
permission, the walk and fly speed will be reset to default values - Tab completion for editing hologram and itemrename #116
- Added a temporary fly with the
command - Added permission
, allows fly without time restriction - Added permission
, allows to activate the fly to another player - Added command
/fly add <player> <seconds>
- Added command
/fly remove <player> <seconds>
- Added command
/fly set <player> <seconds>
- Fixed hologram despawning #99
- Fixed holograms are in every world #100
- Added auto update for holograms
- Added placeholder
, returns the number of seconds for temporary fly - Added default money when player join #105
- Fixed seen command #102
- Fixed teleportation delay glitch #96
- Fixed vault register when economy is disable #95
- Added disable fly in certain worlds #91
- Added
/spawn <player>
) - Added checking if player is vanished for various commands
- Fixed message when the player leave server
- Added permission
, the player must have this permission to return to the place of his death - Fixed teleport task when player is offline #92
- Fixed command
/heal <player>
and/feed <player>
if you use it in the console #90 - Added two types of home usage MAX and STACK #84
- Fixed home delete inventory #89
- Fixed item display when you try to display an empty item
- Fixed tabulation with no argument needed
- Fixed message when you create a home
- Fixed economy give all command from console #79
- Fixed error when you die in another world #76
- Fixed command cooldown if permission was not set
- Fixed the system of economy that did not work with offline players
- Added the ability to change default vault names
- Added NMS support for 1.21.1
- Fixed an SQL query for updating homes with SQLITE
- Fixed an SQL query for updating cooldown with SQLITE #74
- Fixed creating homes that executed an SQL query for no reason
- Added command
/freeze <player>
- Added a command to confirm the overwrite of an already existing home. You can disable this option in
- Added a command to confirm the deletion of an home. You can disable this option in
- Fixed commands
/sethome <player>:<home name>
and/delhome <player>:<home name>
which did not work if the player was online. - Fixed command
with folia
- Added error exception when you try to load a home if the world doesn't exist #67
- Implementation of the method
boolean hasMoney(OfflinePlayer player, Economy economy, BigDecimal amount)
andBigDecimal getBalance(OfflinePlayer player, Economy economy)
#66 - Fix sarah migration
- Fixed invsee command #72
- Updated the command
to be compatible with offline players, added permissionessentials.endersee.offline
- Updated the command
to be compatible with offline players, added permissionessentials.invsee.offline
- Fixed error with loading data #59
- Fixed night vision #56
- Changed aliases for PlayerWorldEdit from
- Added the command
/showitem <code>
, Allows you to see the item that the player has in his hand. This command is used with the chat placeholder[item]
#43 - Added the command
/money <player>
, Shows the money of other players. - Fixed messages #39
- Fixed default configuration for economy #38
- Fixed bug with
command #37 - Fixed nightvision messages
- Add the feature to manage vaults slots with permissions
- permission: zessentials.vault.size.player
slots: 45
- permission: zessentials.vault.size.vip
slots: 90
- permission: zessentials.vault.size.admin
slots: 500
- Fixed title message placeholders
- Fixed somes messages #47
- Added the command
/ess convert HuskHomes
, allows converting the database from HuskHomes to zEssentials. - Added the command
/ess convert AxVaults
, allows converting the database from AxVaults to zEssentials. - Added the command
/mailbox give <player> <item> [<amount>]
, Add an item to a player’s mailbox. - Added the command
/mailbox giveall <player> <item> [<amount>]
, Add an item to online player’s mailbox. - Added the command
/vault give <player> <item> [<amount>]
, Add an item to player’s vault. - Fixed CMI convert with invalid location for homes
- Fixed the bug that allowed adding items in the mailbox even if the module is disabled.
- Fixed command /rules who are not using the correct module.
- Added the module
, module allows players to have access to a player worldedit. They will be able to use the commands like/pw set
,/pw cut
to place or break blocks. Each block placed must be paid, by default 5$ per blocks. You can configure the item worldedit, the number of blocks that the player can change at the same time and many other things, more information here.
- Added the command
/ess convert PlauerVaultX
, allows converting the database from PlayerVaultX to zEssentials. - Added the command
/ess convert Sunlight
, allows converting the database from Sunlight to zEssentials. - Added the command
/ess convert CoinsEngine
, allows converting the database from CoinsEngine to zEssentials. - Items in player vault will be displayed as a single item.
- Fixed night vision messages
- Fixed duplicate lines #33
- Upgrade to Sarah version 1.10
- Fixed issue where savings by default could not be removed #34. You must update your configuration like this Before
display-name: Money
- name: money
display-name: Money
- Fixed permissions for night vision and vault commands
- Added command
- Change
- Change /tp command for adding coordinate. You have now
/tp <x> <y> <z> <yaw> <pitch>
and/tp <player> <x> <y> <z> <yaw> <pitch>
- Fixed various messages in multiple languages
- Fixed text hologram default text #25
- Added command
), Provides a night vision effect
- Added the command
/ess convert EssentialsX
, allows converting the database from EssentialsX to zEssentials. Documentation: https://zessentials.groupez.dev/getting-started/convert#essentialsx - Fixed the scoreboard title not appearing
- Added
alias for/home
command for default configurations - Added
command - Added enchantments list with aliases
- Added dutch translation #19
- Added the command
/ess convert CMI
, allows converting the database from CMI to zEssentials. Documentation: https://zessentials.groupez.dev/getting-started/convert#cmi