Flesh out the relationships on all modelsBuild factoriesAllow users to have "completed" skills, resources, and modules^^ remember to start diving into tests here
Add tracks
- Hide checkboxes
- Handle "bonus" material
- Allow for marking resources as bonus
- Allow for marking skills as bonus
- Differentiate bonus resources and skills in the UI list
- decide: do we show the content to non-logged-in users? Answer: YES
- Allow guests to view learning pages
- Allow them to visit
- Ensure it doesn't break
- Show a "If you were logged in you could ___ message to guests"
- Then hide that message ^^ until we have checkboxes working
- Write intro content on modules.index and modules.show
- Allow user to choose preference of which resources to show (based on localization)
- Finish implementing resourcesForUser() on module
- Migrate all content from the master branch
files into the database seeders - Figure out how we handle resources that are links to projects (e.g. vagrant)... not really an "article"
- Allow for translating a skill name
- Add language to resources
- Add real terms for glossary
- Decide: Do we need to be able to group our resources? e.g. all the hosting resources (valet, vagrant, etc.) are related.. all of the "php variables" resources are related... flat structure seems weak
- Make checkboxes work
- Refactor module show page to use a view presenter or something like it
- Evaluate and re-work microcopy (e.g. guest banner on learning pages)
- Add the idea of the "order" of modules within a track
- Investigate: where else do we need "order"
- Deal with the rigamarole of "mustverifyemail" for users
- Use consts, or a PHP enum, or something to cement the list of resource types
- Consider/decide: allow for marking a give module as "current"
- Upgrade to Laravel 6
- Audit all new pages on the mes-database-backed branch for final text, and then convert it all to __() language calls
- Allow for (e.g. Swedish) non-English UI while still seeing English resources (until that language has resources available for it)
- When not in English UI, have a toggle: "Show resources in my language" or " show resources in english" (that only shows up if that language has resources)
- Write auth tests around guest access to learning pages -- that they can see it, that it doesn't redirect them or error out, that they don't see the checkboxes, that they do see the "You should login or register" banner
- Add a banner on the site saying "this is a WIP! Follow along on twitch/youtube"
- Remember to localize all newly-written text
- Tracks
- Modules
- Resources
- Skills
- Quizzes (?)
- Exercises (?)
- Users
- Completions (pivot between user and ___)
What is bonus?
- Bonus is something that, regardless of your track, is not necessary to know to get a job doing Laravel, but could be helpful--for example, Tailwind.