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fedeniko edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 4 revisions

08. For the multiplayer part of the game you have to subscribe to our Network Constitution: a declaration of common values and practices, rights and responsibilities.

The LifeMaker game is based on the founding belief that all life is one — We Are One — and that we’re all evolving together in the Universe.

Therefore ego-driven emotions such as greed, envy, possessiveness and hatred are not welcome in the LifeMaker playground. Here, players score by mutual acts of love, freedom, learning and peace.


The separation between the Me Vs Rest is a perceptual and intellectual illusion. When one discards the filter of separation, one starts to see the Self in every living being.

“He who experiences the unity of Life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self”  — Krishna, Bhagavad Gita 6.29

The exploitative culture we inherited is not functional to life and doesn’t comply with the meaning of our existence on earth. As humans, we must recognize that We Are Life! Our most basic drive in this universe is to act in such a way so as to perpetuate our species and life as whole. In a strictly evolutionary sense, this is what we are born to do.

From here comes the responsibility towards the future generations, the love and compassion for every living creature, the will to co-create a better world “our hearts know it’s possible.” (to quote Charles Eisenstein)

Our generation must grow up and take on itself the awesome responsibility of preserving the future of the species.

In order to save humanity from a premature extinction we must raise the people’s awareness, and the only way to do that is to start with ourselves and set the example for others to follow.

Our network constitution requires every LifeMaker to embrace a set of ethical guidelines that help us live in peace with each other, and in harmony with the natural environment. Every member of the network will have to voluntarily subscribe to the WE constitution and follow practice in everyday life as best as he/she can, with the guidance and motivational support from the LifeSpirit bot and the entire LifeMaker community.

Let’s think of ourselves as the Bodhisattvas of the 21st Century: our goal is none less than to facilitate the collective enlightenment of mankind! To prove our commitment, each of us will record a short video of himself proclaiming LifeMaker’s Declaration of Intent — a fresh variation of the Four Great Bodhisattva Vows.


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