This command sets up a role to be used as the mute role for the server. It will edit the permissions of all channels to deny the role from sending messages.
MoonlightBot requires the following permissions to successfully execute this command:
- Manage Channels
- Manage Roles
For the successful setup of the mute role, MoonlightBot requires permission to Manage Permissions in channels, as well as the following permissions enabled, which will be denied to the mute role:
- Send Messages
- Send Messages In Threads
- Create Public Threads
- Create Private Threads
- Add Reactions
- Use Application Commands
- Speak
Channels where these conditions are not met will be skipped in the permission override setup procedure.
By default, a user is required to have the following permissions to use this command:
- Manage Server
For more information on editing permission requirements for specific users/roles, refer to the permissions tutorial
/create-muterole [role]
: The role to be used as the mute role. If not provided, a new role will be created
This command does not trigger any log events.
For more information on setting up those logs, refer to the log setup tutorial