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592 lines (424 loc) · 21.2 KB

File metadata and controls

592 lines (424 loc) · 21.2 KB

Release Notes

0.3.5 (2021-08-17)


  • add /{z}/{x}/{y}/assets, /{lon},{lat}/assets, /{minx},{miny},{maxx},{maxy}/assets GET endpoints to return a list of assets that intersect a given geometry (author @mackdelany, developmentseed#351)

0.3.4 (2021-08-02) - Not published on PyPi #355



  • add optional root_path setting to specify a url path prefix to use when running the app behind a reverse proxy (developmentseed#343)

0.3.3 (2021-06-29) - Not published on PyPi #355



  • update tilejson and WMTSCapabilities.xml endpoints to allow list querystrings (as done previously in developmentseed#319)


  • add titiler.application.middleware.LowerCaseQueryStringMiddleware to cast all query string parameter to lowercase (author @lorenzori, developmentseed#321)

code and repo

  • move titiler code to src/titiler

0.3.2 (2021-05-26)


  • update rio-tiler dependency to >=2.1 version and update rescale query-parameter (developmentseed#319)
# before
# previously, rio-tiler was splitting a list of input range in tuple of 2

# now
# rio-tiler 2.1 now expect sequence of tuple in form of Sequence[Tuple[Num, Num]]


  • update cogeo-mosaic version to >=3.0,<3.1.


  • re-order middlewares (developmentseed#311)
  • update rio-cogeo version to >=2.2 and use rio_cogeo.models instead of custom ones.

0.3.1 (2021-04-27)

  • add exclude_path options in titiler.application.middleware.CacheControlMiddleware to avoid adding cache-control headers to specific paths.

  • allow histogram_bins to be a single value or a , delimited scalar (developmentseed#307)

  • change error status from 404 to 500 for RasterioIOError exception (author @kylebarron, developmentseed#300)

    Sometimes GDAL/Rasterio can lose track of the file handler (might be related to cache issue + threading) and raise RasterioIOError: file not found, while the file exists for real. To avoid caching this, we changed the error code to 500 (errors >= 500 do not get cache-control header on titiler.application).

0.3.0 (2021-04-19)

breaking change

  • split titiler into a set of namespaces packages (developmentseed#284)


    The core package host the low level tiler factories.

    # before
    from titiler.endpoints.factory import TilerFactory
    # now
    from titiler.core.factory import TilerFactory


    The mosaic package is a plugin to titiler.core which adds support for MosaicJSON

    # before
    from titiler.endpoints.factory import MosaicTilerFactory
    # now
    from titiler.mosaic.factory import MosaicTilerFactory


    The application package is a full ready to use FastAPI application with support of STAC, COG and MosaicJSON.

    # before
    $ pip install titiler
    $ uvicorn titiler.main:app --reload
    # now
    $ pip install titiler.application uvicorn
    $ uvicorn titiler.application.main:app --reload

0.2.0 (2021-03-09)

  • adapt for cogeo-mosaic 3.0.0rc2 and add backend_options attribute in MosaicTilerFactory (developmentseed#247)
  • update FastAPI requirements
  • update minimal python version to 3.6
  • add **render_params.kwargs to pass custom render params in image.render method (developmentseed#259)
  • Changed probe url from /ping to /healthz in k8s deployment

breaking change

  • renamed OptionalHeaders, MimeTypes and ImageDrivers enums to the singular form (developmentseed#258)

  • renamed titiler.dependencies's Enums (ColorMapName, ResamplingName and TileMatrixSetName) to the singular form (developmentseed#260)

  • renamed MimeType to MediaType (developmentseed#258)

  • add ColorMapParams dependency to ease the creation of custom colormap dependency (developmentseed#252)

  • renamed PathParams to DatasetPathParams and also made it a simple callable (developmentseed#260)

  • renamed colormap query-parameter to colormap_name (developmentseed#262)

    # before
    # now
  • use colormap query-parameter to pass custom colormap (developmentseed#262)

    /cog/preview.png?colormap={"0": "#FFFF00FF", ...}

0.1.0 (2021-02-17)

breaking change

  • update titiler.dependencies.AssetsBidxParams to make asset a required parameter (developmentseed#230
  • the STAC /info endpoint now expect the assets parameter to be passed. To ge the list of available assets we added a new /assets endpoint within the tiler factory
  • remove COGReader as default reader in titiler.endpoints.factory.BaseTilerFactory

0.1.0a14 (2021-01-05)

  • add rio_tiler.errors.MissingBands in known errors.
  • add titiler.endpoints.factory.TMSFactory to enable custom TMS endpoints.
  • breaking rename BaseFactory to BaseTilerFactory in titiler.endpoints.factory

0.1.0a13 (2020-12-20)

  • allow API_DISABLE_{COG/STAC/MOSAIC} environment variables to control default endpoints in titiler main app (developmentseed#156)
  • add overwriting=False/True on MosaicJSON creation (developmentseed#164)
  • add gdal_config option to Tiler factories to replace custom APIRoute class (developmentseed#168)
  • add info.geojson endpoint to return dataset info as a GeoJSON feature (developmentseed#166)
  • update rio-tiler, cogeo-mosaic and optional dependencies

0.1.0a12 (2020-11-18)

  • require rio-tiler>=2.0.0rc2
  • update Enums for Image types. (breaking)
  • Add more output datatype (jpeg2000, pngraw)
  • add width/height in /crop endpoint path

0.1.0a11.post1 (2020-11-12)

  • relax version for rio-tiler and cogeo-mosaic

0.1.0a11 (2020-11-12)

0.1.0a10 (2020-11-09)

  • update for rio-tiler==2.0.0rc1, cogeo-mosaic==3.0.0a17 and morecantile==2.0
  • split tile() factory method (developmentseed#141, author @fredliporace)

0.1.0a9 (2020-10-26)

  • avoid changing mutable TMS and Colormap list by using deepcopy.
  • quiet/turn off logs
  • add logger middleware (developmentseed#139)

0.1.0a8 (2020-10-13)

  • update for rio-tiler 2.0.0b17, which now support TMS (morecantile) by default.
  • update fastapi minimum version to 0.61

breaking changes

  • removed TMSTilerFactory (because default reader built with rio_tiler BaseReader should support TMS).

Note: We changed the versioning scheme to {major}.{minor}.{path}{pre}{prenum}

0.1.0-alpha.7 (2020-10-13)

0.1.0-alpha.6 (2020-10-05)

  • refactor CacheControl Middleware
  • rename headers value X-Server-Timings to Server-Timing.
  • add total;dur={} in response header Server-Timing, using new titiler.middleware.TotalTimeMiddleware middleware (113)
from titiler.middleware import CacheControlMiddleware, TotalTimeMiddleware
from fastapi import FastAPI

app.add_middleware(CacheControlMiddleware, cachecontrol="public, max-age=3600")
  • Add Brotli compression support (#126, author @kylebarron)
  • Numerous fix to CDK (co-author @kylebarron)

0.1.0-alpha.5 (2020-09-22)

  • exclude tests/ an stack/ in titiler python package.
  • add EPSG6933 in TMS

breaking changes

  • [FACTORY] the additional_dependency should be a Callable which return a dict.

    @dataclass  # type: ignore
    class BaseFactory(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
        """BaseTiler Factory."""
        # provide custom dependency
        additional_dependency: Callable[..., Dict] = field(default=lambda: dict())
    def AssetsParams(
        assets: Optional[str] = Query(
            title="Asset indexes",
            description="comma (',') delimited asset names (might not be an available options of some readers)",
    ) -> Dict:
        """Assets Dependency."""
        kwargs = {}
        if assets:
            kwargs["assets"] = assets.split(",")
        return kwargs
  • [FACTORY] remove _ prefix in factory methods (e.g _tile -> tile)

  • [FACTORY] refactor dependencies to better align with method definition.


    In the metadata, the MetadataParams will be used to pass pmin and pmax because they are the only required parameters for the metadata method. All other params will be passed to a kwargs dict.

    class MetadataParams(DefaultDependency):
        """Common Metadada parameters."""
        # Required params
        pmin: float = Query(2.0, description="Minimum percentile")
        pmax: float = Query(98.0, description="Maximum percentile")
        # Optional parameters
        bidx: Optional[str] = Query(
            None, title="Band indexes", description="comma (',') delimited band indexes",
        def __post_init__(self):
            """Post Init."""
            if self.bidx is not None:
                self.kwargs["indexes"] = tuple(
                    int(s) for s in re.findall(r"\d+", self.bidx)
    # metadata method in factory
    def metadata(
        kwargs: Dict = Depends(self.additional_dependency),
        """Return metadata."""
        reader = src_path.reader or self.reader
        with reader(src_path.url, **self.reader_options) as src_dst:
            info = src_dst.metadata(
        return info
  • [FACTORY] refactor dependencies definition

    @dataclass  # type: ignore
    class BaseFactory(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
        """BaseTiler Factory."""
        reader: default_readers_type = field(default=COGReader)
        reader_options: Dict = field(default_factory=dict)
        # FastAPI router
        router: APIRouter = field(default_factory=APIRouter)
        # Path Dependency
        path_dependency: Type[PathParams] = field(default=PathParams)
        # Rasterio Dataset Options (nodata, unscale, resampling)
        dataset_dependency: default_deps_type = field(default=DatasetParams)
        # Indexes/Expression Dependencies
        layer_dependency: default_deps_type = field(default=BidxExprParams)
        # Image rendering Dependencies
        render_dependency: default_deps_type = field(default=RenderParams)
        # TileMatrixSet dependency
        tms_dependency: Callable[..., TileMatrixSet] = WebMercatorTMSParams
        # provide custom dependency
        additional_dependency: Callable[..., Dict] = field(default=lambda: dict())
  • remove PathParams.reader attribute. This option was not used and would have been technically difficult to use.

    class PathParams:
        """Create dataset path from args"""
        url: str = Query(..., description="Dataset URL")

0.1.0-alpha.4 (2020-09-14)

  • Update .npy output format to follow the numpyTile format (#103)

    import numpy
    import requests
    from io import BytesIO
    endpoint = ...
    url = ""
    r = requests.get(f"{endpoint}/cog/tiles/14/10818/9146.npy",
        params = {
            "url": url,
    data = numpy.load(BytesIO(r.content))
    > (4, 256, 256)
  • Add titiler.custom.routing.apiroute_factory. This function enable the creation of custom fastapi.routing.APIRoute class with rasterio.Env() block.

    from fastapi import FastAPI, APIRouter
    from rasterio._env import get_gdal_config
    from titiler.custom.routing import apiroute_factory
    app = FastAPI()
    route_class = apiroute_factory({"GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN": "FALSE"})
    router = APIRouter(route_class=route_class)
    def simple():
        """should return FALSE."""
        res = get_gdal_config("GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN")
        return {"env": res}

    Note: This has only be tested for python 3.6 and 3.7.

0.1.0-alpha.3 (2020-09-03)

  • add custom url_for method in TilerFactory to retrieve prefixed endpoint URL (#95)

  • remove magic titiler.dependencies.PathParams mosaicid path translation, where a user could pass url=mosaicid:// to the endpoint.

  • switch to pydantic.BaseSettings for FastAPI application setting management.

    List of Settings:

    name: str = "titiler"
    cors_origins: str = "*"
    cachecontrol: str = "public, max-age=3600"

API Settings can now be set by adding a .env file in your local project or by setting environment variables (e.g API_CORS_ORIGIN="*")

0.1.0-alpha.2 (2020-09-01)

  • add Transform and CRS information in /part GeoTIFF output
  • pin rio-tiler-crs to >=3.0b4,<3.1 and cogeo-mosaic to >=3.0a10,<3.1

0.1.0-alpha.1 (2020-09-01)

  • rename to
  • remove cog* prefix to Bounds, Info and Metadata models
  • allow Union[str, int] for key in Metadata.statistics (as defined in rio-tiler-pds)

e.g Create a Landsat 8 Tiler

from titiler.endpoints.factory import TilerFactory, MosaicTilerFactory
from titiler.dependencies import BandsParams

from import L8Reader  # Not in TiTiler dependencies

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI(title="Landsat Tiler", openapi_url="/api/v1/openapi.json")
scene = TilerFactory(
    reader=L8Reader, additional_dependency=BandsParams, router_prefix="scenes"
mosaic = MosaicTilerFactory(
app.include_router(scene.router, prefix="/scenes", tags=["Scenes"])
app.include_router(mosaic.router, prefix="/mosaic", tags=["Mosaic"])

0.1a0 (2020-08-31)

First release on pypi

Tiler Factory

For this release we created new Tiler Factories class which handle creation of FastAPI routers for a given rio_tiler Readers.

from titiler.endpoints.factory import TilerFactory
from import COGReader, STACReader

from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

cog = TilerFactory()
app.include_router(cog.router, tags=["Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF"])

Readers / TileMatrixSets

The titiler.endpoints.factory.TilerFactory class will create a tiler with Web Mercator as uniq supported Tile Matrix Set.

For other TMS support, tiler needs to be created with titiler.endpoints.factory.TMSTilerFactory and with a TMS friendly reader (e.g rio_tiler_crs.COGReader).

Simple tiler with only Web Mercator support

from import COGReader

from titiler.endpoints import factory
from titiler.dependencies import WebMercatorTMSParams

app = factory.TilerFactory(reader=COGReader)
assert app.tms_dependency == WebMercatorTMSParams

Tiler with more TMS support (from morecantile)

from rio_tiler_crs import COGReader

from titiler.endpoints import factory
from titiler.dependencies import TMSParams

app = factory.TMSTilerFactory(reader=COGReader)
assert app.tms_dependency == TMSParams

Other changes

  • add mosaic support (#17 author @geospatial-jeff)
  • update to rio-tiler-crs>=3.0b* and rio-tiler>=2.0b*
  • Pin fastapi version to 0.60.1
  • Remove titiler.core in favor of starlette settings (#55, author @geospatial-jeff)
  • Add fastapi exception handlers (#56, author @geospatial-jeff)
  • Remove intermediary routers (#57, author @geospatial-jeff)
  • Remove /titiler/api submodule (e.g titiler.api.utils -> titiler.utils)
  • Add Cache-Control middleware. Endpoints do not define any cache-control headers. (part of #43, co-author with @geospatial-jeff)
  • Add 'X-Assets' in response headers for mosaic tiles (#51)
  • add cog validation via rio-cogeo (co-author with @geospatial-jeff, #37)

Breaking changes

  • default tiler to Web Mercator only
  • removed cache layer for tiles
  • updated html templates
template_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("titiler", "templates")
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=template_dir)

cog_template = templates.TemplateResponse(
        "request": request,
        "tilejson": request.url_for("cog_tilejson"),
        "metadata": request.url_for("cog_metadata"),

stac_template = templates.TemplateResponse(
        "request": request,
        "tilejson": request.url_for("stac_tilejson"),
        "metadata": request.url_for("stac_info"),

Pre Pypi releases

2.1.2 (2020-06-24)

  • add width & height parameters in API docs to force output size for part/preview endpoints.
  • add resampling_method in API docs.


2.1.1 (2020-06-22)

  • add minimum fastapi version (0.54.0) and update docker config


2.1.0 (2020-06-11)

  • add /preview, /crop, /point endpoints


2.0.0 (2020-06-09)

  • support STAC items (#16)
  • better API documentation via response models
  • update UI (/stac/viewer, /cog/viewer)
  • re-order OpenAPI route tags
  • update documentation


1.0.0 (2020-06-04)

Initial release
