TAKEAWAYS I've found some of the activities easy, and others difficult - I need to remember that I'm going to have strengths and weaknesses as a developer, and I should probably start to be aware of them and address them through practice and self-education.
Despite occasionally using the command line for various tasks, I never really thought about it as performing the same fundamental tasks as Finder (or Windows Explorer). It always just struck me as some weird, eldritch magic meant for people who knew more than I did. It's nice to shed that fear a bit.
STRATEGIES Going to try to practice some more pseudocoding so I can try and improve at that skill.
Going to try to work using keyboard shortcuts as much as possible and only use the touchpad when absolutely necessary.
SHOUTOUT Shout out to Kyra B, who I've been in three different breakout groups with and who has been very friendly and helpful!
SESSION THREE ADDITION Hey! I'm here adding some more thoughts to this file in accordance with the assignment in session three.
Thought one: Aren't fireflies neat?
Thought two: I could really go for a donut.
Thought three: You know I never watched Breaking Bad? Just not my cup of tea, I guess.