"Lightweight Unity Game plugin development framework,Give you a excellent experience."
NaResolver is a lightweight development framework for plugin development.
- Simplify Method Invoker related code
"C# String" convert to STL string easily
Setup easily
Excellent compatibility
Support Mono and Il2Cpp (New)
#define NA_RESOLVER_STRING_XOR _xor_ // if you need use string xor
#include <NaResolver/NaResolver.h>
using namespace NaOrganization::MidTerm;
Simplify xxx related code
if (UnityResolver.Setup())
printf("Setup successfully!");
// class
NaResolver::Class* klass = UnityResolver.GetClass("assembly", "namespace", "className");
// method
UnityResolver.GetMethod(klass, "returnType", "methodName", {"parameterType1", "parameterType2"});
// class
printf("(NaResolver->GetClass) Class(%p): %p\n", gameObject.type, gameObject.klass);
// method
printf("(NaResolver->GetMethod) Method(%p): %p\n", get_transform.method.GetInvokeAddress(), get_transform.method);
void* __this = nullptr; // fake value for test
void* result = NaApiInvoker<void*, void*>(get_transform.method.GetInvokeAddress()).Invoke(__this);
NaResolver is licensed under the GPL3.0 License, see LICENSE.txt for more information.