brew install easy-rsa
easyrsa init-pki
easyrsa build-ca
easyrsa build-server-full UNIQUE_SERVER_SHORT_NAME nopass
easyrsa build-client-full UNIQUE_CLIENT_SHORT_NAME nopass
Note: inline auth files can be generated using Easy-TLS, details can be found at the bottom of the Easy-RSA v3 OpenVPN Howto page.
easyrsa gen-dh
openvpn --genkey --secret ta.key
openssl x509 -in ca.crt -out ca.pem
openssl x509 -in server.fsxn.crt -out server.fsxn.pem
openssl x509 -in client.fsxn.crt -out client.fsxn.pem
Create folders: one for the server, and one for each of the client’s configurations. Give each client config a unique name, these should match the names of the certificates generated for each client.
Then copy the following files from the pki folder to each of the following:
Note: Easy-rsa created the pki folder at this location on my Mac. Some of the files are in subfolders
/usr/local/etc/pki/ Server:
ca.crt dh.pem ta.key server.crt server.key Client:
ca.crt ta.key client.crt client.key