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/Monitoring/LUN-monitoring/ @LirazRom10
/Monitoring/auto-add-cw-alarms/ @kcantrel
/Monitoring/monitor-ontap-services/ @kcantrel
+/Monitoring/ingest_nas_audit_logs_into_cloudwatch/ @kcantrel
/Terraform/deploy-fsx-ontap-sqlserver/ @varunrai
/Terraform/deploy-fsx-ontap-fileshare-access/ @varunrai
/Terraform/deploy-fsx-ontap/ @kcantrel
diff --git a/Monitoring/ingest_nas_audit_logs_into_cloudwatch/README.md b/Monitoring/ingest_nas_audit_logs_into_cloudwatch/README.md
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+++ b/Monitoring/ingest_nas_audit_logs_into_cloudwatch/README.md
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+# Ingest FSx for ONTAP NAS audit logs into CloudWatch
+## Overview
+This sample demonstrates a way to ingest the NAS audit logs from an FSx for Data ONTAP file system into a CloudWatch log group
+without having to NFS or CIFS mount a volume to access them.
+It will attempt to gather the audit logs from all the FSx for Data ONTAP file systems that are within a specified region.
+It will skip any file systems where the credentials aren't provided in the supplied AWS SecretManager's secret, or that do not have
+the appropriate NAS auditing configuration enabled.
+It will maintain a "stats" file in an S3 bucket that will keep track of the last time it successfully ingested audit logs from each
+file system to try to ensure it doesn't process an audit file more than once.
+You can run this script as a standalone program or as a Lambda function. These directions assume you are going to run it as a Lambda function.
+## Prerequisites
+- An FSx for Data ONTAP file system.
+- An S3 bucket to store the "stats" file. The "stats" file is used to keep track of the last time the Lambda function successfully
+ingested audit logs from each file system. Its size will be small (i.e. less than a few megabytes).
+- Have NAS auditing configured and enabled on the FSx for Data ONTAP file system. **Ensure you have selected the XML format for the audit logs.** Also,
+ensure you have set up a rotation schedule. The program will only act on audit log files that have been finalized, and not the "active" one. You can read this
+[knowledge based article](https://kb.netapp.com/on-prem/ontap/da/NAS/NAS-KBs/How_to_set_up_NAS_auditing_in_ONTAP_9) for instructions on how to setup NAS auditing.
+- Have the NAS auditing configured to store the audit logs in a volume with the same name on all FSx for Data ONTAP file
+systems that you want to ingest the audit logs from.
+- A CloudWatch log group.
+- An AWS Secrets Manager secret that contains the passwords for the fsxadmin account for all the FSx for Data ONTAP file systems you want to gather audit logs from.
+ - The secret should be in the form of key/value pairs (or a JSON object) where the key is the file system ID and value is the password for the fsxadmin account. For example:
+ {
+ "fs-1234567890abcdef0": "password1",
+ "fs-abcdef012345" : "password2"
+ }
+- You have applied the necessary SACLs to the files you want to audit. The knowledge base article linked above provides guidance on how to do this.
+- Since the Lambda function runs within your VPC it will not have access to the Internet, even if you can access the Internet from the Subnet it run from.
+Therefore, there needs to be an VPC endpoint for all the AWS services that the Lambda function uses. Specifically, the Lambda function needs to be able to access the following services:
+ - FSx.
+ - Secrets Manager.
+ - CloudWatch Logs.
+ - S3 - Note that typically there is a Gateway type VPC endpoint for S3, so you should not need to create a VPC endpoint for S3.
+ - EC2.
+- You have created a role with the necessary permissions to allow the Lambda function to do the following:
+Service | Actions | Resources |
+Fsx | fsx:DescribeFileSystems | * |
+ec2 | DescribeNetworkInterfaces | * |
+CreateNetworkInterface | arn:aws:ec2:<region>:<accountID>:* |
+DeleteNetworkInterface |
+CloudWatch Logs | CreateLogGroup | arn:aws:logs:<region>:<accountID>:log-group:* |
+CreateLogStream |
+PutLogEvents |
+s3 | ListBucket | arn:aws:s3:<region>:<accountID>:* |
+GetObject | arn:aws:s3:<region>:<accountID>:*/* |
+PutObject |
+Secrets Manager | GetSecretValue | arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<accountID>:secret:<secretName>* |
+- <accountID> - is your AWS account ID.
+- <region> - is the region where the FSx for ONTAP file systems are located.
+- <secretName> - is the name of the secret that contains the credentials for the fsxadmin accounts.
+- Since the Lambda function runs within your VPC it needs to be able to create and delete network interfaces.
+- The AWS Security Group Policy builder incorrectly generates resource lines for the `CreateNetworkInterface`
+and `DeleteNetworkInterface` actions. The correct resource line is `arn:aws:ec2:::*`.
+- It needs to be able to create a log groups so it can create a log group for the diagnostic output from the Lambda function.
+- Since the ARN of any Secrets Manager secret has random characters at the end of it, you must add the `*` at the end, or provide the full ARN of the secret.
+## Deployment
+1. Create a Lambda deployment package by:
+ 1. Downloading the `ingest_fsx_audit_logs.py` file from this repository and placing it in an empty directory.
+ 1. Rename the file to `lambda_function.py`.
+ 1. Install a couple dependencies that aren't included with AWS's base Lambda deployment by running the following command:
+`pip install --target . xmltodict requests_toolbelt`
+ 1. Zip the contents of the directory into a zip file.
+`zip -r ingest_fsx_audit_logs.zip .`
+2. Within the AWS console, or using the AWS API, create a Lambda function with:
+ 1. Python 3.10, or higher, as the runtime.
+ 1. Set the permissions to the role created above.
+ 1. Under `Additional Configurations` select `Enable VPC` and select a VPC and Subnet that will have access to all the FSx for ONTAP
+file system management endpoints that you want to gather audit logs from. Also, select a Security Group that allows TCP port 443 outbound.
+Inbound rules don't matter since the Lambda function is not accessible from a network.
+ 1. Click `Create Function` and on the next page, under the `Code` tab, select `Upload From -> .zip file.` Provide the .zip file created by the steps above.
+ 1. From the `Configuration -> General` tab set the timeout to at least 30 seconds. You will may need to increase that if it has to process a lot of audit entries and/or process a lot of FSx for ONTAP file systems.
+3. Configure the Lambda function by setting the following environment variables. For a Lambda function you do this by clicking on the `Configuration` tab and then the `Environment variables` sub tab.
+| Variable | Description |
+| --- | --- |
+| fsxRegion | The region where the FSx for ONTAP file systems are located. |
+| secretArn | The ARN of the secret that contains the credentials for all the FSx for ONTAP file systems you want to gather audit logs from. |
+| secretRegion | The region where the secret is stored. |
+| s3BucketRegion | The region of the S3 bucket where the stats file is stored. |
+| s3BucketName | The name of the S3 bucket where the stats file is stored. |
+| statsName | The name you want to use as the stats file. |
+| logGroupName | The name of the CloudWatch log group to ingest the audit logs into. |
+| volumeName | The name of the volume, on all the FSx for ONTAP file systems, where the audit logs are stored. |
+| vserverName | The name of the vserver, on all the FSx for ONTAP file systems, where the audit logs are stored. |
+4. Test the Lambda function by clicking on the `Test` tab and then clicking on the `Test` button. You should see "Executing function: succeeded".
+If not, click on the "Details" button to see what errors there are.
+5. After you have tested that the Ladmba function is running correctly, add an EventBridge trigger to have it run periodically.
+You can do this by clicking on the `Add Trigger` button within the AWS console and selecting `EventBridge (CloudWatch Events)`
+from the dropdown. You can then configure the schedule to run as often as you want. How often depends on how often you have
+set up your FSx for ONTAP file systems to generate audit logs, and how up-to-date you want the CloudWatch logs to be.
+## Author Information
+This repository is maintained by the contributors listed on [GitHub](https://github.com/NetApp/FSx-ONTAP-samples-scripts/graphs/contributors).
+## License
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
+You may obtain a copy of the License at [apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an _"AS IS"_ basis, without WARRANTIES or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+© 2024 NetApp, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
diff --git a/Monitoring/ingest_nas_audit_logs_into_cloudwatch/ingest_audit_log.py b/Monitoring/ingest_nas_audit_logs_into_cloudwatch/ingest_audit_log.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45da340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Monitoring/ingest_nas_audit_logs_into_cloudwatch/ingest_audit_log.py
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+# This script is used to ingest all the NAS audit logs from all the FSx for
+# ONTAP File Systems from the specified volume into a specified CloudWatch log
+# group. It will create a log stream for each FSxN audit logfile it finds.
+# It will attempt to process every FSxN within the region. It leverage AWS
+# secrets manager to get the credentials for the fsxadmin user on each FSxNs.
+# It will store the last read file for each FSxN in the specified S3 bucket so
+# that it will not process the same file twice. It will skip any FSxN file
+# system that it doesn't have credentials for. It will also skip any FSxN file
+# system that doesn't have the specified volume.
+# It assumes:
+# - That there is only one data vserver per FSxN file system and that it
+# is named 'fsx'.
+# - That the administrator username is 'fsxadmin'.
+# - That the audit log files will be named in the following format:
+# audit_fsx_D2024-09-24-T13-00-03_0000000000.xml
+# Where 'fsx' is the vserver name.
+from requests_toolbelt.multipart import decoder
+import urllib3
+import datetime
+import xmltodict
+import os
+import json
+from urllib3.util import Retry
+import boto3
+import botocore
+# You can configure this script by either setting the following variables, or
+# by setting environment variables with the same name.
+# Specify the secret region and ARN for the fsxadmin passwords.
+# Format of the secret should be:
+# {"fsId": "fsxadmin-password", "fsId": "fsxadmin-password", ...}
+#secretRegion = "us-west-2"
+#secretArn = "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-2:759995470648:secret:FSXN_passwords-MJixz9"
+# Where to store last read stats.
+#s3BucketRegion = "us-west-2"
+#s3BucketName = "keith-test-mon-ems-events"
+#statsName = "lastFileRead"
+# The region to process the FSxNs in.
+#fsxRegion = "us-west-2"
+# The name of the volume that holds the audit logs. Assumed to be the same on
+# all FSxNs.
+#volumeName = "audit_logs"
+# The name of the vserver that holds the audit logs. Assumed to be the same on
+# all FSxNs.
+#vserverName = "fsx"
+# The CloudWatch log group to store the audit logs in.
+#logGroupName = "/fsx/audit_logs"
+# This function returns the epoch time from the filename. It assumes the
+# filename is in the format of:
+# audit_fsx_D2024-09-24-T13-00-03_0000000000.xml
+def getEpoch(filename):
+ dateStr = filename.split('_')[2][1:]
+ year = int(dateStr.split('-')[0])
+ month = int(dateStr.split('-')[1])
+ day = int(dateStr.split('-')[2])
+ hour = int(dateStr.split('-')[3][1:])
+ minute = int(dateStr.split('-')[4])
+ second = int(dateStr.split('-')[5])
+ return datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second).timestamp()
+# This function copies a file from the FSxN file system, using the ONTAP
+# APIs, and then calls the ingestAuditFile function to upload the audit
+# log entires to the CloudWatch log group.
+def processFile(ontapAdminServer, headers, volumeUUID, filePath):
+ global http
+ #
+ # Create the tempoary file to hold the contents from the ONTAP/FSxN file.
+ tmpFileName = "/tmp/testout"
+ f = open(tmpFileName, "wb")
+ #
+ # Number of bytes to read for each API call.
+ blockSize=1024*1024
+ bytesRead = 0
+ requestSize = 1 # Set to > 0 to start the loop.
+ while requestSize > 0:
+ endpoint = f'https://{ontapAdminServer}/api/storage/volumes/{volumeUUID}/files/{filePath}?length={blockSize}&byte_offset={bytesRead}'
+ response = http.request('GET', endpoint, headers=headers, timeout=5.0)
+ if response.status == 200:
+ bytesRead += blockSize
+ data = response.data
+ #
+ # Get the multipart boundary separator from the first part of the file.
+ boundary = data[4:20].decode('utf-8')
+ #
+ # Get MultipartDecoder to decode the data.
+ contentType = f"multipart/form-data; boundary={boundary}"
+ multipart_data = decoder.MultipartDecoder(data, contentType)
+ #
+ # The first part returned from ONTAP contains the amount of data in the response. When it is 0, we have read the entire file.
+ firstPart = True
+ for part in multipart_data.parts:
+ if(firstPart):
+ requestSize = int(part.text)
+ firstPart = False
+ else:
+ f.write(part.content)
+ else:
+ print(f'API call to {endpoint} failed. HTTP status code: {response.status}.')
+ break
+ f.close()
+ #
+ # Upload the audit events to CloudWatch.
+ ingestAuditFile(tmpFileName, filePath)
+# This function returns a CloudWatch event from the XML audit log event.
+def createCWEvent(event):
+ # ObjectServer: Always just seems to be: 'Security'.
+ # HandleID: Is some odd string of numbers.
+ # InformationRequested: A verbose string of information.
+ # AccessList: A string of numbers that I'm not sure what they represent.
+ # AccessMask: A number that represent the access mask.
+ # DesiredAccess: A verbose list of strings represent the desired access.
+ # Attributes: A verbose list of strings representing the attributes.
+ # DirHandleID: A string of numbers that I'm not sure what they represent.
+ # SearchFilter: Always seems to be null.
+ # SearchPattern: Always seems to be set to "Not Present".
+ # SubjectPort: Just the TCP port that the user came in on.
+ # OldDirHandle and NewDirHandle: Are the UUIDs of the directory. The OldPath and NewPath are human readable.
+ ignoredDataFields = ["ObjectServer", "HandleID", "InformationRequested", "AccessList", "AccessMask", "DesiredAccess", "Attributes", "DirHandleID", "SearchFilter", "SearchPattern", "SubjectPort", "OldDirHandle", "NewDirHandle"]
+ #
+ # Convert the timestamp from the XML file to a timestamp in milliseconds.
+ # An example format of the time is: 2024-09-22T21:05:27.263864000Z
+ year = int(event['System']['TimeCreated']['@SystemTime'].split('-')[0])
+ month = int( event['System']['TimeCreated']['@SystemTime'].split('-')[1])
+ day = int(event['System']['TimeCreated']['@SystemTime'].split('-')[2].split('T')[0])
+ hour = int(event['System']['TimeCreated']['@SystemTime'].split('T')[1].split(':')[0])
+ minute = int(event['System']['TimeCreated']['@SystemTime'].split('T')[1].split(':')[1])
+ second = int(event['System']['TimeCreated']['@SystemTime'].split('T')[1].split(':')[2].split('.')[0])
+ msecond = event['System']['TimeCreated']['@SystemTime'].split('T')[1].split(':')[2].split('.')[1].split('Z')[0]
+ t = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
+ #
+ # Convert the timestep from a float in seconds to an integer in milliseconds.
+ msecond = int(msecond)/(10 ** (len(msecond) - 3))
+ t = int(t * 1000 + msecond)
+ #
+ # Build the message to send to CloudWatch.
+ cwData = f"Date={event['System']['TimeCreated']['@SystemTime']}, "
+ cwData += f"Event={event['System']['EventName'].replace(' ', '-')}, " # Replace spaces with dashes.
+ cwData += f"fs={event['System']['Computer'].split('/')[0]}, "
+ cwData += f"svm={event['System']['Computer'].split('/')[1]}, "
+ cwData += f"Result={event['System']['Result'].replace(' ', '-')}" # Replace spaces with dashes.
+ #
+ # Add the data fields to the message. Some fields are ignored. Some required special handling.
+ for data in event['EventData']['Data']:
+ if data['@Name'] not in ignoredDataFields:
+ if data['@Name'] == 'SubjectIP':
+ cwData += f", IP={data['#text']}"
+ elif data['@Name'] == 'SubjectUnix':
+ cwData += f", UnixID={data['@Uid']}, GroupID={data['@Gid']}"
+ elif data['@Name'] == 'SubjectUserSid':
+ cwData += f", UserSid={data['#text']}"
+ elif data['@Name'] == 'SubjectUserName':
+ cwData += f", UserName={data['#text']}"
+ elif data['@Name'] == 'SubjectDomainName':
+ cwData += f", Domain={data['#text']}"
+ elif data['@Name'] == 'ObjectName' or data['@Name'] == 'FileName':
+ cwData += f", volume={data['#text'].split(';')[0].replace('(', '').replace(')', '')}, name={data['#text'].split(';')[1]}"
+ elif data['@Name'] == 'InformationSet':
+ if data.get('#text') == None:
+ cwData += ", InformationSet=Null"
+ else:
+ cwData += f", InformationSet={data['#text']}"
+ else: # Assume the rest of the fields don't need special handling.
+ cwData += f", {data['@Name']}={data['#text']}"
+ return {'timestamp': t, 'message': cwData}
+# This function uploads the audit log events stored in XML format to a
+# CloudWatch log stream.
+def ingestAuditFile(auditLogPath, auditLogName):
+ global cwLogsClient, config
+ #
+ # Convert the XML audit log file into a dictionary.
+ f = open(auditLogPath, 'r')
+ data = f.read()
+ dictData = xmltodict.parse(data)
+ if dictData.get('Events') == None or dictData['Events'].get('Event') == None:
+ print(f"No events found in {auditLogName}")
+ return
+ #
+ # Ensure the logstream exists.
+ try:
+ cwLogsClient.create_log_stream(logGroupName=config['logGroupName'], logStreamName=auditLogName)
+ except cwLogsClient.exceptions.ResourceAlreadyExistsException:
+ #
+ # This really shouldn't happen, since we should only be processing
+ # each file once, but during testing it happens all the time.
+ print(f"Log stream {auditLogName} already exists")
+ #
+ # If there is only one event, then the dict['Events']['Event'] will be a
+ # dictionary, otherwise it will be a list of dictionaries.
+ if isinstance(dictData['Events']['Event'], list):
+ cwEvents = []
+ for event in dictData['Events']['Event']:
+ cwEvents.append(createCWEvent(event))
+ if len(cwEvents) == 5000: # The real maximum is 10000 events, but there is also a size limit, so we will use 5000.
+ print("Putting 5000 events")
+ response = cwLogsClient.put_log_events(logGroupName=config['logGroupName'], logStreamName=auditLogName, logEvents=cwEvents)
+ if response.get('rejectedLogEventsInfo') != None:
+ if response['rejectedLogEventsInfo'].get('tooNewLogEventStartIndex') > 0:
+ print(f"Warning: Too new log event start index: {response['rejectedLogEventsInfo']['tooNewLogEventStartIndex']}")
+ if response['rejectedLogEventsInfo'].get('tooOldLogEventStartIndex') > 0:
+ print(f"Warning: Too old log event start index: {response['rejectedLogEventsInfo']['tooOldLogEventStartIndex']}")
+ cwEvents = []
+ else:
+ cwEvents = [createCWEvent(dictData['Events']['Event'])]
+ if len(cwEvents) > 0:
+ print(f"Putting {len(cwEvents)} events")
+ response = cwLogsClient.put_log_events(logGroupName=config['logGroupName'], logStreamName=auditLogName, logEvents=cwEvents)
+ if response.get('rejectedLogEventsInfo') != None:
+ if response['rejectedLogEventsInfo'].get('tooNewLogEventStartIndex') > 0:
+ print(f"Warning: Too new log event start index: {response['rejectedLogEventsInfo']['tooNewLogEventStartIndex']}")
+ if response['rejectedLogEventsInfo'].get('tooOldLogEventStartIndex') > 0:
+ print(f"Warning: Too old log event start index: {response['rejectedLogEventsInfo']['tooOldLogEventStartIndex']}")
+# This function checks that all the required configuration variables are set.
+def checkConfig():
+ global config
+ config = {
+ 'volumeName': volumeName if 'volumeName' in globals() else None, # pylint: disable=E0602
+ 'logGroupName': logGroupName if 'logGroupName' in globals() else None, # pylint: disable=E0602
+ 'fsxRegion': fsxRegion if 'fsxRegion' in globals() else None, # pylint: disable=E0602
+ 'secretRegion': secretRegion if 'secretRegion' in globals() else None, # pylint: disable=E0602
+ 'secretArn': secretArn if 'secretArn' in globals() else None, # pylint: disable=E0602
+ 's3BucketRegion': s3BucketRegion if 's3BucketRegion' in globals() else None, # pylint: disable=E0602
+ 's3BucketName': s3BucketName if 's3BucketName' in globals() else None, # pylint: disable=E0602
+ 'statsName': statsName if 'statsName' in globals() else None, # pylint: disable=E0602
+ 'vserverName': vserverName if 'vserverName' in globals() else None # pylint: disable=E0602
+ }
+ for item in config:
+ if config[item] == None:
+ config[item] = os.environ.get(item)
+ if config[item] == None:
+ raise Exception(f"{item} is not set.")
+# This is the main function that checks that everything is configured correctly
+# and then processes all the FSxNs.
+def lambda_handler(event, context): # pylint: disable=W0613
+ global http, cwLogsClient, config
+ #
+ # Check that we have all the configuration variables we need.
+ checkConfig()
+ #
+ # Create a Secrets Manager client.
+ session = boto3.session.Session()
+ secretsClient = session.client(service_name='secretsmanager', region_name=config['secretRegion'])
+ #
+ # Get the fsxadmin passwords for all the file systems.
+ secretsInfo = secretsClient.get_secret_value(SecretId=config['secretArn'])
+ secrets = json.loads(secretsInfo['SecretString'])
+ username = "fsxadmin"
+ #
+ # Create a S3 client.
+ s3Client = boto3.client('s3', config['s3BucketRegion'])
+ #
+ # Create a FSx client.
+ fsxClient = boto3.client('fsx', config['fsxRegion'])
+ #
+ # Create a CloudWatch client.
+ cwLogsClient = boto3.client('logs', config['fsxRegion'])
+ #
+ # Disable warning about connecting to servers with self-signed SSL certificates.
+ urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning)
+ retries = Retry(total=None, connect=1, read=1, redirect=10, status=0, other=0) # pylint: disable=E1123
+ http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE', retries=retries)
+ #
+ # Get a list of FSxNs in the region.
+ fsxNs = [] # Holds the FQDN of the FSxNs management ports.
+ fsxResponse = fsxClient.describe_file_systems()
+ for fsx in fsxResponse['FileSystems']:
+ fsxNs.append(fsx['OntapConfiguration']['Endpoints']['Management']['DNSName'])
+ #
+ # Make sure to get them all since the response is paginated.
+ while fsxResponse.get('NextToken') != None:
+ fsxResponse = fsxClient.describe_file_systems(NextToken=fsxResponse['NextToken'])
+ for fsx in fsxResponse['FileSystems']:
+ fsxNs.append(fsx['OntapConfiguration']['Endpoints']['Management']['DNSName'])
+ #
+ # Get the last read stats file.
+ try:
+ response = s3Client.get_object(Bucket=config['s3BucketName'], Key=config['statsName'])
+ except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err:
+ #
+ # If the error is that the object doesn't exist, then this must be the
+ # first time this script has run so create an empty lastFileRead.
+ if err.response['Error']['Code'] == "NoSuchKey":
+ lastFileRead = {}
+ else:
+ raise err
+ else:
+ lastFileRead = json.loads(response['Body'].read().decode('utf-8'))
+ #
+ # Only update the lastFileRead if we actually copied a new file.
+ lastFileReadChanged = False
+ #
+ # Process each FSxN.
+ for fsxn in fsxNs:
+ fsId = fsxn.split('.')[1]
+ #
+ # Get the password
+ password = secrets.get(fsId)
+ if password == None:
+ print(f'Warning: No password found for {fsId}.')
+ continue
+ #
+ # Create a header with the basic authentication.
+ auth = urllib3.make_headers(basic_auth=f'{username}:{password}')
+ headersDownload = { **auth, 'Accept': 'multipart/form-data' }
+ headersQuery = { **auth }
+ #
+ # Get the volume UUID for the audit_logs volume.
+ volumeUUID = None
+ endpoint = f"https://{fsxn}/api/storage/volumes?name={config['volumeName']}&svm={config['vserverName']}"
+ response = http.request('GET', endpoint, headers=headersQuery, timeout=5.0)
+ if response.status == 200:
+ data = json.loads(response.data.decode('utf-8'))
+ if data['num_records'] > 0:
+ volumeUUID = data['records'][0]['uuid'] # Since we specified the volume, and vserver name, there should only be one record.
+ if volumeUUID == None:
+ print(f"Warning: Volume {config['volumeName']} not found for {fsId} under SVM: {config['vserverName']}.")
+ continue
+ #
+ # Get all the files in the volume that match the audit file pattern.
+ endpoint = f"https://{fsxn}/api/storage/volumes/{volumeUUID}/files?name=audit_{config['vserverName']}_D*.xml&order_by=name%20asc&fields=name"
+ response = http.request('GET', endpoint, headers=headersQuery, timeout=5.0)
+ data = json.loads(response.data.decode('utf-8'))
+ if data.get('num_records') == 0:
+ print(f"Warning: No XML audit log files found on FsID: {fsId}; SvmID: {config['vserverName']}; Volume: {config['volumeName']}.")
+ continue
+ for file in data['records']:
+ filePath = file['name']
+ if lastFileRead.get(fsxn) == None or getEpoch(filePath) > lastFileRead[fsxn]:
+ #
+ # Process the file.
+ processFile(fsxn, headersDownload, volumeUUID, filePath)
+ lastFileRead[fsxn] = getEpoch(filePath)
+ lastFileReadChanged = True
+ #
+ # Save the last read stats file.
+ if lastFileReadChanged:
+ s3Client.put_object(Key=config['statsName'], Bucket=config['s3BucketName'], Body=json.dumps(lastFileRead).encode('UTF-8'))
+# If this script is not running as a Lambda function, then call the lambda_handler function.
+if os.environ.get('AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME') == None:
+ lambdaFunction = False
+ lambda_handler(None, None)
+ lambdaFunction = True