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Easy and Efficient Transformer


GitHub license GitHub release release

EET(Easy and Efficient Transformer) is a friendly Pytorch inference plugin focus on Transformer-based models to make mega-size model affordable.


  • New🔥: Support Baichuan, LLaMA and other LLMs.
  • New🔥: Support int8 quantization.
  • Support Mega-size model with single GPU.
  • Expertise in inference for multi-modal and NLP tasks (CLIP/GPT-3/Bert/Seq2seq etc.).
  • High performance. Make the transformer-based model faster and faster with the effect of CUDA kernel optimization and quantization/sparsity algorithm.
  • Out-of-the-box for Transformers and Fairseq. Save your pain of trivial configuration and make your model work within a few lines.

Model Matrix

model type Transformers Fairseq Quantization SpeedUp Since version
GPT-32~8x0.0.1 beta
BertX1~5x0.0.1 beta
ALBertX1~5x0.0.1 beta
RobertaXX1~5x0.0.1 beta

Quick Start


  • cuda:>=11.4
  • python:>=3.7
  • gcc:>= 7.4.0
  • torch:>=1.12.0
  • numpy:>=1.19.1
  • fairseq:==0.10.0
  • transformers:>=4.31.0

The above environment is the minimum configuration, and it is best to use a newer version.


Recommend using docker images.

From Source

If you are installing from source, you will need install the necessary environment.Then proceed as follows:

$ git clone
$ pip install .

Recommend using and other series of images, you can also use the provided Dockerfile file.

From Docker

$ git clone
$ docker build -t eet_docker:0.1 .
$ nvidia-docker run -it --net=host -v /your/project/directory/:/root/workspace  eet_docker:0.1 bash

The EET and its required environment have been installed in docker.


We provide three types of APIs:

  • Operators APIs, such as embedding, masked-multi-head-attention, ffn etc. Enable you to define your custom models.
  • Model APIs, such as TransformerDecoder, BertEncoder etc. Enable you to integrate EET into your pytorch project.
  • Application APIs, such as Transformers Pipeline. Enable you to run your model in a few lines.

Operators APIs

Operators APIs are the intermediate representation of C++/CUDA and Python. We provide almost all the operators required for Transformer models. You can combine different OPs to build other model structures.

  • Operators API table

    operators python API Remarks
    multi_head_attention EETSelfAttention self attention
    masked_multi_head_attention EETSelfMaskedAttention causal attention
    cross_multi_head_attention EETCrossAttention cross attention
    ffn EETFeedforward feed forward network
    embedding EETBertEmbedding correspondence to Fairseq and Transfomers
    layernorm EETLayerNorm same as nn.LayerNorm
  • How to use

    The definition of these OPs is in the file EET/csrc/py11/eet2py.cpp and some using examples were show in the files under python/eet, which tell us how to use those OPs to make up classic models.

Model APIs

As an plugin, EET provides friendly model APIs(python/eet) to integrated into Fairseq and Transformers.

All you need to do is find the corresponding class according to the tables below (usually with a prefix of 'EET') and initialize an object with the from_torch and from_pretrained function.

Note: We now only support pre-padding for GPT-3.

EET and fairseq class comparison table :

EET fairseq Remarks
EETTransformerDecoder TransformerDecoder
EETTransformerDecoderLayer TransformerDecoderLayer
EETTransformerAttention MultiheadAttention
EETTransformerFeedforward TransformerDecoderLayer fusion of multiple small operators
EETTransformerEmbedding Embedding + PositionalEmbedding
EETTransformerLayerNorm nn.LayerNorm

EET and Transformers class comparison table :

EET transformers Remarks
EETBertModel BertModel
EETBertEmbedding BertEmbeddings
EETGPT2Model GPT2Model
EETGPT2Decoder GPT2Model Transformers has no GPT2Decoder
EETGPT2DecoderLayer Block
EETGPT2Attention Attention
EETGPT2Feedforward MLP
EETGPT2Embedding nn.Embedding
EETLayerNorm nn.LayerNorm

In addition to the basic model types above, we have extended some task-specific APIs to support different tasks. The table below is part of our task-specific model APIs :

EET transformers Remarks
EETBertForPreTraining BertForPreTraining
EETBertLMHeadModel BertLMHeadModel
EETBertForMaskedLM BertForMaskedLM
EETBertForNextSentencePrediction BertForNextSentencePrediction
EETBertForSequenceClassification BertForSequenceClassification
EETBertForMultipleChoice BertForMultipleChoice
EETBertForTokenClassification BertForTokenClassification
EETBertForQuestionAnswering BertForQuestionAnswering
  • How to use

This is a code snip to show how to use model APIs :


You can build your application with the model APIs directly with the task-specific APIs. There is an example of a fill-mask:

from eet import EETRobertaForMaskedLM
from transformers import RobertaTokenizer
input = ["My <mask> is Sarah and I live in London"]
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained('roberta-base')
eet_roberta_model = EETRobertaForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('roberta-base',max_batch = max_batch_size,data_type = data_type)
# first step: tokenize
model_inputs = tokenizer(input,return_tensors = 'pt')
masked_index = torch.nonzero(model_inputs['input_ids'][0] == tokenizer.mask_token_id, as_tuple=False).squeeze(-1)
# second step: predict
prediction_scores = eet_roberta_model(model_inputs['input_ids'].cuda(),attention_mask = model_inputs['attention_mask'])
# third step: argmax
predicted_index = torch.argmax(prediction_scores.logits[0, masked_index]).item()
predicted_token = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(predicted_index)

For more examples, please refer to example/python/models.

Application APIs

EET provides a ready-made pipelines approach to simplify your application building for different tasks without using the model APIs above.

Here is an example :

import torch
from eet import pipeline
max_batch_size = 1
model_path = 'roberta-base'
data_type = torch.float16
input = ["My <mask> is Sarah and I live in London"]
nlp = pipeline("fill-mask",model = model_path,data_type = data_type,max_batch_size = max_batch_size)
out = nlp(input)

Now we support these tasks:

Task Since version
text-classification 1.0
token-classification 1.0
question-answering 1.0
fill-mask 1.0
text-generation 1.0
image-classification 1.0
zero_shot_image_classification 1.0

For more examples, please refer to example/python/pipelines.


Detailed performance data of GPT-3 and Bert model inference can be viewed at link.

  • GPT-3 on A100
  • Bert on 2080ti
  • Llama13B on 3090

Cite Us

If you use EET in your research, please cite the following paper.

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2104.12470},
  url = {},
  author = {Li, Gongzheng and Xi, Yadong and Ding, Jingzhen and Wang, Duan and Liu, Bai and Fan, Changjie and Mao, Xiaoxi and Zhao, Zeng},
  keywords = {Computation and Language (cs.CL), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
  title = {Easy and Efficient Transformer : Scalable Inference Solution For large NLP model},


We have a share on ZhiYuan LIVE, link:

Contact us

You can post your problem with github issues.

You can also contact us by email :

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]