This project is about finding the importance of the node in a community, which is formed based on the source nodes. The communities are formed using DFS traversal of the seed node. The dataset used is hep-th dataset. The following metrics are implemented for influential node detection
Graphia software for graph visulaization Networkx. Refer this for further information:
Centiserver is a website which contains the information about all the centrality measures used in various problem domains. Refer this for more information:
- optimal for one application while performs worse for a different application.
- features which identify the most important vertices in a given network do not necessarily generalize to the remaining vertices.
The measures that have been implemented are as follows. Description about the measures could be found in the document.
- Degree centrality ✅
- Closeness centrality ✅
- Betweeness centrality ✅
- Harmonic centrality
- Eigenvector centrality ✅
- Katz centrlaity ✅
- Percolation centrality
- PageRank ✅
- Freeman centrality
- Cross clique
- Dissimilarity measures
- HITZ algorithm ✅
- Degree prestige ✅
- Proximity prestige ✅
- Rank Prestige ✅
- Shapley–Shubik power index
- Voterank ✅
- Leaderrank ✅
- TARank ✅
- Cocitations ✅
- Hybrid degree centality ✅
- Expected force of infection ✅
- Reciprocal of Eccentricty ✅
These measures are adopted from this repository, where the measures are written in matlab. Here, it is implemented in python.
- Semilocal centrality
- Non backtracking
- Communities.csv - information about the communities. (no of nodes, no of sink nodes, max indegree, nodes with max indegree)
- HITZ.csv - HITZ algorithm (hub node nd authority node with max hub and authority score, for each community)
- bc_cc_kc.csv - Centrality measires(node with max betweeness centrality, closeness centrality and katz centrality with their scores for 13 communities)
- citation.csv - citation information (number of citations and number of papers it cite, for each node)
- cocitation.csv - cocited papers (list of cocited papers for each node and the count of the list)
- cocitation1.csv - common successors (number of common papers which cite the nodes, for each pair of nodes)
- katz (1).csv - Katz centrality (node with highest katz score for each centrality)
- pr_dc_ec.csv - Page rank, Degree centrality and Eigen Centrality (Nodes with highest score for these measures, for each community)
- prestige.csv - Degree, Proximity and Rank Prestige (for 10 communities)
- re_cc_kc.csv - Reciprocal of Eccentrity, Closeness and Katz centrality (27 communities)
- source_nodes.csv - Source node of each community
- voterank.csv - Voterank Algorithm (node with highest score for each community)