- Fit, aprroximation, interpolation, estimation, predict
- case in real life, spline
Universal approximation theorem
- spline appr
- multi-diemensions
- image, cases of low dimension embedded
Hebbian, naive ANN
- where the neuron is?
- matrix and non-linear
XOR, multi-layer
- info redundant, constrain (cnn, dimension reduction
- info distill (auto-encoder/LeNet
localize, convolution, primary visual cortex of mammal, DCT
- huge number of weights/paras
- visual cortex, DCT
- localize, convolution
LeNet, AlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet inception, ResNet
- timeline, go deep, Autoencoder, Hinton 2006
- LeNet, 1998
- AlexNet, 2012, ImageNet Challenge
- Vgg, 2014, Visual Geometry Group - University of Oxford
- GoogLeNet inception, 2014
- ResNet, 2015 Dec
- build blocks, ReLu 1996/2010, with leakage, pooling, dropout etc
- optimization, training, backpropagation, Andrew Ng's course
Gu@SUNY, manifold
what's more
- detect, track, Yolo/openPose etc
- connect concrete and abstract
- Deep Learning and Geometry, by Xianfeng Gu
- the figure of three stage
- further methodology
- non-BP
- unsupervised
- etc
a little bit more on AGI
fully DL rendered movie?
- on Aesthetic, eyes movement
- scratch2code
- coloring
- more