diff --git a/nbs/losses.ipynb b/nbs/losses.ipynb
index ac0675c..058456a 100644
--- a/nbs/losses.ipynb
+++ b/nbs/losses.ipynb
@@ -169,7 +169,75 @@
") -> pl_DataFrame:\n",
" exprs = [gen_expr(model) for model in models]\n",
" df = df.select([id_col, *exprs])\n",
- " return ufp.group_by(df, id_col, maintain_order=True).mean()"
+ " return ufp.group_by(df, id_col, maintain_order=True).mean()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def _scale_loss(\n",
+ " loss_df: DFType,\n",
+ " scale_type: str,\n",
+ " models: List[str],\n",
+ " seasonality: int,\n",
+ " train_df: DFType,\n",
+ " id_col: str = \"unique_id\",\n",
+ " target_col: str = \"y\",\n",
+ ") -> DFType:\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " Parameters\n",
+ " ----------\n",
+ " loss_df : pandas or polars DataFrame\n",
+ " Input dataframe with id, actuals, predictions and losses results.\n",
+ " scale_type : str\n",
+ " Type of scaling. Possible values are 'absolute_error' or 'squared_error'.\n",
+ " models : list of str\n",
+ " Columns that identify the models predictions.\n",
+ " seasonality : int\n",
+ " Main frequency of the time series;\n",
+ " Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1.\n",
+ " train_df : pandas or polars DataFrame\n",
+ " Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time.\n",
+ " id_col : str (default='unique_id')\n",
+ " Column that identifies each serie.\n",
+ " target_col : str (default='y')\n",
+ " Column that contains the target.\n",
+ " Returns\n",
+ " -------\n",
+ " pandas or polars Dataframe\n",
+ " dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.\n",
+ " References\n",
+ " ----------\n",
+ " [1] https://robjhyndman.com/papers/mase.pdf\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ " if isinstance(train_df, pd.DataFrame):\n",
+ " loss_df = loss_df.set_index(id_col)\n",
+ " # assume train_df is sorted\n",
+ " lagged = train_df.groupby(id_col, observed=True)[target_col].shift(seasonality)\n",
+ " if scale_type == \"absolute_error\":\n",
+ " scale = train_df[target_col].sub(lagged).abs()\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " scale = train_df[target_col].sub(lagged).pow(2)\n",
+ " scale = scale.groupby(train_df[id_col], observed=True).mean()\n",
+ " res = loss_df.div(_zero_to_nan(scale), axis=0).fillna(0)\n",
+ " res.index.name = id_col\n",
+ " res = res.reset_index()\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " # assume train_df is sorted\n",
+ " lagged = pl.col(target_col).shift(seasonality).over(id_col)\n",
+ " if scale_type == \"absolute_error\":\n",
+ " scale_expr = pl.col(target_col).sub(lagged).abs().alias(\"scale\")\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " scale_expr = pl.col(target_col).sub(lagged).pow(2).alias(\"scale\")\n",
+ " scale = train_df.select([id_col, scale_expr])\n",
+ " scale = ufp.group_by(scale, id_col).mean()\n",
+ " scale = scale.with_columns(_zero_to_nan(pl.col(\"scale\")))\n",
+ "\n",
+ " def gen_expr(model):\n",
+ " return pl.col(model).truediv(pl.col(\"scale\")).fill_nan(0).alias(model)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " full_df = loss_df.join(scale, on=id_col, how=\"left\")\n",
+ " res = _pl_agg_expr(full_df, models, id_col, gen_expr)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " return res"
@@ -1068,29 +1136,15 @@
" [1] https://robjhyndman.com/papers/mase.pdf \n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" mean_abs_err = mae(df, models, id_col, target_col)\n",
- " if isinstance(train_df, pd.DataFrame):\n",
- " mean_abs_err = mean_abs_err.set_index(id_col)\n",
- " # assume train_df is sorted\n",
- " lagged = train_df.groupby(id_col, observed=True)[target_col].shift(seasonality)\n",
- " scale = train_df[target_col].sub(lagged).abs()\n",
- " scale = scale.groupby(train_df[id_col], observed=True).mean()\n",
- " res = mean_abs_err.div(_zero_to_nan(scale), axis=0).fillna(0)\n",
- " res.index.name = id_col\n",
- " res = res.reset_index()\n",
- " else:\n",
- " # assume train_df is sorted\n",
- " lagged = pl.col(target_col).shift(seasonality).over(id_col)\n",
- " scale_expr = pl.col(target_col).sub(lagged).abs().alias('scale')\n",
- " scale = train_df.select([id_col, scale_expr])\n",
- " scale = ufp.group_by(scale, id_col).mean()\n",
- " scale = scale.with_columns(_zero_to_nan(pl.col('scale')))\n",
- "\n",
- " def gen_expr(model):\n",
- " return pl.col(model).truediv(pl.col('scale')).fill_nan(0).alias(model)\n",
- "\n",
- " full_df = mean_abs_err.join(scale, on=id_col, how='left')\n",
- " res = _pl_agg_expr(full_df, models, id_col, gen_expr)\n",
- " return res"
+ " return _scale_loss(\n",
+ " loss_df=mean_abs_err,\n",
+ " scale_type=\"absolute_error\",\n",
+ " models=models,\n",
+ " seasonality=seasonality,\n",
+ " train_df=train_df,\n",
+ " id_col=id_col,\n",
+ " target_col=target_col\n",
+ " )"
@@ -1399,29 +1453,15 @@
" [1] https://otexts.com/fpp3/accuracy.html\n",
" \"\"\"\n",
" mean_sq_err = mse(df=df, models=models, id_col=id_col, target_col=target_col)\n",
- " if isinstance(train_df, pd.DataFrame):\n",
- " mean_sq_err = mean_sq_err.set_index(id_col)\n",
- " # assume train_df is sorted\n",
- " lagged = train_df.groupby(id_col, observed=True)[target_col].shift(seasonality)\n",
- " scale = train_df[target_col].sub(lagged).pow(2)\n",
- " scale = scale.groupby(train_df[id_col], observed=True).mean()\n",
- " res = mean_sq_err.div(_zero_to_nan(scale), axis=0).fillna(0)\n",
- " res.index.name = id_col\n",
- " res = res.reset_index()\n",
- " else:\n",
- " # assume train_df is sorted\n",
- " lagged = pl.col(target_col).shift(seasonality).over(id_col)\n",
- " scale_expr = pl.col(target_col).sub(lagged).pow(2).alias(\"scale\")\n",
- " scale = train_df.select([id_col, scale_expr])\n",
- " scale = ufp.group_by(scale, id_col).mean()\n",
- " scale = scale.with_columns(_zero_to_nan(pl.col(\"scale\")))\n",
- "\n",
- " def gen_expr(model):\n",
- " return pl.col(model).truediv(pl.col(\"scale\")).fill_nan(0).alias(model)\n",
- "\n",
- " full_df = mean_sq_err.join(scale, on=id_col, how=\"left\")\n",
- " res = _pl_agg_expr(full_df, models, id_col, gen_expr)\n",
- " return res"
+ " return _scale_loss(\n",
+ " loss_df=mean_sq_err,\n",
+ " scale_type=\"squared_error\",\n",
+ " models=models,\n",
+ " seasonality=seasonality,\n",
+ " train_df=train_df,\n",
+ " id_col=id_col,\n",
+ " target_col=target_col\n",
+ " )"
@@ -1746,7 +1786,7 @@
"text/markdown": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L462){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L472){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### quantile_loss\n",
@@ -1772,7 +1812,7 @@
"text/plain": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L462){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L472){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### quantile_loss\n",
@@ -1859,6 +1899,189 @@
" )"
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Scaled Quantile Loss\n",
+ "\n",
+ "$$\n",
+ "\\mathrm{SQL}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\\hat{y}}^{(q)}_{\\tau}) = \n",
+ "\\frac{1}{H} \\sum^{t+H}_{\\tau=t+1} \n",
+ "\\frac{(1-q)\\,( \\hat{y}^{(q)}_{\\tau} - y_{\\tau} )_{+} \n",
+ "+ q\\,( y_{\\tau} - \\hat{y}^{(q)}_{\\tau} )_{+}}{\\mathrm{MAE}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\\hat{y}}^{season}_{\\tau})}\n",
+ "$$"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#| export\n",
+ "def scaled_quantile_loss(\n",
+ " df: DFType,\n",
+ " models: Dict[str, str],\n",
+ " seasonality: int,\n",
+ " train_df: DFType, \n",
+ " q: float = 0.5,\n",
+ " id_col: str = \"unique_id\",\n",
+ " target_col: str = \"y\",\n",
+ ") -> DFType:\n",
+ " \"\"\"Scaled Quantile Loss (SQL)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " SQL measures the deviation of a quantile forecast scaled by\n",
+ " the mean absolute errors of the seasonal naive model.\n",
+ " By weighting the absolute deviation in a non symmetric way, the\n",
+ " loss pays more attention to under or over estimation.\n",
+ " A common value for q is 0.5 for the deviation from the median.\n",
+ " This was the official measure used in the M5 Uncertainty competition\n",
+ " with seasonality = 1.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parameters\n",
+ " ----------\n",
+ " df : pandas or polars DataFrame\n",
+ " Input dataframe with id, times, actuals and predictions.\n",
+ " models : dict from str to str\n",
+ " Mapping from model name to the model predictions for the specified quantile.\n",
+ " seasonality : int\n",
+ " Main frequency of the time series;\n",
+ " Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1.\n",
+ " train_df : pandas or polars DataFrame\n",
+ " Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time. \n",
+ " q : float (default=0.5)\n",
+ " Quantile for the predictions' comparison.\n",
+ " id_col : str (default='unique_id')\n",
+ " Column that identifies each serie.\n",
+ " target_col : str (default='y')\n",
+ " Column that contains the target.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Returns\n",
+ " -------\n",
+ " pandas or polars Dataframe\n",
+ " dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " References\n",
+ " ----------\n",
+ " [1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207021001722\n",
+ " \"\"\" \n",
+ " q_loss = quantile_loss(df=df, models=models, q=q, id_col=id_col, target_col=target_col)\n",
+ " return _scale_loss(\n",
+ " loss_df=q_loss,\n",
+ " scale_type=\"absolute_error\",\n",
+ " models=list(models.keys()),\n",
+ " seasonality=seasonality,\n",
+ " train_df=train_df,\n",
+ " id_col=id_col,\n",
+ " target_col=target_col,\n",
+ " )"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/markdown": [
+ "---\n",
+ "\n",
+ "### scaled_quantile_loss\n",
+ "\n",
+ "> scaled_quantile_loss (df:~DFType, models:List[str], seasonality:int,\n",
+ "> train_df:~DFType, q:float=0.5,\n",
+ "> id_col:str='unique_id', target_col:str='y')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "*Scaled Quantile Loss (SQL)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "SQL measures the deviation of a quantile forecast scaled by\n",
+ "the mean absolute errors of the seasonal naive model.\n",
+ "By weighting the absolute deviation in a non symmetric way, the\n",
+ "loss pays more attention to under or over estimation.\n",
+ "A common value for q is 0.5 for the deviation from the median.\n",
+ "This was the official measure used in the M5 Uncertainty competition\n",
+ "with seasonality = 1.*\n",
+ "\n",
+ "| | **Type** | **Default** | **Details** |\n",
+ "| -- | -------- | ----------- | ----------- |\n",
+ "| df | DFType | | Input dataframe with id, times, actuals and predictions. |\n",
+ "| models | List | | Mapping from model name to the model predictions for the specified quantile. |\n",
+ "| seasonality | int | | Main frequency of the time series;
Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1. |\n",
+ "| train_df | DFType | | Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time. |\n",
+ "| q | float | 0.5 | Quantile for the predictions' comparison. |\n",
+ "| id_col | str | unique_id | Column that identifies each serie. |\n",
+ "| target_col | str | y | Column that contains the target. |\n",
+ "| **Returns** | **DFType** | | **dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.** |"
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ "---\n",
+ "\n",
+ "### scaled_quantile_loss\n",
+ "\n",
+ "> scaled_quantile_loss (df:~DFType, models:List[str], seasonality:int,\n",
+ "> train_df:~DFType, q:float=0.5,\n",
+ "> id_col:str='unique_id', target_col:str='y')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "*Scaled Quantile Loss (SQL)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "SQL measures the deviation of a quantile forecast scaled by\n",
+ "the mean absolute errors of the seasonal naive model.\n",
+ "By weighting the absolute deviation in a non symmetric way, the\n",
+ "loss pays more attention to under or over estimation.\n",
+ "A common value for q is 0.5 for the deviation from the median.\n",
+ "This was the official measure used in the M5 Uncertainty competition\n",
+ "with seasonality = 1.*\n",
+ "\n",
+ "| | **Type** | **Default** | **Details** |\n",
+ "| -- | -------- | ----------- | ----------- |\n",
+ "| df | DFType | | Input dataframe with id, times, actuals and predictions. |\n",
+ "| models | List | | Mapping from model name to the model predictions for the specified quantile. |\n",
+ "| seasonality | int | | Main frequency of the time series;
Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1. |\n",
+ "| train_df | DFType | | Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time. |\n",
+ "| q | float | 0.5 | Quantile for the predictions' comparison. |\n",
+ "| id_col | str | unique_id | Column that identifies each serie. |\n",
+ "| target_col | str | y | Column that contains the target. |\n",
+ "| **Returns** | **DFType** | | **dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.** |"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "show_doc(scaled_quantile_loss)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#| hide\n",
+ "#| polars\n",
+ "q_models = {\n",
+ " 0.1: {\n",
+ " 'model0': 'model0-lo-80',\n",
+ " 'model1': 'model1-lo-80',\n",
+ " },\n",
+ " 0.9: {\n",
+ " 'model0': 'model0-hi-80',\n",
+ " 'model1': 'model1-hi-80',\n",
+ " },\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "for q in quantiles:\n",
+ " pd_vs_pl(\n",
+ " scaled_quantile_loss(series, q_models[q], seasonality=1, train_df=series, q=q),\n",
+ " scaled_quantile_loss(series_pl, q_models[q], seasonality=1, train_df=series_pl, q=q),\n",
+ " models,\n",
+ " )"
+ ]
+ },
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
@@ -1955,7 +2178,7 @@
"text/markdown": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L524){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L534){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### mqloss\n",
@@ -1969,7 +2192,7 @@
"difference between predicted quantiles and observed values.\n",
"The limit behavior of MQL allows to measure the accuracy \n",
- "of a full predictive distribution $\\mathbf{\\hat{F}}_{\\tau}$ with \n",
+ "of a full predictive distribution with \n",
"the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). This can be achieved \n",
"through a numerical integration technique, that discretizes the quantiles \n",
"and treats the CRPS integral with a left Riemann approximation, averaging over \n",
@@ -1987,7 +2210,7 @@
"text/plain": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L524){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L534){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### mqloss\n",
@@ -2001,7 +2224,7 @@
"difference between predicted quantiles and observed values.\n",
"The limit behavior of MQL allows to measure the accuracy \n",
- "of a full predictive distribution $\\mathbf{\\hat{F}}_{\\tau}$ with \n",
+ "of a full predictive distribution with \n",
"the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). This can be achieved \n",
"through a numerical integration technique, that discretizes the quantiles \n",
"and treats the CRPS integral with a left Riemann approximation, averaging over \n",
@@ -2093,6 +2316,192 @@
" assert null_vals.item() == 0"
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Scaled Multi-Quantile Loss\n",
+ "\n",
+ "$$\n",
+ "\\mathrm{MQL}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau},\n",
+ "[\\mathbf{\\hat{y}}^{(q_{1})}_{\\tau}, ... ,\\hat{y}^{(q_{n})}_{\\tau}]) = \n",
+ "\\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{q_{i}} \\frac{\\mathrm{QL}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\\hat{y}}^{(q_{i})}_{\\tau})}{\\mathrm{MAE}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\\hat{y}}^{season}_{\\tau})}\n",
+ "$$"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#| export\n",
+ "def scaled_mqloss(\n",
+ " df: DFType,\n",
+ " models: Dict[str, List[str]],\n",
+ " quantiles: np.ndarray,\n",
+ " seasonality: int,\n",
+ " train_df: DFType,\n",
+ " id_col: str = \"unique_id\",\n",
+ " target_col: str = \"y\",\n",
+ ") -> DFType:\n",
+ " \"\"\"Scaled Multi-Quantile loss (SMQL)\n",
+ "\n",
+ " SMQL calculates the average multi-quantile Loss for\n",
+ " a given set of quantiles, based on the absolute\n",
+ " difference between predicted quantiles and observed values \n",
+ " scaled by the mean absolute errors of the seasonal naive model. \n",
+ " The limit behavior of MQL allows to measure the accuracy\n",
+ " of a full predictive distribution with\n",
+ " the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). This can be achieved\n",
+ " through a numerical integration technique, that discretizes the quantiles\n",
+ " and treats the CRPS integral with a left Riemann approximation, averaging over\n",
+ " uniformly distanced quantiles.\n",
+ " This was the official measure used in the M5 Uncertainty competition\n",
+ " with seasonality = 1.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Parameters\n",
+ " ----------\n",
+ " df : pandas or polars DataFrame\n",
+ " Input dataframe with id, times, actuals and predictions.\n",
+ " models : dict from str to list of str\n",
+ " Mapping from model name to the model predictions for each quantile.\n",
+ " quantiles : numpy array\n",
+ " Quantiles to compare against.\n",
+ " seasonality : int\n",
+ " Main frequency of the time series;\n",
+ " Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1.\n",
+ " train_df : pandas or polars DataFrame\n",
+ " Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time.\n",
+ " id_col : str (default='unique_id')\n",
+ " Column that identifies each serie.\n",
+ " target_col : str (default='y')\n",
+ " Column that contains the target.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " Returns\n",
+ " -------\n",
+ " pandas or polars Dataframe\n",
+ " dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.\n",
+ "\n",
+ " References\n",
+ " ----------\n",
+ " [1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207021001722\n",
+ " \"\"\"\n",
+ " mq_loss = mqloss(df=df, models=models, quantiles=quantiles, id_col=id_col, target_col=target_col)\n",
+ " return _scale_loss(\n",
+ " loss_df=mq_loss,\n",
+ " scale_type=\"absolute_error\",\n",
+ " models=list(models.keys()),\n",
+ " seasonality=seasonality,\n",
+ " train_df=train_df,\n",
+ " id_col=id_col,\n",
+ " target_col=target_col,\n",
+ " )"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/markdown": [
+ "---\n",
+ "\n",
+ "### scaled_mqloss\n",
+ "\n",
+ "> scaled_mqloss (df:~DFType, models:Dict[str,List[str]],\n",
+ "> quantiles:numpy.ndarray, seasonality:int,\n",
+ "> train_df:~DFType, id_col:str='unique_id',\n",
+ "> target_col:str='y')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "*Scaled Multi-Quantile loss (SMQL)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "SMQL calculates the average multi-quantile Loss for\n",
+ "a given set of quantiles, based on the absolute\n",
+ "difference between predicted quantiles and observed values \n",
+ "scaled by the mean absolute errors of the seasonal naive model. \n",
+ "The limit behavior of MQL allows to measure the accuracy\n",
+ "of a full predictive distribution with\n",
+ "the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). This can be achieved\n",
+ "through a numerical integration technique, that discretizes the quantiles\n",
+ "and treats the CRPS integral with a left Riemann approximation, averaging over\n",
+ "uniformly distanced quantiles.\n",
+ "This was the official measure used in the M5 Uncertainty competition\n",
+ "with seasonality = 1.*\n",
+ "\n",
+ "| | **Type** | **Default** | **Details** |\n",
+ "| -- | -------- | ----------- | ----------- |\n",
+ "| df | DFType | | Input dataframe with id, times, actuals and predictions. |\n",
+ "| models | Dict | | Mapping from model name to the model predictions for each quantile. |\n",
+ "| quantiles | ndarray | | Quantiles to compare against. |\n",
+ "| seasonality | int | | Main frequency of the time series;
Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1. |\n",
+ "| train_df | DFType | | Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time. |\n",
+ "| id_col | str | unique_id | Column that identifies each serie. |\n",
+ "| target_col | str | y | Column that contains the target. |\n",
+ "| **Returns** | **DFType** | | **dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.** |"
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ "---\n",
+ "\n",
+ "### scaled_mqloss\n",
+ "\n",
+ "> scaled_mqloss (df:~DFType, models:Dict[str,List[str]],\n",
+ "> quantiles:numpy.ndarray, seasonality:int,\n",
+ "> train_df:~DFType, id_col:str='unique_id',\n",
+ "> target_col:str='y')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "*Scaled Multi-Quantile loss (SMQL)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "SMQL calculates the average multi-quantile Loss for\n",
+ "a given set of quantiles, based on the absolute\n",
+ "difference between predicted quantiles and observed values \n",
+ "scaled by the mean absolute errors of the seasonal naive model. \n",
+ "The limit behavior of MQL allows to measure the accuracy\n",
+ "of a full predictive distribution with\n",
+ "the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). This can be achieved\n",
+ "through a numerical integration technique, that discretizes the quantiles\n",
+ "and treats the CRPS integral with a left Riemann approximation, averaging over\n",
+ "uniformly distanced quantiles.\n",
+ "This was the official measure used in the M5 Uncertainty competition\n",
+ "with seasonality = 1.*\n",
+ "\n",
+ "| | **Type** | **Default** | **Details** |\n",
+ "| -- | -------- | ----------- | ----------- |\n",
+ "| df | DFType | | Input dataframe with id, times, actuals and predictions. |\n",
+ "| models | Dict | | Mapping from model name to the model predictions for each quantile. |\n",
+ "| quantiles | ndarray | | Quantiles to compare against. |\n",
+ "| seasonality | int | | Main frequency of the time series;
Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1. |\n",
+ "| train_df | DFType | | Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time. |\n",
+ "| id_col | str | unique_id | Column that identifies each serie. |\n",
+ "| target_col | str | y | Column that contains the target. |\n",
+ "| **Returns** | **DFType** | | **dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.** |"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "show_doc(scaled_mqloss)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "#| polars\n",
+ "pd_vs_pl(\n",
+ " scaled_mqloss(series, mq_models, quantiles=quantiles, seasonality=1, train_df=series),\n",
+ " scaled_mqloss(series_pl, mq_models, quantiles=quantiles, seasonality=1, train_df=series_pl),\n",
+ " models,\n",
+ ")"
+ ]
+ },
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
@@ -2165,7 +2574,7 @@
"text/markdown": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L583){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L593){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### coverage\n",
@@ -2186,7 +2595,7 @@
"text/plain": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L583){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L593){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### coverage\n",
@@ -2297,7 +2706,7 @@
"text/markdown": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L642){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L652){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### calibration\n",
@@ -2317,7 +2726,7 @@
"text/plain": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L642){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L652){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### calibration\n",
@@ -2452,7 +2861,7 @@
"text/markdown": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L692){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L702){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### scaled_crps\n",
@@ -2479,7 +2888,7 @@
"text/plain": [
- "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L692){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
+ "[source](https://github.com/Nixtla/utilsforecast/blob/main/utilsforecast/losses.py#L702){target=\"_blank\" style=\"float:right; font-size:smaller\"}\n",
"#### scaled_crps\n",
diff --git a/utilsforecast/_modidx.py b/utilsforecast/_modidx.py
index 736e430..a1b205a 100644
--- a/utilsforecast/_modidx.py
+++ b/utilsforecast/_modidx.py
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
'utilsforecast.losses': { 'utilsforecast.losses._base_docstring': ('losses.html#_base_docstring', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
'utilsforecast.losses._pl_agg_expr': ('losses.html#_pl_agg_expr', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
+ 'utilsforecast.losses._scale_loss': ('losses.html#_scale_loss', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
'utilsforecast.losses._zero_to_nan': ('losses.html#_zero_to_nan', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
'utilsforecast.losses.bias': ('losses.html#bias', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
'utilsforecast.losses.calibration': ('losses.html#calibration', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
@@ -85,6 +86,9 @@
'utilsforecast.losses.rmse': ('losses.html#rmse', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
'utilsforecast.losses.rmsse': ('losses.html#rmsse', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
'utilsforecast.losses.scaled_crps': ('losses.html#scaled_crps', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
+ 'utilsforecast.losses.scaled_mqloss': ('losses.html#scaled_mqloss', 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
+ 'utilsforecast.losses.scaled_quantile_loss': ( 'losses.html#scaled_quantile_loss',
+ 'utilsforecast/losses.py'),
'utilsforecast.losses.smape': ('losses.html#smape', 'utilsforecast/losses.py')},
'utilsforecast.plotting': { 'utilsforecast.plotting._filter_series': ( 'plotting.html#_filter_series',
diff --git a/utilsforecast/losses.py b/utilsforecast/losses.py
index 660c303..e98662b 100644
--- a/utilsforecast/losses.py
+++ b/utilsforecast/losses.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: ../nbs/losses.ipynb.
# %% auto 0
-__all__ = ['mae', 'mse', 'rmse', 'bias', 'mape', 'smape', 'mase', 'rmae', 'msse', 'rmsse', 'quantile_loss', 'mqloss', 'coverage',
- 'calibration', 'scaled_crps']
+__all__ = ['mae', 'mse', 'rmse', 'bias', 'mape', 'smape', 'mase', 'rmae', 'msse', 'rmsse', 'quantile_loss',
+ 'scaled_quantile_loss', 'mqloss', 'scaled_mqloss', 'coverage', 'calibration', 'scaled_crps']
# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 3
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
@@ -52,6 +52,74 @@ def _pl_agg_expr(
df = df.select([id_col, *exprs])
return ufp.group_by(df, id_col, maintain_order=True).mean()
+def _scale_loss(
+ loss_df: DFType,
+ scale_type: str,
+ models: List[str],
+ seasonality: int,
+ train_df: DFType,
+ id_col: str = "unique_id",
+ target_col: str = "y",
+) -> DFType:
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ loss_df : pandas or polars DataFrame
+ Input dataframe with id, actuals, predictions and losses results.
+ scale_type : str
+ Type of scaling. Possible values are 'absolute_error' or 'squared_error'.
+ models : list of str
+ Columns that identify the models predictions.
+ seasonality : int
+ Main frequency of the time series;
+ Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1.
+ train_df : pandas or polars DataFrame
+ Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time.
+ id_col : str (default='unique_id')
+ Column that identifies each serie.
+ target_col : str (default='y')
+ Column that contains the target.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ pandas or polars Dataframe
+ dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] https://robjhyndman.com/papers/mase.pdf
+ """
+ if isinstance(train_df, pd.DataFrame):
+ loss_df = loss_df.set_index(id_col)
+ # assume train_df is sorted
+ lagged = train_df.groupby(id_col, observed=True)[target_col].shift(seasonality)
+ if scale_type == "absolute_error":
+ scale = train_df[target_col].sub(lagged).abs()
+ else:
+ scale = train_df[target_col].sub(lagged).pow(2)
+ scale = scale.groupby(train_df[id_col], observed=True).mean()
+ res = loss_df.div(_zero_to_nan(scale), axis=0).fillna(0)
+ res.index.name = id_col
+ res = res.reset_index()
+ else:
+ # assume train_df is sorted
+ lagged = pl.col(target_col).shift(seasonality).over(id_col)
+ if scale_type == "absolute_error":
+ scale_expr = pl.col(target_col).sub(lagged).abs().alias("scale")
+ else:
+ scale_expr = pl.col(target_col).sub(lagged).pow(2).alias("scale")
+ scale = train_df.select([id_col, scale_expr])
+ scale = ufp.group_by(scale, id_col).mean()
+ scale = scale.with_columns(_zero_to_nan(pl.col("scale")))
+ def gen_expr(model):
+ return pl.col(model).truediv(pl.col("scale")).fill_nan(0).alias(model)
+ full_df = loss_df.join(scale, on=id_col, how="left")
+ res = _pl_agg_expr(full_df, models, id_col, gen_expr)
+ return res
# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 13
def mae(
@@ -296,29 +364,15 @@ def mase(
[1] https://robjhyndman.com/papers/mase.pdf
mean_abs_err = mae(df, models, id_col, target_col)
- if isinstance(train_df, pd.DataFrame):
- mean_abs_err = mean_abs_err.set_index(id_col)
- # assume train_df is sorted
- lagged = train_df.groupby(id_col, observed=True)[target_col].shift(seasonality)
- scale = train_df[target_col].sub(lagged).abs()
- scale = scale.groupby(train_df[id_col], observed=True).mean()
- res = mean_abs_err.div(_zero_to_nan(scale), axis=0).fillna(0)
- res.index.name = id_col
- res = res.reset_index()
- else:
- # assume train_df is sorted
- lagged = pl.col(target_col).shift(seasonality).over(id_col)
- scale_expr = pl.col(target_col).sub(lagged).abs().alias("scale")
- scale = train_df.select([id_col, scale_expr])
- scale = ufp.group_by(scale, id_col).mean()
- scale = scale.with_columns(_zero_to_nan(pl.col("scale")))
- def gen_expr(model):
- return pl.col(model).truediv(pl.col("scale")).fill_nan(0).alias(model)
- full_df = mean_abs_err.join(scale, on=id_col, how="left")
- res = _pl_agg_expr(full_df, models, id_col, gen_expr)
- return res
+ return _scale_loss(
+ loss_df=mean_abs_err,
+ scale_type="absolute_error",
+ models=models,
+ seasonality=seasonality,
+ train_df=train_df,
+ id_col=id_col,
+ target_col=target_col,
+ )
# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 49
def rmae(
@@ -416,29 +470,15 @@ def msse(
[1] https://otexts.com/fpp3/accuracy.html
mean_sq_err = mse(df=df, models=models, id_col=id_col, target_col=target_col)
- if isinstance(train_df, pd.DataFrame):
- mean_sq_err = mean_sq_err.set_index(id_col)
- # assume train_df is sorted
- lagged = train_df.groupby(id_col, observed=True)[target_col].shift(seasonality)
- scale = train_df[target_col].sub(lagged).pow(2)
- scale = scale.groupby(train_df[id_col], observed=True).mean()
- res = mean_sq_err.div(_zero_to_nan(scale), axis=0).fillna(0)
- res.index.name = id_col
- res = res.reset_index()
- else:
- # assume train_df is sorted
- lagged = pl.col(target_col).shift(seasonality).over(id_col)
- scale_expr = pl.col(target_col).sub(lagged).pow(2).alias("scale")
- scale = train_df.select([id_col, scale_expr])
- scale = ufp.group_by(scale, id_col).mean()
- scale = scale.with_columns(_zero_to_nan(pl.col("scale")))
- def gen_expr(model):
- return pl.col(model).truediv(pl.col("scale")).fill_nan(0).alias(model)
- full_df = mean_sq_err.join(scale, on=id_col, how="left")
- res = _pl_agg_expr(full_df, models, id_col, gen_expr)
- return res
+ return _scale_loss(
+ loss_df=mean_sq_err,
+ scale_type="squared_error",
+ models=models,
+ seasonality=seasonality,
+ train_df=train_df,
+ id_col=id_col,
+ target_col=target_col,
+ )
# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 57
def rmsse(
@@ -530,7 +570,67 @@ def gen_expr(model):
res = _pl_agg_expr(df, list(models.items()), id_col, gen_expr)
return res
-# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 69
+# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 68
+def scaled_quantile_loss(
+ df: DFType,
+ models: Dict[str, str],
+ seasonality: int,
+ train_df: DFType,
+ q: float = 0.5,
+ id_col: str = "unique_id",
+ target_col: str = "y",
+) -> DFType:
+ """Scaled Quantile Loss (SQL)
+ SQL measures the deviation of a quantile forecast scaled by
+ the mean absolute errors of the seasonal naive model.
+ By weighting the absolute deviation in a non symmetric way, the
+ loss pays more attention to under or over estimation.
+ A common value for q is 0.5 for the deviation from the median.
+ This was the official measure used in the M5 Uncertainty competition
+ with seasonality = 1.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ df : pandas or polars DataFrame
+ Input dataframe with id, times, actuals and predictions.
+ models : dict from str to str
+ Mapping from model name to the model predictions for the specified quantile.
+ seasonality : int
+ Main frequency of the time series;
+ Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1.
+ train_df : pandas or polars DataFrame
+ Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time.
+ q : float (default=0.5)
+ Quantile for the predictions' comparison.
+ id_col : str (default='unique_id')
+ Column that identifies each serie.
+ target_col : str (default='y')
+ Column that contains the target.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ pandas or polars Dataframe
+ dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207021001722
+ """
+ q_loss = quantile_loss(
+ df=df, models=models, q=q, id_col=id_col, target_col=target_col
+ )
+ return _scale_loss(
+ loss_df=q_loss,
+ scale_type="absolute_error",
+ models=list(models.keys()),
+ seasonality=seasonality,
+ train_df=train_df,
+ id_col=id_col,
+ target_col=target_col,
+ )
+# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 73
def mqloss(
df: DFType,
models: Dict[str, List[str]],
@@ -589,7 +689,72 @@ def mqloss(
res = ufp.assign_columns(res, model, model_res[model])
return res
-# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 75
+# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 79
+def scaled_mqloss(
+ df: DFType,
+ models: Dict[str, List[str]],
+ quantiles: np.ndarray,
+ seasonality: int,
+ train_df: DFType,
+ id_col: str = "unique_id",
+ target_col: str = "y",
+) -> DFType:
+ """Scaled Multi-Quantile loss (SMQL)
+ SMQL calculates the average multi-quantile Loss for
+ a given set of quantiles, based on the absolute
+ difference between predicted quantiles and observed values
+ scaled by the mean absolute errors of the seasonal naive model.
+ The limit behavior of MQL allows to measure the accuracy
+ of a full predictive distribution with
+ the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). This can be achieved
+ through a numerical integration technique, that discretizes the quantiles
+ and treats the CRPS integral with a left Riemann approximation, averaging over
+ uniformly distanced quantiles.
+ This was the official measure used in the M5 Uncertainty competition
+ with seasonality = 1.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ df : pandas or polars DataFrame
+ Input dataframe with id, times, actuals and predictions.
+ models : dict from str to list of str
+ Mapping from model name to the model predictions for each quantile.
+ quantiles : numpy array
+ Quantiles to compare against.
+ seasonality : int
+ Main frequency of the time series;
+ Hourly 24, Daily 7, Weekly 52, Monthly 12, Quarterly 4, Yearly 1.
+ train_df : pandas or polars DataFrame
+ Training dataframe with id and actual values. Must be sorted by time.
+ id_col : str (default='unique_id')
+ Column that identifies each serie.
+ target_col : str (default='y')
+ Column that contains the target.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ pandas or polars Dataframe
+ dataframe with one row per id and one column per model.
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207021001722
+ """
+ mq_loss = mqloss(
+ df=df, models=models, quantiles=quantiles, id_col=id_col, target_col=target_col
+ )
+ return _scale_loss(
+ loss_df=mq_loss,
+ scale_type="absolute_error",
+ models=list(models.keys()),
+ seasonality=seasonality,
+ train_df=train_df,
+ id_col=id_col,
+ target_col=target_col,
+ )
+# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 83
def coverage(
df: DFType,
models: List[str],
@@ -648,7 +813,7 @@ def gen_expr(model):
res = _pl_agg_expr(df, models, id_col, gen_expr)
return res
-# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 79
+# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 87
def calibration(
df: DFType,
models: Dict[str, str],
@@ -698,7 +863,7 @@ def gen_expr(model):
res = _pl_agg_expr(df, list(models.items()), id_col, gen_expr)
return res
-# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 83
+# %% ../nbs/losses.ipynb 91
def scaled_crps(
df: DFType,
models: Dict[str, List[str]],