- Updated the colors for class resources combo points
- Adjusted the reaction colors for nameplates
- Added support for new nameplate styles
- Improved performance of nameplate updates
- Fixed an issue with nameplate visibility in certain scenarios
- TOC update
- Removed wago analytics. Was causing issues.
- Icon for ingame addon menu
- Added wago analytics
- Fixed nameplate text bug. Names should now properly display in the correct location. Fixes #56
- Refactored some code and broke integrations into their own sections code wise.
- Added integration for Baganator. Will disable ElvUI bags.
- Added integration for XIV_Databar. Will disable bottom data bars and move bottom of UI up to fit XIV.
- Added integration for Cell unit frames. Default ElvUI raid and party frames will be disabled.
- Updated README.md and README.bbc
- Removed wago analytics. Was causing issues.
- Icon for ingame addon menu
- Added wago analytics
= Fixed nameplate text bug. Names should now properly display in the correct location. Fixes #56
- Refactored some code and broke integrations into their own sections code wise.
- Added integration for Baganator. Will disable ElvUI bags.
- Added integration for XIV_Databar. Will disable bottom data bars and move bottom of UI up to fit XIV.
- Added integration for Cell unit frames. Default ElvUI raid and party frames will be disabled.
- Updated README.md and README.bbc
- Added new feature to customize the color scheme of the UI.
- Improved performance and stability.
- Fixed various bugs and issues reported by users.
- Updated compatibility with the latest game version.
- Enhanced installation process for smoother setup.
- Added new option during install to choose between the old NoobTacoUI nameplates or a Blizzard-like version.
- Updated PowerBarContainer (Flight Interface) - May need to be relocated if interfered with.
- Moved OzCooldownsMover location (ProjectAzilroka)
- Relocated TopCenterMover to give more space on top of the screen.
- Updated Player and Target health display.
- Updated the nameplate health text.
- Updated character sheet item level and gems.
- More TOC cleanup.
- Updated the README file.
- Updated TOC (Typo before hand).
- Updated the elite overlays to the new modern UI overlays.
- Updated TOC for all versions of the game.
- Added check if Baganator is loaded. If so, disable ElvUI bags by default (More bags to be added to check in later versions).
- Updated TOC for all versions of the game.
- Fixed an error that happens when opening NoobTacoUI installer after it's been installed.
- Changed actionbar glow to be more visible.
- Updated version checks.
- Fixed issue #35 - Correctly move the new totem tracker for shaman and DK's.
- Converted the setup script to use ElvUI's new Raid frame configuration.
- Fixed an error that occurs when trying to install if not on the latest version of ElvUI.
- Changed enemy nameplate names to one white for visibility.
- Updated install code.
- Bumped TOC for retail.
- Included a layout that works well with Luxthos's Weak Aura's for WOTLK.
- Replaced most fonts with Exo2 for a more modern and readable look.
- Fixed the unitframe text to reset if reinstalling the NoobTacoUI profile over a different profile.
- Updated the Readme.
- Changed the main font.
- Cleaned up buff and debuff.
- Added 3 new fonts: Dosis, Exo2, and Mukta.
- Combat indicator was moved to lower left of Unit Frame.
- Fixed normal font and size so text does not wrap around on the character screen.
- Added logic to bring up the installer if new version.
- Tweaks to party and raid frames to fix debuff override as well as make the icons ignore click through for click healing.
- Changed default objective length to 400.
- Automatically enable the new Talent Preview and Equipment Manager for WOTLK UI.
- Cleaned up version checking code for Actionbars.
- Updated target debuffs.
- Updated player debuffs.
- Added font styling for the tooltip header.
- Added WOTLK Classic support.
- Added pet experience bar.
- Updated TOC for all versions of the game.
- Bumped Retail TOC to support 9.2.
- Updated TOC to latest game version for Classic, TBC, and Retail.
- Updated TOC to latest game version for Classic, TBC, and Retail.
- Adjusted left and right cluster location.
- Fixed debuff and buff direction.
- Updated nameplate and chat bubble text.
- [UPDATE] - Focus frame now has been given the NoobTacoUI treatment.
- Tweaked background to have a little transparency.
- Updated the TOC files for packaging as one file instead of several.
- Updated Classic Client TOC for new patch 1.13.7.
- Fixed 25 and 40 man raid frames bug that caused double party frames.
- Moved XP and Rep bar to the side of chat.
- Fixed hotkey font and placement.
- Initial release for NoobTacoUI for TBC Classic.
- Added TBC Classic support.
- Added combo class points to target nameplate.
- Added totembar for TBC.
- Fixed bar 2 to have 12 buttons.
- Updated logic for finding which client we are on.
- Made changes to healing profile.
- Changed target casting bar to be on the target frame.
- Moved player XP bar above bars.
- Player XP bar will hide once at max level.
- Changed chat font to bold instead of semi-bold.
- Changed aura bars to be on.
- Enabled energy mana regen tick for player unitframe in Classic.
- Added pet happiness icon (will not load for retail).
- Fixed scaling issue between retail and classic.
- Fixed missing fonts on actionbars.
- Corrected the order of bars.
- Added a new mouse over bar left of the right chat frame.
- Fixed player unitframe power text and placement.
- Added flags to fix 40 man raid size issue.
- Adjusted the text on the installer to be more clear.
- Added font data for the changes made to ElvUI 12.1.
- XP bar now shows during combat.
- Extended XP bar.
- Moved side action bars down and closer to main cluster.
- Moved alt power bar.
- Moved the BG score overlay on top of the screen.
- Adjusted the mirror timer bar locations.
- Added profile settings for healer specs with lower centered party and raid frames.
- Added party frame format.
- Added raid frame.
- Added 40 player raid.
- Added options to turn the elite dragon overlay on or off.
- Added ElvUI Norm bar texture on install to fix any other profile that changed bar textures.
- Fixed directory for overlay display.
- Fixed media fonts pointing to NoobTacoUI-Media causing an exception/error.
- Included NoobTacoUI-Media into core profile addon.
- Added elite overlay.
- Added Google fonts: Montserrat, Lato, Roboto.
- Fixed secondary actionbars being visible while in a vehicle.
- Cleaned up actionbar code.
- Added logic to allow the use of the installer in Classic.
- Cleaning up for packager.
- Removing .git folders and preparing for automated update.
- Initial upload.