Releases: NovaLynxie/CoraBot_Main
v4 Music Update! - Playlist Support (Experimental)
Finally, playlist support has been added (SoundCloud Only)!
Also rolled back soundcloud-scraper module to v4.0.1 since v5 seems to be broken for playlist parsing.
May introduce YouTube playlist support in future updates. (Not confirmed)
v4.0.0 Music Update?
Decided to re-add music command functionality.
Completely redesigned the interface, making use of the buttons for controlling music playback, skipping songs and more!
Currently supports YouTube and Soundcloud music playback.
Please note this is highly experimental and can change at any time!
NB: Support for YouTube songs is limited due to recent crackdowns on music bots. See issue #11 for more details.
CoraBot v4.0 alpha 31 - Support Commands Update!
We now have tickets and suggestions commands available which make use of the new threads feature for discussing the topic outside of normal chat.
Suggestion discussion threads are publicly available though this depends on how the server is configured.
Support Ticket threads are private and will only be accessible to both the one who invoked the ticket command and any staff member available.
v4.0.0-alpha.28 - Moderation update!
Added bot logging for guilds and re-added moderation commands.
- New guild logging with message embeds.
- Mod Commands (Ban, Kick, Clear, Mute and Warn)
- Added settings for roles and log channels.
v4.0.0-alpha19 - Radio Sources Rework
Small updates to how the radio command works.
Moved internet radio stations JSON file to resources.
Reworked how it loads station object data.
WARNING! This version is very experimental so caution must be taken when using this bot.
I cannot be held responsible if irreparable damage is done to your discord server.
v4.0.0 Alpha! Full rewrite for CoraBot.
After some rewriting and several critical code changes, we now have a new alpha build!
This is the latest alpha build which is as stable as it is gonna get.
Full rewrite of the barebones setup for discord.js v13!
Requires NodeJS v16.6.0 MINIMUM to run or it will crash!
WARNING! This build is very experimental as many things have been rewritten so not guaranteed to work the first time!
No music commands are implemented due to #11 but a working radio command is in place for the time being.
For the time being you can clone the repository and run npm install
Make sure this is in a separate directory and using new configuration files!
v3.0.0 - Beta Test - Settings Update!
CoraBot v3.x Settings Update!
Server settings are now handled per guild using Commando's settings provider!
Bootloader script for bot has also had a full rewrite.
New option to store credentials using environment variables or a local toml config file.
Rewrote bootloader script and other code which used the old bot's v2 bootloader script.
Per guild settings are now fetched per module instead of set during bot start up.
Removed old 'global' settings configuration. This depreciates any old config.toml files. (Keep only if you're still using CoraBot v2!)
We recommend installing v3.x to a new directory or backing up v2.x before upgrading as this is not backwards compatible with older versions!
v2.5.3 - Latest Stable Build
This is the latest stable build for CoraBot v2.
Miscellaneous bug fixes, not much has changed.
v2.4.2 - Bug Fixes
Due to the many changes and constant bot development, there has not been a reliable release that could be made public lately.
This is the latest stable build of the bot to date. Has some bug fixes and multiple changes to bot modules.
There is a planned settings rewrite in later versions which may be delayed into v3.x depending on how many breaking changes there are.
If you do plan on updating past v2.5.0 please note some setting options may become depreciated or removed entirely. Update at own risk.
CoraBot v2.0 Rewrite!
CoraBot is back with brand new features!
- Replaced old command handler system with Commando command framework. Much easier to maintain x3
- Events are now handled outside the bot's core index.js file. Moved to ./cora/events/
- Added ChatBot functionallity.
- Added image commands!
- Rewrote music commands! Should work better now.