diff --git a/globalprep/np/v2024/STEP2_np_weighting_prep.Rmd b/globalprep/np/v2024/STEP2_np_weighting_prep.Rmd
index 8a40ac4..977adb1 100644
--- a/globalprep/np/v2024/STEP2_np_weighting_prep.Rmd
+++ b/globalprep/np/v2024/STEP2_np_weighting_prep.Rmd
@@ -336,7 +336,12 @@ readr::write_csv(prod_weights, here(current_np_dir, "output", "np_product_weight
### Datacheck
+Note: we're not comparing data for a specific year, e.g., 2019, as we do in many data checks. The data processing that creates `np_product_weights.csv` fills the `year` column with the scenario year (e.g., 2024), which means that the previous year's `np_product_weights.csv` and the current year's weights cannot be compared by filtering to a specific year.
```{r fig.height=5, fig.width=8}
# Read in previous and current years' np_product_weights to compare
#old_prod_weights <- read_csv(file.path(prep, paste0("../v", prep_year-3, "/output/np_product_weights.csv")))
#old_prod_weights <- read_csv(file.path(prep, paste0("../v", prep_year-2, "/output/np_product_weights.csv")))
@@ -352,20 +357,20 @@ check <- prod_weights %>%
# note -- these are across all years...
plot(check$new_weight, check$weight, main = "All Products")
-abline(0,1, col="red")
+abline(0,1, col = "red")
check_sw <- check %>%
filter(product == "seaweeds")
plot(check_sw$new_weight, check_sw$weight, main = "Seaweeds")
-abline(0,1, col="red")
+abline(0,1, col = "red")
check_orn <- check %>%
filter(product == "ornamentals") %>%
mutate(difference = new_weight - weight)
plot(check_orn$new_weight, check_orn$weight, main = "Ornamentals")
-abline(0,1, col="red")
+abline(0,1, col = "red")
check_fofm <- check %>%
@@ -374,9 +379,8 @@ check_fofm <- check %>%
plot(check_fofm$new_weight, check_fofm$weight, main = "Fish Oil / Fish Meal (FOFM)")
abline(0, 1, col = "red") ## these change because of new SAUP fisheries catch data...
-max(check$diff, na.rm = TRUE)
-min(check$diff, na.rm = TRUE)
+# max(check$diff, na.rm = TRUE)
+# min(check$diff, na.rm = TRUE)
top_10_diffs <- check %>% arrange(desc(abs(diff))) %>% head(n = 10)
top_10_diffs %>% relocate(diff, .after = "rgn_id")
@@ -407,7 +411,7 @@ test2 <- harvest_tonnes_usd_old %>%
# test2
# v2024: Djibouti (rgn 46) does increase in production
-gf_orn <- read_csv(here(current_np_dir, "output", "np_ornamentals_harvest_tonnes_gf.csv"))
+#gf_orn <- read_csv(here(current_np_dir, "output", "np_ornamentals_harvest_tonnes_gf.csv"))
@@ -415,7 +419,6 @@ gf_orn <- read_csv(here(current_np_dir, "output", "np_ornamentals_harvest_tonnes
Old old check:
@@ -437,61 +440,6 @@ plot(check_older$weight, check_older$older_weight, main = "v2023 vs v2022"); abl
plot(check$new_weight, check$weight, main = "v2024 vs v2023"); abline(0,1, col="red")
-# interactive plot:
-weight_comp_plot <- ggplot(check_older, aes(x = older_weight, y = weight,
- color = product,
- text = paste("Region ID:", rgn_id) #, "
Product:", product)
- #fill = rgn_id
- )) +
- geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "#3498DB", linewidth = 1.3) + # Change color and size of line
- geom_point(size = 2) + # Increase point size
- scale_color_manual(values = c("fish_oil" = "#edae49", "seaweeds" = "#386641", "ornamentals" = "#83c5be")) +
- theme_minimal() +
- labs(x = "v2022 Weights", y = "v2023 Weights",
- title = "Comparing NP Product Weights",
- subtitle = "") +
- theme(legend.position = "none")
-plotly::ggplotly(weight_comp_plot) %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(hoverformat = '.4f'), xaxis = list(hoverformat = '.4f'))
-weight_comp_plot_new <- ggplot(check, aes(x = weight, y = new_weight,
- fill = product,
- text = paste("Region ID:", rgn_id, "
Product:", product)
- #fill = rgn_id
- )) +
- geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "#3498DB", linewidth = 1.3) + # Change color and size of line
- geom_point(size = 2) + # Increase point size
- scale_fill_manual(values = c("fish_oil" = "#edae49", "seaweeds" = "#386641", "ornamentals" = "#83c5be")) +
- theme_minimal() +
- labs(x = "v2022 Weights", y = "v2023 Weights",
- title = "Comparing NP Product Weights",
- subtitle = "") +
- theme(legend.position = "none")
-p <- plotly::ggplotly(weight_comp_plot, tooltip = "text") %>%
- plotly::layout(
- hovermode = "closest",
- yaxis = list(hoverformat = '.4f'), xaxis = list(hoverformat = '.4f'))
-# Custom hover template
-p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, function(trace) {
- if (trace$mode == "markers") {
- trace$hovertemplate <- paste(
- "%{text}
- "Product: %{fill}
- "Old Weight: %{x:.4f}
- "New Weight: %{y:.4f}
- )
- }
- return(trace)
@@ -500,26 +448,25 @@ p
-color_scale <- c("fish_oils" = "#edae49", "seaweeds" = "#00798c", "ornamentals" = "#d1495b")
test_comp <- check_older %>% plotly::plot_ly(x = ~older_weight, y = ~weight,
type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%
- # text = ~paste("Region ID:", rgn_id, "
Product:", product),
- # hoverinfo = "text+x+y",
- text = (~rgn_id, ~product),
- marker = list(
- color = ~product,
- colors = color_scale
- ),
- hovertemplate = paste(
- 'Region ID: %{text}',
- '
Old Weight: %{x:.2f}',
- '
New Weight: %{y:.2f}
+ # text = ~paste("Region ID:", rgn_id #, "
Product:", product
+ # ),
+ color = ~rgn_id,
+ # marker = list(
+ # color = ~product,
+ # ),
+ hoverinfo = "text+x+y",
+ hovertemplate = paste(
+ 'Region ID: %{color}',
+ '
Old Weight: %{x:.2f}',
+ '
New Weight: %{y:.2f}
# showlegend = F
) %>%
+ # add AB line
x = c(0,1),
y = c(0,1),
@@ -539,42 +486,76 @@ test_comp
- RAM lost some stocks, so some stocks get removed in v4.65 (2024 data download); also got some new stocks
+### New datacheck: interactive plot
+# ======== Setup ==========================================================
+# (mostly copied from earlier setup with addition of library(plotly))
+# Read in packages necessary for visualization (in case you cleared your environment)
-color_scale <- c("fish_oils" = "#edae49", "seaweeds" = "#00798c", "ornamentals" = "#d1495b")
+# Set scenario year, reproducible file paths
+scen_year_number <- 2024 # update this!!
+scenario_year <- as.character(scen_year_number)
+v_scen_year <- paste0("v", scenario_year)
+current_np_dir <- here::here("globalprep", "np", v_scen_year)
+previous_np_dir <- here::here("globalprep", "np", paste0("v", scen_year_number - 1))
+# ----- Read in NP weights data -----
+# Read in current, previous, and 2 years previous data
+old_prod_weights <- read_csv(here(previous_np_dir, "output", "np_product_weights.csv"))
+prod_weights <- read_csv(here(current_np_dir, "output", "np_product_weights.csv"))
+check <- prod_weights %>%
+ rename("new_weight" = "weight") %>%
+ left_join(old_prod_weights, by = c("rgn_id", "product")) %>%
+ mutate(diff = new_weight - weight) %>%
+ left_join(rgns_eez)
+#old_prod_weights <- read_csv(here(previous_np_dir, "output", "np_product_weights.csv"))
+older_prod_weights <- read_csv(here("globalprep", "np", paste0("v", scen_year_number - 2), "output", "np_product_weights.csv"))
+check_older <- older_prod_weights %>%
+ rename("older_weight" = "weight") %>%
+ left_join(old_prod_weights, by = c("rgn_id", "product")) %>%
+ mutate(diff = weight - older_weight) %>%
+ left_join(rgns_eez)
+# ======== Plot new NP weights data vs. previous year's data ==================
-# Assuming check_older is your dataframe
-# If not, replace check_older with your actual dataframe name
-# Create the ggplot object
-g <- ggplot(check_older, aes(x = older_weight, y = weight, color = product,
+# ---- Create ggplot object with `text` aes argument to prep for plotly ----- #
+g_new <- ggplot(check, aes(x = weight, y = new_weight, color = product,
text = paste("Region ID:", rgn_id, "
Product:", product #,
Old weight:", older_weight, "
New weight:", weight
))) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "red", linetype = "dashed") +
+ geom_point(alpha = 0.8) +
+ geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.7,
+ color = "red", linetype = "dashed") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("fish_oil" = "#edae49", "seaweeds" = "#386641", "ornamentals" = "#83c5be")) +
- labs(title = "v2023 vs v2022 Weights by Product",
- x = "v2022 Weight",
- y = "v2023 Weight",
+ labs(title = "v2024 vs v2023 Natural Product Weights by Product",
+ x = "v2023 Weight",
+ y = "v2024 Weight",
color = "Product") +
-# Convert to plotly
-p <- ggplotly(g, tooltip = "text") %>%
+# ---- Convert to plotly ------------------------------ #
+p_new <- ggplotly(g_new, tooltip = "text") %>%
hovermode = "closest",
- xaxis = list(hoverformat = ".4f"),
- yaxis = list(hoverformat = ".4f")
+ xaxis = list(hoverformat = ".4f"), # customize number formatting
+ yaxis = list(hoverformat = ".4f") # (number of places after decimal)
-# Custom hover template
-p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, function(trace) {
+# ------- Create custom hover template ---------------- #
+p_new$x$data <- lapply(p_new$x$data, function(trace) {
if (trace$mode == "markers") {
trace$hovertemplate <- paste(
@@ -585,47 +566,48 @@ p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, function(trace) {
-# Display the plot
+# Display customized plot
+# ========= Plot old vs. older NP weights data ================================
+# Plot previous year's NP weights data vs. year before previous year's data
-color_scale <- c("fish_oils" = "#edae49", "seaweeds" = "#00798c", "ornamentals" = "#d1495b")
-# Assuming check_older is your dataframe
-# If not, replace check_older with your actual dataframe name
+#color_scale <- c("fish_oils" = "#edae49", "seaweeds" = "#00798c", "ornamentals" = "#d1495b")
-# Create the ggplot object
-g <- ggplot(check, aes(x = weight, y = new_weight, color = product,
- text = paste("Region ID:", rgn_id, "
Product:", product #,
- #"
Old weight:", older_weight, "
New weight:", weight
- ))) +
- geom_point() +
- geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, color = "red", linetype = "dashed") +
+# ---- Create ggplot object with added `text` field to prep for plotly ------ #
+g_old <- ggplot(check_older, aes(
+ x = older_weight, y = weight, color = product,
+ text = paste("Region ID:", rgn_id, "
Product:", product #,
+ #"
Old weight:", older_weight, "
New weight:", weight
+ )
+ )) +
+ # add scatterplot points
+ geom_point(alpha = 0.8) +
+ # add ab line
+ geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.7,
+ color = "red", linetype = "solid") +
+ # customize colors
scale_color_manual(values = c("fish_oil" = "#edae49", "seaweeds" = "#386641", "ornamentals" = "#83c5be")) +
- labs(title = "v2024 vs v2023 Natural Product Weights by Product for 2019",
- x = "v2023 2019 Weight",
- y = "v2024 2019 Weight",
+ # update labels
+ labs(title = "v2023 vs v2022 Natural Products Weights by Product",
+ x = "v2022 Weights",
+ y = "v2023 Weights",
color = "Product") +
+ # set base theme
-# Convert to plotly
-p <- ggplotly(g, tooltip = "text") %>%
+# ---- Convert to plotly ------------------------------ #
+p_old <- ggplotly(g_old, tooltip = "text") %>%
hovermode = "closest",
- xaxis = list(hoverformat = ".4f"),
+ xaxis = list(hoverformat = ".4f"), # customize number formatting
yaxis = list(hoverformat = ".4f")
-# Custom hover template
-p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, function(trace) {
+# ------- Custom hover template ----------------------- #
+p_old$x$data <- lapply(p_old$x$data, function(trace) {
if (trace$mode == "markers") {
trace$hovertemplate <- paste(
@@ -636,7 +618,8 @@ p$x$data <- lapply(p$x$data, function(trace) {
-# Display the plot
+# Display customized plot!