diff --git a/globalprep/le/v2024/eco/eco_usd_adj.Rmd b/globalprep/le/v2024/eco/eco_usd_adj.Rmd index 05e0dab..8293f55 100644 --- a/globalprep/le/v2024/eco/eco_usd_adj.Rmd +++ b/globalprep/le/v2024/eco/eco_usd_adj.Rmd @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ output: toc: true toc_depth: 3 toc_float: yes - number_sections: true + number_sections: false theme: cerulean highlight: haddock includes: @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Initially, there are three scripts, each with different starting units of value, ## Setup ```{r render-setup, include=FALSE} -knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) +knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE) options(scipen=99) # for number of digits printed ``` diff --git a/globalprep/le/v2024/eco/eco_usd_adj.html b/globalprep/le/v2024/eco/eco_usd_adj.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7640298 --- /dev/null +++ b/globalprep/le/v2024/eco/eco_usd_adj.html @@ -0,0 +1,2161 @@ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
OHI Science | Citation policy
The individual LE::ECO scripts from other sectors will all be +adjusted for inflation within this script. After, they will be combined +into one data frame. Finally, the values will be aggregated by region +and year across all sectors, which can then be used to calculate the +final score.
+Initially, there are three scripts, each with different starting +units of value, shown below:
++ | Metadata documentation | +Pre-Adjustment Unit | +Post-Adjustment Unit | +
cf | ++ | +Final: USD (current year) +FAO Capture: tonnes +Ex-Vessel Prices: USD/metric tonne |
+USD inflation adjusted to 2017 | +
tour | ++ | USD (constant 2015 US$) | +USD inflation adjusted to 2017 | +
mar | ++ | USD (current year) | +USD inflation adjusted to 2017 | +
# ---- Load packages ----
+if (!require(librarian)){
+ install.packages("librarian")
+ library(librarian)
+ # general
+ here,
+ janitor,
+ tidyverse,
+ ohicore, # devtools::install_github('ohi-science/ohicore@dev')
+ priceR, # for inflation function
+ # for data viz
+ RColorBrewer,
+ plotly,
+ scales
+# ---- source functions ----
+# common
+source(here::here("workflow", "R", "common.R"))
+# inflation function created in 2024, requires priceR package to be loaded
+source(here::here("workflow", "R", "inflation_adjustment.R"))
+# ---- set year and file path info ----
+current_year <- 2024 # Update this!!
+# create version name for GitHub filepaths
+version_year <- paste0("v", current_year)
+# set current LE filepath
+data_path <- here::here("globalprep", "le", version_year)
+# output data dir for intermediate data products
+int_dir <- here::here(data_path, "int")
# sector 1: Fishing (cf)
+cf_df_pre <- readr::read_csv(here(int_dir, "eco_cf_usd_pre.csv")
+ #, show_col_types = FALSE # include if you want to quiet messages. left in to assess data joining compatibility
+ )
+# sector 2: Mariculture (mar)
+mar_df_pre <- readr::read_csv(here(int_dir, "eco_mar_usd_pre.csv"))
+# sector 3: Tourism (tour)
+tour_df_pre <- readr::read_csv(here(int_dir, "eco_tour_usd_pre.csv"))
# ---- Fishing (cf) ----
+cf_df_adj <- inflation_adjustment(
+ cf_df_pre, # csv with the following columns: rgn_id, rgn_name, year, usd, unit, sector, usd_yr
+ conversion_date = 2017, # USD year you want the adjusted values to be in
+ country = "US", # country of unit value
+ current_year = current_year) # assessment year (to index into vYYYY subfolder in "le" folder)
+# ---- Mariculture (mar) ----
+# if you run into the warning about the worldbank API connection failing and a "502 Bad Gateway" error, wait a few minutes before trying to run this again (and don't run anything else in the meantime)
+mar_df_adj <- inflation_adjustment(mar_df_pre, conversion_date = 2017,
+ country = "US", current_year = current_year)
+# ---- Tourism (tour) ----
+tour_df_adj <- inflation_adjustment(tour_df_pre, conversion_date = 2017,
+ country = "US", current_year = current_year)
# bind rows of adjusted data frames
+eco_usd_bind <- rbind(cf_df_adj, mar_df_adj, tour_df_adj)
+# find maximum and minimum years for each adjusted data frame
+min_max_df <- tibble(
+ min_year = c(min(cf_df_adj$year), min(mar_df_adj$year), min(tour_df_adj$year)),
+ max_year = c(max(cf_df_adj$year), max(mar_df_adj$year), max(tour_df_adj$year))
+# set year range based on limiting dataset values
+start_year <- max(min_max_df$min_year) # take maximum of minimum years
+stop_year <- min(min_max_df$max_year) # take minimum of maximum years
+# ----- create aggregated adjusted data frame ------------
+eco_usd_filter <- eco_usd_bind %>%
+ dplyr::filter(year %in% c(start_year:stop_year)) # filter to date range
+# make all geographic areas have the same date range (and fill missing values with NAs)
+# note: this should also be done upstream, as the sector region should not be NA (important for later aggregation, function implementation)
+# using expand
+eco_years_expand <- eco_usd_filter %>%
+ tidyr::expand(nesting(rgn_id, rgn_name), # note: you can't expand on a grouping column
+ year = start_year:stop_year) %>% # within each group combination, add sequence of years in new "year" column
+ dplyr::arrange(rgn_id, year)
+# ---- join with gdp prop data ----
+eco_usd_years <- dplyr::left_join(eco_years_expand, eco_usd_filter,
+ by = c("rgn_id", "rgn_name", "year"))
Investigate the difference: tidyr::expand
and tidyr::complete
# check grouping
+is.grouped_df(eco_usd_filter) # FALSE
+# ---- the following two methods produce identical dataframes ----
+# using expand
+eco_years_expand <- eco_usd_filter %>%
+ tidyr::expand(nesting(rgn_id, rgn_name), # note: you can't expand on a grouping column
+ year = start_year:stop_year) %>% # within each group combination, add sequence of years in new "year" column
+ dplyr::arrange(rgn_id, year)
+# Note from documentation: "With grouped data frames created by dplyr::group_by(), expand() operates within each group. Because of this, you cannot expand on a grouping column."
+# using reframe
+eco_years_reframe <- eco_usd_filter %>%
+ dplyr::group_by(rgn_id, rgn_name) %>%
+ # fill with full year range for joining
+ dplyr::reframe(year = seq(start_year, stop_year))
+# we know that they are equal because:
+length(eco_years_expand) # 3
+#length(eco_years_expand) == length(eco_years_reframe) # TRUE
+nrow(eco_years_expand) # 2268
+#nrow(eco_years_expand) == nrow(eco_years_reframe) # TRUE
+sum(eco_years_expand == eco_years_reframe) # 6804 = ncol * nrow = all values
+sum(eco_years_expand == eco_years_reframe) == (nrow(eco_years_expand) * length(eco_years_expand)) # TRUE
+# These two methods also give you the same output as the summarize() method we got a Warning about:
+# eco_years_df <- tibble(rgn_name = eco_usd_filter$rgn_name,
+# rgn_id = eco_usd_filter$rgn_id) %>%
+# dplyr::group_by(rgn_id, rgn_name) %>%
+# dplyr::summarize(year = seq(start_year,
+# stop_year))
+# note: returns warning to use `reframe()` instead. That function is experimental as of July 2024. `reframe()` always returns an ungrouped dataframe.
+# come back to this -- makes 1.7 million rows because it expands the dataframe for all combinations of rgn_id, rgn_name, sector, for all years
+eco_years_test <- eco_usd_filter %>%
+ tidyr::complete(rgn_id, rgn_name, sector,
+ year = min(year):max(year),
+ fill = list(value = NA))
# ------------ join with OHI Regions to make clear which regions do not have any data -----
+region_names <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OHI-Science/ohi-global/draft/eez/spatial/regions_list.csv") %>%
+ dplyr::select(-Notes) # drop notes column
+# ---- add years to OHI regions ----
+rgn_yr_df <- region_names %>%
+ # expand() generates all combinations of variables found in a dataset
+ # nesting() finds combinations of rgn_id & rgn_name already present in the df
+ tidyr::expand(nesting(rgn_id, rgn_name), # note: you can't expand on a grouping column
+ year = start_year:stop_year) %>% # within each group combination, add sequence of years in new "year" column
+ dplyr::arrange(rgn_id, year)
+# ---- final data frame before aggregation, in which all regions and sectors are present ----
+eco_usd_rgn_full <- dplyr::left_join(rgn_yr_df, eco_usd_filter,
+ by = c("rgn_id", "rgn_name", "year")) # works! We now see NAs for all years within the start:stop seq for each region in OHI.
drop NA values for usd
aggregate by rgn_name + year + sector
plot heatmap of sectors we have data for within date +range
find data gaps (there should be none since we gapfilled +earlier)
# ---- make NA status column ----
+eco_status <- eco_usd_years %>%
+ dplyr::mutate(status = !is.na(usd)) # TRUE if we DO have value data
+# %>%
+# group_by(rgn_id, rgn_name, year) %>%
+# ---- using the aggregate function from {stats} ----
+agg_test <- eco_status %>%
+ # sum of status column for each rgn_name + year + sector combination
+ stats::aggregate(status~rgn_name+year+sector, FUN = sum)
+# ---- count number of sectors we have data for for each country per year ----
+agg_test_sum <- agg_test %>%
+ dplyr::ungroup() %>%
+ dplyr::group_by(rgn_name, year) %>%
+ dplyr::summarize(data_status = sum(status, na.rm = TRUE),
+ .groups = "drop")
+# ---- make heatmap to visualize missing data ----
+agg_heatmap_plot <- ggplot(data = agg_test_sum) +
+ geom_tile(aes(x = year,
+ y = rgn_name,
+ fill = as.factor(data_status)), color = "black") +
+ scale_fill_manual(values = c("white", # 0
+ "#AACAF9", # 1
+ #"#5594F2",
+ "#005FEC", # 2
+ "darkblue"), # 3
+ na.value = "grey") +
+ labs(y = "",
+ x = "Year",
+ title = "Number of Sectors with Data per Region per Year",
+ fill = "Number of Sectors with Data") +
+ theme_bw()
+# static:
+# interactive:
+# (note: this may take a minute or so to render)
Calculate total USD (inflation-adjusted to 2017 USD) across all +sectors per region per year.
+# calculate aggregate value across all sectors
+eco_usd_adj <- eco_usd_rgn_full %>%
+ group_by(rgn_id, rgn_name, year) %>% # group by places & years
+ summarize(value = sum(adj_usd, na.rm = TRUE),
+ .groups = "keep") %>% # sum values
+ mutate(value = case_when(
+ value == 0 ~ NA, # replace 0s with NAs (flag of no data that was lost in summing)
+ .default = value
+ ))
+# write data frame to int
+#write_csv(eco_usd_adj, here(int_dir, "eco_usd_adj.csv"))
\[ +x_{eco} = \frac { \displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { e }_{ c,k } } }{ +\displaystyle\sum _{ k=1 }^{ N }{ { e }_{ r,k } } } +\]
+where, \(e\) is the total adjusted +revenue generated directly and indirectly from sector \(k\), at current \(c\), and reference \(r\), time points
+Based on this methodology and equation, we created and defined the
column earlier as the sum of the adjusted USD value
+for the three sectors (fishing, mariculture, and tourism). To calculate
+the score, we will take that combined sum across sectors per region per
+year and divide the value in the current (or most recent) year by the
+reference point value
From the website’s methodology:
+Because there is no absolute global reference point for revenue +(i.e., a target number would be completely arbitrary), the economies +subgoal uses a moving baseline as the reference point. Reference revenue +is calculated as the value in the current year (or most recent year), +relative to the value in a recent moving reference period, defined as 5 +years prior to the current year. This reflects an implicit goal of +maintaining coastal revenue on short time scales, allowing for decadal +or generational shifts in what people want and expect. We allowed for a +longer or shorter gap between the current and recent years if a 5 year +span was not available from the data, but the gap could not be greater +than 10 years. Our preferred gap between years was as follows (in order +of preference): 5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 8, 2, 9, 1, and 10 years.
+Absolute values for \(e\) in the +current and reference periods were lumped across all sectors before +calculating reference values (even though the current and reference +years will not be exactly the same for all sectors), allowing a decrease +in one sector to be balanced by an increase in another sector. As such, +we do not track the status of individual sectors and instead always +focus on the status of all sectors together.
+calculate_scores <- function(data, stop_year) {
+ data %>%
+ group_by(rgn_id, rgn_name) %>%
+ mutate(
+ # creating columns so we can perform column-wise operations
+ # set current year equal to stop year or else most recent year of data
+ current_year = max(year[year <= stop_year]),
+ # get value in current or most recent year of data
+ current_value = value[year == current_year],
+ # set year for reference point to 5 years before current or most recent year
+ reference_year = current_year - 5,
+ # get value in reference year
+ reference_value = value[year == reference_year],
+ # calculate score
+ score = current_value / reference_value
+ ) %>%
+ # get year for which score was calculated for each region
+ filter(year == current_year) %>%
+ # select relevant columns
+ select(rgn_id, rgn_name, year, current_value, reference_value, score) %>%
+ ungroup()
Test new function
+single_point_scores_2019 <- calculate_scores(eco_usd_adj, stop_year = 2019)
In 2019, Nauru (and members of the PNA) sold rights to fish in their +waters for higher amounts than in previous years, which may explain the +extremely high score for this region.
+calculate_scores <- function(data) {
+ data <- data %>% mutate(rgn_id = as.character(rgn_id))
+ find_reference_year <- function(years, current_year) {
+ gap_preferences <- c(5, 6, 4, 7, 3, 8, 2, 9, 1, 10)
+ for (gap in gap_preferences) {
+ reference_year <- current_year - gap
+ if (reference_year %in% years) {
+ return(reference_year)
+ }
+ }
+ return(NA)
+ }
+ min_year <- min(data$year, na.rm = TRUE)
+ max_year <- max(data$year, na.rm = TRUE)
+ map(seq(min_year + 5, max_year), function(calc_year) {
+ data %>%
+ group_by(rgn_id, rgn_name) %>%
+ reframe(
+ calculation_year = calc_year,
+ current_value = value[year == calc_year],
+ reference_year = find_reference_year(year[year < calc_year], calc_year),
+ reference_value = value[year == reference_year[1]],
+ score = current_value / reference_value
+ )
+ }) %>%
+ list_rbind() %>%
+ select(rgn_id, rgn_name, calculation_year, current_value, reference_value, score)
# test
+test_score_fun_1 <- calculate_scores(eco_usd_adj)
+score_test_summary <- summary(test_score_fun_1)
check less than 0.8 scores, check big ones like Nauru
+seems typical for values over 1 bc we expect a lot to do better than +they were 5 years ago