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153 lines (124 loc) · 6.62 KB

Setting up training pipeline

See the readme from our ICLR 2021 work for details on setting up the basic training pipeline.


  • Download and normalize datasets
make download-datasets
make normalize-datasets
  • Create the transformed datasets
make apply-transforms-sri-py150
make apply-transforms-csn-python
make extract-transformed-tokens
  • Train a normal seq2seq model for 10 epochs on sri/py150
bash experiments/
  • Run adversarial training and testing on sri/py150 for 5 epochs
bash experiments/
  • Get the augmented sri/py150 datasets with random and adversarial views
bash scripts/
  • Pretrain a seq2seq encoder on a sri/py150 augmented dataset, finetune the encoder on sri/py150, and test the final model on normal and adversarial datasets.
bash experiments/
  • Pretrain a seq2seq encoder on sri/py150 and run adversasrial training starting from the pretrained model.
bash experiments/

Directory Structure

The instructions that follow have been adopted from Ramakrishnan et al.'s codebase. In this repository, we have the following directories:


Note: the datasets are all much too large to be included in this GitHub repo. This is simply the structure as it would exist on disk once our framework is setup.

  + ./raw            # The four datasets in "raw" form
  + ./normalized     # The four datasets in the "normalized" JSON-lines representation 
  + ./preprocess
    + ./tokens       # The four datasets in a representation suitable for token-level models
    + ./ast-paths    # The four datasets in a representation suitable for code2seq
  + ./transformed    # The four datasets transformed via our code-transformation framework 
    + ./normalized   # Transformed datasets normalized back into the JSON-lines representation
    + ./preprocessed # Transformed datasets preprocessed into:
      + ./tokens     # ... a representation suitable for token-level models
      + ./ast-paths  # ... a representation suitable for code2seq
  + ./adversarial    # Datasets in the format < source, target, tranformed-variant #1, #2, ..., #K >
    + ./tokens       # ... in a token-level representation
    + ./ast-paths    # ... in an ast-paths representation


We have two Machine Learning on Code models. Both of them are trained on the Code Summarization task. The seq2seq model has been modified to incorporate our attack formulation, and includes an adversarial training loop. The branch pytorch-code2seq implements our attack formulation on code2seq. This is work in progress.

  + ./pytorch-seq2seq   # seq2seq model implementation
  + ./contracode   # contracode encoder, including transformer encoder and lstm encoder.
  + ./pytorch-seq2seq-code-completion # seq2seq model for code completion
  + ./Transformer # Transformer for code summarization.  


This directory stores results that are small-enough to be checked into GitHub. This is automatically generated once the codebase is set up.


In this directory there are a large number of scripts for doing various chores related to running and maintaing this code transformation infrastructure.


This directory houses the implementations of various pieces of our core framework:

  + ./astor-apply-transforms
  + ./depth-k-test-seq2seq
  + ./download-c2s-dataset
  + ./download-csn-dataset
  + ./extract-adv-dataset-c2s
  + ./extract-adv-dataset-tokens
  + ./generate-baselines
  + ./integrated-gradients-seq2seq
  + ./normalize-raw-dataset
  + ./preprocess-dataset-c2s
  + ./preprocess-dataset-tokens
  + ./spoon-apply-transforms
  + ./test-model-*
  + ./train-model-*
  + ./pretain-contracode*
  + ./adv-pretrain-controcode*
  + ./adv-train-model-seq2seq-online*
  + ./finetune-contracode*


This directory contains dependencies in the form of git submodukes.


We have one overarching Makefile that can be used to drive a number of the data generation, training, testing, adn evaluation tasks.

download-datasets                    (DS-1) Downloads all prerequisite datasets
normalize-datasets                   (DS-2) Normalizes all downloaded datasets
extract-ast-paths                    (DS-3) Generate preprocessed data in a form usable by code2seq style models. 
extract-tokens                       (DS-3) Generate preprocessed data in a form usable by seq2seq style models. 
apply-transforms-c2s-java-med        (DS-4) Apply our suite of transforms to code2seq's java-med dataset.
apply-transforms-c2s-java-small      (DS-4) Apply our suite of transforms to code2seq's java-small dataset.
apply-transforms-csn-java            (DS-4) Apply our suite of transforms to CodeSearchNet's java dataset.
apply-transforms-csn-python          (DS-4) Apply our suite of transforms to CodeSearchNet's python dataset.
apply-transforms-sri-py150           (DS-4) Apply our suite of transforms to SRI Lab's py150k dataset.
extract-transformed-ast-paths        (DS-6) Extract preprocessed representations (ast-paths) from our transfromed (normalized) datasets 
extract-transformed-tokens           (DS-6) Extract preprocessed representations (tokens) from our transfromed (normalized) datasets 
extract-adv-datasets-tokens          (DS-7) Extract preprocessed adversarial datasets (representations: tokens)
docker-cleanup                       (MISC) Cleans up old and out-of-sync Docker images.
submodules                           (MISC) Ensures that submodules are setup.
help                                 (MISC) This help.
test-model-seq2seq                   (TEST) Tests the seq2seq model on a selected dataset.
test-finetuned-model                 (TEST) Tests the finetuned seq2seq model on a selected dataset.
train-model-seq2seq                  (TRAIN) Trains the seq2seq model on a selected dataset.
adv-pretrain-contracode              (TRAIN) Robustness-aware pretrain the seq2seq encoder.
adv-pretrain-contracode-transformer  (TRAIN) Robustness-aware pretrain the transformer encoder.
finetune-contracode                  (TRAIN) Finetune the pretrain encoder on downstream summarization task.
finetune-contracode-code-completion  (TRAIN) Finetune the pretrain encoder on downstream code completion task.
finetune-contracode-code-clone       (TRAIN) Finetune the pretrain encoder on downstream code clone detection task.
finetune-contracode-code-transformer (TRAIN) Finetune the pretrain encoder on downstream code clone detection task.