This document details the most recent changes made to the lookBackr app.
Authentication and Authorization:
- Add a POST endpoint (url/users) for signup and a POST endpoint (url/login) for login.
- Signup / Login form.
- Improved endpoints on the server-side to be able to keep track of which user is in which room/retro.
Delete ...
- ... cards (add deleteCard endpoint).
- ... delete rooms. It was already possible to delete a room, however this was previous not connected to the stream.
Added a few buttons to improve user experience:
- Logout button.
- Go-back button.
Display users:
- Show in the Header the person who is logged-in.
- In the lobby, display how many users are in each room.
- Fixed a bug: you couldn't re-enter a room which contained a card you made before.
- Improved styling.
- Proper error-messages: if you try to sign up again as an existing user; if your password or username are incorrect when you try to log in.