From 79e95ffca4c9342aab1186fd9dcfea5a323a1c70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Josh Jeffryes Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2017 17:22:59 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Update to use new api for currencies. Update languages. --- js/languages/am-ET.json | 1166 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ js/languages/cs.json | 15 + js/languages/da.json | 33 +- js/languages/de-DE.json | 33 +- js/languages/el.json | 15 + js/languages/eo.json | 69 ++- js/languages/es.json | 33 +- js/languages/fr-CA.json | 15 + js/languages/fr.json | 15 + js/languages/hr-HR.json | 15 + js/languages/it.json | 33 +- js/languages/ja-JP.json | 17 +- js/languages/ko.json | 15 + js/languages/nl-NL.json | 15 + js/languages/pl.json | 35 +- js/languages/pt-BR.json | 25 +- js/languages/ro.json | 15 + js/languages/ru.json | 15 + js/languages/sk.json | 15 + js/languages/tlh.json | 15 + js/languages/tr.json | 15 + js/languages/uk.json | 15 + js/languages/uz.json | 15 + js/languages/zh-CN.json | 15 + js/models/languagesMd.js | 4 + js/views/currencyListVw.js | 2 +- package.json | 2 +- 27 files changed, 1596 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-) create mode 100644 js/languages/am-ET.json diff --git a/js/languages/am-ET.json b/js/languages/am-ET.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb80c7298 --- /dev/null +++ b/js/languages/am-ET.json @@ -0,0 +1,1166 @@ +{ + "IHaveAWalletNow": "አሁን አንድ ቦርሳ አላቸው", + "Next": "ቀጣዩ", + "IAgree": "እስማማለሁ", + "Back": "ወደኋላ", + "EnterMessage": "መልዕክት ያስገቡ ...", + "Recommended": "የሚመከር", + "Reload": "ዳግም ጫን", + "LoadIndex": "ያግኙ ወደ ሂድ", + "Status": "ሁናቴ", + "Cancel": "ሰርዝ", + "TryAgain": "እንደገና ሞክር", + "ClosingOpenBazaar": "ዝጋ (የእርስዎ ገጽ ከመስመር ውጪ ይሄዳል)", + "ClosingOpenBazaarNonInstaller": "ገጠመ", + "Minimize": "አሳንስ", + "Maximize": "አስፋ", + "Restore": "እነበረበት መልስ", + "Close": "ገጠመ", + "Yes": "አዎ", + "No": "አይ", + "pageXofY": "%{የአሁኑገጽ} የ %{ጠቅላላገጾች}", + "New": "አዲስ", + "Retry": "ድጋሚ ይሞክሩ", + "HighlightToStyle": "ቅጥ ወደ ጽሑፍ ሲያደምቁ", + "Excellent": "በጣም ጥሩ", + "Good": "ጥሩ", + "Poor": "ድኻ", + "ToTop": "ወደ ላይ ተመለስ", + "StillValidating": "የእርስዎ እጀታ አሁንም በማጽደቅ ነው. በዚህ ገጽ ላይ ምንም ለውጦች ማስቀመጥ, እና እጀታ እንደገና ያጣሩ ጠቅ ያድርጉ.", + "RefreshHandleStatus": "የእርስዎ መያዣን ሁኔታ እንደገና ያጣሩ", + "GoToOneName": " ሂድ", + "GoToOneNameTooltip": " ላይ አንድ መታወቂያ ፍጠር, እና የመተግበሪያ መለያዎች ስር መተግበሪያው ልክ እንደ ስምህ openbazaar ያስገቡ, እና በእርስዎ መለያ መለያ እንደ GUID (የ GUID የ ስለ ትር ውስጥ, በእርስዎ ገጽ ላይ ነው). ማረጋገጫ በርካታ ቀናት ድረስ ሊወስድ ይችላል.", + "ChangeCurrency": "ለውጥ ምንዛሬ", + "ChangeCurrencyHelp": "ይህን ጠቅ ቅንብሮች እይታ የሚወስድ ሲሆን ያደረጓቸውን ማንኛውም አይነት ለውጦችን ያጣሉ.", + "SKU": "SKU", + "Refurbished": "ታድሶ", + "Physical": "የአካላዊ", + "Digital": "ዲጂታል", + "Service": "አገልግሎት", + "Visit": "ይመልከቱ", + "Follow": "ተከተል", + "ViewListing": "ይመልከቱ ዝርዝር", + "Unfollow": "አትከተል", + "ConfirmUnfollow": "መከተልን አረጋግጥ", + "AddModerator": "እንደ አወያይ ያክሉ", + "RemoveModerator": "እንደ አወያይ አስወግድ", + "About": "ስለ", + "Version": "ስሪት% {ስሪት}", + "ServerVersion": "የአገልጋይ ስሪት% {የአገልጋይስሪት}", + "NoDescriptionAdded": "ምንም መግለጫ ታክሏል", + "NoListings": "ምንም አይንት ዝርዝር", + "CoverPhoto": "ሽፋን ፎቶ", + "AboutEmpty": "ስለ ባዶ ነው ...", + "Followers": "ተከታዮች", + "Following": "በመከተል ላይ", + "FollowsYou": "አንተ ይከተላል", + "Message": "መልእክት", + "Messages": "መልዕክቶች", + "Store": "መደብር", + "Edit": "አርትዕ", + "Clone": "የስቅለት", + "Used": "ጥቅም ላይ የዋለ", + "Delete": "ሰርዝ", + "DontDelete": "ሰርዝ አትበል", + "ConfirmDelete": "ሰርዝ ያረጋግጡ", + "YesDelete": "አዎ, ሰርዝ", + "Website": "ድህረገፅ", + "Guid": "ክፍት ገበያ መታወቂያ", + "Welcome": "እንኳን ደህና መጣህ", + "CreateStore": "አንድ ይሁኑ መደብር", + "GoToMyPage": "የእኔ ገጽ", + "Random": "ያለብለኀት", + "ShowOnlyFollowerListings": "ለግል", + "DoesNotShip": "እናንተ አይልክም", + "TryRandom": "ተጨማሪ ለማግኘት በዘፈቀደ ሁነታ ይሞክሩ", + "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "እኔ መከተል መደብሮች ይመልከቱ ዝርዝሮች", + "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "በአውታረ መረቡ ላይ የዘፈቀደ ዝርዝሮች ይመልከቱ", + "ViewUnfilteredListings": "የዘፈቀደ ዝርዝሮች ይመልከቱ", + "AllListingsWarning": "ለማቦዘን የተላበሱ ዝርዝሮች በ አገኘ ምግብ አውታረ መረቡ ላይ የዘፈቀደ ዝርዝሮች እንድትሞላ ይሆናል.\n\nእነዚህን ዝርዝሮች አዋቂ ወይም የሚያስከፋ ሊሆን እንደሚችል የተከለከለ ይዘት እና / ወይም ፎቶዎች ሊይዝ ይችላል መሆኑን ልብ ይበሉ. \n\nበማንኛውም ጊዜ ላይ ወደ ኋላ ለግል ዝርዝሮች የመመልከት መሄድ የሚፈልጉ ከሆነ, በቀላሉ መቼት እና ያግኙ መቀያየር ይችላሉ ምግብ መደበኛ ተመልሼ እሄዳለሁ.", + "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "የዘፈቀደ ዝርዝሮች አሳይ", + "SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "አይነት #games, #shoes ወይም ማንኛውም #tag ...", + "SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "ስም ወይም በቁልፍ ቃል ፈልግ", + "SearchForFollowersPlaceholder": "በአሁን ጊዜ የእርስዎን ሊጫን ተከታዮች ላይ አንድ ስም ፈልግ.", + "SearchForFollowersPlaceholderMore": "በአሁን ጊዜ የእርስዎን ሊጫን ተከታዮች ላይ ስም ፈልግ (ተጨማሪ መጫን ሸብልል).", + "SearchForFollowingPlaceholder": "በአሁን ጊዜ የእርስዎን የተጫኑ ገጾች ውስጥ አንድ ስም ፈልግ.", + "SearchForFollowingPlaceholderMore": "በአሁን ጊዜ የእርስዎን የተጫኑ ገጾች ላይ ስም ፈልግ (ተጨማሪ መጫን ሸብልል).", + "SearchOnUserStorePlaceholder": "ርዕስ ይተይቡ ...", + "EstDeliveryDomesticPlaceholder": "3-5 የስራ ቀናት", + "EstDeliveryInternationalPlaceholder": "7-15 የስራ ቀናት", + "OrderProcessingTimePlaceholder": "ትዕዛዝ ለማስኬድ የሚያስችል ጊዜ ያስገቡ", + "TermsAndConditionsPlaceholder": "ውሎች እና ሁኔታዎች ያስገቡ ...", + "TitlePlaceholder": "ርዕስ ያስገቡ", + "DescriptionPlaceholder": "መግለጫ ያስገቡ ...", + "ReturnPolicyPlaceholder": "መምሪያ ለመመለስ ያስገቡ ...", + "CategoryPlaceholder": "ምድብ ያስገቡ", + "CategoryHelperText": "ምድቦች ቡድን ጥቅም ላይ እና ውስጥ ዝርዝርዎን ማደራጀት ናቸው መደብር .", + "KeywordsPlaceholder": "አንድ ወይም ተጨማሪ መለያዎች አስገባ", + "KeywordsHelperText": "መለያዎች ማከል ዝርዝር በገበያ ውስጥ እንዲገኝ ይረዳል. አንተ ብቻ በኮማ የተለዩ እያንዳንዱ መለያ አንዱ, እና በ 10 መለያዎች ቢበዛ, ወይም ቁልፍ ማስገባት ይችላሉ.", + "KeywordsHelperText2": "መለያዎች %{smart_count} ቁምፊ በላይ መሆን አይችልም. |||| መለያዎች%{smart_count} ቁምፊዎች በላይ መሆን አይችልም.", + "ExpirationDateHelperText": "ወደ ዝርዝር በራስ-ሰር ነው የሚወጣው ዘንድ አንድ ቀን ያዘጋጁ መደብር .", + "ClearExpirationDate": "አጽዳ የሚያበቃበት ቀን", + "ClearShippingLocations": "ሁሉንም ያፅዱ", + "ReturnPolicy": "የተመላሽ እቃ አፈፃፀም ሂደት", + "TermsAndConditions": "አተገባበሩና ​​መመሪያው", + "Photos": "ፎቶዎች", + "Categorization": "አመዳደብ", + "Expiration": "ማለፍ", + "Search": "ፍለጋ", + "Username": "የተጠቃሚ ስም", + "Email": "ኢሜይል", + "Facebook": "ፌስቡክ", + "Instagram": "Instagram", + "Twitter": "በ twitter", + "Snapchat": "Snapchat", + "BUYNOW": "አሁን ግዛ", + "Description": "መግለጫ", + "Reviews": "ግምገማዎች", + "Shipping": "መላኪያ", + "Shipping2": "መላኪያ:", + "ShippingReturns": "መላኪያ እና ተመለሰ", + "CountryOfOrigin": "የትውልድ ቦታ:", + "CanBeShippedTo": "አንተ ወደ መርከብ ይችላሉ:", + "NoShippableAddress": "የተቀመጡ አድራሻዎች መካከል አንዳቸውም በዚህ ዝርዝር ሊላክ ይችላል አገር ውስጥ ናቸው.", + "NoSavedAddresses": "ገና ምንም የተቀመጡ አድራሻ የለዎትም.", + "Addresses": "አድራሻዎች", + "Files": "ፋይሎች", + "NewAddress": "አዲስ አድራሻ", + "CurrentAddress": "የአሁኑ አድራሻዎች", + "DefaultAddress": "ነባሪ አድራሻ", + "ReturnsPolicy": "መመሪያ ይመልሳል", + "Tags": "መለያዎች", + "Keywords": "ቁልፍ ቃላት", + "MaxQuantityDisplay": "%{quantity} ድረስ ግዢ በአንድ ይገኛሉ.", + "MaxQuantityDisplayShort": "ከፍተኛው %{quantity}", + "NoQuantityDisplay": "ይህ ዝርዝር ለግዢ በአሁኑ ጊዜ አይገኝም.", + "ShipsFrom": "ከ መርከቦች", + "ShipsFrom2": "ከ መርከቦች %{country}", + "ShipsTo": "ወደ መርከቦች", + "ShipsTo2": "ወደ መርከቦች %{country}", + "AddShipToRegion": "የመርከብ ክልል", + "AddShipToRegionNote": "በአንድ ክልል ውስጥ ያሉ ሁሉም ብሔራት ያክላል", + "SelectRegion": "አንድ አማራጭ ክልል አክል", + "AllRegions": "ሁሉም አገሮች", + "EuropeanUnion": "የአውሮፓ ህብረት", + "EuropeanEconomicArea": "የአውሮፓ የኢኮኖሚ አካባቢ", + "Optional": "ግዴታ ያልሆነ", + "Customize": "አብጅ", + "Save": "አስቀምጥ", + "Change": "ለዉጥ", + "SaveChanges": "ለውጦችን አስቀምጥ", + "YourName": "የአንተ ስም", + "UseTestnet": "አካል ፕሮጀክቶች ይጠቀሙ", + "UseTestnetHelp": "ወደ እውነት ከተዋቀረ, የደንበኛ አድራሻዎች Bitcoin Testnet ይጠቀማል. የእርስዎ አገልጋዩ -t testnet ባንዲራ ጋር ጀመሩ ከሆነ ብቻ ወደ እውነት ከተዋቀረ.", + "TestnetAddress": "አካል ፕሮጀክቶች አድራሻ", + "TestnetAddressHelp": "የእርስዎ ደንበኛ Testnet ለመጠቀም ነው የተዋቀረው: ብቻ Testnet አድራሻዎች ያስችላቸዋል. ወደ mainnet, እና እውነተኛ Bitcoin ለመጠቀም, ቅንብሮች / የላቀ ውስጥ Testnet ያጥፉት, እና አገልጋዩ -t testnet ባንዲራ ጋር አልተጀመረም ነበር ያረጋግጡ.", + "MustTestnetAddress": "አንድ Testnet አድራሻ መሆን አለበት", + "BitcoinAddress": "የአሁኑ ገንዘብ ተመላሽ አድራሻ", + "BitcoinReturnAddress": "የእርስዎ Bitcoin አድራሻ ያስገቡ", + "BitcoinReturnAddressPlaceholder": "Bitcoin አድራሻ ያስገቡ ...", + "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "ተመላሽ ገንዘብ የተሰጠ ከሆነ, ገንዘብ አንድ Bitcoin አድራሻ ይላካል ያስፈልጋቸዋል. ከታች በእርስዎ Wallet አንድ አድራሻ ያቅርቡ. አንድ ተመላሽ ገንዘብ ለመቀበል ወደ በኋላ ላይ ይህን አድራሻ መድረስ መቻል አለባቸው.", + "LocalCurrency": "አካባቢያዊ ምንዛሬ", + "BitcoinUnit": "Bitcoin አሃድ", + "TimeZone": "የጊዜ ክልል", + "ShipToName": "የተቀባይ ስም", + "ShipToStreet": "የተቀባይ ስም", + "ShipToCity": "ከተማ", + "ShipToState": "ክልል / መኖሪያ አካባቢ / ክልል", + "ShipToPostalCode": "የአካባቢ ወይም የከተማ መለያ ቁጥር", + "ShipToOther": "የመገኛ አድራሻ", + "ShipToOtherPlaceholder": "አማራጭ ዘዴ (ዎች) ሻጩ እንደ ኢሜይል, እርስዎን ለማነጋገር መጠቀም ይችላሉ", + "ShipToOtherPlaceholderShort": "ተለዋጭ ዕውቂያ ስልት", + "ShipToCountry": "አገር", + "Required": "የሚያስፈልግ", + "EnableNotifications": "ማሳወቂያዎችን አንቃ", + "SSLOn": "ላይ የ SSL", + "SSLOff": "የ SSL ጠፍቷል", + "SSLIsOn": "SSL ላይ ነው", + "SSLIsOff": "የ SSL ጠፍቷል", + "LibbitcoinServerAddress": "Libbitcoin የአገልጋይ አድራሻ", + "LibbitcoinOfflineWarning": "የ Libbitcoin አገልጋይ በማግኘት ላይ. የ Libbitcoin አገልጋይ ጋር አልተያያዘም ድረስ ግብይቶችን ሊዘገይ ይችላል.", + "libbitcoinPlaceholder": "tcp://serveraddress:port ወይም ነባሪው ዋጋ ለመጠቀም ይህንን መስክ ባዶ መተው (የሚመከር)", + "SMTPNotifications": "SMTP ማሳወቂያዎች", + "SMTPPassword": "SMTP የይለፍ ቃል", + "SMTPUsername": "SMTP የተጠቃሚ ስም", + "SMTPServer": "SMTP አገልጋይ አድራሻ", + "SMTPServerExample": "hostname:port", + "SMTPRecipientExample": "", + "SMTPRecipient": "የተቀባይ የኢሜይል አድራሻ", + "SMTPSenderExample": "", + "SMTPSender": "የላኪ ኢሜይል አድራሻ", + "TestSMTPButton": "የሙከራ SMTP አገልጋይ", + "All": "ሁሉ", + "Name": "ስም", + "Price": "ዋጋ", + "Type": "ዓይነት", + "Condition": "ሁኔታ", + "MaxQuantity": "ከፍተኛ ብዛት", + "MaxQuantityPlaceholder": "ግዢ በእያንዳንዱ ወደ ከፍተኛው (0 ጋር 999998)", + "MaxQuantityHelp": "ከፍተኛው ዜሮ ከሆነ, በዚህ ዝርዝር የሚታይ ይሆናል ነገር ግን የሚሸጥ መሆን አይችልም", + "NSFW": "የአዋቂዎች ወይም አፀያፊ ይዘት", + "Pinned": "ተሰክቷል", + "PinnedHelp": "የተሰኩ ዝርዝሮች ተነቅሏል ዝርዝሮች በፊት በመደብሩ ውስጥ ይታያል.", + "Hidden": "የተደበቀ", + "HiddenHelp": "እርስዎ ብቻ ነዎት መደብር ውስጥ የተሰወረውን ዝርዝር ማየት ይችላሉ. ወደ ዝርዝር ገጹ ገና በውስጡ GUID በኩል ሊታይ ይችላል.", + "Social": "ማኅበራዊ", + "Theme": "ገጽታ", + "Listing": "ዝርዝር", + "Listings": "ዝርዝሮች", + "ViewPage": "ገፅ ይመልከቱ", + "ClearConvo": "ግልጽ ውይይት", + "Pages": "ገጾች", + "Page": "ገጽ", + "Language": "ቋንቋ", + "Reset": "ዳግም አስጀምር", + "Local": "አካባቢያዊ", + "International": "ዓለም አቀፍ", + "Free": "ፍርይ", + "FreeShipping": "ነጻ ማጓጓዣ", + "Category": "መደብ", + "ProcessingTime": "በመስራት ላይ ሰዓት", + "SelectPhotos": "ፎቶዎች ይምረጡ", + "ExpirationDate": "ጊዜው የሚያልፍበት", + "UploadCoverPhoto": "የሽፋን ፎቶ ይስቀሉ", + "ShortDescription": "አጭር መግለጫ", + "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "ይበሉ ሳቢ የሆነ ነገር ... (160 ቁምፊ ከፍተኛ)", + "PrimaryColor": "ዋና ቀለም", + "SecondaryColor": "ሁለተኛ ቀለም", + "TextColor": "የጽሁፍ ቀለም", + "BackgroundColor": "የጀርባ ቀለም", + "AboutPlaceholder": "ሙሉ መግለጫ", + "NotificationPaymentSent": "ክፍያ ተልኳል %{name}.", + "NotificationPaymentReceived": "ክፍያ ከ ተቀበሉት %{name}.", + "NotificationRatingRecieved": "ትዕዛዝ የተጠናቀቁ እና ደረጃ ተቀብያለሁና %{name}.", + "NotificationOrderFor": "%{name} አንድ ትዕዛዝ ይመደባሉ %{title}.", + "NotificationOrderConfirmed": "የእርስዎ ትዕዛዝ ተልኳል / ተረጋግጧል.", + "NotificationFollow": "%{name} እናንተ የሚከተሉት አሁን ነው.", + "NotificationDispute": "%{name} ክርክር ከፍቷል.", + "NotificationDisputeClosed": "ይህ ክርክር ተዘግቷል.", + "NotificationRefund": "%{name} የእርስዎ ትዕዛዝ ተመላሽ አድርጓል.", + "NotificationNewOrder": "%{name} አንድ ግዢ አድርጓል.", + "NotificationNewTransactionMessage": "%{name} አንድ ግብይት ስለ አዲስ መልዕክት ልኳል..", + "NotificationTitle": "ርዕስ:%{title}", + "NotificationFrom": "ከ: %{name}", + "NotificationType": "አይነት: %{type}", + "NotificationTime": "ጊዜ: %{time}", + "NoNotifications": "ምንም ማሳወቂያዎች የሉም", + "WelcomeToYourPage": "ገጽዎ እንኳን ደህና መጡ!", + "Moderators": "አወያዮች", + "CurrentModerators": "የአሁኑ አወያዮች", + "AddModerators": "አወያዮች አክል", + "ManualAddModerator": "GUID በ አወያዮች አክል", + "ManualAddModeratorHelp": "እዚህ, በኮማ የተለዩ አንድ ወይም ተጨማሪ አወያዮች ላይ GUIDs ያስገቡ. የ GUID በእነርሱ ገጽ ላይ ስለ ትር በቀኝ በኩል ላይ ነው. አወያይ ምንም ተጽዕኖ ይኖረዋል ያልሆነ ተጠቃሚ GUID በማከል, ይህ የ GUID ችላ ይባላሉ.", + "DeselectToRemoveModerator": "አንተ ማስወገድ የሚፈልጉትን አወያዮች አትምረጥ", + "SelectToAddModerator": "ለማከል የሚፈልጉትን አወያዮች ይምረጡ", + "UpTo3": "እስከ 3", + "PaymentType": "የክፍያ አይነት", + "ShipTo": "የሚላከው", + "OrderDetails": "የትዕዛዝ ዝርዝሮች", + "OrderSummary": "Order Summary", + "AllListings": "ሁሉም ዝርዝሮች", + "PaymentPending": "ክፍያ በመጠባበቅ ላይ", + "LoadingImage": "ምስል በመጫን ላይ ...", + "UploadAvatar": "ይምረጡ አምሳያ", + "NewAvatar": "አዲስ አምሳያ ይምረጡ", + "NewCoverImage": "አዲስ የሽፋን ምስል ይምረጡ", + "CheckExchanges": "ሻጭ ያለው መስቀለኛ መንገድ በማግኘት ላይ እና ተገቢነት ካለው ምንዛሬ ተመኖች በማዘመን ላይ ...", + "Transactions": "ግብይቶች", + "Purchases": "ግዢዎች", + "Sales": "የሽያጭ", + "Cases": "የሽያጭ", + "Enter": "አስገባ", + "Discover": "ያግኙ", + "Block": "አግድ", + "Unblock": "እግድ", + "Blocked": "የታገዱ", + "NoBlockedList": "በአሁኑ ጊዜ ማንኛውም ሰው ማገድ አይደለም.", + "Advanced": "የላቀ", + "General": "ጠቅላላ", + "AllItems": "ሁሉም ንጥሎች", + "DomesticShippingPrice": "የቤት ውስጥ መላኪያ ዋጋ", + "InternationalShippingPrice": "ዓለም አቀፍ የመርከብ ዋጋ", + "MinimumIs": "ተፈላጊ ነው %{amount}", + "Title": "አርእስት", + "DigitalItem": "ዲጂታል ንጥል", + "PhysicalItem": "አካላዊ ንጥል", + "MinimumPrice": "ቢያንስ Bitcoin የግብይት ወጪ ይሸፈናሉ ማረጋገጥ አስፈላጊ ነው", + "DomesticShippingTime": "የቤት ውስጥ የመርከብ ሰዓት", + "InternationalShippingTime": "ዓለም አቀፍ የመርከብ ሰዓት", + "DisplayNSFWcontent": "አሳይ የአዋቂዎች ወይም አፀያፊ ይዘት?", + "Basic": "መሠረታዊ", + "Content": "ይዘት", + "StandardThemes": "መደበኛ ገጽታዎች", + "NoPhotosAdded": "ምንም ፎቶዎች አክሏል", + "Summary": "ማጠቃለያ", + "Funds": "ፈንድ", + "Discussion": "ዉይይት", + "Quantity": "ብዛት:", + "Submit": "አስገባ", + "maxLength20": "ከፍተኛ ርዝመት 20 ቁምፊ", + "maxLength80": "ከፍተኛ ርዝመት 80 ቁምፊ", + "maxLength200": "ከፍተኛ ርዝመት 200 ቁምፊ", + "StoreModeratorsOptional": "መደብር አወያዮች (አማራጭ)", + "Searchformoderators": "ተቆጣጣሪዎችን ፈልጉ", + "Contributors": "Contributors", + "Support": "እገዛ", + "Licensing": "Licensing", + "On": "On", + "Off": "Off", + "ClickToChange": "Click to change", + "NotProvided": "not provided", + "NotFollowingAnyone": "No nodes being followed were loaded", + "NoFollowers": "No followers were loaded", + "NoReviews": "No reviews were loaded", + "NoDetailsSpecified": "No details specified", + "Moderator": "Moderator", + "Moderator2": "Moderator:", + "ActiveStore": "Store Active", + "ActiveStoreDetails": "Inactive stores and listings are not visible to other people", + "Firewall": "Firewall", + "ServerSettings": "Server Settings", + "ReadOnly": "(This Field is Read Only)", + "HandleResolver": "Handle Resolver", + "ShutDownServer": "Shut Down the Server", + "NoFancyStyles": "Disable Visual Effects", + "MinimalEffectsWarning": "This will disable animations and transparencies. It may improve performance on slow systems.", + "LoadingBitcoinPrices": "Loading Bitcoin Prices...", + "ThisUserIsBlocked": "This user is hidden because they are on your blocked list", + "ThisUserIsNSFW": "This user is hidden because their page is listed as containing adult or offensive content.", + "ShowBlockedUser": "Show this user's page.", + "ShowNSFWContent": "Show this user's page, and all adult or offensive listings", + "NoShipping": "Digital or Remote (No Shipping)", + "WorldwideShipping": "Worldwide", + "ServerChangeWarningHeadline": "Caution: Record Your Settings", + "ServerChangeWarning": "We recommend you make a copy of your previous settings, shown below. Your previous username and password will no longer be available beyond this point.", + "ModeratorFee": "Fee:", + "PriceForOne": "Price per single item, file, or service. Based on the listing's base price and the current exchange rate of BTC. This may not match the order total, which is based on the exchange rate of BTC at the time you purchased this listing.", + "Avatar": "Avatar", + "AdditionalPaymentData": "Additional payment data", + "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Include name of purchase and order number in payment QR code?", + "AppBarStyle": "Application Top Bar Style", + "AppBarStyleInfo": "How should the top bar of the application be styled?", + "OSWindows": "Windows", + "OSMac": "Mac", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Alt Coins Accepted Here", + "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitcoin Accepted Here", + "ShippableHelp": "This product can be shipped to one of your currently saved addresses. Add more addresses in the Settings/Addresses section to be able to purchase more listings.", + "firewall": { + "Open": "Open", + "Restricted": "Restricted", + "SeverelyRestricted": "Severely Restricted" + }, + "moderatorSettings": { + "DisputeResolution": "Dispute Resolution", + "ServiceFee": "Dispute fee", + "ServiceFeeNote": "Min: 0%, Max: 25%" + }, + "BecomeModerator": "Become a Moderator", + "EditModerator": "Moderator Settings", + "overallRatingKeys": { + "fiveStar": "Excellent all around", + "fourStar": "Good", + "threeStar": "Average", + "twoStar": "Poor", + "oneStar": "Terrible" + }, + "qualityRatingKeys": { + "fiveStar": "Excellent quality", + "fourStar": "Good quality", + "threeStar": "Average quality", + "twoStar": "Poor quality", + "oneStar": "Terrible quality" + }, + "descriptionRatingKeys": { + "fiveStar": "Exactly as described", + "fourStar": "Mostly as described", + "threeStar": "Somewhat as described", + "twoStar": "Mostly not as described", + "oneStar": "Did not match description" + }, + "deliveryRatingKeys": { + "fiveStar": "Extremly fast", + "fourStar": "Relatively fast", + "threeStar": "Average", + "twoStar": "Slow", + "oneStar": "Terribly slow" + }, + "customerServiceRatingKeys": { + "fiveStar": "Excellent", + "fourStar": "Good", + "threeStar": "Average", + "twoStar": "Poor", + "oneStar": "Terrible" + }, + "transactions": { + "Order": "Order", + "OrderDetails": "Order Details", + "ViewOnBlockchain": "View Details", + "BuyerPayout": "Buyer Payout:", + "SellerPayout": "Vendor Payout:", + "BuyerAmount": "Buyer Amount:", + "SellerAmount": "Vendor Amount:", + "YouEarn": "You Earn:", + "YourBitcoinPaymentAddress": "Your Bitcoin Payment Address:", + "searchByOrder": "Search by order id or item name", + "sortByStatusAll": "All", + "sortByStatus0": "Purchasing (Payment pending)", + "sortByStatus1": "Ready to process (Paid in full)", + "sortByStatus2": "Confirmed/Shipped", + "sortByStatus3": "Completed (Payment released)", + "sortByStatus4": "Disputed", + "sortByStatus5": "Dispute Closed", + "sortByStatus6": "Dispute Resolved", + "sortByStatus7": "Refunded", + "OrderID": "Order ID", + "OrderDate": "Order Date", + "OrderStatus": "Order Status", + "OrderStatus0": "Purchasing (Payment pending)", + "OrderStatus1": "Ready to process (Paid in full)", + "OrderStatus2": "Confirmed/Shipped", + "OrderStatus3": "Completed (Payment released)", + "OrderStatus4": "Disputed", + "OrderStatusopen": "Disputed", + "OrderStatus5": "Dispute Closed", + "OrderStatusclosed": "Dispute Closed", + "OrderStatus6": "Dispute Resolved", + "OrderStatus7": "Refunded", + "AcceptDisputeResolution": "Accept Dispute Payout", + "InEscrow": "- In Escrow", + "OrderTotal": "Order Total", + "OrderTotalInBTC": "BTC Total", + "NoMessages": "No messages", + "PaymentProtection": "Payment Protection", + "ShipTo": "Ship To", + "ViewRating": "View Rating", + "ContractDetails": "Contract Details", + "HideDetails": "Hide Details", + "ConfirmOrder": "Confirm Order", + "ConfirmOrderResend": "Resend Order Confirmation", + "ConfirmOrderResendTooltip": "If the buyer has not received the order confirmation, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.", + "RefundOrder": "Refund Order", + "ConfirmRefund": "Confirm", + "ConfirmRefundOrder": "Confirm Refund Order", + "RefundOrderTooltip": "Cancel order and release the funds back to the buyer", + "RefundReason": "Reason for refund", + "RefundReasonPlaceholder": "Explain why you are sending a refund", + "RefundOrderResend": "Resend Order Refund", + "RefundOrderResendTooltip": "If the buyer has not received the refund, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.", + "ReceivingAddress": "Receiving Address", + "RecievingAddressPlaceholder": "Bitcoin address to receive funds at", + "Comments": "Comments", + "CommentsPlaceHolder": "Comments on this order", + "Shipper": "Item Shipped By:", + "ShippedBy": "Shipped By:", + "ShipperPlaceholder": "Name of the company shipping the item", + "TrackingNumber": "Tracking Number:", + "TrackingNumberPlaceholder": "Tracking number of item", + "EstimatedDelivery": "Estimated Delivery:", + "EstimatedDeliveryPlaceholder": "Estimated date item will be delivered", + "URL": "File URL", + "URLPlaceholder": "Link to download, schedule, or more information", + "Password": "Password:", + "PasswordPlaceholder": "Password required for link (optional)", + "DirectTransaction": "Direct transaction:", + "ModeratedTransaction": "Moderated transaction:", + "Seller": "Vendor", + "Vendor": "Vendor", + "Vendor2": "Vendor:", + "Buyer": "Buyer", + "Buyer2": "Buyer:", + "transferReceipt": "Transfer Receipt", + "copyTxid": "copy tx ID", + "Close": "Close", + "FundOrder": "Fund Order", + "sortByDateNewest": "By Date, Newest", + "sortByDateOldest": "By Date, Oldest", + "PayPurchase": "Pay for this Purchase", + "CompleteOrder": "Complete Order", + "CompleteOrderResend": "Resend Order Completion", + "CompleteOrderResendTooltip": "If the vendor has not yet received the order completion, this button will resend it. This may take several seconds to complete.", + "LeaveReview": "Leave Review", + "MarkAsShipped": "Mark as Shipped", + "RateThisTransaction": "Rate this Transaction", + "TransactionReview": "Transaction Review", + "OverallRating": "Overall Rating", + "Quality": "Quality:", + "MatchedDescription": "Matched Description:", + "DeliverySpeed": "Delivery Speed:", + "CustomerService": "Customer Service:", + "Review": "Review", + "ReviewPlaceHolder": "Your review of this transaction", + "NoFileProvided": "No file provided", + "None": "None", + "NoneSent": "None sent", + "ModerationFee": "Moderation Fee:", + "DisputeTransaction": "Start a Dispute", + "DisputeTransactionResend": "Resend Start of Dispute", + "DisputeTransactionResendTooltip": "If the other party did not receive your dispute, click this button to send a new dispute message.", + "sendMessagePlaceholder": "Enter message...", + "DisputeInstructions": "To file a dispute for this transaction, type the reason for the dispute below, and check the Start a Dispute box. This will include the moderator in your conversation until the dispute is resolved. The moderator will make the final decision as to whether any funds are returned to you, and how much. The moderator's fee will be paid out of the funds you have already sent.", + "SendMessage": "Send", + "CloseDispute": "Close Dispute", + "CloseDisputeResend": "Resend Close Dispute", + "CloseDisputeResendTooltip": "If one or more of the parties involved in this dispute did not receive the dispute close message, click this button to resend the dispute resolution.", + "TotalInTransaction": "Transaction:", + "StartDisputeFlag": "Dispute Started", + "CloseDisputeFlag": "Dispute Ended", + "PayoutOnlyBuyer": "Closing this dispute will return all of the funds to the buyer, minus the Moderator fee, because the vendor has not yet given their bitcoin payout address.", + "UpdatingOrder": "Updating your transaction", + "UpdateComplete": "Your transaction update is complete", + "UpdateFailed": "Your transaction update did not complete. Open the transaction and try again", + "UpdateInvalid": "Your transaction update returned invalid data. Open the transaction and try again", + "ExportCSV": "Export to CSV", + "ShowUnpaid": "Show Unfunded", + "HideUnpaid": "Hide Unfunded", + "BuyerPaidMessage": "You have paid %{paidAmount} out of %{totalAmount} BTC", + "BuyerPaidMessageHelp": "To complete your purchase, pay the remaining balance shown above.", + "SellerPaidMessage": "The buyer has paid %{paidAmount} out of %{totalAmount} BTC", + "SellerPaidMessageHelp": "This purchase can not be confirmed until the buyer has completely funded it.", + "NoPurchases": "No purchases were found.", + "NoSales": "No sales were found.", + "NoCases": "No cases were found." + }, + "errorMessages": { + "saveError": "Data could not be saved.", + "getError": "Data could not be retrieved.", + "missingError": "Some fields are missing or incorrect.", + "missingErrorList": "Some fields are missing or incorrect. \n\n%{errorList}", + "serverError": "An incorrect reply was received from the server.", + "userError": "Information for this ID could not be found", + "userNotFoundError": "This person's information is not available. They may have gone offline.", + "notFoundError": "Data could not be loaded for:", + "socketError": "URL for WebSocket failed. Connecting to socket with default address of ws://localhost:18466.", + "contractError": "This Item Cannot be Purchased.", + "sellerError": "The vendor's server has rejected the purchase request. This may be due to a connection issue.", + "checkPurchaseData": "Check your purchase data, such as quantity and Bitcoin refund address, to make sure it is valid. If it is valid, try again in a few seconds.", + "pageUnavailable": "This page is currently unavailable.", + "badHandle": "The handle you entered does not have a valid OpenBazaar ID.", + "serverDown": "The server has been shut down", + "unableToLoadImages": "We were unable to load your image. |||| We were unable to load your images.", + "tooManyPhotosTitle": "Too many photos", + "tooManyPhotosBody": "Some or all of your photos were prevented from being uploaded because you would exceeded the maximum allowable amount.", + "badJSON": "The JSON data returned from the server was malformed", + "refundAlreadySent": "The refund has already been successfully sent for this order", + "serverTimeout": "No response was received from the server. It may be unreachable or taking a very long time to respond.", + "noData": "No data is available for the options you have selected.", + "loadingTakingTooLong": "Loading is taking longer than expected.", + "smtpServerError": "SMTP Connection Error", + "smtpServerSuccess": "SMTP Connection Success", + "noSMTPConnection": "The connection to the SMTP server failed.", + "badSMTPAuthentication": "The username/password combination used failed.", + "goodSMTPAuthentication": "You have successfully connected to the SMTP server.", + "tagIsTooLongHeadline": "The tag is too long", + "tagIsTooLongBody": "Tags cannot be more than %{smart_count} character long. |||| Tags cannot be more than %{smart_count} characters long.", + "retryingConnection": "The connection to your node was lost. Retrying connection attempt %{attempt} of %{total}.", + "peersFail": "No peers could be loaded, due to a server error." + }, + "pageConnectingMessages": { + "listingConnect": "Connecting to listing ${listing}", + "listingFail": "The listing you're trying to view is currently offline", + "handleConnect": "Connecting to ${handle}", + "handleFail": "The page you're trying to view is currently offline", + "userConnect": "Connecting to ${guid}", + "userFail": "The page you're trying to view is currently offline" + }, + "aboutSection": { + "about": "

OpenBazaar is a network of users who buy and sell goods and services directly with each other, using Bitcoin. This network is decentralized and isn't controlled by any organization.

The software is open source and MIT licensed. You can view the code on GitHub.

OpenBazaar is a community project, and we welcome participation in our Slack channel or on our subreddit.

If you need help, read the OpenBazaar version 1.0 tutorial.

If you still have questions, open an issue at our support desk.

", + "contributors": "

OpenBazaar is made possible by an international community of developers and volunteers contributing their time to help make trade free. This is a partial list of people who have contributed to the project, either through code or other assistance.

", + "support": "

You can help OpenBazaar in several ways on our mission to make trade free.

Buying and selling goods and services on the network helps grow our community and make the platform more attractive to new users. Politely asking Bitcoin-accepting businesses to sell on the platform helps spread the word and shows demand for peer to peer trade.

If you're a developer, check out our GitHub and see where you can help us. Beyond helping with the core code, we hope the permissionless and open source nature of the project means you will build new services on top of the existing network.

You can also donate Bitcoin to the project, which will be used to defray costs for visiting conferences, offering bounties for development, and promoting OpenBazaar.

Please join our Slack if you have new ideas for OpenBazaar, or have questions for the core devs.

", + "licensing": "

OpenBazaar is open source software under the MIT license. This license is permissive and designed to allow people to freely reuse the code for other open source projects or for proprietary software. The full license text is below.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2016 OpenBazaar Developers

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



The following libraries are used in OpenBazaar:

" + }, + "saveMessages": { + "Saved": "Saved", + "SaveSuccess": "Your changes have been saved." + }, + "discover": { + "searchDefaultText": "Scanning your network", + "searchingText": "Scanning your network for %{tag}", + "noResults": "No listings found in your network", + "noTaggedResults": "No listings found in your network tagged with %{tag}" + }, + "filters": { + "pagesAllTypes": "All types", + "pagesStores": "Stores", + "pagesMods": "Moderator services", + "pagesBasic": "Basic users", + "listingsCurated": "Stores I follow", + "listingsAll": "All stores", + "categoryAll": "All" + }, + "nav": { + "searchPlaceholder": "Type a @handle, OpenBazaar ID or #tag...", + "myPage": "My Page", + "testMode": "Test Mode", + "customizePage": "Customize Page", + "sellItem": "New", + "createListing": "Create Listing", + "purchases": "Purchases", + "sales": "Sales", + "cases": "Cases", + "notifications": "Notifications", + "settings": "Settings", + "refresh": "Refresh Page", + "restart": "Restart Application", + "about": "About OpenBazaar", + "support": "Support OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", + "Forward": "Forward", + "Back": "Back", + "newServer": "New Server", + "manageServers": "Manage Servers" + }, + "onboarding": { + "intro": "OpenBazaar Configuration", + "Introduction": "Introduction", + "IntroductionBody": "OpenBazaar is a peer-to-peer social market. It's like combining eBay™, Twitter™ and BitTorrent into one. Only, there are no fees or restrictions and OpenBazaar is open-source. \n\n Please note that it may look and feel a bit different than what you're used to, so please be patient as you adjust.", + "theme": "Select a Theme for your Page", + "chooseLanguage": "Select Your Language", + "contributors": "%{smart_count} Contributor |||| %{smart_count} Contributors", + "configure": "Configure your experience", + "disclaimer_title": "Disclaimer", + "disclaimer_body": "OpenBazaar is a network for trading goods and services directly between people - using Bitcoin - without any central organization controlling the platform. This means you are responsible for your own activity on the network.\n\nOpenBazaar users are not anonymous by default. Most communications between parties are encrypted, but IP addresses are public and can be associated with activity on the network. Malicious parties could use this information against you; protecting your privacy is your own responsibility.\n\nOpenBazaar users must adhere to the laws in their own legal jurisdiction as well as their conscience. The OpenBazaar developers do not condone - and are not responsible for - any use of the platform for illegal activity.\n\nThe OpenBazaar community of developers has worked hard to deliver a free platform for trade to the world. But as with any software, bugs will be found. The developers are not responsible for any monetary loss associated with problems in the software.\n\nBy using OpenBazaar you're responsible for your own actions on the OpenBazaar network.", + "yourCountry": "Select Your Country", + "localCurrency": "Select Your Currency", + "LanguagePlaceholder": "Search for language", + "CountryPlaceholder": "Search for country", + "CurrencyPlaceholder": "Search for currency", + "TimezonePlaceholder": "Search for time Zone", + "timeZone": "Select Your Time Zone", + "yourDetails": "Set Your Information", + "yourDescription": "Description", + "handle": "Handle", + "chooseHandle": "Choose a handle", + "knownAs": "You're currently known as:", + "wouldYou": "Would you like to register an easy to remember handle?", + "registerNew": "Register New", + "recommended": "Recommended Pages to Follow", + "avatar": "Set an Avatar", + "chooseAvatar": "Select Avatar", + "discoverCallOut": "Explore Listings and Pages on OpenBazaar", + "Finished": "Finished" + }, + "guidStillCreating": { + "HangTight": "Hang tight for a few...", + "YourPersonal": "Your personal keys and OpenBazaar ID are generating and should only take about 30 seconds to finish.\n\nYou'll be automatically connected to the network once the process is finished, so please hang tight.", + "LookingFor": "Looking for something to do in the meantime? Read the OpenBazaar blog." + }, + "walletProviders": { + "ExchangeAndWallet": "Exchange and Wallet", + "WalletOnly": "Wallet Only", + "CoinbaseTagline": "The world's most popular way to buy, sell, and use bitcoin.", + "SamouraiTagline": "Secure mobile wallet. Emphasis on privacy.", + "AirbitzTagline": "Privacy. Security. Autonomy. Decentralized.", + "BreadwalletTagline": "Connects directly to the bitcoin network, no servers. Beautiful simplicity, maximum security.", + "RushWalletTagline": "Get a Bitcoin address quickly and easily in your browser.", + "MyceliumTagline": "One of the longest in market, most secure and reliable Bitcoin wallets.", + "CoinkiteTagline": "The Most Powerful Bitcoin Wallet", + "BlockchaininfoTagline": "The world's most popular bitcoin wallet. Safer, Friendlier, Easier.", + "DuoMoneyTagline": "Euro wallet for dead-easy Bitcoin payments. OpenBazaar for Grandma.", + "BitGoTagline": "The world's most secure bitcoin wallet. Trusted by leading Bitcoin businesses." + }, + "softwareUpdate": { + "updateAvailable": "OpenBazaar Update Available", + "installUpdate": "Install Update", + "dismiss": "Dismiss" + }, + "buyFlow": { + "PayForOrder": "Pay for Order", + "BuyOwnProductMsg": "You can't buy your own listing", + "CantFindAddress": "I can't find my bitcoin address", + "BitcoinWallet": "Bitcoin Wallet", + "ModeratedPaymentDescription": "Your payment is held in a secure wallet until the vendor completes their end of the agreement. If issues arise, a Moderator will help.", + "ModeratorFeeHelper": "The moderator may charge a fee, but only if a dispute arises.", + "ModeratedPayment": "Moderated Payment", + "DisputeFee": "Dispute fee", + "DisputeFee2": "Dispute fee:", + "HaveWallet": "Do you have a Bitcoin Wallet?", + "QuickSetup": "It only takes a few minutes to set one up", + "CreateWallet": "Create a Wallet", + "DirectPaymentDescription": "Funds are sent directly to the vendor. Only use on small purchases or when purchasing from a trusted vendor.", + "DirectPayment": "Direct Payment", + "SendDirectlyTo": "Send direct payment to %{handle}", + "MustAddAddress": "You must add an address to ship to", + "VendorShipsTo": "Ships to:", + "DoesNotShipHere": "Does not ship here", + "NoShippableAddresses": "This item does not ship to any of your saved addresses.", + "Send": "Send", + "SendBTCtoAddress": "Send %{amount} BTC to %{recipient}", + "OpenAddress": "Open in Local Wallet", + "CopyAddress": "Copy to Clipboard", + "RefreshPayment": "Refresh Payment Status", + "Refresh": "Refresh", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Pay with Altcoins", + "AltCoins": "Use Altcoins", + "summaryMsg1": "Your payment has been sent to %{recipient}", + "summaryMsg2": "The expected processing time for this order is %{time}", + "summaryMsg3": "You can check the status of your order on your %{purchasesPageLink}", + "purchasesPage": "purchases page", + "returnAddress": "Return Address", + "moderatorPaymentDisclaimer": "Paid from the total if the transaction ends in a dispute.", + "directPaymentDisclaimer": "Use direct payment with caution, funds are irreversible", + "paymentSent": "Payment Sent!", + "total": "Total:", + "paymentNote": "Payment can take several minutes or more to complete. You can leave this screen, and go to the Purchases section to see if your payment has completed later." + }, + "chat": { + "noSearchResultsFound": "No results found" + }, + "serverConnectModal": { + "connect": "Connect", + "connected": "Connected", + "connecting": "Connecting", + "serverConfiguration": "Server Configuration", + "intro": "OpenBazaar is designed to allow you to host your server separate from the client. By default, your server will run locally, but you can override it below.", + "serverIP": "Server IP", + "restApiPort": "Rest API port", + "websocketApiPort": "Websocket API port", + "heartbeatSocketApiPort": "Heartbeat socket port", + "username": "Username", + "password": "Password", + "saveChanges": "Save Changes", + "defaultServerName": "default", + "portedConnectionName": "ported connection", + "connectionFailed": "Connection failed to %{serverName}", + "connectingTo": "Connecting to %{serverName}", + "connectingToDefault": "Connecting to the default server", + "authFailed": "authentication failed", + "authFailedTooManyAttempts": "too many failed authentication attempts", + "serverConfigsHeaderMsg": "Your Server Configurations", + "newConfigHeaderMsg": "Enter Server Details", + "editConfigHeaderMsg": "Configuration Settings", + "serverConfigsTitle": "Server Configurations", + "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", + "new": "New" + }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, + "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", + "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", + "restartNow": "Restart Now", + "restartLater": "Restart Later", + "countries": { + "AFGHANISTAN": "Afghanistan", + "ALAND_ISLANDS": "Aland Islands", + "ALBANIA": "Albania", + "ALGERIA": "Algeria", + "AMERICAN_SAMOA": "American Samoa", + "ANDORRA": "Andorra", + "ANGOLA": "Angola", + "ANGUILLA": "Anguilla", + "ANTIGUA": "Antigua and Barbuda", + "ARGENTINA": "Argentina", + "ARMENIA": "Armenia", + "ARUBA": "Aruba", + "AUSTRALIA": "Australia", + "AUSTRIA": "Austria", + "AZERBAIJAN": "Azerbaijan", + "BAHAMAS": "Bahamas (The)", + "BAHRAIN": "Bahrain", + "BANGLADESH": "Bangladesh", + "BARBADOS": "Barbados", + "BELARUS": "Belarus", + "BELGIUM": "Belgium", + "BELIZE": "Belize", + "BENIN": "Benin", + "BERMUDA": "Bermuda", + "BHUTAN": "Bhutan", + "BOLIVIA": "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)", + "BONAIRE_SINT_EUSTATIUS_SABA": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", + "BOSNIA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "BOTSWANA": "Botswana", + "BOUVET_ISLAND": "Bouvet Island", + "BRAZIL": "Brazil", + "BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY": "British Indian Ocean Territory (The)", + "BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM": "Brunei Darussalam", + "BULGARIA": "Bulgaria", + "BURKINA_FASO": "Burkina Faso", + "BURUNDI": "Burundi", + "CABO_VERDE": "Cabo Verde", + "CAMBODIA": "Cambodia", + "CAMEROON": "Cameroon", + "CANADA": "Canada", + "CAYMAN_ISLANDS": "Cayman Islands (The)", + "CENTRAL_AFRICAN_REPUBLIC": "Central African Republic (The)", + "CHAD": "Chad", + "CHILE": "Chile", + "CHINA": "China", + "CHRISTMAS_ISLAND": "Christmas Island", + "COCOS_ISLANDS": "Cocos (KEELING) Islands (The)", + "COLOMBIA": "Colombia", + "COMOROS": "Comoros (The)", + "CONGO_REPUBLIC": "Congo (The Democratic Republic of the)", + "CONGO": "Congo (The)", + "COOK_ISLANDS": "Cook Islands (The)", + "COSTA_RICA": "Costa Rica", + "COTE_DIVOIRE": "Côte D'Ivoire", + "CROATIA": "Croatia", + "CUBA": "Cuba", + "CURACAO": "Curaçao", + "CYPRUS": "Cyprus", + "CZECH_REPUBLIC": "Czech Republic (The)", + "DENMARK": "Denmark", + "DJIBOUTI": "Djibouti", + "DOMINICA": "Dominica", + "DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC": "Dominican Republic (The)", + "ECUADOR": "Ecuador", + "EGYPT": "Egypt", + "EL_SALVADOR": "El Salvador", + "EQUATORIAL_GUINEA": "Equatorial Guinea", + "ERITREA": "Eritrea", + "ESTONIA": "Estonia", + "ETHIOPIA": "Ethiopia", + "FALKLAND_ISLANDS": "Falkland Islands (The)", + "FAROE_ISLANDS": "Faroe Islands (The)", + "FIJI": "Fiji", + "FINLAND": "Finland", + "FRANCE": "France", + "FRENCH_GUIANA": "French Guiana", + "FRENCH_POLYNESIA": "French Polynesia", + "FRENCH_SOUTHERN_TERRITORIES": "French Southern Territories (The)", + "GABON": "Gabon", + "GAMBIA": "Gambia (The)", + "GEORGIA": "Georgia", + "GERMANY": "Germany", + "GHANA": "Ghana", + "GIBRALTAR": "Gibraltar", + "GREECE": "Greece", + "GREENLAND": "Greenland", + "GRENADA": "Grenada", + "GUADELOUPE": "Guadeloupe", + "GUAM": "Guam", + "GUATEMALA": "Guatemala", + "GUERNSEY": "Guernsey", + "GUINEA": "Guinea", + "GUINEA_BISSAU": "Guinea-Bissau", + "GUYANA": "Guyana", + "HAITI": "Haiti", + "HEARD_ISLAND": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", + "HOLY_SEE": "Holy See (The)", + "HONDURAS": "Honduras", + "HONG_KONG": "Hong Kong", + "HUNGARY": "Hungary", + "ICELAND": "Iceland", + "INDIA": "India", + "INDONESIA": "Indonesia", + "IRAN": "Iran (Islamic Republic of)", + "IRAQ": "Iraq", + "IRELAND": "Ireland", + "ISLE_OF_MAN": "Isle of Man", + "ISRAEL": "Israel", + "ITALY": "Italy", + "JAMAICA": "Jamaica", + "JAPAN": "Japan", + "JERSEY": "Jersey", + "JORDAN": "Jordan", + "KAZAKHSTAN": "Kazakhstan", + "KENYA": "Kenya", + "KIRIBATI": "Kiribati", + "NORTH_KOREA": "Korea (The Democratic People's Republic of)", + "SOUTH_KOREA": "Korea (The Republic of)", + "KUWAIT": "Kuwait", + "KYRGYZSTAN": "Kyrgyzstan", + "LAO": "Lao People's Democratic Republic (The)", + "LATVIA": "Latvia", + "LEBANON": "Lebanon", + "LESOTHO": "Lesotho", + "LIBERIA": "Liberia", + "LIBYA": "Libya", + "LIECHTENSTEIN": "Liechtenstein", + "LITHUANIA": "Lithuania", + "LUXEMBOURG": "Luxembourg", + "MACAO": "Macao", + "MACEDONIA": "Macedonia (The Former Yugoslav Republic of)", + "MADAGASCAR": "Madagascar", + "MALAWI": "Malawi", + "MALAYSIA": "Malaysia", + "MALDIVES": "Maldives", + "MALI": "Mali", + "MALTA": "Malta", + "MARSHALL_ISLANDS": "Marshall Islands (The)", + "MARTINIQUE": "Martinique", + "MAURITANIA": "Mauritania", + "MAURITIUS": "Mauritius", + "MAYOTTE": "Mayotte", + "MEXICO": "Mexico", + "MICRONESIA": "Micronesia (Federated States of)", + "MOLDOVA": "Moldova (The Republic of)", + "MONACO": "Monaco", + "MONGOLIA": "Mongolia", + "MONTENEGRO": "Montenegro", + "MONTSERRAT": "Montserrat", + "MOROCCO": "Morocco", + "MOZAMBIQUE": "Mozambique", + "MYANMAR": "Myanmar", + "NAMIBIA": "Namibia", + "NAURU": "Nauru", + "NEPAL": "Nepal", + "NETHERLANDS": "Netherlands (The)", + "NEW_CALEDONIA": "New Caledonia", + "NEW_ZEALAND": "New Zealand", + "NICARAGUA": "Nicaragua", + "NIGER": "Niger (The)", + "NIGERIA": "Nigeria", + "NIUE": "Niue", + "NORFOLK_ISLAND": "Norfolk Island", + "NORTHERN_MARIANA_ISLANDS": "Northern Mariana Islands (The)", + "NORWAY": "Norway", + "OMAN": "Oman", + "PAKISTAN": "Pakistan", + "PALAU": "Palau", + "PANAMA": "Panama", + "PAPUA_NEW_GUINEA": "Papua New Guinea", + "PARAGUAY": "Paraguay", + "PERU": "Peru", + "PHILIPPINES": "Philippines (The)", + "PITCAIRN": "Pitcairn", + "POLAND": "Poland", + "PORTUGAL": "Portugal", + "PUERTO_RICO": "Puerto Rico", + "QATAR": "Qatar", + "REUNION": "Réunion", + "ROMANIA": "Romania", + "RUSSIA": "Russian Federation (The)", + "RWANDA": "Rwanda", + "SAINT_BARTHELEMY": "Saint Barthélemy", + "SAINT_HELENA": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", + "SAINT_KITTS": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", + "SAINT_LUCIA": "Saint Lucia", + "SAINT_MARTIN": "Saint Martin (French Part)", + "SAINT_PIERRE": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", + "SAINT_VINCENT": "Saint Vincent and The Grenadines", + "SAMOA": "Samoa", + "SAN_MARINO": "San Marino", + "SAO_TOME": "Sao Tome and Principe", + "SAUDI_ARABIA": "Saudi Arabia", + "SENEGAL": "Senegal", + "SERBIA": "Serbia", + "SEYCHELLES": "Seychelles", + "SIERRA_LEONE": "Sierra Leone", + "SINGAPORE": "Singapore", + "SINT_MAARTEN": "Sint Maarten (Dutch Part)", + "SUCRE": "Sistema Unitario de Compensacion Regional de Pagos 'Sucre'", + "SLOVAKIA": "Slovakia", + "SLOVENIA": "Slovenia", + "SOLOMON_ISLANDS": "Solomon Islands", + "SOMALIA": "Somalia", + "SOUTH_AFRICA": "South Africa", + "SOUTH_SUDAN": "South Sudan", + "SPAIN": "Spain", + "SRI_LANKA": "Sri Lanka", + "SUDAN": "Sudan (The)", + "SURINAME": "Suriname", + "SVALBARD": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", + "SWAZILAND": "Swaziland", + "SWEDEN": "Sweden", + "SWITZERLAND": "Switzerland", + "SYRIAN_ARAB_REPUBLIC": "Syrian Arab Republic", + "TAIWAN": "Taiwan", + "TAJIKISTAN": "Tajikistan", + "TANZANIA": "Tanzania, United Republic of", + "THAILAND": "Thailand", + "TIMOR_LESTE": "Timor-Leste", + "TOGO": "Togo", + "TOKELAU": "Tokelau", + "TONGA": "Tonga", + "TRINIDAD": "Trinidad and Tobago", + "TUNISIA": "Tunisia", + "TURKEY": "Turkey", + "TURKMENISTAN": "Turkmenistan", + "TURKS_AND_CAICOS_ISLANDS": "Turks and Caicos Islands (The)", + "TUVALU": "Tuvalu", + "UGANDA": "Uganda", + "UKRAINE": "Ukraine", + "UNITED_ARAB_EMIRATES": "United Arab Emirates (The)", + "UNITED_KINGDOM": "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The)", + "UNITED_STATES": "United States of America (The)", + "URUGUAY": "Uruguay", + "UZBEKISTAN": "Uzbekistan", + "VANUATU": "Vanuatu", + "VENEZUELA": "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic Of)", + "VIETNAM": "Vietnam", + "VIRGIN_ISLANDS_BRITISH": "Virgin Islands (British)", + "VIRGIN_ISLANDS_US": "Virgin Islands (U.S.)", + "WALLIS_AND_FUTUNA": "Wallis and Futuna", + "WESTERN_SAHARA": "Western Sahara", + "YEMEN": "Yemen", + "ZAMBIA": "Zambia", + "ZIMBABWE": "Zimbabwe" + }, + "chosenJS": { + "noResultsText": "No results match", + "placeHolderTextSingle": "Select an option", + "placeHolderTextMultiple": "Select some options" + }, + "currencies": { + "AED": "UAE Dirham", + "AFN": "Afghani", + "ALL": "Lek", + "AMD": "Armenian Dram", + "ANG": "Netherlands Antillean Guilder", + "AOA": "Kwanza", + "ARS": "Argentine Peso", + "AUD": "Australian Dollar", + "AWG": "Aruban Florin", + "AZN": "Azerbaijanian Manat", + "BAM": "Convertible Mark", + "BBD": "Barbados Dollar", + "BDT": "Taka", + "BGN": "Bulgarian Lev", + "BHD": "Bahraini Dinar", + "BIF": "Burundi Franc", + "BMD": "Bermudian Dollar", + "BND": "Brunei Dollar", + "BOB": "Boliviano", + "BRL": "Brazilian Real", + "BSD": "Bahamian Dollar", + "BTC": "Bitcoin", + "BTN": "Ngultrum", + "BWP": "Pula", + "BYR": "Belarussian Ruble", + "BZD": "Belize Dollar", + "CAD": "Canadian Dollar", + "CDF": "Congolese Franc", + "CHF": "Swiss Franc", + "CLP": "Chilean Peso", + "CNY": "Yuan Renminbi", + "COP": "Colombian Peso", + "CRC": "Costa Rican Colon", + "CUP": "Cuban Peso", + "CVE": "Cabo Verde Escudo", + "CZK": "Czech Koruna", + "DJF": "Djibouti Franc", + "DKK": "Danish Krone", + "DOP": "Dominican Peso", + "DZD": "Algerian Dinar", + "EGP": "Egyptian Pound", + "ERN": "Nakfa", + "ETB": "Ethiopian Birr", + "EUR": "Euro", + "FJD": "Fiji Dollar", + "FKP": "Falkland Islands Pound", + "GBP": "Pound Sterling", + "GEL": "Lari", + "GHS": "Ghana Cedi", + "GIP": "Gibraltar Pound", + "GMD": "Dalasi", + "GNF": "Guinea Franc", + "GTQ": "Quetzal", + "GYD": "Guyana Dollar", + "HKD": "Hong Kong Dollar", + "HNL": "Lempira", + "HRK": "Kuna", + "HTG": "Gourde", + "HUF": "Forint", + "IDR": "Rupiah", + "ILS": "New Israeli Sheqel", + "INR": "Indian Rupee", + "IQD": "Iraqi Dinar", + "IRR": "Iranian Rial", + "ISK": "Iceland Krona", + "JMD": "Jamaican Dollar", + "JOD": "Jordanian Dinar", + "JPY": "Yen", + "KES": "Kenyan Shilling", + "KGS": "Som", + "KHR": "Riel", + "KMF": "Comoro Franc", + "KPW": "North Korean Won", + "KRW": "Won", + "KWD": "Kuwaiti Dinar", + "KYD": "Cayman Islands Dollar", + "KZT": "Tenge", + "LAK": "Kip", + "LBP": "Lebanese Pound", + "LKR": "Sri Lanka Rupee", + "LRD": "Liberian Dollar", + "LSL": "Loti", + "LYD": "Libyan Dinar", + "MAD": "Moroccan Dirham", + "MDL": "Moldovan Leu", + "MGA": "Malagasy Ariary", + "MKD": "Denar", + "MMK": "Kyat", + "MNT": "Tugrik", + "MOP": "Pataca", + "MRO": "Ouguiya", + "MUR": "Mauritius Rupee", + "MVR": "Rufiyaa", + "MWK": "Kwacha", + "MXN": "Mexican Peso", + "MYR": "Malaysian Ringgit", + "MZN": "Mozambique Metical", + "NAD": "Namibia Dollar", + "NGN": "Naira", + 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+ "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/da.json b/js/languages/da.json index 927dda824..8ce88a033 100644 --- a/js/languages/da.json +++ b/js/languages/da.json @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ "Categorization": "Kategorisering", "Expiration": "Udløb", "Search": "Søg", - "Username": "Username", + "Username": "Brugernavn", "Email": "Email", "Facebook": "Facebook", "Instagram": "Instagram", @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ "BitcoinReturnAddressPlaceholder": "Indtast Bitcoin-adresse…", "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "Hvis en refundering bliver udstedt, skal pengene sendes til en Bitcoin-adresse. Angiv venligst en adresse i din tegnebog herunder. Du skal være i stand til at tilgå denne adresse senere for at kunne modtage en refundering.", "LocalCurrency": "Lokal valuta", - "BitcoinUnit": "Bitcoin Unit", + "BitcoinUnit": "Bitcon-enhed", "TimeZone": "Tidszone", "ShipToName": "Modtagers navn", "ShipToStreet": "Gade", @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ "ExpirationDate": "Udløber", "UploadCoverPhoto": "Upload et coverbillede", "ShortDescription": "Kort beskrivelse", - "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Say something interesting... (160 char max)", + "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Sig noget interessant… (maks. 160 tegn)", "PrimaryColor": "Primær farve", "SecondaryColor": "Sekundær farve", "TextColor": "Tekstfarve", @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ "AppBarStyleInfo": "Hvordan skal applikationens topbjælke se ud?", "OSWindows": "Windows", "OSMac": "Mac", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Alt Coins Accepted Here", - "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitcoin Accepted Here", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Betal med alt-coins her", + "PayWithBitCoins": "Betal med Bitcoin her", "ShippableHelp": "Dette produkt kan sendes til en af dine aktuelt gemne adresser. Tilføj flere adresser i Indstillinger/Adresser-sektionen for at kunne købe flere listninger.", "firewall": { "Open": "Åben", @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ "tagIsTooLongHeadline": "Dette tag er for langt", "tagIsTooLongBody": "Tags kan ikke være mere end %{maxTagChars} tegn lange. |||| Tags kan ikke være mere end %{maxTagChars} tegn lange.", "retryingConnection": "Forbindelsen til din knude blev afbrudt. Prøver at forbinde igen %{attempt} af %{total} gange.", - "peersFail": "No peers could be loaded, due to a server error." + "peersFail": "Ingen andre knuder kunne indlæses på grund af en serverfejl." }, "pageConnectingMessages": { "listingConnect": "Forbinder til listning ${listing}", @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Genstart applikation", "about": "Om OpenBazaar", "support": "Støt OpenBazaar", + "share": "Skriv om OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Frem", "Back": "Tilbage", "newServer": "Ny server", @@ -687,9 +688,9 @@ "OpenAddress": "Åbn i lokal tegnebog", "CopyAddress": "Kopiér til udklipsholder", "RefreshPayment": "Opdatér betalingsstatus", - "Refresh": "Refresh", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Pay with Altcoins", - "AltCoins": "Use Altcoins", + "Refresh": "Genindlæs", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Betal med alt-coins", + "AltCoins": "Brug alt-coins", "summaryMsg1": "Din betaling er blevet sendt til %{recipient}", "summaryMsg2": "Den forventede håndteringstid for denne ordre er %{time}", "summaryMsg3": "Du kan tjekke din ordres status på din %{purchasesPageLink}", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Ny opsætning", "new": "Ny" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "mere", + "explanation": "Vil du gerne se flere gode købere og sælgere på denne verdensomspændende markedsplads uden begrænsninger og gebyrer? Klik herunder for at dele et link på de sociale medier og invitér flere til at handle frit - #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "En side vil åbne i din browser med foreslået indhold. Denne besked vil ikke vises igen, efter du har lukket den.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Skriv om OB på Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Skriv om OB på Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Skriv om OB på Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Skriv om OB på LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Skriv om OB på Tumblr", + "reminder": "Hjælp OpenBazaar med at vokse!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Genstart nødvendig for sprogændring", "langChangeRestartMessage": "For at din sprogændring træder fuldt ud i kraft, skal du genstarte app'en.", "restartNow": "Genstart nu", diff --git a/js/languages/de-DE.json b/js/languages/de-DE.json index 792f94c75..e6de4d8d3 100644 --- a/js/languages/de-DE.json +++ b/js/languages/de-DE.json @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ "Categorization": "Kategorisierung", "Expiration": "Ablauf", "Search": "Suchen", - "Username": "Username", + "Username": "Benutzername", "Email": "E-Mail", "Facebook": "Facebook", "Instagram": "Instagram", @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ "ExpirationDate": "Ablaufdatum", "UploadCoverPhoto": "Titelbild hochladen", "ShortDescription": "Kurzbeschreibung", - "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Say something interesting... (160 char max)", + "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Sagen Sie etwas interessantes (160 Char max)", "PrimaryColor": "Primärfarbe", "SecondaryColor": "Sekondärfarbe", "TextColor": "Textfarbe", @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ "AppBarStyleInfo": "Wie soll die Kopfzeile der Anwendung gestylt werden?", "OSWindows": "Windows", "OSMac": "Mac", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Alt Coins Accepted Here", - "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitcoin Accepted Here", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Alles Coins werden hier akzeptiert", + "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitcoin wird hier akzeptiert", "ShippableHelp": "Dieses Produkt kann an eine von Ihnen gespeicherte Adresse versendet werden. Fügen Sie mehr Adressen unter Einstellungen/Adressen hinzu, damit mehr Artikel zum Kauf verfügbar werden.", "firewall": { "Open": "Offen", @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ "tagIsTooLongHeadline": "Das Tag ist zu lang", "tagIsTooLongBody": "Die Tags können nicht mehr als %{smart_count} Zeichen lang sein. |||| Die Tags können nicht mehr als %{smart_count} Zeichen lang sein.", "retryingConnection": "Die Verbindung zu Ihrem Node wurde unterbrochen. Erneuter Verbindungsversuch %{attempt} von %{total}.", - "peersFail": "No peers could be loaded, due to a server error." + "peersFail": "Keine Peers konnten geladen werden aufgrund eines Server-Fehlers." }, "pageConnectingMessages": { "listingConnect": "Verbindung zu Angebot ${listing} wird aufgebaut", @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Anwendung neu starten", "about": "Über OpenBazaar", "support": "OpenBazaar unterstützen", + "share": "Posten Sie über OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Vor", "Back": "Zurück", "newServer": "Neuer Server", @@ -683,13 +684,13 @@ "DoesNotShipHere": "Versendet nicht hierher", "NoShippableAddresses": "Dieser Artikel kann an keine Ihrer gespeicherten Adressen versendet werden.", "Send": "Senden", - "SendBTCtoAddress": "Der Betrag %{amount} BTC wurde an %{recipient} gesendet", + "SendBTCtoAddress": "Sende %{amount} BTC an %{recipient}", "OpenAddress": "In lokalem Wallet öffnen", "CopyAddress": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren", "RefreshPayment": "Zahlungsstatus erneut abrufen", - "Refresh": "Refresh", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Pay with Altcoins", - "AltCoins": "Use Altcoins", + "Refresh": "Neu laden", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Mit Altcoins zahlen", + "AltCoins": "Altcoins benutzen", "summaryMsg1": "Deine Zahlung wurde an %{recipient} gesendet", "summaryMsg2": "Die zu erwartende Zeit für den Versand dieser Bestellung ist %{time}", "summaryMsg3": "You can check the status of your order on your %{purchasesPageLink}", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Neue Konfiguration", "new": "Neu" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "mehr", + "explanation": "Möchten Sie mehr großartige Käufer und Verkäufer auf diesem weltweiten Marktplatz ohne Einschränkungen oder Gebühren sehen? Bitte klicken Sie unten, um einen Link auf Social Media zu teilen und mehr Leute zu #TradeFree einzuladen.", + "disclaimer": "Eine Seite öffnet sich in Ihrem Browser mit einigen vorgeschlagenen Inhalten. Dieses Panel erscheint nach dem Schließen nicht mehr.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Posten Sie über OB auf Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Posten Sie über OB auf Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Posten Sie über OB auf Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Posten Sie über OB auf LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Posten Sie über OB auf Tumblr", + "reminder": "Helfen Sie OpenBazaar zu wachsen!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Damit die Änderung der Spracheinstellungen wirksam wird, ist ein Programmneustart notwendig.", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Um Ihre Änderung der Spracheinstellungen wirksam zu machen, muss die Anwendung neu gestartet werden.", "restartNow": "Jetzt neu starten", diff --git a/js/languages/el.json b/js/languages/el.json index d22b27cbd..249d92183 100644 --- a/js/languages/el.json +++ b/js/languages/el.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Επανεκκίνηση Εφαρμογής", "about": "Σχετικά με το OpenBazaar", "support": "Υποστήριξη του OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Προώθηση", "Back": "Προηγούμενο", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/eo.json b/js/languages/eo.json index 1c9d7a184..a289d299f 100644 --- a/js/languages/eo.json +++ b/js/languages/eo.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "Close": "Fermi", "Yes": "Jes", "No": "Ne", - "pageXofY": "%{currentPage} of %{totalPages}", + "pageXofY": "%{currentPage} el %{totalPages}", "New": "Nova", "Retry": "Reprovi", "HighlightToStyle": "Marki tekston laŭ stilo", @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ "RemoveModerator": "Forviŝi kiel moderatoron", "About": "Pri", "Version": "Versio %{version}", - "ServerVersion": "Server Version %{serverVersion}", + "ServerVersion": "Versio de Servilo %{serverVersion}", "NoDescriptionAdded": "Neniu priskribo aldoniĝis", "NoListings": "Sen listigoj", "CoverPhoto": "Kovrilfoto", @@ -95,18 +95,18 @@ "CategoryPlaceholder": "Enskribu kategorion", "CategoryHelperText": "Kategorioj estas uzataj por grupigi kaj organizi listigojn en via vendejo.", "KeywordsPlaceholder": "Enigu unu aŭ pli da etikedoj", - "KeywordsHelperText": "Adding tags helps your listing to be discovered in the market. You can only have one of each tag, and a maximum of 10 tags, separated by commas or the enter key.", - "KeywordsHelperText2": "Tags cannot be longer than %{smart_count} character. |||| Tags cannot be longer than %{smart_count} characters.", + "KeywordsHelperText": "Aldonante etikedojn viaj listigoj malkovriĝos en la merkato. Vi nur povas havi unu el ĉiuj etikedoj, kaj maksimume 10 etikedojn, disigitajn per komo aŭ enig-klavo.", + "KeywordsHelperText2": "Etikedoj ne povas esti pli granda ol %{smart_count} signoj. |||| Etikedoj ne povas esti pli granda ol %{smart_count} signoj.", "ExpirationDateHelperText": "Metu daton por aŭtomate depreni la listigon de via vendejo.", "ClearExpirationDate": "Forviŝi eksdatiĝon", - "ClearShippingLocations": "Clear All", + "ClearShippingLocations": "Forviŝi ĉio", "ReturnPolicy": "Reprena politiko", "TermsAndConditions": "Interkonsentoj kaj kondiĉoj", "Photos": "Fotoj", "Categorization": "Kategoriigo", "Expiration": "Eksdatiĝo", "Search": "Serĉi", - "Username": "Username", + "Username": "Uzantnomo", "Email": "Retpoŝto", "Facebook": "Facebook", "Instagram": "Instagram", @@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ "CountryOfOrigin": "Devena lando:", "CanBeShippedTo": "Povas transportigi al vi en:", "NoShippableAddress": "Neniu el viaj savitaj adresoj estas en lando kien oni transportigas ĉi tiun listigon.", - "NoSavedAddresses": "You don't have any saved addresses yet.", + "NoSavedAddresses": "Vi ne havas ajnajn konservitajn adresojn ankoraŭ.", "Addresses": "Adresoj", "Files": "Dosieroj", "NewAddress": "Nova adreso", "CurrentAddress": "Nuna adreso", - "DefaultAddress": "Default Address", + "DefaultAddress": "Implicita Adreso", "ReturnsPolicy": "Reprena politiko", "Tags": "Etikedoj", "Keywords": "Ŝlosilvortoj", - "MaxQuantityDisplay": "Up to %{quantity} are available per purchase.", - "MaxQuantityDisplayShort": "Max of %{quantity}", - "NoQuantityDisplay": "This listing is not currently available for purchase.", + "MaxQuantityDisplay": "Ĝis %{quantity} havebla por ĉiu aĉeto.", + "MaxQuantityDisplayShort": "Maks de %{quantity}", + "NoQuantityDisplay": "Ĉi tiu listigilo estas momente nehavebla por aĉeto.", "ShipsFrom": "Transportas el", "ShipsFrom2": "Transportas el %{country}", "ShipsTo": "Transportas al", @@ -159,18 +159,18 @@ "BitcoinReturnAddressPlaceholder": "Enigu bitmonan adreson...", "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "Se estas decidita je monrehavigo, la mono sendiĝos al bitmona adreso. Bonvonu meti adreson al via monujo malsupre. Vi devas havi aliron al ĉi tiu adreso poste por havi monrehavigon.", "LocalCurrency": "Loka monunuo", - "BitcoinUnit": "Bitcoin Unit", + "BitcoinUnit": "Unito de Bitmono", "TimeZone": "Horzono", "ShipToName": "Ricevanto-nomo", "ShipToStreet": "Strato", "ShipToCity": "Urbo", "ShipToState": "Ŝtato/Provinco/Regiono", "ShipToPostalCode": "Poŝtkodo", - "ShipToOther": "Contact Information", - "ShipToOtherPlaceholder": "Alternate method(s) the seller can use to contact you, like email", - "ShipToOtherPlaceholderShort": "Alternate contact method", + "ShipToOther": "Informo por kontakti", + "ShipToOtherPlaceholder": "Alterna metodo(j) la vendanto povas uzi por kontakti vin, kiel retpoŝtadreso.", + "ShipToOtherPlaceholderShort": "Alterna kontakmetodo", "ShipToCountry": "Lando", - "Required": "Required", + "Required": "Necesa", "EnableNotifications": "Ebligi informigojn", "SSLOn": "SSL aktiva", "SSLOff": "SSL malaktiva", @@ -194,14 +194,14 @@ "Price": "Prezo", "Type": "Tipo", "Condition": "Produkta stato", - "MaxQuantity": "Max Quantity", - "MaxQuantityPlaceholder": "The Maximum Per Purchase (0 to 999998)", - "MaxQuantityHelp": "If the maximum is zero, this listing will be visible but will not be purchasable.", + "MaxQuantity": "Maks kvanto:", + "MaxQuantityPlaceholder": "La maksimuma per ĉiu aĉeto (0 al 999998)", + "MaxQuantityHelp": "Se la maksimuma estas nul, ĉi tiu listigilo videblos sed ne aĉeteblos.", "NSFW": "Matura aŭ ofenda enhavo", - "Pinned": "Pinned", - "PinnedHelp": "Pinned listings will be shown in your store before unpinned listings.", - "Hidden": "Hidden", - "HiddenHelp": "Only you can see the hidden listings in your store. The listing page can still be viewed via its guid.", + "Pinned": "Fiksigita", + "PinnedHelp": "Fiksigitaj listigiloj ne estos montrita en viaj vendejo antaŭ nefiksigitaj listigiloj.", + "Hidden": "Kaŝita", + "HiddenHelp": "Nur vi povas vidi la kaŝitajn listigilojn en via vendejo. La paĝo de listigilo povas ankoraŭ esti videbla tra ĝia guid.", "Social": "Socia", "Theme": "Apero", "Listing": "Listigo", @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ "ExpirationDate": "Eksdatiĝas je", "UploadCoverPhoto": "Alŝuti kovrilfoton", "ShortDescription": "Mallonga priskribo", - "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Say something interesting... (160 char max)", + "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Diru ion interesan... (maks. 160 signoj)", "PrimaryColor": "Unua koloro", "SecondaryColor": "Dua koloro", "TextColor": "Tekstkoloro", @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ "UploadAvatar": "Elekti avataron", "NewAvatar": "Elekti novan avataron", "NewCoverImage": "Elekti novan kovrilbildon", - "CheckExchanges": "Contacting vendor's node and updating exchange rates if applicable...", + "CheckExchanges": "Kontaktas la vendanto-nodon kaj ĝisdatigas laŭnecese interŝanĝo-valorojn...", "Transactions": "Transakcioj", "Purchases": "Aĉetoj", "Sales": "Vendoj", @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ "AppBarStyleInfo": "Kiustila estu la supra breto de la aplikaĵo?", "OSWindows": "Vindoza", "OSMac": "Makintoŝa", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Alt Coins Accepted Here", - "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitcoin Accepted Here", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Alternmonoj akceptitaj ĉi tie", + "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitmono akceptita ĉi tie", "ShippableHelp": "Ĉi tiu produkto povas esti transportata ĝis unu el viaj nunaj konservitaj adresoj. Aldonu pli da adresoj en Agordoj/Adresoj por povi aĉeti pli da listigoj.", "firewall": { "Open": "Malferma", @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Restarti aplikaĵon", "about": "Pri OpenBazaar", "support": "Subteni OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Plusendi", "Back": "Reen", "newServer": "Nova servilo", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Novaj konfiguroj", "new": "Nova" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Necesas restarti por ŝanĝi la lingvon", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Por plene efektivigi vian lingvoŝanĝon, vi devas restarti la aplikaĵon.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/es.json b/js/languages/es.json index 111aa3467..0b34b3149 100644 --- a/js/languages/es.json +++ b/js/languages/es.json @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ "Categorization": "Categorización", "Expiration": "Vencimiento", "Search": "Buscar", - "Username": "Username", + "Username": "Usuario", "Email": "Correo electrónico", "Facebook": "Facebook", "Instagram": "Instagram", @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ "BitcoinReturnAddressPlaceholder": "dirección Bitcoin para reembolsos", "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "Si se hace un reembolso, los fondos deben ser enviados a esta dirección Bitcoin. Por favor, provea una dirección a su monedero abajo. Debe poder acceder a esta dirección en el futuro para recibir el reembolso.", "LocalCurrency": "Moneda local", - "BitcoinUnit": "Bitcoin Unit", + "BitcoinUnit": "Unidad de Bitcoin", "TimeZone": "Zona horaria", "ShipToName": "Envír a nombre de", "ShipToStreet": "Enviar a esta dirección", @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ "ExpirationDate": "Fecha de vencimiento", "UploadCoverPhoto": "Suba una foto de portada", "ShortDescription": "Breve descripción", - "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Say something interesting... (160 char max)", + "ShortDescriptionPlaceholder": "Diga algo interesante... (máximo 160 caracteres)", "PrimaryColor": "Color primario", "SecondaryColor": "Color secundario", "TextColor": "Color del texto", @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ "AppBarStyleInfo": "¿Cuál debería ser el estilo de la barra superior de la aplicación?", "OSWindows": "Windows", "OSMac": "Mac", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Alt Coins Accepted Here", - "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitcoin Accepted Here", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Aquí se aceptan Alt Coins", + "PayWithBitCoins": "Aquí se acepta Bitcoin", "ShippableHelp": "Este producto puede enviarse a una de las direcciones que tienes guardadas. Añade más direcciones en la sección Ajustes/Direcciones para poder comprar más listados.", "firewall": { "Open": "Abierto", @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ "tagIsTooLongHeadline": "El tag es demasiado largo", "tagIsTooLongBody": "Los tags no pueden ser de más de %{smart_count} carácter. |||| Los tags no pueden ser de más de %{smart_count} caracteres.", "retryingConnection": "Se ha perdido la conexión a su node. Intento de reconexión %{attempt} de %{total}.", - "peersFail": "No peers could be loaded, due to a server error." + "peersFail": "No se pudieron cargar pares, debido a un error de servidor." }, "pageConnectingMessages": { "listingConnect": "Conectando a ${listing}", @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Reiniciar aplicación", "about": "Acerca de OpenBazaar", "support": "Soporte OpenBazaar", + "share": "Postear acerca de OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Adelante", "Back": "Atrás", "newServer": "Nuevo Servidor", @@ -687,9 +688,9 @@ "OpenAddress": "Abrir en monedero local", "CopyAddress": "Copiar al Portapapeles", "RefreshPayment": "Actualizar Estado de Pago", - "Refresh": "Refresh", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Pay with Altcoins", - "AltCoins": "Use Altcoins", + "Refresh": "Refrescar", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Pagar con Altcoins", + "AltCoins": "Usar Altcoins", "summaryMsg1": "Su pago ha sido enviado a %{recipient}", "summaryMsg2": "El tiempo esperado de procesamiento para este pedido es %{time}", "summaryMsg3": "Puede comprobar el estado de su compra en su %{purchasesPageLink}", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Nueva Configuración", "new": "Nuevo" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "más", + "explanation": "Quieres ver más grandes compradores y vendedores en este mercado global sin restricciones ni tasas? Por favor, haz click abajo para compartir un link en redes sociales e invita a más gente al #TradeFree", + "disclaimer": "Una página se abrirá en su navegador de internet con ontenido sugerido. Este panel no aparecerá de nuevo después de cerrarlo.", + "blurb": "Compra%20%26%vende%lo%que%quieras%20online%sin%20tasas%2C%20sin%20intermediarios%20y%20sin%20restricciones.%20Ven.%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Postear acerca de OB en Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Postear acerca de OB en Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Postear acerca de OB en Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Postear acerca de OB en LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Postear acerca de OB en Tumblr", + "reminder": "Postear acerca de OB en Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Se requiere reiniciar para cambiar de idioma", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Para que el cambio de idioma sea completo, debe reiniciar la aplicación.", "restartNow": "Reiniciar Ahora", diff --git a/js/languages/fr-CA.json b/js/languages/fr-CA.json index 370cd8465..726141904 100644 --- a/js/languages/fr-CA.json +++ b/js/languages/fr-CA.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Redémarrer l'appli", "about": "À propos d'OpenBazaar", "support": "Soutenir OpenBazaar", + "share": "Parler d'OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Avancer", "Back": "Reculer", "newServer": "Nouveau serveur", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Nouvelle configuration ", "new": "Nouveau" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "plus", + "explanation": "Vous souhaitez voir d'autres acheteurs et vendeurs intéressants sur ce marché mondial sans aucune restriction ou frais? Veuillez cliquer ci-dessous pour partager un lien sur les réseaux sociaux et inviter plus de gens à #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "Une page s'ouvrira dans votre navigateur avec du contenu suggéré. Ce panneau n'apparaîtra pas de nouveau après l'avoir fermé.", + "blurb": "Achetez%20%26%20vendez%20ce%20que%20vous%20voulez%20en ligne%20avec%20aucun%20frais%2C%20aucun%20intermédiaire%20et%20sans%20restriction.%20Rejoignez%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Parler d'OB sur Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Parler d'OB sur Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Parler d'OB sur Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Parler d'OB sur LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Parler d'OB sur Tumblr", + "reminder": "Aidez OpenBazaar à grandir !" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Redémarrage requis pour le changement de langue", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Vous devez redémarrer l'application pour que le changement de langue soit pleinement effectif.", "restartNow": "Redémarrer maintenant", diff --git a/js/languages/fr.json b/js/languages/fr.json index 70067e409..cec0d4fc6 100644 --- a/js/languages/fr.json +++ b/js/languages/fr.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Redémarrer l'appli", "about": "À propos d'OpenBazaar", "support": "Soutenir OpenBazaar", + "share": "Parler d'OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Avancer", "Back": "Reculer", "newServer": "Nouveau serveur", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Nouvelle configuration", "new": "Nouveau" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "plus", + "explanation": "Vous souhaitez voir d'autres acheteurs et vendeurs intéressants sur ce marché mondial sans aucune restriction ou frais ? Veuillez cliquer ci-dessous pour partager un lien sur les réseaux sociaux et inviter plus de gens à #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "Une page s'ouvrira dans votre navigateur avec du contenu suggéré. Ce panneau n'apparaîtra pas de nouveau après l'avoir fermé.", + "blurb": "Achetez%20%26%20vendez%20ce%20que%20vous%20voulez%20en ligne%20avec%20aucun%20frais%2C%20aucun%20intermédiaire%20et%20sans%20restriction.%20Rejoignez%20%40OpenBazaar%20!", + "shareTwitter": "Parler d'OB sur Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Parler d'OB sur Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Parler d'OB sur Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Parler d'OB sur LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Parler d'OB sur Tumblr", + "reminder": "Aidez OpenBazaar à grandir !" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Redémarrage requis pour le changement de langue", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Vous devez redémarrer l'application pour que le changement de langue soit pleinement effectif.", "restartNow": "Redémarrer maintenant", diff --git a/js/languages/hr-HR.json b/js/languages/hr-HR.json index 70aaebd5d..00163c72f 100644 --- a/js/languages/hr-HR.json +++ b/js/languages/hr-HR.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Ponovo pokreni", "about": "Više o OpenBazaar-u", "support": "Support OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Slijedeće", "Back": "Prethodno", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/it.json b/js/languages/it.json index 15ebf6c2e..0ffaffdf1 100644 --- a/js/languages/it.json +++ b/js/languages/it.json @@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ "NoListings": "Nessun annuncio", "CoverPhoto": "Foto di copertina", "AboutEmpty": "L'About è vuoto...", - "Followers": "Followers", - "Following": "Following", + "Followers": "Chi ti segue", + "Following": "Chi stai seguendo", "FollowsYou": "Ti segue", "Message": "Messaggio", "Messages": "Messaggi", "Store": "Negozio", "Edit": "Modifica", - "Clone": "Clona", + "Clone": "Duplica", "Used": "Usato", "Delete": "Cancella", "DontDelete": "Non eliminare", @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ "Categorization": "Categorizzazione", "Expiration": "Scadenza", "Search": "Ricerca", - "Username": "Username", + "Username": "Nome utente", "Email": "Email", "Facebook": "Facebook", "Instagram": "Instagram", @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ "Sales": "Vendite", "Cases": "Cause", "Enter": "Inserire", - "Discover": "Trova", + "Discover": "Cerca", "Block": "Blocca", "Unblock": "Sblocca", "Blocked": "Bloccato", @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ "AppBarStyleInfo": "Come dovrebbe essere stilizzata della barra superiore dell'applicazione?", "OSWindows": "Windows", "OSMac": "Mac", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Alt Coins Accepted Here", - "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitcoin Accepted Here", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Accettate altcoin qui.", + "PayWithBitCoins": "Accettato Bitcoin qui.", "ShippableHelp": "Questo prodotto può essere inviato ad uno dei tuoi attuali indirizzi salvati. Aggiungi più indirizzi nella sezione Impostazioni/Indirizzi per poter comprare più annunci.", "firewall": { "Open": "Aperto", @@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ "noSMTPConnection": "Connessione al server SMTP fallita.", "badSMTPAuthentication": "La combinazione username/password usata é fallita.", "goodSMTPAuthentication": "Ti sei connesso con successo al server SMTP.", - "tagIsTooLongHeadline": "The tag is too long", + "tagIsTooLongHeadline": "Il tag è troppo lungo.", "tagIsTooLongBody": "I tag non possono essere di più di %{smart_count} carattere. |||| I tag non possono essere di più di %{smart_count} caratteri.", "retryingConnection": "La connessione al tuo nodo é andata persa. Tentativo di riconnessione %{attempt} di %{total}.", "peersFail": "Non é stato possibile caricare alcun peer, a causa di un errore server." @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Riavvia l'applicazione", "about": "About OpenBazaar", "support": "Supporto OpenBazaar", + "share": "Scrivi riguardo a OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Inoltra", "Back": "Indietro", "newServer": "Nuovo Server", @@ -689,7 +690,7 @@ "RefreshPayment": "Aggiorna lo stato di pagamento", "Refresh": "Refresh", "PayWithAltCoins": "Pay with Altcoins", - "AltCoins": "Use Altcoins", + "AltCoins": "Usa altcoin", "summaryMsg1": "Il tuo pagamento è stato trasmesso a %{recipient}", "summaryMsg2": "Il tempo di esecuzione per questo ordine é di %{time}", "summaryMsg3": "Puoi controllare lo stato del tuo ordine sul tuo %{purchasesPageLink}", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Nuova Configurazione", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "mostra", + "explanation": "Vorresti vedere ulteriori grandi compratori e venditori su questo mercato mondiale senza restrizioni o commissioni? Per favore clicca allora qui sotto per condividere un link sui social network e invita altre persone al #TradeFree", + "disclaimer": "Una pagina si aprirà sul tuo browser con suggeriti alcuni contenuti. Questo pannello non apparirà di nuovo dopo che lo avrai chiuso.", + "blurb": "Compra%20%26%20vendi%20qualunque%20cosa%20tu%20ovoglia%20online%20senza%20alcuna%20commissione%2C%20nessun%20intermediario%20e%20alcuna%20restrizione.%20Unisciti%20a%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Scrivi riguardo a OB su Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Scrivi riguardo a OB su Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Scrivi riguardo a OB su Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Scrivi riguardo a OB su LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Scrivi riguardo a OB su Tumblr", + "reminder": "Aiuta OpenBazaar a crescere!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Richiesto riavvio per cambiare la lingua", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Per completare gli effetti del ambiamento della tua lingua, devi riavviare l'app.", "restartNow": "Riavvia ora", diff --git a/js/languages/ja-JP.json b/js/languages/ja-JP.json index 6be5a83cf..bbb58b35b 100644 --- a/js/languages/ja-JP.json +++ b/js/languages/ja-JP.json @@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ "userFail": "表示しようとしているページは現在オフラインです" }, "aboutSection": { - "about": "

OpenBazaar は、ビットコインを使用して、お互いに直接商品やサービスを売買するユーザーのネットワークです。このネットワークは、分散型で、何かの組織が制御しているわけではありません。

ソフトウェアはオープンソースで MIT でライセンスされます。コードは GitHub で参照することができます。

OpenBazaar はコミュニティ プロジェクトです。 Slack チャンネルまたは subreddit での参加を歓迎します。

ヘルプが必要な場合は、OpenBazaar バージョン 1.0 チュートリアル をお読みください。

まだご質問があれば、 サポートデスク でイシューを開いてください。

", + "about": "

OpenBazaar は、ビットコインを使用して、お互いに直接商品やサービスを売買するユーザーのネットワークです。このネットワークは、分散型で、何らかの組織が制御しているわけではありません。

ソフトウェアはオープンソースで MIT でライセンスされます。コードは GitHub で参照することができます。

OpenBazaar はコミュニティ プロジェクトです。 Slack チャンネルまたは subreddit での参加を歓迎します。

ヘルプが必要な場合は、OpenBazaar バージョン 1.0 チュートリアル をお読みください。

その他ご質問があれば、 サポートデスク でイシューを作ってください。

", "contributors": "

OpenBazaar は、自分の時間を貢献する開発者やボランティアの国際コミュニティによって、自由な取引を行うことができます。これは、コードやその他の援助を通じて、プロジェクトに貢献してきた人々のリストの一部です。

", "support": "

自由な取引を行うという私たちの使命に、いくつかの方法で OpenBazaar を支援することができます。


あなたが開発者の場合、 私たちの GitHub をチェックアウトして、支援できることを見つけてください。 コアコードを手伝うことの先に、プロジェクトの権限のないオープンソースの特性から、私たちは、あなたが既存のネットワークの最上段に新たなサービスを構築することを願っています。

プロジェクトに Bitcoin を寄付 することもできます。 カンファレンスを訪問するため、開発のための報奨金を提供するため、そして OpenBazaar をプロモーションするための費用に賄われます。

OpenBazaar に新しいアイデアがある、またはコア開発者に質問がある場合は 私たちの Slack に参加してください。

", "licensing": "

OpenBazaar は MIT ライセンスのオープンソースソフトウェアです。このライセンスは、寛容で、人々が他のオープンソースプロジェクトのために、またはプロプライエタリのソフトウェアのために自由にコードを再利用することができるようにデザインされています。完全なライセンスのテキストは以下の通りです。

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2016 OpenBazaar Developers

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



The following libraries are used in OpenBazaar:

" @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "アプリケーションを再起動", "about": "OpenBazaarについて", "support": "OpenBazaarをサポートする", + "share": "OpenBazaarについて投稿", "Forward": "前へ", "Back": "戻る", "newServer": "新しいサーバー", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "新しい構成", "new": "新規" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "さらに", + "explanation": "制限や手数料のない、このワールドワイドなマーケットプレイスで、さらに多くの素晴らしい購入者や販売者を見たいですか? 以下をクリックしてソーシャルメディアでリンクを共有して、#TradeFree にもっと多くの人を招待してください。", + "disclaimer": "お使いのブラウザでいくつかの提案された内容を含むページが開きます。 このパネルを閉じると、このパネルは再び表示されません。", + "blurb": "手数料%2C%20仲介者%20そして%20制限なく、欲しいものを%20オンラインで%20買う%20%26%20売りましょう。%20%40OpenBazaar%20に参加しましょう!", + "shareTwitter": "TwitterでOBについて投稿", + "shareFacebook": "FacebookでOBについて投稿", + "sharePinterest": "PrinterestでOBについて投稿", + "shareLinkedIn": "LinkedInでOBについて投稿", + "shareTumblr": "TumblrでOBについて投稿", + "reminder": "OpenBazaarの成長を支援しよう!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "言語の変更は再起動が必要です", "langChangeRestartMessage": "言語の変更を完全に反映するためには、アプリを再起動する必要があります。", "restartNow": "今すぐ再起動", diff --git a/js/languages/ko.json b/js/languages/ko.json index 25ba6999d..e93597e70 100644 --- a/js/languages/ko.json +++ b/js/languages/ko.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "앱 시작", "about": "오픈바자 정보", "support": "오픈바자 지원", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "압", "Back": "뒤로", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/nl-NL.json b/js/languages/nl-NL.json index fc84f9ef7..187cc6034 100644 --- a/js/languages/nl-NL.json +++ b/js/languages/nl-NL.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Herstart Programma", "about": "Over OpenBazaar", "support": "Steun OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Verder", "Back": "Terug", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/pl.json b/js/languages/pl.json index 9f1911e2e..d67b1e312 100644 --- a/js/languages/pl.json +++ b/js/languages/pl.json @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ "pageXofY": "%{currentPage} z %{totalPages}", "New": "Nowy", "Retry": "Ponów próbę", - "HighlightToStyle": "Zaznacz tekst do stylowania", + "HighlightToStyle": "Zaznacz tekst, by go sformatować", "Excellent": "Doskonały", "Good": "W dobrym stanie", "Poor": "W złym stanie", @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ "ConfirmUnfollow": "Przestań obserwować", "AddModerator": "Dodaj jako arbitra", "RemoveModerator": "Usuń jako arbitra", - "About": "O programie", + "About": "O mnie", "Version": "Wersja %{version}", "ServerVersion": "Wersja Serwera %{serverVersion}", "NoDescriptionAdded": "Brak opisu", @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ "ShowOnlyFollowerListingsTooltip": "Przeglądaj oferty z obserwowanych sklepów", "ShowAllListingsTooltip": "Przeglądaj losowe oferty z sieci", "ViewUnfilteredListings": "Przeglądaj losowe oferty", - "AllListingsWarning": "Po wyłączeniu spersonalizowanych ofert twój kanał odkrywania zostanie wypełniony losowymi ofertami z całej sieci. \n\nPamiętaj, że te oferty mogą zawierać treści dla dorosłych lub nielegalne, a zdjęcia mogą być gorszące. \n\nGdybyś w dowolnym momencie chciał wrócić do spersonalizowanych ofert, po prostu włącz tę opcję z powrotem.", + "AllListingsWarning": "Po wyłączeniu spersonalizowanych ofert twój kanał odkrywania zostanie wypełniony losowymi ofertami z całej sieci. \n\nPamiętaj, że te oferty mogą zawierać treści dla dorosłych lub zabronione przez prawo, a także gorszące zdjęcia.\n\nGdybyś w dowolnym momencie chciał wrócić do spersonalizowanych ofert, po prostu włącz tę opcję z powrotem.", "ShowUnlfilteredListings": "Pokaż losowe oferty", "SearchForItemsPlaceholder": "Wprowadź słowo kluczowe...", "SearchForPagesPlaceholder": "Szukaj po nazwie lub słowie kluczowym", @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ "ReturnPolicy": "Zasady dokonywania zwrotów", "TermsAndConditions": "Regulamin", "Photos": "Zdjęcia", - "Categorization": "Kategoryzacja", + "Categorization": "Kategoria", "Expiration": "Wygaśnięcie", "Search": "Wyszukaj", "Username": "Nazwa użytkownika", @@ -139,25 +139,25 @@ "ShipsTo2": "Wysyłka do %{country}", "AddShipToRegion": "Obszar dostawy", "AddShipToRegionNote": "Dodaje wszystkie państwa w obszarze", - "SelectRegion": "Dodaj opcjonalny obszar", + "SelectRegion": "Dodaj opcjonalny region", "AllRegions": "Wszystkie kraje", "EuropeanUnion": "Unia Europejska", "EuropeanEconomicArea": "Europejski Obszar Gospodarczy", - "Optional": "opcjonalnie", + "Optional": "opcjonalne", "Customize": "Dostosuj", "Save": "Zapisz", "Change": "Zmień", "SaveChanges": "Zapisz wprowadzone zmiany", "YourName": "Twoje imię", "UseTestnet": "Używaj sieci testowej Bitcoin", - "UseTestnetHelp": "Po ustawieniu na tak, twój klient będzie używał adresów sieci testowej Bitcoin. Zaznacz tak tylko jeśli twój serwer został uruchomiony z flagą -t.", + "UseTestnetHelp": "Po ustawieniu na \"tak\" twój klient będzie używał adresów sieci testowej Bitcoin. Zaznacz \"tak\" tylko jeśli twój serwer został uruchomiony z flagą -t.", "TestnetAddress": "Adres testnet", "TestnetAddressHelp": "Twój klient został skonfigurowany do używania sieci testowej Bitcoin i będzie akceptował tylko adresy sieci testowej Bitcoin. Aby używać głównej sieci oraz prawdziwych Bitcoinów wyłącz sieć testową w zaawansowanych ustawieniach i upewnij się, że twój serwer nie został uruchomiony z flagą -t.", "MustTestnetAddress": "Musi być adresem testnet", "BitcoinAddress": "Bieżący adres zwrotów", "BitcoinReturnAddress": "Wprowadź swój adres Bitcoin", "BitcoinReturnAddressPlaceholder": "Wprowadź adres Bitcoin...", - "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "W przypadku zwrotu środków zostaną one wysłane na podany poniżej adres Bitcoin. W przyszłości musisz mieć dostęp do tego adresu, aby otrzymać zwrot.", + "BitcoinReturnAddressInfo": "W przypadku zwrotu środków zostaną one wysłane na podany adres Bitcoin. Musisz mieć dostęp do tego adresu, aby otrzymać zwrot.", "LocalCurrency": "Lokalna waluta", "BitcoinUnit": "Jednostka Bitcoina", "TimeZone": "Strefa czasowa", @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ "Off": "Wyłączone", "ClickToChange": "Kliknij, by zmienić", "NotProvided": "brak", - "NotFollowingAnyone": "Żadne obserwowane węzły nie zostały załadowane", + "NotFollowingAnyone": "Nikogo nie obserwujesz.", "NoFollowers": "Brak obserwujących", "NoReviews": "Brak ocen", "NoDetailsSpecified": "Nie podano szczegółów", @@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ "PriceForOne": "Cena za pojedynczy przedmiot, plik lub usługę, oparta na cenie ustawionej przez sprzedającego i równowartości w BTC. Cena ta może się różnić od ceny końcowej, jeśli kurs ulegnie zmianie.", "Avatar": "Awatar", "AdditionalPaymentData": "Dodatkowe informacje o płatności", - "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Umieszczać nazwę płatności i numer zamówienia w kodzie QR?", + "AdditionalPaymentDataInfo": "Czy umieszczać nazwę transakcji i numer zamówienia w kodzie QR?", "AppBarStyle": "Styl Górnej Belki", "AppBarStyleInfo": "Wybierz styl górnej belki.", "OSWindows": "Windows", @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Restart programu", "about": "O projekcie", "support": "Wspomóż projekt", + "share": "Napisz o OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Dalej", "Back": "Wróć", "newServer": "Nowy serwer", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Nowa Konfiguracja", "new": "Nowy" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "więcej", + "explanation": "Chcesz, by więcej ludzi mogło handlować bez opłat i ograniczeń? Udostępnij link na portalach społecznościowych i zaproś znajomych! #TradeFree", + "disclaimer": "Zostanie otworzona strona w twojej przeglądarce wraz z proponowaną zawartością. To okno więcej się już nie pokaże, jeśli je zamkniesz.", + "blurb": "Kupuj%20i%20sprzedawaj%2C%20co%20tylko%20chcesz!%20Bez%20op%C5%82at%2C%20bez%20po%C5%9Brednik%C3%B3w%2C%20bez%20ogranicze%C5%84.%20Do%C5%82%C4%85cz%20do%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Napisz o OB na Twitterze.", + "shareFacebook": "Napisz o OB na Facebooku", + "sharePinterest": "Napisz o OB na Pintereście", + "shareLinkedIn": "Napisz o OB na LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Napisz o OB na Tumblr", + "reminder": "Pomóż OpenBazaarowi rosnąć!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Zmiana języka wymaga ponownego uruchomienia.", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Wymagane ponowne uruchomienie programu w celu zmiany języka.", "restartNow": "Uruchom ponownie teraz", diff --git a/js/languages/pt-BR.json b/js/languages/pt-BR.json index a027fe2ef..b0e070b4d 100644 --- a/js/languages/pt-BR.json +++ b/js/languages/pt-BR.json @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ "AppBarStyleInfo": "Qual estilo você prefere para a barra superior?", "OSWindows": "Windows", "OSMac": "Mac", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Alt Coins Accepted Here", - "PayWithBitCoins": "Bitcoin Accepted Here", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Aceita-se Alt Coins", + "PayWithBitCoins": "Aceita-se Bitcoin", "ShippableHelp": "Esse produto pode ser enviado para um de seus endereços atualmente salvos. Acrescente mais endereços na seção Configurações/Endereços para poder comprar mais anúncios.", "firewall": { "Open": "Aberto", @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Reiniciar Aplicativo", "about": "Sobre o OpenBazaar", "support": "Apoiar o OpenBazaar", + "share": "Fazer um Post sobre o OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Avançar", "Back": "Voltar", "newServer": "Novo Servidor", @@ -687,9 +688,9 @@ "OpenAddress": "Abrir na Carteira Local", "CopyAddress": "Copiar para a Área de Transferência", "RefreshPayment": "Atualizar Status do Pagamento", - "Refresh": "Refresh", - "PayWithAltCoins": "Pay with Altcoins", - "AltCoins": "Use Altcoins", + "Refresh": "Atualizar", + "PayWithAltCoins": "Pagar com Altcoins", + "AltCoins": "Usar Altcoins", "summaryMsg1": "O seu pagamento foi enviado para %{recipient}", "summaryMsg2": "O tempo estimado para processamento desse pedido é de %{time}", "summaryMsg3": "Você pode verificar o status do seu pedido em sua %{purchasesPageLink}", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Nova Configuração", "new": "Novo" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "mais", + "explanation": "Gostaria de ver mais vendedores e compradores nesse mercado mundial sem restrições e taxas? Por favor clique abaixo para compartilhar um link nas mídios sociais e convidar mais pessoas para se unirem à #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "Uma página irá abrir no seu navegador com alguns conteúdos sugeridos. Esse painel não irá aparecer novamente após você fechá-lo.", + "blurb": "Compre%20%26%20venda%20tudo%20o%20que%20você%20quiser%20online%20sem%20taxas%2C%20sem%20intermediários%20e%20sem%20restrições.%20Junte-se%20%ao%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Fazer um post sobre o OB no Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Fazer um post sobre o OB no Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Fazer um post sobre o OB no Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Fazer um post sobre o OB no Linkedin", + "shareTumblr": "Fazer um post sobre o OB no Tumblr", + "reminder": "Ajude o OpenBazaar a Crescer!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Reinicialização necessária para a mudança de idioma.", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Para mudar o seu idioma, você precisa reinicializar o aplicativo.", "restartNow": "Reiniciar Agora", diff --git a/js/languages/ro.json b/js/languages/ro.json index 8e7f6ee82..44c91766a 100644 --- a/js/languages/ro.json +++ b/js/languages/ro.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Restart Application", "about": "Despre OpenBazaar", "support": "Susținere OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Înainte", "Back": "Înapoi", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/ru.json b/js/languages/ru.json index eec08cdab..23271010f 100644 --- a/js/languages/ru.json +++ b/js/languages/ru.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Restart Application", "about": "Об OpenBazaar", "support": "Поддержка OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Вперед", "Back": "Назад", "newServer": "Новый сервер", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Новые конфигурации", "new": "Новый" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/sk.json b/js/languages/sk.json index 64859105c..81ca1b76e 100644 --- a/js/languages/sk.json +++ b/js/languages/sk.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Reštartovať Aplikáciu", "about": "O OpenBazaari", "support": "Podporte OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Dopredu", "Back": "Späť", "newServer": "Nový Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Nová Konfigurácia", "new": "Nové" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Na zmenu jazyka je potrebný reštart", "langChangeRestartMessage": "K tomu aby sa plne prejavili zmeny v nastavení jazyka musíte reštartovat aplikáciu.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/tlh.json b/js/languages/tlh.json index 461776e3c..38f9514ef 100644 --- a/js/languages/tlh.json +++ b/js/languages/tlh.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Restart Application", "about": "Umqu' ghot OpenBazaar", "support": "Qutlh OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Forward", "Back": "Chap", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/tr.json b/js/languages/tr.json index 88bdd79d7..465878928 100644 --- a/js/languages/tr.json +++ b/js/languages/tr.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Uygulamayı Yeniden Başlat", "about": "OpenBazaar Hakkında", "support": "OpenBazaar'ı Destekle", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "İleri", "Back": "Geri", "newServer": "Yeni Sunucu", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "Yeni Yapılandırma", "new": "Yeni" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Dil seçiminizin tamamlanması için yeniden başlatmanız gerekir.", "langChangeRestartMessage": "Dil değişiminizin tamamen etkinleşmesi için uygulamayı yeniden başlatmanız gerekir.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/uk.json b/js/languages/uk.json index 078e41fb3..03049527b 100644 --- a/js/languages/uk.json +++ b/js/languages/uk.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Restart Application", "about": "Про OpenBazaar", "support": "Підтримай OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Forward", "Back": "Назад", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/uz.json b/js/languages/uz.json index 83c8db701..1d0378d2e 100644 --- a/js/languages/uz.json +++ b/js/languages/uz.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Restart Application", "about": "Об OpenBazaar", "support": "Поддержка OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "Forward", "Back": "Назад", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/languages/zh-CN.json b/js/languages/zh-CN.json index 6eaea80fd..99b2ee008 100644 --- a/js/languages/zh-CN.json +++ b/js/languages/zh-CN.json @@ -603,6 +603,7 @@ "restart": "Restart Application", "about": "关于 OpenBazaar", "support": "支持 OpenBazaar", + "share": "Post About OpenBazaar", "Forward": "前进", "Back": "后退", "newServer": "New Server", @@ -731,6 +732,20 @@ "newConfigTitle": "New Configuration", "new": "New" }, + "socialReminder": { + "title": "OpenBazaar", + "explanationLink": "(%{linkText})", + "explanationLinkText": "more", + "explanation": "Want to see more great buyers and sellers on this worldwide marketplace with no restrictions or fees? Please click below to share a link on social media and invite more people to #TradeFree.", + "disclaimer": "A page will open in your browser with some suggested content. This panel won't appear again after you close it.", + "blurb": "Buy%20%26%20sell%20whatever%20you%20want%20online%20with%20no%20fees%2C%20no%20middlemen%20and%20no%20restrictions.%20Join%20%40OpenBazaar!", + "shareTwitter": "Post about OB on Twitter", + "shareFacebook": "Post about OB on Facebook", + "sharePinterest": "Post about OB on Pinterest", + "shareLinkedIn": "Post about OB on LinkedIn", + "shareTumblr": "Post about OB on Tumblr", + "reminder": "Help OpenBazaar Grow!" + }, "langChangeRestartTitle": "Restart needed for language change", "langChangeRestartMessage": "In order for your language change to fully take effect, you must restart the app.", "restartNow": "Restart Now", diff --git a/js/models/languagesMd.js b/js/models/languagesMd.js index fb2cebbeb..15d325ad6 100644 --- a/js/models/languagesMd.js +++ b/js/models/languagesMd.js @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ langName: "English (English, America)", langCode: "en-US" }, + { + langName: "Amharic (Amharic, Ethiopia", + langCode: "am-ET" + }, { langName: "中文 (Chinese, S)", langCode: "zh-CN" diff --git a/js/views/currencyListVw.js b/js/views/currencyListVw.js index 542881d08..6f29cc585 100644 --- a/js/views/currencyListVw.js +++ b/js/views/currencyListVw.js @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ module.exports = baseVw.extend({ $.ajax({ method: "GET", - url: "" + url: "" }) .done(function (response) { for (var bcaCurrency in response) { diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index b5156deb6..8ed9f4e09 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "OpenBazaar", - "version": "1.1.12", + "version": "1.1.13", "description": "OpenBazaar Client", "main": "main.js", "repository": { From dfbc7d0487a1b236305c30dc892bb38d17f263fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Josh Jeffryes Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2017 18:16:37 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add missing ), set bar in accordion to not overflow due to long translations. --- css/obBase.css | 6 ++++++ js/models/languagesMd.js | 2 +- 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/css/obBase.css b/css/obBase.css index de90079f9..db9b677f3 100644 --- a/css/obBase.css +++ b/css/obBase.css @@ -1430,6 +1430,12 @@ label.fieldItem { float: left; } +.accordion > .accordion-window > .accordion-child .bar { + text-overflow: ellipsis; + white-space: nowrap; + overflow: hidden; +} + .accordion-active input, .accordion-active textarea, .accordion-active a { visibility: visible; } diff --git a/js/models/languagesMd.js b/js/models/languagesMd.js index 15d325ad6..632ee542a 100644 --- a/js/models/languagesMd.js +++ b/js/models/languagesMd.js @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module.exports = Backbone.Model.extend({ langCode: "en-US" }, { - langName: "Amharic (Amharic, Ethiopia", + langName: "Amharic (Amharic, Ethiopia)", langCode: "am-ET" }, {