Releases: OpenBazaar/OpenBazaar-Client
Full release for general use.
The following significant changes have been made in this release:
- when ob:// links are clicked on, they will now open the OpenBazaar app on Windows
- onboarding timezone detection accounts for daylight savings time.
- timezones are now translatable.
- missing tags are detected in edit listing.
- the back and forward buttons are now disabled if there is no available back or forward state to go to
- forms can be saved with Command/Control S.
- you can choose whether to add the title and order number of your purchase to your QR code when paying for a listing.
- the reload button only reloads the current view, restarting the entire app is now a link in the navigation menu.
- spinners were added to the settings/store moderators area to show when moderators are loading
- offline or non-listed moderators can be manually added by pasting in their GUID on the settings/store tab
- the size on images was made consistant so images that are uploaded at the correct height to width ratio are never cropped.
- the size of the uploaded file for images was changed to match the display size, and the image quality was improved
- sanitization on fields that allow HTML was fixed so it doesn't miss some tags. This prevents users from putting in code that can make viewing their stores an annoying or non-functional experience.
- the close modal X icon was given a slight outline so it is always visible even if the user sets their custom colors to make the icon the same color as the background
- the new moderators list will no longer show duplicate moderators
- some edge case issues with being able to load a bad route in the address bar were solved
- if the call to purchase_contract fails, the user can try to complete their purchase again instead of having to start over
- a bug with the incorrect shipping price being displayed for some addresses was fixed
Special thanks to our contributors for code submissions to this release:
- programmerpeter
- mariodian
- Stemby
And special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex.
Full release for general use.
The following significant changes have been made in this release:
- changed code so non-required fields can be set to blank when saving
- made all social media links clickable
- add custom scrollbar to textarea in settings/page/about, edit listing/description, edit listing/terms, edit listing/returns, store wizard/about
- restored the text editor in the settings/page/about and edit listing/description fields, it will no longer create invalid values
- the toolbar icon for OpenBazaar will now show the notification count, but only on OSX
- added a radio button in settings/advanced to switch to testnet, so bitcoin addresses will be validated for testnet (this still requires the server to be manually launched in testnet mode)
- the discover page filter control was redesigned, and an explanatory tooltip was added to draw attention to it for first time users
- the bitcoin refund address field was moved from settings/general to settings/advanced, and explanatory text was added
- an "all" region was added, to make it easier to add all countries to shipping for a listing, and then remove select countries, for vendors that want to ship everywhere except a few nations
- the way currencies are pulled from 3rd party APIs was changed, so now many more currecies are available
- translations on notifications were improved
- a button to recheck if your Onename handle has validated was added to settings/page
- the restart button on the loading screen was unhidden
- categories are ordered alphabetically
- f5 to refresh the client was enabled
- Duomoney as a wallet option was removed
- all language files updated
- control W was removed from the shortcuts
- fixed a bug with bitcoin price conversions in the transaction modal
- fixed the bug with hitting undo multiple times
- fixed the issue with the alt key triggering shortcuts
- fixed some issues with chat counts
- fixed some issues with the notification count not resetting
- fixed layout issue with content overflowing columns in several places
- fixed a strange bug where an exchange rate of 1 on BTC was being turned into 1.01
- fixed issues with the Follows Me text on the user page when viewing another user's page
- fixed a slight wobble in the rotating icon for loading a page
Special thanks to our contributors for code submissions to this release:
- Kirvx
- mariodian
- holtjohnson
- programmerpeter
- Squirrel2020
- rhcastilhos
- enkumber
- platedodev
- moldcraft
And special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex.
Full release for general use.
The following significant changes have been made in this release:
- the visual text editors have been disabled, due to a formatting bug that could cause invalid json. Link and Img tags are disabled until we have fixed the underlying issue.
- if the bitcoin exchange price api returns invalid data, all prices will be shown as NaN, and only BTC will be available as a currency, but otherwise the client will function normally.
- link handling has been improved, to prevent malformed links from opening in the client
- the client will no longer show the Server Configuration modal when the heartbeat from the server times out. When restarting the server sometimes takes too long to send the heartbeat.
- the model is correctly updated in all instances of edit item being loaded, fixing the bug with prices disappearing when editing or cloning an item
- the Discover filter controls have been emphasized, so they are more noticable when first using the client
- the NSFW selection in onboarding is now saved correctly
- if orders have not been funded, the shipping information is not shown, to prevent accidental shipping before payment is complete
- the username and password in the server configuration modal have been moved to the top, to prevent users from not realizing they need to scroll to see them
- the discover tooltip is no longer being accidentally hidden, so new users are prompted to go to the discover page
- the notification count code was reverted to an earlier version. The earlier version has a known issue with not always being up to date.
- the "Follows Me" text is always white
- the text in the chat message area is white when advanced graphics are turned off
- a dark background will be shown behind the username when advanced graphics are turned off, so it is more readable
- the menu shortcuts no longer use numbers, which prevents issues with non-English keyboards
- the colors on tags in the editor have been fixed when using themes (especially the white theme)
- the colors on select lists in the editor have been fixed when using themes (especially the white theme)
- the instructions for tags are more detailed, including the maximum number of allowed tags
- a bug was fixed where the icon in the save button in the Settings page got the loading class instead of the button.
Special thanks to our contributors for code and translation submissions to this release:
- Kirvx
- rhcastilhos
And special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex.
Full release for general use.
The following significant changes have been made in this release:
- resend buttons were added to various parts of the transaction modal to allow the user to resend steps of the transaction if they aren't received by the other party
- the user's language is stored in localStorage, to allow the server configuration modal to be in their language when the value can't be loaded from the server
- Discover defaults to show only stores you are following
- design changes were made to the buying flow
- programmable buttons were added to the message modal
- a configuration file was added for app variables
- switching between testnet and mainnet was centralized
- the transaction modal will set it's tab from the transaction's current status now
- tags are required for all listings to make search more useful
- the moderator's payment address is now required in the dispute resolution form
- blockcypher urls were fixed
- the status not updating in the transaction modal was fixed
- the unread notifications count in the notifications button was changed to be accurate
- a bug in the "Follows You" message on the user page was fixed
- country of origin is now correct on listings
- if a listing can be shipped to the user, their country is only shown once, if it can't, a message explaining that is shown
- shipping prices are shown correctly
- all notifications are clickable
- filter settings on Discover are remembered
- all translations updated from Transifex
Special thanks to our contributors for code and translation submissions to this release:
- davalb
- Kirvx
- AndresJ551
- rhcastilhos
- Squirrel2020
- mariodian
And special thanks to everyone that contributed to translations on Transifex.
Release for general testing. This release is set to use the testnet.
The following significant changes have been made in this release:
- handles and ob:// links can now be used in about, chat, and descriptions, and are clickable
- the unfollow button requires a confirmation step before unfollowing someone (special thanks to mariodian)
- SSL is applied to websockets (special thanks to nissimk)
- avatar hashes are stored in localStorage, to make them available in parts of the application that have guid data but not avatar hashes
- the ob:// prefix only appears in the address bar when it is in focus
- the address bar shows an icon to indicate what type of "page" you're currently on
- the client now uses the node server's API to calculate BitCoin to fiat currency conversion rates, to make sure the client and server values match
- the default themes were updated
- ratings received notifications are properly formatted
- when confirming an order gets an error, the modal stays open and an error modal is shown instead of the status bar
- all external links open externally
Special thanks to our contributors for bug fixes and improvements:
- rhcastilhos
- mariodian
- nissimk
We had assistance with language files from:
- rhcastilhos
- Squirrel2020
- moldcraft
- loadrunner
Release for general testing. This release is set to use the testnet.
The following major changes have been made in this release:
- the translation files are now available on Transifex, anyone that wants to contribute to translations can do so there
- the chat conversation list now only renders the first 12 conversations when the client starts to reduce get_image calls. The rest are rendered as they are scrolled through.
- chat conversations load 20 messages at a time
- notifications load the first 6 notifications when the client starts, and loads the rest as they are scrolled through. This reduces the number of get_image calls significantly.
- moderators you have blocked are no longer shown in moderator selection views
- the settings view doesn't load moderators until the Store tab is clicked
- the settings view doesn't load blocked user data until the Blocked tab is clicked
- full screen shortcut changed to F11 on non-Mac platforms
- a loading state was added to some buttons
- moderator fees are shown in moderator listings
- the kill process on Windows was improved, which should fix a bug when closing the client on Windows machines
Special thanks to our contributors
- keyboard shortcuts, splitting the language files and various bug fixes and translations added by mariodian
We had assistance with language files from
- Kirvx
- gubatron
- HostFat
- pryds
- rhcastilhos
- Squirrel2020
- moldcraft
Release for general testing. This release is set to use the testnet.
The following major changes have been made in this release:
- worldwide shipping has been implemented as an option in listings
- EU and EEA countries can be autopopulated
- shipping prices can now be zero
- the item view now shows if an item can be shipped to one of your saved addresses, and shows a list of all shippable addresses.
- a new loading screen has been added with cancel, back and retry buttons if loading a view fails (only implemented on some views)
- several bugs with invalid characters in description fields have been fixed
- followers, following, chat conversations and pages lists now lazy render, preventing the client from making large numbers of image requests when the view is loaded (unless you scroll very fast)
- the widely reported error with opening the debug log in Windows is now fixed
- some message modals have been replaced with a status bar at the bottom of the screen
- many issues and bugs have been corrected, and many other changes were made that aren't listed
We had assistance with language files from the following users:
- Kirvx
- HostFat
- Mariodian
- rhcastilhos
- pryds
- Dekker3D
- LodeRunner2
- programmerpeter
- jonathancross
Release for general testing. This release is set to use the testnet.
The following changes have been made in this release:
- enhanced error handling and reporting
- fullscreen mode re-enabled
- photos can be drop and dragged into the listing editor
- photos can be dragged to rearrange them in the listing editor
- if a PGP key is entered without a signature, an error will be shown to the user and the signature field will be marked
- added an option to deactivate advanced visual features like transitions and transparencies
- improvements to the address bar
- modals are centered visually when the chat sidebar is open
- the reset to default button in the server config modal will now restore the username and password from the local server
- parsing added to prevent blank spaces and invalid characters from being saved in description fields
- the Active Store setting is now usable, it will de-list your store without deleting any of your data, so your products aren't viewable
- timezone and view nsfw settings set in the onboarding process now save correctly
- Greenland, Vietnam, and the Mariana Islands can now be set as shipping locations
- visual fixes to the chat sidebar
- when a payment is completed, the notification to the buyer is now formatted correctly
- improvements to the efficiency of saving data
- Danish translation updated (pryds)
- Spanish translation updated (nanomo)
- Chinese translation updated (saltduck)
- Italian translation updated (HostFat)
- added Brazilian Portuguese translation (rhcastilhos)