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Client Side Ost Wallet Browser Sdk

warning: this code base is still in alpha and not ready for production use!


OST Wallet SDK Browser is a web application development SDK that enables developers to integrate the functionality of a non-custodial crypto-wallet into consumer applications. The sdk creates user's Api and session keys. Altough the device keys are created, they are not stored in the browser. Users must use your mobile application to authorize the session keys and perform transactions.

Table of Contents

Quick start guide


Install the npm module

npm install @ostdotcom/ost-wallet-sdk-browser --save

For more information please refer Setup And Initialization guide.

Import OstWalletSdk

import OstWalletSdk from '@ostdotcom/ost-wallet-sdk-browser'

Initialize the Sdk and setup user's device.

Use the below code to initialize the sdk and setup user's device. The below code defines initializeAndSetupOstSdk method that you could use once your applications' page has loaded or before user's first wallet interaction by calling the initializeAndSetupOstSdk method. The initializeAndSetupOstSdk return a Promise that only resolves when both(initialize and setup) the tasks are completed without any errors.

The below example is a code template. Copy and pasting it will NOT work.
You need to change YOUR_TOKEN_ID and write code inside registerDevice method and invoke or call the initializeAndSetupOstSdk method defined below.

  /* Deifne the sdk config */
  const sdkConfig = {
    token_id: "YOUR_TOKEN_ID",
    environment: "testnet",
    create_session_qr_timeout: 3 * 60 *60,
    max_workflow_count: 50

For more information regarding configuration please refer Setup And Initialization guide.

      Define a method initializeAndSetupOstSdk to combine init sdk method and setupdevice workflow.

   * initializeAndSetupOstSdk - initializes the sdk and then performs setup device workflow for the logged-in user.
   * @param  {String} ost_user_id Ost User Id of the logged-in user.
   * @param  {String} token_id    Token-Id of the your brand token economy.
   * @return {Promise}            a Promise that only resolves when both the tasks are completed without any failuers.
  const initializeAndSetupOstSdk = (ost_user_id, token_id) => {
    const registerDevice(apiParams) { 
       * Write your code here to send the api params to your server.
       * Use the server side sdk to register the device.


    const setupDeviceWorkflow = () => {
      let sdkDelegate =  new OstSetupDeviceDelegate();
      // Define register device.
      sdkDelegate.registerDevice = function( apiParams ) {
        console.log(LOG_TAG, "registerDevice");
        return registerDevice(apiParams);

      //Define flowComplete
      sdkDelegate.flowComplete = (ostWorkflowContext , ostContextEntity ) => {
        console.log("setupDeviceWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.flowComplete called");
        _resolve( ostContextEntity );

      //Define flowInterrupt
      sdkDelegate.flowInterrupt = (ostWorkflowContext , ostError) => {
        console.log("setupDeviceWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.flowInterrupt called");
        _reject( ostError );

      // Return a promise that invokes the workflow.
      return new Promise( (res, rej) => {
        _resolve = res;
        _reject  = rej;

        // Invoke the workflow.
        OstWalletSdk.setupDevice(ost_user_id, token_id, sdkDelegate);
  return OstWalletSdk.init( sdkConfig )
        .then(() => {
          return oThis.setupDeviceWorkflow();

Subscribe to workflow events

The below example is a code template. Please wirte code inside the functions as per your application's need.

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowInitiated", (workflowContext) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("requestAcknowledged", (workflowContext, contextEntity) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
   consloe.log("contextEntity : ", contextEntity);

   /* TODO: Update your server if needed. */   

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowCompleted", (workflowContext, contextEntity) => {
   consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
   consloe.log("contextEntity : ", contextEntity);

  /* TODO: Show success to the user. */   

OstWalletSdk.subscribeAll("flowInterrupted", (workflowContext, ostError) => {
  consloe.log("workflowContext : ", workflowContext);
  consloe.log("ostError : ", ostError);

  /* TODO: Show errors to the user. */

Create session key

The below example is a code template. Copy and pasting it will NOT work.
You need to change LOGGED_IN_USERS_OST_USER_ID and show the QR code to the user.

  let ost_user_id = "LOGGED_IN_USERS_OST_USER_ID";
  let sdkDelegate =  new OstWorkflowDelegate();

  //Define requestAcknowledged
  sdkDelegate.requestAcknowledged = (ostWorkflowContext , ostContextEntity) => {
    console.log("createSessionWorkflow :: sdkDelegate.requestAcknowledged called");
    /* TODO: Show the QR code to the user. */
  /* Set session expiry to 7 days from now. */
  let expiryTime = parseInt( + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);

  /* Set spedning limit as 100 BTs */
  let spendingLimit = 100; 

  //Invoke the workflow.
  OstWalletSdk.createSession(ost_user_id, expiryTime, spendingLimit ,sdkDelegate);

For more information please refer Create Session Workflow

Perform Transactions

The below example is a code template. Copy and pasting it will NOT work.
The below code uses bignumber.js library. Make sure to install it.

convertBtToLowerUnit Helper method

This helper method can be used to easily convert amount from higher unit (such as Eth) into lower unit (such as Wei).

  import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';

  let BT_DECIMALS = 18; /* TODO: Set it to your token's decimal */
  /* If you do not know your token's decimal, Use below code  */ 
  //  OstWalletSdk.getToken(tokenId)
  //    .then((token) => {
  //      console.log("My token's deciaml is", token.decimals);
  //    });

  const convertBtToLowerUnit = (amount) => {
    const decimals = BT_DECIMALS;
    const decimalBN = new BigNumber(decimals);
    const multiplier = new BigNumber(10).pow(decimalBN);
    const amountBN = new BigNumber(amount);
    const amountInLowerUnit = amountBN.multipliedBy(multiplier);
    return amountInLowerUnit.toString(10);

Execute Direct Transfer

  let sdkDelegate = new OstWorkflowDelegate();
  let ost_user_id = "LOGGED_IN_USERS_OST_USER_ID";
  let token_holder_address = "RECEPIENTS_TOKENHOLDER_ADDRESS";
  let amountInLowerUnit = convertBtToLowerUnit(1); /* 1 Bt. */
  OstWalletSdk.executeDirectTransfer(ost_user_id, {
    token_holder_addresses : [token_holder_address],
    amounts: [amountInLowerUnit] 

For more information please refer Execute Transaction Workflow

Detailed Documentaion Refrence