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LINQ to XML for TypeScript

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In .NET, LINQ to XML provides an in-memory XML programming interface that leverages the .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) Framework. This package provides a corresponding implementation of LINQ to XML in TypeScript that leverages the @tsdotnet/linq package, which provides features similar to LINQ.


Run npm install @openxmldev/linq-to-xml to install the library.



Run nx build linq-to-xml to build the library.

Running Unit Tests

Run nx test linq-to-xml to execute the unit tests via Jest.


In short words, usage is pretty much identical to .NET, just with some language-specific differences described further below. Have a look at the API documentation to see what is on offer.


Simply import the well-known classes from @openxmldev/linq-to-xml. For example:

import { XAttribute, XElement, XName, XNamespace } from '@openxmldev/linq-to-xml';

Namespaces and Names

Using Office Open XML as an example, the following code snippet shows how namespaces and names can be declared:

class W {
  public static readonly w: XNamespace = XNamespace.get(

  public static get namespaceDeclaration(): XAttribute {
    return new XAttribute(XNamespace.xmlns.getName('w'), W.w.namespaceName);

  public static readonly document: XName = W.w.getName('document');
  public static readonly body: XName = W.w.getName('body');
  public static readonly p: XName = W.w.getName('p');
  public static readonly r: XName = W.w.getName('r');
  public static readonly t: XName = W.w.getName('t');

class W14 {
  public static readonly w14: XNamespace = XNamespace.get(

  public static get namespaceDeclaration(): XAttribute {
    return new XAttribute(

  public static readonly docId: XName = W14.w14.getName('docId');
  public static readonly paraId: XName = W14.w14.getName('paraId');
  public static readonly textId: XName = W14.w14.getName('textId');

The C# language would allow you to create XNamespace and XName instances as follows, using implicit conversion operators defined by those classes:

XNamespace w = "";
XName document = w + "document";
XName body = w + "body";

This is not possible in TypeScript, so the above would be written as follows, which is exactly what you would write in C# if you initialized those instances explicitly:

const w = XNamespace.get('');
const document = w.getName('document');
const body = w.getName('body');

Elements and Attributes

Using the above names, you could create a super-simple "Hello World!" document as follows:

const document =
  new XElement(W.document,
    new XElement(W.body,
      new XElement(W.p,
        new XAttribute(W14.paraId, '12345678'),
        new XElement(W.r,
          new XElement(W.t, 'Hello World!')))));

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)

The following code snippet shows just one simple example of how you might use the LINQ-related features.

Say you have a document with many paragraphs, all of which have a unique w14:paraId attribute. If you want to get the one and only paragraph having a given w14:paraId value, you would first get the w:p descendants of your w:document root element and then pick the single w:p element having the desired w14:paraId value, if it exists at all.

Here's what you would do in LINQ to XML:

const paragraph = document
  .singleOrDefault((p) => p.attribute(W14.paraId)?.value === '12345678');

The above would give you all descendant w:p elemens, including those paragraphs included in tables. If you wanted to restrict this to just the w:p elements that are direct children of the w:body element, here is what you can do:

const paragraph = document
  .singleOrDefault((p) => p.attribute(W14.paraId)?.value === '12345678');

If you wanted to get an array of all w14:paraId values for all w:p elements, here is what you would do:

const paraIds = document
  .select((paraId) => paraId.value)

Have a look at the LinqElements class to see which general (e.g., singleOrDefault(), select(), toArray()) and XML-specific (e.g., descendants(), elements(), attributes()) LINQ methods are supported by this package.

Language-specific Differences

Naming Conventions

In C#, you use pascal case for property and method names. For example, the XElement class has the Name and FirstAttribute properties and the Attributes() and DescendantsAndSelf() methods.

In JavaScript and TypeScript, you use camel case for property and method names. For example, the property and method names corresponding to the above would be name, firstAttribute,attributes(), and descendantsAndSelf(), respectively.

Default Values

It is important to appreciate the differences between C# vs. JavaScript and TypeScript regarding the default values used for different types, e.g., as assigned by using the default keyword in C# or when not explicitly initializing fields or variables in JavaScript.

In C#, the default values are defined as follows:

  • nullable (e.g., string) and non-nullable (e.g.,string?) reference types: null
  • nullable value (e.g., int?, bool?) types: null
  • non-nullable value types (e.g., int, bool): 0 and false, for example

In JavaScript, there is no default keyword. However, the default value for uninitialized fields or variables is undefined in all cases, including number or boolean, for example.

In TypeScript, you must either explicitly allow undefined in the declaration or use the non-null assertion operator (!) to assign undefined. At run-time, however, TypeScript is just JavaScript.

Now, let's look at the signature of the well-known FirstOrDefault() extension method in C# (based on the .NET 6 documentation, which just uses TSource instead of T):

public static T? FirstOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source);

Based on our understanding of the default values, the most natural signature in TypeScript is the following:

firstOrDefault(): T | undefined;

The above is also what is offered by the corresponding method of the LinqIterable class or, more specifically, its abstract base class, which also defines the type parameter T.

On an abstract level, the C# and TypeScript counterparts behave in the same way. For empty sequences, they both return the respective default values. Let that sink in for a moment.

On a concrete level, however, the language-specific difference between the default values for non-nullable value types in C# (e.g., int, bool) and the corresponding types in TypeScript (e.g., number, boolean) is that:

  • in C#, the default values are 0 and false, respectively; and
  • in TypeScript, the default value is undefined in all cases.

Should you want to receive a value other than undefined in case the sequence is empty, the following overload of the LinqIterable class will come to the rescue:

firstOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T;

The above overload even corresponds to the following C# overload, which was introduced in .NET 6 (again using T instead of TSource):

public static T FirstOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, T defaultValue);


Using the FirstOrDefault() extension method as an example, here is what you get in .NET 6 (noting that .NET calls the type parameter TSource while it is called T here):

// Available prior to .NET 6
public static T? FirstOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source);
public static T? FirstOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, bool> predicate);

// Added in .NET 6
public static T FirstOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, T defaultValue);

public static T FirstOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, bool> predicate,
    T defaultValue);

Next, let's have a look at the JavaScript and TypeScript side of the house. JaveScript does not have overloads. TypeScript offers a way to at least define overloads, which, however, are all implemented by one and the same method. The signature of that method must subsume the signatures of all overloads. Let's look at an example, using the firstOrDefault() method:

export abstract class LinqIterableBase<
  TLinq extends LinqIterableBase<T, TLinq>
> implements Iterable<T>
  // ...

  // Overloads corresponding to .NET overloads available prior to .NET 6
  firstOrDefault(): T | undefined;
  firstOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>): T | undefined;

  // Overloads corresponding to .NET overloads added in .NET 6
  firstOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T;
  firstOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>, defaultValue: T): T;

  // Implementation of the overloads defined above
    predicateOrDefault?: PredicateWithIndex<T> | T,
    defaultValue?: T
  ): T | undefined {
    // Implementation omitted

  // ...

The implementation expects zero, one, or two actual parameters. The first parameter, if any, is expected to be either a predicate of type PredicateWithIndex<T> or a default value of type T.

A PredicateWithIndex<T> is a function that takes a sequence element of type T and an index of type number and returns a boolean. To distinguish between the second and third overload, both of which expect a single parameter, the implementation determines whether or not the value passed by the caller is a function (in which case typeof predicateOrDefault === 'function'). If the value is a function, that function is interpreted as a predicate. Otherwise, the value is taken as the default value to be used in case the sequence is empty.

In the typical uses cases in which we are dealing with sequences of objects or primitive types, the single implementation method for multiple overloads does not lead to problems. However, there is a (theoretical) edge case that creates a challenge. Should we deal with sequences of functions, we can no longer distinguish between predicates and default values in case a single parameter is passed.

In such a case, both predicates and default values are functions, which are all interpreted as predicates. Therefore, the firstOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T overload cannot be used and you must use the firstOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>, defaultValue: T): T overload or the defaultIfEmpty(defaultValue: T): TLinq method.

Since this library should be easy to use for developers having experience with LINQ or LINQ to XML in C#, this library tries to be consistent with the APIs offered in C# rather than solving for (theoretical) edge cases. This makes it easy for most developers most of the time. Therefore, we accept the potential challenge posed in the (theoretical) edge case.