Day 1 of #100DaysofCode
- Learn Numpy
- Learn Pandas
- Numpy Tutorial (Iterate numpy array using nditer | numpy nditer) by Codebasics YT channel: (Video link)
- Python Pandas Tutorial Playlist by Corey Schafer YT channel: (Playlist link)
- Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021 (link)
- Jupyter Notebook
- Python 3.10.2
- Numpy 1.22.4
- pandas 1.4.2
- Numpy-tutorial.ipynb
- Pandas_tutorial_part_1.ipynb
- Pandas_tutorial_part_2.ipynb
- Pandas_tutorial_part_3.ipynb
- Pandas_tutorial_part_4.ipynb
- Splitting arrays in numpy
- Iterating arrays efficiently using
- Pandas Intro
- DataFrame Basics
- Series Basics
- Reading Data from CSV file
- Selecting rows & columns using loc & iloc
- Custom Indexing
- Sorting Data based on exercises
- Condition Filtering on rows and columns
Pandas is a huge library, and good for data analysis. So many topics of numpy needed to learn pandas like slicing is same as Numpy.