Haxe is awesome language for game development. And Haxe should has the cool easy to use pathfinding lib.
haxelib git pathfinding [email protected]:Partysun/hxpathfinding.git
And then in your project's hxml build file, add
-lib pathfinding
is the first algorythm in the library.
GridMap example:
var map:GridMap = new GridMap(9, 9);
start_node = map.getNode(2, 1);
goal_node = map.getNode(5, 4);
map.getNode(5, 1).walkable = false;
map.getNode(2, 2).walkable = false;
map.getNode(3, 2).walkable = false;
map.getNode(4, 2).walkable = false;
var pathfinder = new Pathfinding(map);
var path = pathfinder.findPath(start_node, goal_node);
trace("Path:" + path);
You can render debug sprite, if you work with Openfl:
debug.draw(map, path);
WaypointsMap example:
import pathfinding.Pathfinding;
import pathfinding.core.WaypointsMap;
import pathfinding.core.Node;
import pathfinding.core.Path;
var map = new WaypointsMap();
// map generation
start = map.addNode(new Node(baseX, baseY));
map.addNode(new Node(baseX + 70, baseY));
map.addNode(new Node(baseX + 150, baseY));
map.addNode(new Node(baseX + 150, baseY + 70));
goal = map.addNode(new Node(baseX + 270, baseY));
// find path
var pathfinder = new Pathfinding(map);
var path = pathfinder.findPath(start, goal);
for (node in path.nodes)
trace(node + "");
For more samples, look at sample directory.
- More useful tools
- Debug graphic mode
- Add one more algorythm
- Add flexeble interface for change a heuristic
- Add benchmark (http://www.movingai.com/benchmarks/)
- Add Heap or PriorityQueue for the openlist. It's the critical place of lib speed
v 0.2.1 - 27.02.2015
- Fix backtrace functions. Clear old data
v 0.2.0 - 18.02.2015
- Tools for GridMap. Tools help work with real game world and model of map.
- Debug mode
v 0.1.0 - 15.02.2015
- Two basic sceanrio: GridMap and WaypointsMap
- AStar algorythm
- Manhattan heuristic
- Openfl sample
- Tests