The source code for this sample program can be found in src/main/java/com/fortify/sca/plugins/maven/samples/
The source code can be built from the top-level directory using the mvn clean package
Maven command, which will produce
the target/EightBall-1.0.jar
executable jar file. The sample program takes an integer as an argument:
java -jar target/EightBall-1.0.jar 0
java -jar target/EightBall-1.0.jar 1
java -jar target/EightBall-1.0.jar 2
java -jar target/EightBall-1.0.jar 391
java -jar target/EightBall-1.0.jar 2000
Normally, this program replies with a message from the files 0, 1, or 2. However, due to bad error handling, if you put a filename instead of an integer as the argument, it shows the contents of the file. (For simplicity, the user input comes from the command line argument. What would happen if it came from a web form?) Try:
java jar target/EightBall-1.0.jar pom.xml
java jar target/EightBall-1.0.jar /etc/passwd
(on Unix)java jar target/EightBall-1.0.jar C:\autoexec.bat
(on Windows)