This directory holds the Firebase Function detectRotations
which checks periodically against the What's in Standard? API for changes to Standard,
then tweets the changes to Twitter from @whatsinstandard
and toots them to Mastodon from @[email protected].
To test locally, you need firebase-tools
npm install -g firebase-tools
To actually test tweeting and tooting, you will need to set these secrets in Google Cloud Secret Manager:
Now, visit the Firebase console and add the following structure to Firestore manually:
twitterbot (collection)
last-known (document)
sets (collection)
deleteme (document)
mastodonbot (collection)
last-known (document)
sets (collection)
deleteme (document)
Open a Firebase shell:
firebase use whats-in-standard-beta # Or your non-production project name
firebase functions:shell # Note that changes to .env require rerunning this
and invoke the function:
The cron architecture is embedded in the Firebase function; there is no
separate architecture that pings it. Look for the functions.pubsub.schedule
mv functions/.env ~/.env.firebase.tmp
# Make sure the following command prints "Now using project whats-in-standard"
firebase use whats-in-standard
firebase deploy
firebase use whats-in-standard-beta
mv ~/.env.firebase.tmp functions/.env
Then revert .firebaserc