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Adam Tunnic edited this page May 27, 2021 · 9 revisions

This wiki is moving to the PojavLauncher website! When it's complete, this wiki will be deleted.

Meet PojavLauncher

The first port of Minecraft: Java Edition for jailbroken iOS devices! Based off of the Boardwalk project (and our work) from Android, this slim .deb packs a powerful punch, enabling you to enjoy the full Java Edition experience on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod!

A view of Java on iOS


PojavLauncher is amazing, and surprisingly stable, and it wouldn't be this way without the following people that helped and contribute to the project!

@khanhduytran0 - Lead iOS port developer
@artdeell - Lead developer
@LegacyGamerHD - Lead developer
@Mathius-Boulay - Developer
@Doregon - iOS port developer, PojavLauncher hosting on Doregon's Repository
@zhouwei - Original Boardwalk code
@Diatrus - PojavLauncher hosting on Procursus

Third party components and their licenses

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