This project was developed as an assignment for a C++ course at AUEB University.
The goal was to create a simple graphical interface for a film library using the Simple Graphics Library (SGG).
To run the application
- Download the ZIP file of the project.
- Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a desired location.
- Navigate to the bin folder.
- Run the executable file to launch the application
The project involved creating a graphical interface for a film library using C++.
The requirements included:
- Creating a simple graphical interface for a film library.
- Implementing search functionality for movies based on their production date and film type.
- Implementing various basic graphical elements such as buttons, sliders..
- Utilizing inheritance and polymorphism.
In addition to the basic requirements, extra features were implemented such as:
Dock Animation: All widgets slide down smoothly when the dock is hovered.
TextField: An input field is included to support filtering via searching.
Sliders: Sliders were implemented to filter movies based on the production date.