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2D Orszag Tang Vortex

Kengo TOMIDA edited this page Mar 21, 2016 · 15 revisions

Let us move onto multi-dimensional problems. Here we take the Orszag-Tang Vortex as a standard MHD test problem. To run this problem, follow these steps.

1. Configure the code

First, move into the code root directory.

> python --prob orszag_tang -b --flux hlld
Your Athena++ distribution has now been configured with the following options:
  Problem generator:       orszag_tang
  Coordinate system:       cartesian
  Equation of state:       adiabatic
  Riemann solver:          hlld
  Reconstruction method:   plm
  Hydro integrator:        vl2
  Magnetic fields:         ON
  Special relativity:      OFF
  General relativity:      OFF
  Frame transformations:   OFF
  Viscosity:               OFF
  Compiler and flags:      g++  -O3
  Debug flags:             OFF
  Linker flags:
  MPI parallelism:         OFF
  OpenMP parallelism:      OFF
  HDF5 Output:             OFF
  Internal hydro outvars:  0
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