First, run the development server:
npm i --save-exact [email protected] @ant-design/[email protected] [email protected] @ant-design/[email protected]
npm i --save-exact [email protected]
| |--📂auth
| |--⚛️layout.tsx
| |--📂dashboard
| |--⚛️layout.tsx
Name folder in "( )"
make group routes,
Ex from folder construction above: we have router:
and /dashboard/
export const { handlers, signIn, signOut, auth } = NextAuth({
providers: [
// You can specify which fields should be submitted, by adding keys to the `credentials` object.
// e.g. domain, username, password, 2FA token, etc.
credentials: {
email: {},
password: {},
authorize: async (credentials) => {
let user: IUser | null = null;
// logic to verify if user exists in your database
// call backend API
try {
const response = await login( as string, credentials.password as string);
console.log('response', response);
user = {
isVerify: true,
role: response.user.role,
type: 'credentials',
access_token: response.access_token,
} catch (error) {
const err = (((error as any)?.response?.data || null) as { message: string; statusCode: ReturnStatusCode }) || null;
if (err?.statusCode === ReturnStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED) {
throw new InvalidEmailPasswordError();
if (err?.statusCode === ReturnStatusCode.NOT_ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT) {
throw new InActiveAcounntError();
if (!user) {
throw new InvalidEmailPasswordError();
// return user object with their profile data
return user;
pages: {
signIn: '/auth/login',
callbacks: {
jwt({ token, user }) {
if (user) {
// User is available during sign-in
token.user = user as IUser;
return token;
session({ session, token }) {
(session.user as IUser) = token.user;
return session;
authorized: async ({ auth }) => {
// Check if user is authorized, if not authen, when access page auth will fail and redirect to login page
return !!auth;
Config page public (do not need auth) ==> need config in middleware.ts
export { auth as middleware } from 'src/auth';
export const config = {
matcher: ['/((?!api|_next/static|_next/image|favicon.ico|auth|verify|$).*)'],