Thank you for showing your interest in contributing to the STM32-base project!
A contribution starts with creating an issue. There are exceptions to this, keep reading! You can create an issue for bugs, ideas, features, and questions.
All issues should be reported on Github. Issues about makefiles, linker scripts, startup code, and template repositories should be reported on the STM32-base repository. Issues about documentation should be reported on the repository.
If you are able to fix or add something yourself, please do so! Remember to create an issue before you start. This will enables others to provide you with background information, if needed. When you're done, create a pull request.
There are some exceptions to creating an issue before you get started. If you find a small error somewhere, in both the documentation or code, you can create a pull request without an issue linked to it. Generally, if your change affects less than ten lines, you can continue without an issue.
Take a look at the roadmap board if you want to contribute but don't know what you can do.
Please keep in mind that I am currently the only one working on this project. It may take some time before I am able to review and merge your pull request. I really appreciate it when you take the time to contribute!