Version | Release Date | New Features & Changes |
4.0.0 |
13/07/2023 |
* Use `pyproject.toml` instead of ``
* Separate modules by files instead of classes
- p()
- func_info()
* renamed Progressbar() to progressbar()
+ internet.get()
* renamed files.MEMBERS to files.list_path
+ decorators.dataclass
3.3.0 |
29/04/2023 |
+ Files.basename()
+ Files.dirname()
+ Files.join_paths()
* `pre_action` and `post_action` in IO selective_input
+ Record.timer decorator
+ System.os_name()
3.2.0 |
10/03/2023 |
+ `environ` variable: environment variables as a dict
+ `Terminal.size()`
+ `exit()`: sys.exit()
+ `files.get_drives()`
+ IO.selective_input `choices` argument upgrade
+ IO.selective_input `action` parameter
- IO.selective_input `error` parameter is removed
* Fixed `files.size()` for directories
* `files.is_readonly()` now also works on Unix
* Improved module call
3.1.0 |
23/12/2022 |
+ Record.timeit has default parameters now
- removed progressbar()
* Improved Style object creation
* Improved Style.print implementation
* Improved Style.log_ methods implementation
* now return exit code
- Removed "Tuple" object
3.0.0 |
01/09/2021 |
+ class Internet
+ class DateTime
+ "Style.log" now has time prefix
+ call = call_later
+ IO.Input()
+ IO.getpass()
* io.selective_input choices can be dict
+ System.mac_address()
2.9.0 |
15/12/2020 |
+ IO Class(wait_for_input() - selective_input() - yesno_input())
+ argv (sys.argv)
- Record.EndError
+ overload (Decorator.overload)
2.8.0 |
15/11/2020 |
+ Decorator Class (attach_to_all --- Check_Type)
+ pop()
+ Tuple.pop()
+ Record.timeit()
2.7.0 |
15/10/2020 |
+ getpass()
+ style.log_ Family
+ style.reset() = style.switch_default()
+ load_module()
+ record.last_lap()
2.6.0 |
01/10/2020 |
+ system.cpu_percent()
+ system.pid_exists()
+ Progressbar() (Generator)
+ pixel_color()
2.5.0 |
15/09/2020 |
+ Check_Type decorator
+ system.pyshell_execute_bit()
+ system.pids()
+ record.lap round arg
2.4.0 |
01/09/2020 |
* rand -> random
+ random.shuffle()
+ repeat function supports parameters
+ sleep = wait --- clear = cls --- default_input = Input
+ system.cpu_count()
2.3.0 |
19/08/2020 |
+ extract()
+ screenshot()
+ func_info()
2.2.0 |
03/08/2020 |
+ download()
+ system.ip_website()
+ system.win10_notification
2.1.0 |
15/07/2020 |
* style class better performance in linux
+ MEMBERS group in files class
+ File object: self.basename, self.ext
+ system.device_name()
+ active_window_title() --- open_image()
2.0.0 |
01/07/2020 |
+ Tuple object
+ record.reset()
record.lap new arg
+ New methods of files
files.is_readonly() --- files.is_hidden()
files.search_file() --- files.search_content()
files.copy new arg --- files.generate_tree()
+ File.MEMBERS (when in File(path), path is a directory (self.MEMBERS.TYPE_PATH)
+ File.tree --- File.tree_dirs
+ Input() (Only on windows)
+ restart_app()
1.9.0 | 09/06/2020 |
* re() --> repeat()
+ New Methods of System Class:
ip_global(), ip_local(),
ram_free(), ram_percent(),
ram_total(), ram_used(),
+ convert_bytes()
1.8.0 | 24/05/2020 |
+ style.switch_default()
+ Now Linux supports cls()
+ style object: supports multiply,add,index
+ rand.choice Choose >1 & duplicate
* rand.choice --> rand.choose
1.7.0 | 08/05/2020 |
+ call_later() - wait_for()
+ terminal_size() - cwd()
+ right_port,left_port arg for progressbar()
+ file.remove() for static usage
+ self.type in file class
+ if in file(x), x is a directory:
x.files , x.file_list , x.all_files , x.all_files_sep + file.isdir() , file.isfile() for static usage.
* string() => cons_int()
* progressbar() arg names
* file.delete() and file.delete_dir() => delete()
* Change replace() and insert() args oreder
1.5.0 | 21/04/2020 |
+ 'replace' and insert 'functions' for tuples
+ 'end' arg for style.print()
+ 'self.laps' in record class will display all laps
* style.text => style.print
* record.stop => record.lap
* now 'record.stop()' will stop recording.
1.3.0 |
08/04/2020 |
+ __init__ & read & write & content func of file class
* Prgoressbar default args
1.0.0 |
18/03/2020 |
Initial release |