Updated on 17th February 2014
Complete up to chapter 7
Hi, TLT fans! As horizon has mentioned, there is currently a guide to Hard Reset 2: Reset Harder in progress, created by RampantArcana. It's version-controlled using Git, because horizon is so awesome that his stories require a distributed version-control system usually intended for massive software development projects.
RampantArcana's Hard Reset 2 Helper
RampantArcana has kindly allowed me to publish my own Hard Reset 2 timeline as part of that project. This timeline is an attempts to fill in the gaps in the story that occur as a result of events that happen outside of Twilight's timeloop. Because Twilight never experiences these events, we must infer them to the best of our ability using logic and evidence provided in the story.
Because of the amount of unknowns that have to be inferred, all of the inferred events (in purple) are of unknown veracity and open to change. If you see anything that you think is wrong, let me know! Comments and input are welcome.
- C - Confirmed. This event is known to have occurred, and was witnessed and remembered by Twilight. It was either shown in the story, or is recounted to us from Twilight's memory.
- I - Inferred. This event was not shown in the story. Either Twilight doesn't remember it, or she does, but didn't tell us what happened. In either case, we can infer that it happened based on how we know Twilight begins the loop, and what other timeloopers said. The inference may not be correct and could change as we gain more information.
- Q - Questions and unknowns about an event.
- S - Personal speculation about an event.
- N - Useful notes and information.
- A - Confirmation about an event from the author, horizon.
- C: Twilight casts the spell that initiates her timeloop, beginning the events of Eakin's Hard Reset.
- C: Twilight experiences several hundred loops during this time, in which she discovers the changeling invasion and the imminent destruction of Equestria by the Elements of Harmony, and attempts to stop them.
- C: Twilight attempts to defuse the Elements of Harmony by taking them out of Canterlot on a train. She doesn't tell us the result, but we can assume that it failed and the elements still exploded as normal, killing her.
- I: Twilight respawns, and takes an unknown action, the result of which is that another timelooper's loop resets. We don't know how, but the other timelooper's reset point is more than one thousand years ago.
- Q: Who is the other timelooper, and why is their reset point so far in the past?
- S: One possibility is that the other timelooper is a 'sealed' enemy, one who has been locked away for hundreds of years. Discord and Sombra both fit this bill. That would explain why they never updated their anchor (they haven't been able to) and it's not unlikely that an enemy would use a timeloop power to increase their chances of victory.
- S: Star Swirl has been another popular suggestion. As the father of time magic, he's more than capable of setting up a timeloop, and his appearance in Twilight's time could be the result of time travel.
- I: The new timelooper respawns more than one thousand years ago, and changes something something in the past.
- I: In this changed past, Celestia casts her own timeloop spell shortly after Luna is banished one thousand years ago, so that she won't ever be able to make such a mistake again.
- I: Celestia lives the next 1000 years, using her timeloop ability to prevent disasters (and the occasional personal embarrassment). We know that her anchor point can be updated, and that she does this periodically - perhaps every day, so that she can always return to the beginning of a day if it goes wrong.
- Q: It's implied from what she later says to Twilight, that Twilight is not the first pony with whom she's been in a timeloop situation. Who else could she have timelooped with in the past?
- S: Perhaps she had a student during this time who also had the ability to timeloop.
- I: At some point during this 1000 years, Celestia comes up with a plan to handle the unlikely situation that she ever encounters another timelooper she needs to work with. She buries a safeword in her memories, and sets up an unlikely phrase - 'Preengaged blackout deharmonizes antihunting dissertation' - which will trigger both the release of that safeword, and a paralysis spell that paralyses and nullifies the magic of anypony in her vicinity. Nopony should ever be able to discover that phrase unless they either manipulate her mind (in which case, they won't have the safeword, and Celestia will know they are a threat) or were told it personally by herself in a timeloop that she doesn't remember (in which case, Celestia can kill them safe in the knowledge that they will simply reset).
- A: horizon has confirmed the above, as he didn't intend for it to be anything more than a simple timeloop verification.
- I: Twilight is born, and apparently lives her life in much the same way as she did before the timeline was changed. She becomes Celestia's student, restores the Elements of Harmony, cures Princess Luna, moves to Ponyville, and even learns most of the same lessons. The changeling invasion occurs as before, only this time, something delays it to a few hours later.
- Q: How has history remained so similar if the timeline was changed more than one thousand years ago?
- S: This might simply be because Equestria doesn't work the same way as our universe: in Equestria, chaos and destiny are forces that can be understood and controlled, so the usual laws of chaos theory may not apply.
- I: Twilight casts the timeloop ritual, creating her reset point, and her timelooped self respawns. She notices immediately that Spike's wording is slightly different, and realises something has changed. She also finds out the changeling invasion has been delayed.
- I: She takes advantage of the opportunity to see Celestia immediately, teleporting directly to outside her chambers. She tells the guards that this is an emergency and jokingly tells them not to disturb her and Celestia unless there's a fire.
- I: Presumably, one of these guards is Chrysalis in disguise. We know this because Chrysalis hears about the joke and decides to actually start some fires herself.
- I: Chrysalis resets so that she can put the plan into action.
- I: Chrysalis respawns. We don't know where or when, but we know it's earlier than Twilight's reset point. She arranges for her changelings to start several fires.
- C: Twilight respawns during Chrysalis' loop. Hard Reset 2: Reset Harder begins here. Because Chrysalis was the last to reset, she doesn't remember the previous loop, and goes directly to Celestia once more.
- C: Twilight tells Celestia about being stuck in a timeloop. Although she has told Celestia this many times in past loops, it's different now. This is not the Celestia Twilight knew - this is a Celestia who has spent her whole life timelooping, and knows exactly what Twilight means.
- C: Celestia casts a spell to deactivate the trigger phrase that she set up on herself, so that she can safely tell it to Twilight. She tells Twilight that, if things don't work on this pass, that Twilight should recite the phrase to her in the next loop.
- A: horizon has confirmed the purpose of the spell, as it isn't intended to be anything more than just a deactivation of the trigger as we see.
- C: Chrysalis enters the chambers disguised as a royal guard battlecaster, pretending to be reporting on the fires to Twilight. Unfortunately, Twilight knows something is wrong, because she sees that a squadron she ordered to guard the corridor hasn't received the order.
- C: Chrysalis realises she's been rumbled, and breaks Twilight's neck, killing her.
- C: Twilight respawns. The loop is still altered as it was previously, with Spike's new phrase and with the changeling invasion delayed.
- C: Twilight goes to Celestia and recites the phrase 'Preengaged blackout deharmonizes antihunting dissertation' as Celestia requested. The phrase triggers the spell, which reveals the safeword to Celestia and paralyses Twilight.
- C: Celestia reveals the safeword - 'coruscating' - which Twilight did not give. As such, although Twilight has claimed to be in a timeloop, Celestia has to treat her as a threat to Equestria. She tells Twilight the safeword, knowing that if Twilight truly is in a timeloop, she will be able to give it next time.
- C: Celestia telekinetically breaks Twilight's neck, killing her.
- I: Twilight respawns.
- I: Twilight goes to Celestia, and this time, says the safeword before the phrase. The phrase activates Celestia's spell, paralysing Twilight as before, but with the addition of the safeword, Celestia knows that Twilight truly must have been through a timeloop, and can be trusted.
- I: The only option for Celestia at this point is to reset herself. With Twilight paralysed, there's nothing more that Celestia can get out of her; in addition, the paralysis is painful and possibly deadly, and Celestia doesn't want Twilight to suffer or die. Celestia casts a spell to kill herself and reset her loop.
- I: Celestia respawns back several hours at the beginning of the morning, and waits out the day. During this time, she learns the circumstances under which Twilight cast the timeloop spell, and also discovers the changeling invasion.
- I: Celestia spends several more loops learning everything she can about the changeling invasion. She discovers that Chrysalis is also a timelooper, and apparently Chrysalis also learns this about Celestia as well (or already knew). Celestia has made several attempts using her timeloop to defeat the invasion, but with Chrysalis having the same power, the best she can achieve is a stalemate. Everything she has tried so far has simply been countered by a change in tactics from Chrysalis, all of which have resulted in Celestia's forces being worse off.
- Q: There's a lot that Celestia doesn't tell us here. What happened during those loops? How do Celestia and Chrysalis both know that each other is a timelooper? How did Celestia force Chrysalis to 'irrevocably commit' to the invasion?
- Q: When did Chrysalis become a timelooper? How old is she?
- Q: When and where is Chrysalis' reset point?
- S: Given that she's an alicorn-level threat, Chrysalis could easily be hundreds of years old, and so could have been timelooping for hundreds of years - but it seems unlikely, as someone as power hungry as Chrysalis would have surely used that power to make a move long before now if she had had it. It's more likely that her acquisition of the timeloop power is recent.
- S: Chrysalis's reset point must be before Twilight's, as she can make changes that occur before Twilight respawns. Is it before or after Celestia's? It's difficult to say, but it seems to be around the same time.
- I: After enough loops of fighting Chrysalis to a stalemate, Celestia decides to deal with Twilight again. She appears in the library just as Twilight casts the timeloop ritual and respawns.
- I: Twilight is surprised to see her and a little shocked from the last loop she remembers, in which Celestia broke her neck. However, remembering that Celestia told her to say the phrase with the safeword, she does so. Celestia isn't quick enough to stop her, and Twilight is paralysed again. Celestia is forced to give up on this loop and reset.
- I: Celestia respawns, and once more, waits out the morning, then goes to see Twilight in the library when Twilight's loop starts. This time, she is quick enough to stop Twilight from saying the phrase.
- S: Twilight asks two questions. We don't know what these questions are, because we only hear Twilight ask them in a later loop (and Celestia gives the answers before Twilight can finish the questions, having already heard Twilight ask them previously). However, we can infer that the conversation went as follows:
Twilight: "You're in a time loop too?!"
Celestia: "Yes."
Twilight: "Did I somehow bring you into my time loop?"
Celestia: "No, this is my own loop, independent from yours."
Twilight: "When did your loop start?"
Celestia: "My reset point was first thing this morning, though I cast the original spell right after I was forced to banish Luna. I promised myself I wouldn't ever let those I loved go through such pain again."
- I: Twilight realises that Celestia has, by inaction, deliberately kept her in the time loop, and may in fact have done so many times already. After everything she's been through, she is devastated and furious with Celestia for allowing her to face such torture.
- I: Celestia is upset, but understands Twilight's anger and allows her to calm down. She tells Twilight about Chrysalis's timelooping ability, and explains that she needs Twilight to break the stalemate.
- I: Twilight asks for some time to consider this. Since they're in a timeloop, Celestia has no problem with Twilight taking all the time she needs. To make things easier, she gives Twilight a suicide spell - Euthanatos - which allows a caster to kill themselves quickly and painlessly.
- I: Celestia also suggests to Twilight that they use a counting system to count how many loops each of them has experienced, so that they can keep track of each other. She begins it at C-0, T-0.
- I: Twilight leaves Canterlot to mull things over. Unfortunately, she forgets that this puts her further away from the Elements than Celestia. The Elements explode in Canterlot, killing Celestia and resetting her loop.
- I: Celestia respawns, realising that Twilight must have left mistakenly left Canterlot.
- C: Celestia re-enacts the events of the previous loop, this time telling Twilight not to leave Canterlot. The loop count remains at C-0, T-0, as Twilight doesn't remember the introduction of the loop counter from the previous loop.
- C: Twilight stays in Canterlot to mull things over, still angry with Celestia. She realises that because she's the only one who remembers events in her own timeloop, she can lie to Celestia and pretend that she has spent 34 horrid, miserable loops in Celestia's company, failing to make any progress because of Celestia's behaviour.
- C: Twilight casts the Euthanatos spell and kills herself, resetting her loop. This ends loop C-0, T-0.
C-0, T-1
- I: Twilight respawns.
- I: Twilight goes ahead with her plan to lie to Celestia. She pretends to be deeply upset, insisting to Celestia that the loop counter is now at C-0, T-34, that they have failed to make any progress together in 34 loops, and that she can't carry on like this.
- I: Celestia believes Twilight's lie and apologises. She then immediately casts her Euthanatos spell, resetting to earlier that morning.
- I: Celestia makes a promise to herself that she will keep Twilight out of the loop and attempt to handle the invasion herself, and she will do this ten times for every loop that she and Twilight (supposedly) could not work together (ie. 340 loops).
- I: Celestia spends 340 loops fighting the changeling invasion. In each of these loops, she goes to Twilight first thing in the morning, before she can cast the timeloop ritual, and sends her to study in the high-security arcane vault, keeping her safe from and unaware of the changeling invasion. Because Twilight never casts the timeloop ritual, her timelooped self does not respawn in any of these loops.
C-340, T-1 - I: After 340 loops of being repeatedly killed, and seeing her friends and family die, Celestia cannot take any more. She respawns and goes to the library, this time allowing Twilight to cast the timeloop spell so that her timelooped self rejoins the loop again. This is loop C-340 T-34. (Technically, it's actually C-340, T-1, because Twilight lied about her 34 loops, but Celestia insists on using the numbers given to her by Twilight).
- I: Celestia breaks down and starts crying, recounting the 340 terrible loops she has just experienced. Twilight realises that the lie she was going to tell must have caused this, and is horrified at what she has put Celestia through. She eventually breaks down in tears and admits that she lied to Celestia.
- I: Twilight desperately tries to come up with a way to make it up to Celestia. She comes up with the following idea: Celestia should arrange an exercise, to show her the dire consequences of lying in a timeloop. This is the 'teachable moment'. To do so, Twilight suggests that Celestia leads Chrysalis to the library at the exact moment of Twilight's reset. Celestia would fight Chrysalis in the library, protecting Twilight from harm and proving that she cares enough about Twilight to risk injury and death for her. Twilight would use her timeloop to figure out how to drive Chrysalis off and save her teacher. Celestia would then reset so that the attack never happened, and explain to Twilight (who still will have memories of the battle) that it was a lesson.
- S: If our inference is correct, that seems like an bad plan. It involves Celestia having to manipulate and lie to Twilight, then admit the lie afterward. Given that Twilight is already furious with Celestia because she believes she's being manipulated, it's difficult to see how this won't just make everything worse. Celestia says she thought it was a bad idea, but it's difficult to see why she would go along with it. It's possible we have misunderstood what the teachable moment was.
- I: Celestia respawns, and spends 36 loops figuring out how to lure Chrysalis to the library at the moment of Twilight's reset. Presumably Celestia dies or resets herself several times during this - Chrysalis is a fearsome opponent in personal combat, and with her timelooping ability, can replay loops over and over again to improve her chances.
C-376, T-1 - I: Celestia respawns, and makes another attempt to get Chrysalis to the library.
- C: Chrysalis attacks and blows a hole in the library just as Twilight's loop begins, seriously injuring Celestia. The result is that Twilight begins her loop to find the library in ruins, Celestia injured, and Chrysalis attacking.
- C: Chrysalis battles Celestia as Twilight watches in horror.
- S: Presumably, Celestia has had this battle a few times already, but hasn't yet figured out how to do it without blowing up the library and getting herself injured. From the looks of the battle, both Celestia and Chrysalis are looping to figure out how to counter each other's attacks, as they make several improbable but effective moves. We know that Chrysalis spends about fifty loops attacking the library.
- C: Chrysalis disables Celestia by shooting her in the neck.
- C: Chrysalis prepares to kill Twilight. Twilight is prepared to die because she knows it will reset the loop and give her a chance to stop Chrysalis next time. Unfortunately, this suspicious acceptance of death causes Chrysalis to realise that Twilight is also a timelooper. Before Chrysalis can do anything, however, Twilight hits her with Home Run, knocking her unconscious.
- Q: How did Home Run end up in the library? In Eakin's Hard Reset, Twilight stole it from a Canterlot store.
- S: Possibly Twilight asked Celestia to have it brought to the library as part of the planning for the teachable moment, although we would love to have seen her try to justify that. Then again, as Twilight said in Eakin's A Stitch in Time, it does have a proven track record against changelings.
- S: Personally, we're just assuming that Home Run's presence is due to the Rule of Cool rather than having a more complicated explanation. We're certainly not complaining. How can you have a Hard Reset story without Home Run?
- N: Chrysalis's exclamation 'noy jitat' comes from the 1990s animated show The Pirates of Dark Water. It's a curse word meaning something like 'damn'. YouTube has an example here.
- C: Twilight goes to help the injured Celestia, but Celestia catches her out with a question: "How many loops did that take you?" For Twilight, of course, the answer is one, and she says so.
- C: Celestia is utterly dismayed at this, because Twilight has managed to solve the teachable moment in a single loop, while it has taken Celestia 36 loops to set this up. She immediately believes Twilight is lying again, but it quickly becomes obvious that Twilight really did get lucky on her first try. This means the plan for the teachable moment will no longer work - Twilight won't remember anything about it if Celestia resets now, and Celestia is in so much pain from her injuries that she can't bear to spend any longer in this loop explaining the lesson. Nor does she want to try again to set up the teachable moment cleanly, it's too painful for her. She asks Twilight to reset and immediately say 'Darjeeling', to end the teachable moment. Twilight hesitates, wanting to know why, and Celestia admits that that this was a set up, intended to be the 'teachable moment'. Because she hasn't had time to explain it, Twilight loses her temper. She's sick of being manipulated like this, and refuses to reset, until Celestia calms her down. After she's calmed down, Twilight casts Euthanatos and kills herself.
C-376, T-2 - the Darjeeling loop
- I: Twilight respawns back at the moment of Chrysalis' attack on the library. She immediately says 'Darjeeling!'. It is technically C-376, T-2, but Celestia has counted it as C-376, T-35 because she is still using Twilight's numbers.
- S: 'Darjeeling' appears to be a codeword that Celestia has set up in advance, to indicate to herself that she should reset the loop immediately. We don't know when she did this, but possibly it was part of the planning for the teachable moment.
- I: Celestia resets her loop immediately, before Chrysalis can disable her.
C-377, T-2 - I: Celestia respawns at the beginning of the day. This time, she doesn't attempt to lure Chrysalis to the library, so Chrysalis doesn't appear in this loop. She goes to the library to meet Twilight at her reset point.
- Q: Why wouldn't Chrysalis still try to attack the library anyway? Even though Celestia has reset, Chrysalis will still have her memories of the fifty loops she spent trying to disable Celestia so that she could murder Twilight.
- S: Possibly, Celestia did something in the morning to focus Chrysalis' attention away from the library. Chrysalis doesn't have much support within the palace at the time of Twilight's reset point - her changeling army is still some way away at that time, which means that all she has is herself and a few infiltrators. This is why she can't just go to Twilight and murder her hours earlier - it would expose her and ruin the element of surprise. Presumably as part of the teachable moment, Celestia somehow made killing Twilight a more attractive proposition.
- I: Twilight respawns as Celestia explains to her that this is loop C-377, and that they've just had the Darjeeling loop. She finds that Twilight is still angry, and realises that the teachable moment didn't work. She is shocked to find that Twilight is on T-35, as it means she only spent one loop learning the teachable moment.
- I: Celestia tries to explain what happened to Twilight, but Twilight is still angry. Twilight gets a sudden stupid idea, and says Celestia's trigger phrase before Celestia can stop her. This activates Celestia's spell and paralyses Twilight, stopping their discussion. As before, Celestia hates seeing Twilight in pain like this, so she resets.
C-378, T-2 - C: Celestia repeats the events of the last loop, this time informing Twilight that this is loop C-378. She suggests that they reset the counter to zero, to wipe the slate clean. This time, she knows that Twilight is going to try to say her phrase again, and stops her before she can. She eventually is able to calm Twilight down and explain everything to her. Twilight finally understands why it's so difficult to maintain trust in these conditions, and decides to try a little experiment of her own. She casts Euthanatos and resets herself.
C-378, T-3
- C: Twilight respawns as Celestia is explaining to her that this is loop C-378. Twilight wants to be absolutely sure that Celestia isn't manipulating her, so she pretends that this is the first time she has experienced this loop. Celestia behaves exactly as she did before, confirming to Twilight that Celestia hasn't done anything to manipulate her since she reset. Twilight finally trusts Celestia, and resets the loop.
C-378, T-4
- C: Twilight respawns, and immediately agrees to reset the loop counter to zero and start anew, now that they trust each other. She resets her loop.
C-378, T-5
- I: Twilight respawns, and tells Celestia that she's set her loop counter to zero, and that Celestia should now do the same and reset. Celestia does so.
C-0, T-0
- C: The final loop count stands at C-379 for Celestia, T-5 for Twilight, but they have both agreed that from this point, the counter is at C-0, T-0, and they will be completely truthful about how many loops they have experienced. This ends chapter 3.
- S: Twilight doesn't give us a full account of her own experiences in chapter 4. This is because most of her loops are the same with a slight alteration. For our coverage of chapter 4, you can assume that all loops begin with Twilight retrying the events of the previous loop, and all loops end with her dying, even if we don't report it.
- C: Twilight begins by explaining Operation Roach Motel, a plan to defeat Chrysalis. Her plan is to blast Chrysalis with the Elements of Harmony, knocking Chrysalis out of her timeloop entirely. Chrysalis won't be able to reset, which nullifies her biggest advantage. Celestia and Twilight should then easily be able to use their timelooping abilities to defeat the invasion. Celestia confirms that the Elements are indeed capable of this, and have done so before.
- Q: When were the Elements previously used to knock someone out of a timeloop?
- S: If the Elements can do this, they must be truly godlike. Knocking someone out of a timeloop requires the ability to manipulate time itself - otherwise, when Celestia or Twilight reset, it would just undo whatever the Elements of Harmony did. This ability goes against all the laws of time and timeloops that we know. We can consider the Elements a special case, as they are probably the most powerful artifacts in Equestria.
- N: For non-American readers, a Roach Motel is a trap used to catch cockroaches. In this case, it of course refers to a trap that they intend to spring on Chrysalis. I'm British, I had to look it up. :)
- C: The plan hinges on Twilight being able to get to the train that is carrying the other five bearers of Harmony - Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity - and getting them off the train and safely back to the palace, where Celestia will be waiting with the Elements. It can't be done any other way because of the instability of the Elements - moving them has always set them off in previous loops and made them explode early. Celestia must stay at the palace to keep them stable so that they can be used when all six bearers arrive.
T-2, C-1 (note: Twilight's numbering puts her count first, but it's still the same counter)
- I: Twilight and Celestia hurry to a phaeton depot.
- N: A phaeton is a pegasus-pulled chariot. Phaetons are typically lightweight, fast, and open-topped.
- C: Twilight and Celestia take out some known changeling infiltrators, leaving only trusted pegasi guards there. Twilight needs the phaetons and pegasi to fly and catch up to the train carrying the bearers of Harmony, and also so that she can escape the train when she's rescued her friends.
- I: Twilight leaves on a phaeton. Celestia stays behind to handle the fighting at the palace.
- I: Twilight runs into some fierce fighting over the south barracks that Celestia forgot to mention, and is killed.
T-4, C-2
- C: Twilight changes the phaeton flightplan so that she can avoid the fighting over the south barracks. She catches up to the incoming train this time, but a squadron of changelings - a reinforcement wing - has just beaten them to it, which means that she's going to have to fight changelings the moment she gets on the train. She tells the phaetons to go ahead of the train and wait for her to come out with her friends.
- C: Twilight casts a soft-landing charm and leaps off the phaeton onto the train. Unfortunately, she picks a carriage with a curved and slippery roof, and falls off the train to her death.
T-5, C-2
- C: Twilight chooses a safer carriage roof to land on, and encounters a rather unconvincing changeling disguised as Bon Bon. Twilight is comfortable with taking on ordinary changelings in hoof-to-hoof combat, so she attacks it, although she realises too late that she has forgotten her weapon. The changeling kills her.
T-6, C-2
- C: Twilight repeats the events of the previous loop to face the Bon Bon changeling again, this time armed with Home Run.
- I: Twilight's attack fails again.
- S: We later learn that this changeling happens to be trained in martial arts, so it's likely that it performed some move to parry, deflect or disarm her.
T-7, C-2
- C: Twilight tries again with the Bon Bon changeling, this time waiting to see what the changeling does first. Whatever it is, it kills her.
- S: There's a missing loop here which Twilight doesn't mention. Note that missing loops don't necessarily mean that Twilight is trying the same thing again - they could also be loops in which Twilight and Celestia are exchanging information. Celestia's loop count goes up by one here, which could be a loop in which Twilight told her about the problem she's having with the Bon Bon changeling.
- S: Twilight may also have just spent the missing loop reading up on martial arts, so that she can figure out how the changeling is defeating her in combat.
T-9, C-3
- C: Twilight tries again with the Bon Bon changeling, this time figuring out that the changeling is using a dragon martial art. It turns out the changeling is an underqueen, far more dangerous than an average changeling. The underqueen kills her.
T-10, C-3
- I: The underqueen kills Twilight again.
T-11, C-3
- C: Twilight goes to fight the underqueen again, but this time uses a spell to capture the kinetic energy generated from her landing on the train carriage, and release it at the underqueen, blasting her through the roof of the carriage.
- C: Twilight tries to open the door to the next carriage, but finds it locked, and can't open it before the squadron of changelings catches up with the train and kills her.
T-12, C-3
- C: Twilight repeats her defeat of the underqueen, and this time teleports past the locked door, directly into a group of changelings, who kill her the moment they see her.
T-13, C-3
- C: Twilight repeats the previous loop, but this time, is prepared and defeats the changelings in combat, as they're just regular grunts. She finds out that her friends are being held in the next carriage, and goes to rescue them, but it turns out that they're all changelings in disguise. Despite Twilight's best efforts, they manage to overwhelm and kill her.
T-14, C-3
- C: Twilight repeats the previous loop. This time, she uses the element of surprise to disable the fake bearers immediately.
- C: Twilight tries to interrogate the Fluttershy changeling, but it refuses to talk.
- C: Changeling infiltrators sabotage the train engine, causing it to explode and derail the train, killing Twilight.
T-15, C-3
- C: Twilight repeats the previous loop, this time choosing to interrogate the Applejack changeling. This also fails.
- C: The train derails as before, killing Twilight.
T-16, C-3
- C: Twilight tries again with the Rarity changeling, this time almost getting some information out of her, but Twilight realises that with the imminent derailing of the train, she needs more time to do this.
- I: Eight loops occur, during which Twilight makes several attempts at a plan to try to get to the changelings quicker, so that she can interrogate them and find out where her real friends are.
- S: Celestia resets once during these eight loops. This is probably another information exchange between Twilight and Celestia, with Twilight telling her about the problems she's having on the train. It's possible Celestia even helped her with the details of the plan.
T-24, C-4
- C: Twilight manages to pull off her plan, which gets her to the changelings much more quickly, allowing her to get the information from the Rarity changeling. She finds out where her friends are on the train, and goes to rescue them, but forgets about the imminent derailing of the train, which kills her.
- I: Twilight spends 22 loops trying to rescue her friends. She's run into a problem - no matter what she tries, either the train derails, killing her friends, or the phaetons are destroyed, leaving her stuck on the train and a sitting duck for the changelings.
T-46, C-15
- C: Twilight discusses the problem with Celestia, but they can't figure out a way to solve it. However, Spike innocently manages to come up with a perfect answer to their problem.
- Q: During this discussion, Twilight mentions the Want-it, Need-it disaster of "Lesson Zero", but Celestia's reaction implies that the disaster was actually much worse in this timeline. (Remember, the entire timeline has been changed - it's only Twilight who doesn't remember these changes, as she's been stuck in her timeloop). What happened, and why is it different to how Twilight remembered it?
T-47, C-16
- C: Celestia introduces Twilight to Sweet Voice, an almost perfect body double for Twilight. The plan that Spike inspired is this: they will carry out the phaeton approach as they have before, but this time, they will bring Sweet Voice, who will be pretending to be Twilight. Twilight will be there, but hidden under an invisibility cloak. Sweet Voice will pretend to retreat to lure the changeling squadron away, allowing Twilight to jump onto the train without meeting any resistance, and then ride it all the way into Canterlot, where Celestia will be waiting with the Elements of Harmony. She will then release her friends, dispatch the few changeling infiltrators on the train, and use the Elements to blast Chrysalis.
- C: Twilight asks why Celestia has a body double for her, and Celestia accidentally makes an embarrassing faux-pas. This puts Celestia in an awkward position - she badly wants to reset the loop, because she hates to be embarrassed like this - but she has made a promise to Twilight that she will never manipulate loops to her advantage. Twilight understands, and even gives permission for Celestia to reset to wipe her memory of this, but Celestia swallows her pride and allows it to remain on the record. She asks Twilight to reset instead, so that Twilight retains the information instead of her.
- C: Twilight casts Euthanatos and resets.
T-48, C-16
- I: We don't know what happens in this loop. Twilight knows it happened because Celestia's loop count goes up by one, but Celestia doesn't volunteer any information, and Twilight doesn't ask.
- Q: What happened?
- S: There are many possibilities here and we'll probably never know for sure, but our guess is that Twilight gifted Celestia with a personal secret of her own, as a return gesture of trust, and allowed Celestia to reset to retain that information. It's not likely that Celestia has any sinister reason for withholding information from Twilight, as we've just seen how dedicated she is to maintaining trust with her fellow timeloopers.
- I: Celestia resets.
T-48, C-17
- C: Once more, Celestia introduces Twilight to Sweet Voice, and they set off for the phaetons, with Twilight hidden under an invisibility cloak.
- S: Probably not important, but the second time Twilight asks about Celestia having a body double for her, Celestia's answer is different and more confident. Did Twilight say something to her in the last loop to change that?
- C: Twilight and Sweet Voice take a phaeton and, as in previous loops, fly to catch up with the train. Unfortunately their timing is a little off, and the reinforcement wing attacks them in mid-air before they can board the train, killing them.
- I: Twilight spends 5 loops tweaking their approach so that they can get there earlier. They have to be able to get close enough to the train to get Twilight on, but far enough from the reinforcement wing so that Sweet Voice can retreat and lure the changelings away.
T-53, C-17
- C: Twilight manages to time her arrival so that Sweet Voice only encounters the handful of fast changeling scouts at the front of the reinforcement wing, which are easily taken out. Twilight is able to jump onto the train and allow Sweet Voice to retreat, pursued by the reinforcement wing.
- C: With no reinforcements on the train, and nopony able to see Twilight under her invisibility cloak, Twilight easily sneaks in to the carriage where her friends are being held. She can't release them yet, as the changeling infiltrators on the train would notice, so she has to wait until the train pulls into Canterlot. Twilight gives us a useful time here: it's about 6 pm when the train arrives in Canterlot. Twilight's reset point is at 3pm, which means this whole plan takes about 3 hours to play out.
- C: The train arrives safely in Canterlot. Twilight doesn't go ahead with the actual blasting-with-the-elements yet however, because she doesn't yet know if Celestia is ready with them (and revealing the bearers now could lose them the element of surprise if Chrysalis is watching.) She casts Euthanatos and resets.
T-54, C-17
- I: Twilight informs Celestia that her half of the plan succeeded. Celestia begins working on her own half of the plan. Celestia's half involves delaying Chrysalis's invasion for the 3 hours that it takes to get the bearers back to Canterlot.
- I: Celestia spends 45 loops trying to do this. It's incredibly difficult because Celestia is having to prevent her troops from attacking directly (which would likely cause the invasion to escalate out of control) while keeping them as safe as possible, and made even worse by the fact that they're fighting a military force of changelings, who can easily ambush them. It's also likely that Chrysalis is using her timeloop to adapt her own tactics during this time.
- I: Although it's not mentioned, Twilight obviously goes off with Sweet Voice to perform her half of the plan, otherwise she's not going to be at the train station when Celestia finally succeeds at hers.
T-54, C-62
- C: Twilight is shocked to discover how many deaths Celestia has just gone through (presumably, she's been getting increasingly more shocked with each of Celestia's resets, but we never see those). However, Celestia is hopeful that she has figured it out this time, by enlisting Luna's help to get the Elements to the train station.
- S: Note - Luna is not a timelooper. Just in case you thought that was about to get confusing. She is, however, probably the next-most-powerful pony after Celestia herself, which means that Chrysalis will have enormous trouble stopping both of them.
- C: Twilight goes off with Sweet Voice to catch the train again.
- I: Chrysalis realises that Celestia's actions are delaying tactics, and realises that the plan to stop her has two prongs - Celestia at the train station and Twilight on the train. She presumably knows about the Elements of Harmony by this time, and realises that Twilight is trying to bring her friends back to use the Elements against her. As she's having no luck stopping Celestia and Luna, she decides to turn her attention to the train instead. If she can kill Twilight's friends before they reach Canterlot, then she's safe.
- Q: How much does Chrysalis know about the Elements of Harmony? Does she know how they work, how many bearers are needed to operate them, and what they do?
- S: They've never been used against her, so it's possible she doesn't, and is only guessing.
- I: Chrysalis sneaks on board the train and tries to kill the bearers, but is met by an invisible Twilight Sparkle, who kills her.
- I: Chrysalis spends several loops trying to get past Twilight. She finally gets the idea to lure Twilight out of her safe spot by scratching on the wall of the carriage from outside.
- I: Twilight recognises a pattern to the scratches and puts her ear to the carriage wall to listen, not realising that she's been duped. Chrysalis bursts through the wall and manages to destroy Twilight's invisibility cloak.
- I: Twilight battles Chrysalis and, despite not having her cloak, still kills her.
- I: Chrysalis resets and replays the loop again, to figure out how to evade Twilight's blows. She does this several times, as apparently Twilight is more than a match for her.
- S: Twilight is pretty frustrated by Chrysalis showing up. It's not surprising that she's giving Chrysalis a walloping.
- C: Chrysalis finally defeats Twilight and strangles her to death.
- I: Twilight respawns at her reset point screaming, strangulation being the last thing she remembers. Celestia comforts her and finds out what happened. Celestia realises that Chrysalis must have figured out their plan, but encourages Twilight to keep trying at it.
- I: Celestia spends a few more loops perfecting her half of the plan.
T-55, C-74
- I: Twilight respawns screaming again and is immediately comforted by Celestia. She is utterly distraught, believing that the fight will never end because Chrysalis will simply keep switching tactics to prevent one or the other of them from succeeding. Celestia encourages Twilight to keep trying, pointing out that Chrysalis is panicking and desperate because of how close they are to defeating her, and that they only need one success to defeat her once and for all.
- I: Twilight realises that Chrysalis hasn't yet figured out she's a timelooper, and begins to feel confident about her chances of victory.
- I: Twilight retries her plan again, flying to the train with Sweet Voice and sneaking on with her invisibility cloak. This time, she is prepared for Chrysalis, and waits for her to try her scratching trick again.
- I: What happens next is unknown, but Twilight almost certainly confronts Chrysalis again. Whatever happens must either kill Chrysalis, or cause her to reset.
- Q: This is a pretty big missing moment, as Chrysalis clearly has a monumental change of heart here. Did Twilight taunt Chrysalis too far? Has Chrysalis finally realised that Twilight is a timelooper? Did Twilight accidentally reveal something to Chrysalis?
- S: On that note, does Chrysalis possess the mind-control venom seen in Eakin's Hard Reset? It seems like that would be a perfect way to get Twilight to spill everything, assuming Chrysalis can subdue her enough to deliver it.
- S: It's also possible that Chrysalis spent many, many loops trying to defeat Twilight, and eventually got fed up enough to try something else.
- I: Chrysalis realises that there's a much easier solution to this problem: destroy the train before Twilight can get to it. She resets and arranges for the train to be sabotaged earlier in the day, before Twilight can arrive. The train derails and plummets to the bottom of the mountain, killing everypony on board.
- C: Twilight respawns, still on the post-strangulation T-55 loop. As before, Celestia comforts her, and she flies with Sweet Voice to retry her plan again.
- C: Twilight gets there to find the train has been destroyed, and all her friends dead. This ends chapter 4.
- I: Twilight kills herself.
- I: Twilight respawns, utterly depressed at the death of her friends - which, since it occurs before she has time to get there (possibly even before her reset point), she has no chance of preventing. She believes her friends are dead for good.
- I: Twilight spends several loops simply laying there, doing nothing, and waiting for the Elements to kill her (or perhaps killing herself with her Euthanatos). Celestia has several talks with her during this time that fail to pull her out of her depression, and even spends a few loops of her own trying to find a way to bring Twilight out of it.
- S: Twilight doesn't directly report any of these depression loops. We only see one. However, we know they happened, because Twilight mentions going through this conversation several times.
- I: A saddened Celestia decides to do something drastic. She resets, and spends the morning causing utter havoc - ordering the assassinations of world leaders, unleashing horrors from the arcane vaults, and using the moon to destabilise the planet. Because of the astonishing amount of disharmony she has created, she has to keep the Elements with her in a couple of saddlebags, so that she can spend all her power to keep them from exploding due to the overwhelming chaos.
S: Celestia may have spent a loop going through the doomsday with Twilight here. We don't know yet. We'll explain why this possibility exists later. - C: Chapter 5 begins. Twilight respawns, still in her depression. Celestia comes as usual to talk her out of it, and this time, manages to convince Twilight to get up to see the doomsday she has created. They both wear invisibility cloaks, so that they can watch the horror without being killed.
- Q: What's Chrysalis making of all this?
- S: Chrysalis must know that Celestia would never willingly destroy her own world so horrifically, so presumably she would see this as a scare tactic on Celestia's part. It's unlikely to have any effect on her.
- C: Celestia and Twilight have a long heart-to-heart talk. Celestia reveals that Twilight's friends aren't necessarily beyond rescue - they're always alive at the time when Celestia respawns, so it's possible for them to be saved if Celestia can act early enough.
- C: Twilight decides, on the spur of the moment, to act on long-held feelings she's had for Celestia, and kisses her.
- I: The Elements of Harmony explode, killing Twilight in mid-kiss. This ends chapter 5.
- S: Possibly Twilight's kiss distracted Celestia enough that she lost control of the spell she was using to stabilise the Elements.
- S: Twilight says that telekinesis can only move a whole object, not part of it. This is actually different to the show, where we've seen unicorns do this plenty of times.
- S: Celestia and Twilight are directly next to each other when the Elements explode, which leaves some ambiguity as to who died first. Logically, it has to be Twilight, as Twilight remembers dying.
- I: Twilight respawns, furious that the previous loop ended without her getting to complete her kiss. We don't know what happens after this, but we know that Twilight has at least one loop here which we don't see, and which is reset by Celestia. This is the loop that Twilight later gets paranoid about having done something stupid in.
- S: It's possible Twilight may have spent this loop going through the doomsday with Celestia again. We'll explain why this possibility exists later.
- I: Celestia respawns, and this time, doesn't create a doomsday. She instead waits in her chambers for Twilight to come to her.
- I: Twilight respawns, furious that the previous loop ended without her getting to complete her kiss, but her anger quickly turns to embarrassment as she realises the stupidity of having acted on her feelings at such an inappropriate time.
- I: Twilight realises that this loop has begun differently to the last one, in which Celestia was present at the moment of her respawn. This time, Celestia isn't here, and Twilight realises that a loop has occurred since her last reset.
- I: Twilight goes to see Celestia in her chambers. Celestia remembers going through the doomsday as well. Twilight assumes that she must have willingly put herself through the doomsday a second time with Celestia.
- S: Twilight's assumption is not necessarily true. There are two possibilities: either Twilight died from the explosion of the Elements, and chose to go through the doomsday a second time, or Celestia died first, and chose to take Twilight through the doomsday a second time. We mentioned these possible missing loops earlier.
- S: The evidence seems to be equally against both. The doomsday was equally uncomfortable for both of them - Celestia practically begged Twilight to let her end it, so why would she willingly go through it a second time (and make the same plea again)?
- I: Celestia says that the previous loop had some awkward moments. Twilight is terrified that she revealed the kiss to Celestia, but Celestia's answers seem to imply that nothing like that happened. Celestia doesn't seem to know what's bothering Twilight, but gently suggests that she try to get over it.
- I: Twilight is relieved that her secret is safe, and is ready to come up with a plan to save her friends. As another symbolic gesture of wiping the slate clean and putting their mistakes behind them, she suggests that they reset the counter to T-0, C-0 again.
- I: Celestia agrees, and asks Twilight if she can reset her loop so that she has some time to come back to Twilight with a plan. Twilight agrees, and Celestia casts Euthanatos to reset herself.
- I: Celestia respawns at the beginning of the morning, and spends several hours coming up with the beginnings of the plan. She visits the library where Twilight's reset point is, and leaves some notes about the plan there for her.
- C: Twilight respawns. Chapter 6 begins here. As before, the last thing she remembers is being blown up by the Elements in the middle of kissing Celestia. She goes to Celestia's chambers as before.
- C: Celestia replays the conversation as she did last loop, up to the point where Twilight suggests resetting the loop count to T-0, C-0 again.
- C: Celestia informs Twilight about the loop she just had coming up with the new plan, and tells Twilight about the notes she left in the library. She tells Twilight to reset, spend a few loops studying to come up with a plan, then come back and say the codeword 'Genmaicha' to her.
- C: Twilight agrees, casts Euthanatos, and resets.
- N: As Twilight later notes, Genmaicha is a kind of tea, as was Darjeeling. For the record, Darjeeling is Indian tea and Genmaicha is Japanese green tea.
- C: Twilight respawns, ready to start planning, but after considering the discussion she just had with Celestia, she believes Celestia may have been misleading her about the things Twilight did or said during the doomsday loop. Twilight believes Celestia knows about the kiss, but is pretending not to.
- S: We suspect Twilight is wrong about that. Twilight's already shown that she's extremely paranoid, especially about timeloops, and also tends to jump to incorrect conclusions about them. Celestia hasn't shown anything but exemplary care and restraint in these timeloops, so it seems unlikely she would hide anything from Twilight now.
- C: Twilight decides to forget about it for now and get on with the plan. As she does so, she realises that she doesn't actually know what Celestia's tea-based codewords mean, but realises that they're a great way to communicate information from loops that she otherwise wouldn't remember. She decides to set up a few for herself.
- N: For completeness, we'll list them:
Clover: Twilight should trust the message that follows this codeword.
Platinum: Twilight suspected something was wrong with the last loop.
Starswirl: Whatever Twilight was planning to do, it didn't work, and she shouldn't try it again.
Cookie: Nothing special happened in the last loop except for Twilight saying one of Celestia's tea-based codewords.
Puddinghead: Something unexpected happened in the last loop. - N: Twilight's codewords are based on legendary Equestrian historical figures, as mentioned in the show episode "Hearth's Warming Eve".
- C: Twilight spends some time studying Celestia's notes and working on her plan. Possibly she spends multiple loops doing this.
- C: Twilight casts Euthanatos and resets.
- I: Twilight respawns, goes to Celestia, and says 'Genmaicha'. Celestia casts Euthanatos and resets.
- I: Celestia respawns, and goes to Twilight in the afternoon.
- I: Twilight respawns to find Celestia waiting there for her. Twilight spends some time discussing her plan with her.
- I: What happens next is unknown. We don't know what happens, or how many loops it takes. We do know, however, that at some point, Twilight asks Celestia to say her codeword 'cookie' to her in the next loop.
Delta-two, T-0, C-0
- C: Twilight respawns into a loop in which several things are different. Most notably, her reset point has changed, both in time and place. It is now in a different room, and several hours earlier, at breakfast time. The evocation circle used to perform the timeloop ritual is different. Spike, Luna, and Celestia are all present, as are the Elements of Harmony regalia.
- Q: How has Twilight's reset point changed?
- S: The answer to this is probably quite simple: Celestia just arranged to have Twilight perform the timeloop ritual earlier, and on a more well constructed evocation circle. Celestia has said previously that timeloopers only get one anchor; by having Twilight cast the spell earlier, her timelooped self is now pulled to that earlier anchor instead when she resets.
- S: We don't know when breakfast time is, but presumably it's around 9 am. This puts Twilight's reset point about six hours earlier.
- C: Celestia gives a new loop count. It is 'delta-two, T-0, C-0'.
- Q: What is delta-two?
- S: Given the different rendering of delta-two, it's clearly not another timelooper count. Whatever it is, it must be something that it's useful for Celestia to keep track of.
- S: Given that a major change to Twilight's situation has just occurred (the change in time and place of her reset point), could delta-two be indicating that? It seems unlikely, given that the change is obvious to both Twilight and Celestia. They shouldn't need to track that, as they will both know and remember that it happened.
- S: FanOfMostEverything suggested that delta-two is simply the number of times the loop count has been reset. Using a delta count would make it easier to track this change, and also easier to refer back to past loop counts without getting confused.
- N: In mathematics, delta (∆) is commonly used to represent a change in a quantity (for example, delta v = change in velocity = acceleration).
- C: Celestia says Twilight's codeword 'cookie'. This indicates to Twilight that nothing special happened except for Twilight delivering Celestia's codeword as asked.
- S: This seems to imply that Twilight herself wasn't involved in setting up the move to the new reset point, as surely Twilight would consider that something 'unexpected', and use the codeword 'Puddinghead' instead.
- C: Twilight casts Euthanatos and resets.
Delta-two, T-1, C-0
- S: It appears that Twilight skips a little of her description here, as the loop begins with Celestia giving the loop count, but we know that Luna and Spike both speak before Celestia does. We'll assume that it happened but that Twilight simply didn't report it.
- C: Twilight informs Celestia that she received the 'cookie' codeword, and that the loop count is now delta-two, T-1, C-0.
- C: Celestia is pleased that everything has gone to plan, and prepares to explain the new plan, Operation Hornet's Nest. This ends chapter 6.
- I: Operation Hornet's Nest is, as the name suggests, a plan to infiltrate Chrysalis's hive. The plan is for Twilight and Spike to track down the location of the hive, wearing invisibility cloaks to avoid detection, and find something there to use as leverage against Chrysalis. Celestia has found a way to disable the Elements of Harmony to prevent them from exploding as they usually do, which gives Twilight as much time as she needs to do this.
- A: horizon confirmed that Celestia disabled the Elements in a comment. He meant to make this clearer in the story, but forgot.
- N: 'Hornet's Nest' is also part of the idiom 'to stir up a hornet's nest', which means 'to create trouble' or 'to provoke a dangerous situation'.
- I: Twilight and Spike leave Canterlot, using their invisibility cloaks to avoid detection. By watching the traffic into and out of Canterlot, Twilight is able to roughly determine the location of the hive, which is in the Everfree Forest.
- I: As before, the train carrying Twilight's friends is sabotaged, killing them.
- I: Chrysalis's army successfully invades and takes over Canterlot.
- I: Twilight and Spike enter the Everfree Forest, and begin travelling toward the changeling hive.
- I: Twilight runs into a changeling patrol near the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, and is forced to reset.
- I: Twilight repeats the previous loop (perhaps more than once), taking a wide detour to avoid the changeling patrols. This time, she is successful, and is able to travel on for several hours until night time.
- I: Twilight finds a hidden clearing where they can spend the night.
- I: Twilight is attacked by a shadowcat - a wild creature of the Everfree - and is either killed or injured badly enough to reset.
- I: Twilight repeats the previous loop, this time able to avoid the shadowcat and defend herself with Home Run, causing it to flee.
- N: The shadowcat is 6 cubits long. This is 108 inches, or 3.27 Home Runs.
- I: Twilight and Spike go to sleep until the next morning.
- I: Twilight wakes, and sets off with Spike again, travelling further into the forest.
- I: Twilight and Spike encounter a group of about twenty ponies. Twilight knows immediately that they're changelings, because five of them have taken the forms of the bearers of Harmony, who she knows died on the train. The underqueen from the train, in the form of Bon Bon, is also there. Despite this, Spike takes them to be real, believing that Twilight is mistaken.
- I: Twilight resets her loop.
- S: We don't know the exact details, but presumably Spike blew their cover at this point. We'll assume Twilight wasn't stupid enough to try to fight twenty changelings, although given how angry she must be at them, it's entirely possible that she did.
- I: Twilight repeats the previous loop. This time, she allows Spike to go on ahead, to unwittingly distract the changelings, as she knows that Spike's reaction to them will be absolutely sincere. She stays back to listen in on the conversation between Spike and the changelings, to figure out the best time to strike.
- S: As Spike points out later, Twilight doesn't have to fight these changelings. Now that she knows where they are, she can avoid them. We also later find out that Twilight had no intention of obtaining information from them, so why is she going out of her way to fight them? The answer is probably revenge - these are the changelings who likely murdered her friends, after all.
- I: Twilight resets her loop.
- I: Twilight repeats the previous loop, allowing Spike to go on ahead as before, this time timing the exact moment that she needs to spring her ambush.
- I: Twilight resets her loop.
∆-2, T-8, C-2 (the ∆-2 is 'delta-two', rendered more compactly.)
- I: Twilight respawns.
- I: Twilight quickly goes to the castle alchemy lab to pick up some supplies to create an improvised fragmentation grenade.
- I: Twilight and Spike leave Canterlot under invisibility cloaks as before, and travel to the Everfree Forest again, reaching the hidden clearing.
- S: Presumably Twilight constructs the grenade here, while they're camping.
- C: Chapter 7 begins. Twilight avoids and drives off the shadowcat as before.
- S: Twilight witnesses a shooting star. Is it actually a meteor, or something else?
- C: Twilight goes to sleep.
- C: Twilight wakes, and sets off with Spike again, travelling further into the forest. As they near the group of changelings, Twilight begins preparations to face them. She recognises the Bon Bon changeling as the underqueen she met previously on the train, and knows that she's no match for the underqueen in combat, so she magically charges up Home Run with stored kinetic energy to allow it to act as a projectile weapon.
- C: Twilight approaches the point just before the changelings and allows Spike to go on ahead as before, pretending that she's sending him to safety while she sets up an ambush.
- C: Spike encounters the changelings and falls for their disguises, believing them to be his friends. They pretend to comfort him, although they're surprised to find him so deep in the Everfree. Spike tells them that Twilight is nearby and preparing an ambush for changelings, which immediately alerts the whole group to the imminent danger.
- C: Twilight springs her ambush. She kills the underqueen with Home Run, encases Spike in a magic shield, then detonates the fragmentation grenade to kill everyone else.
- C: One changeling - the Rarity changeling - survives by being inside the magic shield with Spike when the grenade goes off. Twilight plans to kill her, but she realises that she can make her mission easier by forcing the changeling to take them to the hive and help them sneak in. After some persuasion, the changeling agrees.
- C: The Rarity-changeling reveals several interesting things. Chrysalis has managed to conquer Canterlot in a week, a feat believed near-impossible by most changelings. Her hive still isn't at full strength after her previous defeat (seen in the show episode "A Canterlot Wedding"). She is mostly ruling her army by fear - many changelings appear to disagree with some of her more barbaric acts, such as the sabotage of a civilian passenger train, but are afraid to speak against her. She isn't keeping her timelooping ability well hidden, as the Rarity-changeling (at least) suspects her of being able to manipulate time to achieve her victories.
- S: The fact that Chrysalis achieved a successful invasion in a week implies that she's only had her timelooping power for that long.
- C: Twilight, Spike, and the Rarity-changeling travel onward until nightfall, and make camp again. The Rarity-changeling has figured out by this point that Twilight also has the same time-manipulation power that Chrysalis does. Twilight explains the timelooping ability to her properly.
- C: Twilight realises her current psychological state is causing her to act more like Chrysalis than she realised. Chapter 7 ends here.