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don't work when use 2 or more countdow on 1 page #22

Priorko opened this issue Jul 22, 2014 · 8 comments

don't work when use 2 or more countdow on 1 page #22

Priorko opened this issue Jul 22, 2014 · 8 comments


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Priorko commented Jul 22, 2014

correct work only last of them
i understand that problem is in code
var digits = [];
var intervals = [];
but how to fix it ...

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Quick fix it all outer functions to include in the plugin.

jQuery.fn.countdown = function(userOptions) {
var digits = [];
var intervals = [];
var createDigits = function(where, options) {}
var makeMovement = function(elem, steps, isForward, options) {}
var margin = function(elem, val) {}
var moveDigit = function(elem, options) {}
var parseRelativeDate = function(form, options) {}
var formatCompute = function(d, options) {}
var pad = function(x){return (1e15+""+x).slice(-2)};
/* Plugin code */

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ruskid commented Dec 22, 2014

This fix doesn't work. The problem remains.

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mailz commented Apr 25, 2015

yesworld's fix works! Thanks!

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lexxful commented Jun 12, 2015

Any suggestions how to fix it?

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lexxful commented Jun 13, 2015

Analized what yesworld said, and fix really works!
All plugin code should be inside

jQuery.fn.countdown = function(userOptions) {

Nothing should be outside.

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Hi, this solution doesn't seem to be working for me, could you please provide more details. How are you starting your countdown? Should I be using a class to call the countdown or do I have to call it multiple times with multiple element ids? I've tried these approaches but none seemed to work for me. Any help would be appreciated, thanks

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Nevermind, I got it! It only works using multiple element ids and make sure you look for the "jQuery.fn.countdown = function(userOptions) {" and put all previous outer functions inside it. Thank you for this!

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As mentioned in the comments, this does not do an .each( loop so each instance has to point to a unique id ... not a class ...
When pointing to a class, only the last one updates ...


<div id="clock-1"></div>
<div id="clock-2"></div>


          image: "img/digits.png",
          format: "mm:ss",
          endTime: new Date(2013, 12, 2)
          image: "img/digits.png",
          format: "mm:ss",
          endTime: new Date(2013, 12, 2)
          image: "img/digits.png",
          format: "mm:ss",
          endTime: new Date(2013, 12, 2)

does not work

<div class="digits"></div>
<div class="digits"></div>

Here is the explained JS description from above ...

jQuery.fn.countdown = function(userOptions) {
	var digits = [];
	var intervals = [];
 * jquery-countdown plugin
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Martin Conte Mac Donell <[email protected]>
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

// Draw digits in given container
var createDigits = function(where, options) {
  var counter = 0;
  // Iterate each startTime digit, if it is not a digit
  // we'll asume that it's a separator
  var mFirstPos, sFirstPos;
  // reset digits and intervals array.
  digits = [];
  intervals = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < options.startTime.length; i++) {
    if (parseInt(options.startTime[i]) >= 0) {
      elem = $('<div id="cnt_' + counter + '" class="cntDigit" />').css({
	height: options.digitHeight,
	float: 'left',
	background: 'url(\'' + options.image + '\')',
	width: options.digitWidth

      elem.current = parseInt(options.startTime[i]);

      margin(counter, -elem.current * options.digitHeight * options.digitImages);

      if (options.continuous === true) {
	digits[counter]._max = function() { return 9; };
      } else {
	// Add max digits, for example, first digit of minutes (mm) has
	// a max of 5. Conditional max is used when the left digit has reach
	// the max. For example second "hours" digit has a conditional max of 4
	switch (options.format[i]) {
	  case 'h':
	    digits[counter]._max = function(pos, isStart) {
	      if (pos % 2 == 0)
		return 2;
		return (isStart) ? 3: 9;
	  case 'd':
	    digits[counter]._max = function() { return 9; };
	  case 'm':
	    digits[counter]._max = function(pos) {
	      if(!mFirstPos) { mFirstPos = pos; } 
	      return pos == mFirstPos ? 9 : 5;
	  case 's':
	    digits[counter]._max = function(pos) {
	      if(!sFirstPos) { sFirstPos = pos; } 
	      return pos == sFirstPos ? 9 : 5;

      counter += 1;
    } else {
      elem = $('<div class="cntSeparator"/>').css({float: 'left'})

var makeMovement = function(elem, steps, isForward, options) {
  // Stop any other movement over the same digit.
  if (intervals[elem])

  // Move to the initial position (We force that because in chrome
  // there are some scenarios where digits lost sync)
  var initialPos = -(options.digitHeight * options.digitImages *
  margin(elem, initialPos);
  digits[elem].current = digits[elem].current + ((isForward) ? steps: -steps);

  var x = 0;
  intervals[elem] = setInterval(function() {
    if (x++ === options.digitImages * steps) {
      delete intervals[elem];

    var diff = isForward ? -options.digitHeight: options.digitHeight;
    margin(elem, initialPos + (x * diff));
  }, options.stepTime / steps);

// Set or get element margin
var margin = function(elem, val) {
  if (val !== undefined) {
    digits[elem].margin = val;
    return digits[elem].css({'backgroundPosition': '0 ' + val + 'px'});

  return digits[elem].margin || 0;

// Makes the movement. This is done by "digitImages" steps.
var moveDigit = function(elem, options) {
  if (digits[elem].current == 0) {
    // Is there still time left?
    if (elem > 0) {
      var isStart = (digits[elem - 1].current == 0);

      makeMovement(elem, digits[elem]._max(elem, isStart), true, options);
      moveDigit(elem - 1, options);
    } else { // That condition means that we reach the end! 00:00.
      for (var i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) {
	margin(i, 0);
  makeMovement(elem, 1, false, options);

// parses a date of the form hh:mm:ss, for example, where
// ... precision is the same as the format.
var parseRelativeDate = function(form, options) {
  // give the date the values of now by default
  var now = new Date();
  var d = now.getDate();
  var m = now.getMonth() + 1;
  var y = now.getFullYear();
  var h = now.getHours(), mm, s;

  // read in components and render based on format
  var format = options.format;
  var parts = form.split(':');
  if( format.indexOf('dd') == 0 ) {
      d = parts[0];
      parts = parts.slice(1);
      format = format.substr(3);
  if( format.indexOf('hh') == 0 ) {
      h = parts[0];
      parts = parts.slice(1);
      format = format.substr(3);
  if( format.indexOf('mm') == 0 ) {
      mm = parts[0];
      parts = parts.slice(1);
      format = format.substr(3);
  if( format.indexOf('ss') == 0 ) {
      s = parts[0];
      parts = parts.slice(1);
      format = format.substr(3);
  // return our constructed date object
  return new Date([m, d, y].join('/') + ' ' + [h, mm, s].map(pad).join(':') + ' GMT-0900');

// convert a date object to the format specified
var formatCompute = function(d, options) {
      var format = options.format;
      var parse = {
	d: Math.floor( ( d - new Date( d.getFullYear(), 0, 1 ) ) / ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ),
	h: d.getUTCHours(),
	m: d.getUTCMinutes(),
	s: d.getUTCSeconds()
      return format.replace(/(dd|hh|mm|ss)/g, function($0, form) {
	      return pad(parse[form[0]]);

// add leading zeros
var pad = function(x){return (1e15+""+x).slice(-2)};

var start = function (element) {
	if (element.attr('started') != 'true') {	
		element.attr('started', true)
		intervals.main = setInterval(function () {
				moveDigit(digits.length - 1,'options'));
  // Default options
  var options = {
    stepTime: 60,
    // startTime and format MUST follow the same format.
    // also you cannot specify a format unordered (e.g. hh:ss:mm is wrong)
    format: "dd:hh:mm:ss",
    startTime: "01:12:32:55",
    digitImages: 6,
    digitWidth: 67,
    digitHeight: 90,
    timerEnd: function(){},
    image: "digits.png",
    continuous: false,
	start: true
  $.extend(options, userOptions);

  // if an endTime is provided...
  if( userOptions.endTime ) {
    // calculate the difference between endTime and present time
    var endDate = userOptions.endTime instanceof Date ? userOptions.endTime : parseRelativeDate(userOptions.endTime, options);
    var diff = endDate.getTime() - (new Date()).getTime();
  	// and set that as the startTime
    userOptions.startTime = formatCompute(new Date(diff), options);
    delete userOptions.endTime;
  $.extend(options, userOptions);
  if (this.length) {
    createDigits(this, options);'options', options);
	if (options.start === true) {

// start the counter
jQuery.fn.start = function () {

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