diff --git a/runtime/shibuya/src/xcm_config.rs b/runtime/shibuya/src/xcm_config.rs
index 8a5f5ba881..3d9b63ff90 100644
--- a/runtime/shibuya/src/xcm_config.rs
+++ b/runtime/shibuya/src/xcm_config.rs
@@ -17,9 +17,10 @@
// along with Astar. If not, see .
use super::{
- AccountId, AllPalletsWithSystem, AssetId, Assets, Balance, Balances, DealWithFees,
- ParachainInfo, ParachainSystem, PolkadotXcm, Runtime, RuntimeCall, RuntimeEvent, RuntimeOrigin,
- ShibuyaAssetLocationIdConverter, TreasuryAccountId, XcAssetConfig, XcmWeightToFee, XcmpQueue,
+ AccountId, AllPalletsWithSystem, AssetId, Assets, Balance, Balances, CollectionId,
+ DealWithFees, ItemId, ParachainInfo, ParachainSystem, PolkadotXcm, Runtime, RuntimeCall,
+ RuntimeEvent, RuntimeOrigin, ShibuyaAssetLocationIdConverter, TreasuryAccountId, Uniques,
+ XcAssetConfig, XcmWeightToFee, XcmpQueue,
use crate::weights;
use frame_support::{
@@ -31,17 +32,19 @@ use frame_system::EnsureRoot;
use sp_runtime::traits::Convert;
// Polkadot imports
+use pallet_xc_asset_config::XcAssetLocation;
use xcm::latest::prelude::*;
use xcm_builder::{
AccountId32Aliases, AllowKnownQueryResponses, AllowSubscriptionsFrom,
AllowTopLevelPaidExecutionFrom, AllowUnpaidExecutionFrom, ConvertedConcreteId, CurrencyAdapter,
EnsureXcmOrigin, FixedWeightBounds, FungiblesAdapter, IsConcrete, NoChecking,
- ParentAsSuperuser, ParentIsPreset, RelayChainAsNative, SiblingParachainAsNative,
- SiblingParachainConvertsVia, SignedAccountId32AsNative, SignedToAccountId32,
- SovereignSignedViaLocation, TakeWeightCredit, UsingComponents, WithComputedOrigin,
+ NonFungiblesAdapter, ParentAsSuperuser, ParentIsPreset, RelayChainAsNative,
+ SiblingParachainAsNative, SiblingParachainConvertsVia, SignedAccountId32AsNative,
+ SignedToAccountId32, SovereignSignedViaLocation, TakeWeightCredit, UsingComponents,
+ WithComputedOrigin,
use xcm_executor::{
- traits::{Convert as XcmConvert, JustTry},
+ traits::{Convert as XcmConvert, Error as MatchError, JustTry, MatchesNonFungibles},
@@ -109,8 +112,45 @@ pub type FungiblesTransactor = FungiblesAdapter<
+pub struct MultiAssetToUniquesConverter;
+impl MatchesNonFungibles for MultiAssetToUniquesConverter {
+ fn matches_nonfungibles(a: &MultiAsset) -> Result<(CollectionId, ItemId), MatchError> {
+ let (instance, class) = match (&a.fun, &a.id) {
+ (NonFungible(ref instance), Concrete(ref class)) => (instance, class),
+ _ => return Err(MatchError::AssetNotHandled),
+ };
+ let collection_id = XcAssetConfig::get_asset_id(*class).unwrap();
+ let item_id = match instance {
+ Index(indx) => *indx,
+ _ => return Err(MatchError::AssetNotHandled),
+ };
+ Ok((collection_id, item_id))
+ }
+pub type NonFungiblesTransactor = NonFungiblesAdapter<
+ // Use the uniques pallet:
+ Uniques,
+ // This will handle any non-fungible asset which is registered in xc-assets pallet.
+ MultiAssetToUniquesConverter,
+ // Convert an XCM MultiLocation into a local account id:
+ LocationToAccountId,
+ // This chain's account ID type (we can't get away without mentioning it explicitly):
+ AccountId,
+ // We don't support teleport so no need to check any assets.
+ NoChecking,
+ // We don't support teleport so this is just a dummy account.
+ (),
/// Means for transacting assets on this chain.
-pub type AssetTransactors = (CurrencyTransactor, FungiblesTransactor);
+pub type AssetTransactors = (
+ CurrencyTransactor,
+ FungiblesTransactor,
+ NonFungiblesTransactor,
/// This is the type we use to convert an (incoming) XCM origin into a local `Origin` instance,
/// ready for dispatching a transaction with Xcm's `Transact`. There is an `OriginKind` which can