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Cognitive Bias Cards

This repo contains images of which can be used to make a deck of playing cards featuring all of the congitive biases listed on wikipedia at the time they were made.

There are 108 images to make a 107 card deck, 3 of these card feature a breif history of cognitive biases, attribution of the content and a description of what a cognitive bias is.

There are 2 files of each card a .png image and a .xcf file which can be opened and edited with the open source GIMP image editor.

The original source for the visuals in these cards was Eric Fernandez of the royal society of account planning blog

From the Intro Card:

Warning! The text for these cards is Beta! Itʼs from a wiki page that is still evolving. Keep this in mind while you read this document. Some of the cognitive biases in here might be incorrect wiki entries. Hopefully this document will inspire more cognitive professionals to chip in to make the wiki spotless! Eventually, this document will be rereleased in pristine form. Until then many of you have asked for a beta release. Here it is. Also, the images have been updated for better remixing and sharing rights. Rather than using permission based images, now all the images are public domain or free non- commercial use by anyone. This material is under the creative commons share and share alike license

Operation Fix The Cognitive Bias Wiki Has Begun! This document was prepared by Eric Fernandez of the royal society of account planning blog and put in Card form by Richard Acton. Much of the text within is quoted from the cognitive bias wikipedia pages (written in large part by Martin Poulter) version 2.0


From the History Card:

The notion of cognitive biases was introduced by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman in 1972. and grew out of their experience of people's innumeracy, or inability to reason intuitively with the greater orders of magnitude. They and their colleagues demonstrated several replicable ways in which human judgments and decisions differ from rational choice theory. They explained these differences in terms of heuristics; rules which are simple for the brain to compute but introduce systematic errors. For instance the availability heuristic, when the ease with which something comes to mind is used to indicate how often (or how recently) it has been encountered. These experiments grew into the heuristics and biases research program which spread beyond academic psychology into other disciplines including medicine and political science. It was a major factor in the emergence of behavioral economics, earning Kahneman a Nobel Prize in 2002. Tversky and Kahneman developed prospect theory as a more realistic alternative to rational choice theory. Other biases have been demonstrated in separate experiments, such as the confirmation bias demonstrated by Peter C. Wason.

Quoted from:

From the What is a Cognitive Bias Card:

Cognitive biases are psychological tendencies that cause the human brain to draw incorrect conclusions. Such biases are thought to be a form of "cognitive shortcut", often based upon rules of thumb, and include errors in statistical judgment, social attribution, and memory. These biases are a common outcome of human thought, and often drastically skew the reliability of anecdotal and legal evidence. The phenomenon is studied in cognitive science and social psychology.

Quoted from:

Can I buy a set without the hastle of organising the printing?


For convenience I have a setup the deck for purchase in an off-the-shelf format at:

The minimum markup for selling through this service is 10% minus a 5% handling fee on that 10%, Should anyone actually buy these I shall donate the proceeds to the wikimedia foundation as it is from thence I got the content.

I choose a durable linen poker sized card which costs $45.65 (US) per deck for 1-5 decks and progressively less for larger orders (at time of writing). Cheaper materials are available from this printer, but I thought groups might buy these and want them to last. You can upload the images from this Repo to make your own on cheaper materials if you wish, not that if you do this the 000_Card Back.png needs rotating 180 degrees for the front and back of the cards to be the same way up.

Are there any games I can play with these cards?


I recomend Biased Pandemic as described here: on the less wrong blog.

It is like the regular version of the excellent collaborative board game pandemic; except you act act out a bias drawn from the deck and the other players have to guess what bias you have, after your bias has been successfully guessed you draw another bias.