ロボカップジャパンオープン2020オンライン @ホームリーグで使用するルール公開用リポジトリです.
This is a repository for rules of RoboCup Japan Open 2020 Online @Home League.
English | 日本語
If you have any questions, please send them by issue.
Notice: The details of the rules are being decided now. They may be changed.
Please note that the details of the rules may be changed due to the online specifications.
General Rules
Notice: The details of the rules are being decided now, so they may be changed.
Please note that the details of the rules may be changed due to the online specifications.
General Rules
The following competition will be held.
- Technical Challenges
The details of the rules will be updated soon.
Simulation Domestic Standard Platform League (Simulation DSPL) is a new league to be established this year. This league will be held using HSR Simulator. Please ask questions about the HSR simulator here.
The following competition will be held.
- Tidy Up
Please check the website below for the details.